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  • in reply to: project bluebeam #8637

    @Alusa wrote:

    Btw Zingdad nice sig, how’d you get it upside down like that?

    ¡op oʇ pɹɐɥ ʎɹəΛ


    Opal I LOVED that part of the abyss. In fact I think I’m going to get it from the DVD rental place to just to see that part again!

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks #7834

    Video of Channelling Now Up!

    So I have been blessed with the meeting of someone from my soul-family. She is known on the ‘net as Magenta Pixie. You are sure to have seen her vids on Youtube or read some of her channellings. If you haven’t you should, she’s awesome! Anyway. She and I got talking and she quite liked Adamu’s channelling and offered to make a video of it! And to put it out to her audience! Yay! More light!

    So as a result of this incredibly kind offer I sat down in my production studio (I have an audio studio for my work) and I recorded myself speaking Adamu’s words. But something strange happened. I slipped into channelling mode and really felt his energy as I began to speak. And my voice sounded a little different too. And then… he diverged from the script! It was so strange – as I was reading from the script I just knew to say some stuff that was different from what was on the screen. And in the same way he also he just dropped the old ending and gave me a whole new one. Which is much more powerful, I thought!
    When I was done I added a “musical bed” from something that I composed a while ago. And it came out quite nicely. But when Magenta Pixie added her intro and her visuals! Wow! So I’m really happy how this turned out and wanted to share it with you, my BoL friends

    As this is a first for me I’d really appreciate your comments and thoughts. If you have advice or ideas or constructive criticisms those are all welcome. The objective here was to get the message across in such a way that people (hopefully) also felt the energy of Adamu and so inspired them to be more hopeful and to move away from fear and towards love. Do you think this does that? Comments welcome in the sister thread.
    Oh. And please forgive the South African accent if it sounds funny to you. It’s just the way we sound over here, okay? 😛

    Adamu through Zingdad: Planetary First Contact PART ONE

    Adamu through Zingdad: Planetary First Contact PART TWO

    in reply to: project bluebeam #8631

    Sorry Alusa.

    TPTB = The Powers That Be. Illuminati. Secret Government behind the government. The ETs that are in cahoots with the leaders. The robber-barons of the finance world. Them. Basically a catch-all for everyone that holds the true reigns of power.

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8168

    UFOBelieve I can only offer you what I have from Adamu and it’s this: at this point there is no confirmation at all about the exact locations. This is to keep the opposition guessing so that they cannot mess with the GF’s plans. So, no, there are no specific areas. Blossom has derived some hints. She got “Alabama”, “the South of your Hemisphere” and she lives in Australia and “snowcone”. All Adamu has said to me is that they will fly over some densely populated cities and that they will avoid certain areas where the military response might endanger the well being of the local civilian population.

    But what I want to say to you is this. This fly-over is just the fist step. It is just a quick “hello” so that earth consciousness can shift. So that people can stop saying our space brothers do not exist. Soon enough after this tey will be landing. Adamu tells me there will be ample opportunity for each and evey one of us to not just see their ships but to engage with them personally, one on one. To meet them and talk to them and learn from their experience and knowledge.

    So if you don’t see it this time do not be down hearted. The good will be done and then, soon enough, you will see.

    in reply to: truthism #8482

    Good one Will! As I read this I got THAT feeling: Yeah, this is right. The ones that push separation and ego and Service to Self hard enough… well they polarise that way. Which is fine. But you are right. It means another go round on the merry go round. And another helping hand to climb off later.

    in reply to: Hello Everyone #8560

    Hi Orissa

    I’m so please you found your way to us.

    The journey of self discover is almost always a painful one. Opening up all those old wounds… it’s hard work. But the miracle of love that comes when the work is done! It is a beautiful thing indeed. And see now, for yourself… here we have a being that was wounded and hurt over and over again. One in need of great healing. And so how do you respond? By becoming a healer of course! The light of love in action. You are welcomed here, dear person!

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8166

    This is EXCELLENT! Wow! It just comes in faster and faster. Wherever I look is more that is exciting and wonderful.

    Tiaka my friend thank you for sharing those! Blossom is great! I have such compassion for her struggles with all this. She is just so REAL and so HUMAN. In the past too many channellers were trying to appear way spiritual and guru-like. They would never admit their doubts and their humanity. That was both sad and inauthentic. Things change. More and more like Bloss are coming through. She’s really cool.
    Thanks also for the Spirit Eagle one. Also nice! It really is so that they come from all over our galaxy to help. My heart sings!

    Hi BrwnLightAngel! So nice to make your acquaintance. Glad you’ve joined our little community!
    Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention! I read the emerald tablets quite some time ago and was quite moved by them. It was quite “awakening”. And now to have you bring that excerpt back is just fantastic! It really does seem to speak to this day and age! Wonderful. Thank you.
    “Aye, shall move even from out of this space-time into another beyond the stars.”
    Yes! This is exactly it! We become multi-dimensional beings. We reach out with our consciousnesses to a life beyond the stars!

    in reply to: project bluebeam #8629

    alainiz, I have just finished doing another channelling of Adamu. For the first time I did it “vocally” and recorded my voice. Magenta Pixie is now, as I type this, adding visuals and an intro and she will be putting it up on her youtube site. What is relevant here is what Adamu has added to that which he previously said. It is that the Lightship which we are going to see is not a machine. It is a very high order spirit being (like an angel or similar!) and the ship itself is this being’s electromagnetic body which is manifest when it moves into this reality of ours. It actually carries other beings within this electromagnetic body which it manifests. But the point is, when you see it, it will touch your heart. You will be transformed by the experience of seeing this ship. You will know in your heart and your soul that this is something completely different from anything else you have ever seen. There will be no possibly way that this could be a holographic projections as that you would only see with your eyes. Whereas the Lightship you will see with your eyes, your heart, your soul and you whole being! So let theses ones that want to spread fear and disinformation bleat. They can say all they want. When the time comes everyone will KNOW. Absolute undeniability is what we are talking about here.

    So I’m not saying there ISN’T a project bluebeam. I believe TPTB have exactly such a plan up their sleeves. What I am saying is that it is a very different thing from what the GF are planning. And the two will not be confused. Once the Lightship has been here, TPTB will have to give up their dreams of fooling us ever again.

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8160

    That is interesting, Tiaka. Thanks for sharing this here. Yes, I think you’re right, “Commander Adama” is a character from Battlestar Galactica.

    I think its nice that this person is delivering a similar message. My info doesn’t concur with his exactly though. Blossom got teh word Alabama but doesn’t know is that means the state of Alabama in the US. Adamu was quite adamant to me that they would not be revealing the location of the fly-over. This channel seems to understand that it will be the American South. So who knows? But those are details and not important. The more this gets out the better.

    I don’t feel he is particularly related to my friend Adamu though. I suspect it’s his real name (Adam DeGrey) which he sort of morphed into the same name as that TV character. It is a humorous co-incidence though, don’t you think? I’m interested to read more of his stuff and see what picture forms of him and his work…


    Will, it is interesting when I first read your stuff here on BoL I sort of took from your moniker the whole “will of God thing”. And now you confirm it. That is so cool. You are Will and I am Delight. Soon we shall have all the emotions and drives assembled! 🙂

    The Zingdad thing. It’s just a name that I invented. I’m about to launch myself upon the poor unsuspecting world as a musician. I have been channeling music for a while now and I have a small collection of tunes. When I first realised I could do this (with no training and no experience simply have music flow from me) I realised that this was going to be my next avocation. The next thought was what to call myself. It doesn’t suit me to use my birth name. It is unwieldy and I want a modicum of separation between as public a persona as a musician might be and my own private life. So what would I call myself?
    My lady-lve came up with Zingdad. It’s quite funny how we got there. I have a little daschund dog that is just amazing. He really is. He absolutly charms everyone he meets and everyone loves him and… well I must admit I am a little in love with this dog. And when I got him my lady-love said
    “he’s AMAZING! And so short! Why don’t we calling him Zing which is short for amaZing?”
    That was so funny and so appropriate. Also becasue he has more energy that a class full of ADD kids. He literally “zing’s” around.

    And when I was brainstorming ideas for myself as a musician? My lady-love came up with a long list of names and then suddenly looked at me as I was playing with Zing and said:
    “Call yourself Zing’s Dad! No, wait… Zingdad!”
    And there it was.

    Now there are a number of cool things about this name.
    1. It’s quirky and weird and fun. Like me.
    2. It isn’t an existing word or name so it means nothing. It is a blank slate with which no-one will have any association. Until they meet me. Now they know what a Zingdad is… it’s ME!
    3. Probably the best one: Try googling Zingdad. Try it. All the responses lead to me. One way or another. All the places I have been on the ‘net show up. And only me. There really doesn’t seem to be a single other Zingdad on the whole ‘net! So that makes me very easy to find! Which is going to be a very good thing when I ready to release my music. Which should be in about a month, by the way.

    Yikes! I just googled myself only to find websites where someone has translated my stuff into (I think) Spanish, Portuguese and Italian! You want a wierd experience – see someone quoting you in a foreign language! LOL!

    So that’s the story. Not a spiritual name. Just a fun one. It makes me smile.

    in reply to: truthism #8479

    You’re right Alusa, for all the darkness, fear, internal inconsistencies and rubbish that is on that site… there are a few interesting questions that he raises. I picked up on exactly the same issue you did: “Who exactly WERE the Annunaki?” All along I have been pretty firmly convinced that they were humanoid. Umm… I think just really tall human-looking people. The Giants from our earliest records. And almost all of the sculptures of the Annunaki show humanoid figures. Really. Like almost all are humanoid sculptures. But then there is this small percentage that are clearly reptilian. And there is this other issue (which I think is true) that there has remained on this planet a reptilian faction that keep themselves “behind the scenes” and that have been controlling the progress of history etc. So this is all a bit confusing. I am pretty sure that we are confusing two very separate races. Like: becasue both of them came from the stars, both of them messed with our genome, both of them acted as gods… we lumped them together as one thing. Something like that. Maybe Annu has some thoughts to share here… Annu? Or anyone else that has some strong feelings/knowings/intuitions?

    in reply to: truthism #8474

    Sheesh! What an awful site!!! In the beginning I was almost enjoying it as it seemed to be telling the story but from a more abrasive perspective than one is used to. “It’s okay,” I told myself, “I can handle abrasive”. But MY GOD! The author of this site has absolutely no space in his world-view for the possibility of good, of love, of compassion… Indeed as I got to the bottom end of this tirade I began to think THIS serves the interests of The Dark far more than the woolly thinking unquestioning believing that they so harshly criticise. This is a very ugly website. The author has not discovered his own heart. He seems to reside completely in his own ego and assumes everyone else must to. And all he puts out if fear. Ick! The last straw for me was the misogynistic cr@p at the end of this long shamble through darkness and fear.

    in reply to: life is for the living #8470

    I love that Opal. I am totally down with the understanding that even the “baddies” are really just love in another disguise.

    It’s no trick to love the loveable. You learn nothing about love if you are only surrounded by beings that love you. To REALLY learn about love you need to find someone that presents as un-loveable! Just like pretty much all of us here on earth. At some point or another we’ve all been pretty unloveable. You just go scratching around in anyone’s story – this lifetime and past ones – and you’ll always find a sackful of unloveable. So the trick is to understand that we do not become worthy of love becasue of the things we do… We are worthy of love simply becasue we ARE!
    And our baddie-interloper-alien-friends that wrecked the whole beautiful plan? Well – it transpires that they actually WERE the whole beautiful plan! It’s amazing how God plays hide-and-seek with Itself, yes WE do! Just when we think we have a plan all sorted we find our own curve-ball coming around from behind the infinite curvature of space…WHAM! And then there’s a new plan to be made. And so we keep ourselves entertained. 😆

    It’s all God. It’s all You and I. Now if we can just persuade these recalcitrant other-selves of this fact it’ll all be dandy! 🙄 😆

    I also really enjoy the way you have expressed our transition to a multi-dimensional perspective: that we begin to realize that space and time are not separate realities but simply two faces of the same thing. Yeah. Science is getting this now. The mystics, of course, have known it for a while.

    What I get from the last paragraph is something that has been nascent in my consciousness for a while. That we are, each of us, not just the self that we perceive… the human walking around in this life… we are also all the other possible expressions that we might have been. That is to say we are, each of us, every single permutation that we could possibly have expressed. We are the highest and the lowest, the best and the worst of everything that might have been. We are all of it. The fact that we only perceive one time-line is simply our current perspective. All of the other time-lines also exist. We just can’t see them yet because we haven’t actualized them into our experience yet. But rising to a multidimensional perspective will bring all this into view. Then each of us will know the ALL of what we are. We will know the same about all of our other incarnations – the ALL of them. And all of this will be our range of experience. And THEN we shall proceed with a wonderful and complete understanding of Self. And go on to other much grander realizations of self as we progress all the way back to Oneness with ALL THAT IS.

    in reply to: Hey folks! #8459

    Wow, I’m flattered you liked my stuff enough to stay!


    Really cool to have you here…
    Sie sind zu BoL sehr willkommen!

    in reply to: Inner Voice #8433

    That’s beautiful, Mia.

    Reminds me of a song by Sinnead O’Connor which always touches me really deeply called The Healing Room. Every time I hear this song it brings me to tears. The kind of tears which are about “Oh my GOD that is so true for me”. So anyway, here are the lyrics which I found at this website.

    The Healing Room
    I have a universe inside me
    Where I can go and spirit guides me
    There I can ask oh any question
    I get the answers if I listen
    I have a healing room inside me
    The loving healers there they feed me
    They make me happy with their laughter
    They kiss and tell me I’m their daughter
    I’m their daughter
    They say
    You have a little voice inside you
    It doesn’t matter who you think you may be
    You’re not free if you don’t know me
    If you don’t know me
    See I’m not the lie that lives outside you
    And it doesn’t matter what
    You think you believe
    You’re not free if you don’t know me
    If you don’t know me
    See I am the universe inside you
    You come to me and I will guide you
    And make you happy with laughter
    I joy in seeing you’re my daughter
    You’re my daughter
    So believe you’re not free if
    you don’t know me
    If you don’t know me
    If you don’t know me
    If you don’t know me
    If you don’t know me
    If you don’t know me

    in reply to: Hi.. #8453

    Hey Jilly

    I’d like to wish you a very warm welcome to the Book of Light. I SO sympathise with your burning desire to KNOW. I have just the same thing. I want to know EVERYTHING!!! 🙂 And I am utterly impatient to boot. That’s what catalysed my channeling. I had to know, I had to know for myself and I had to know NOW! 🙂

    So, cool, we’ll find stuff out and share it. Which is what BoL is all about, I guess. The more of us out there figuring stuff out the more we have to bring back to share with each other. Cool to have another adventurer on the path of life here!

    Looking forward to some awesome chats,

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