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Home Forums Messages From Beyond Book of Light Messengers Messages Through Zingdad Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS

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    Oh, I gotta share this bit from one of my recent channelings (another milestone, May 23 ’08)… gee, what on earth do you think this could refer to? 😉

    “On the one side of the stage, we see some shady characters dressed as bringers of peace and reason. On the other side, we see some of the same. In the middle, a company of confusion. The script reads like an ominous incantation. However, with some interpretation from our side of the theater, you may glean something more hopeful than heartless.

    Parading Politician 1: I am here to save you from yourselves (you poor, pitiful people).

    Parading Politician 2:
    Listen to me, folks. I have secrets.

    Parading Politician 3:
    I don’t know what to say.

    Mass Media (in chorus): What can we say?

    One Voice from the Wings: I’m on my way…

    Parading Politicians 1, 2 and 3:

    At this point, the audience gasps, as the curtain begins its descent and the lights dim.”


    LOL, Opal!

    That looks like an EXCELLENT play! I wish I could see it someday. Oh! Waitaminit! I AM! LOL!


    Hello. I have been reading this and the sister thread for awhile now, and find it very interesting, thanks guys!

    I have had some questions and comments in my mind on the way, but only now I got myself to register and post.

    Few days ago a video appeared on YouTube showing 2 Denodee beings from Zeta Reticuli. The beings transmitted a “channeled” message related to October 14th sighting the day after they appeared for him. http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=3CgMmAELVBs&NR=1 . Check the YouTube link for more detailed describtion of the events. Below is a part of the channeled message:

    We call ourselves as Denosees and we come from star system referred by humans as Zeta Reticuli. We want to warn humankind of future imbalance concerning Federation of Light as humankind refers to it. Goal of the Federation of Light is to bring higher consciousness and hidden truths about universe and humankind. We Denosees and Twelfth Quarter Universe Spirits are very concerned of acts of Federation of Light. It will bring balance inconsistency to this section of Universe. Denodees and Twelfth Quarter Universe Spirits will stop acts of Federation of Lights. We humbly ask for humankind to deny any resemblance of Federation of Lights and to believe in message we are transmitting. We respect true purity of souls and minds of humankind and we don’t ask for belief towards our true physical existence. We humbly ask you, every living being, to believe our message which is far higher than we Denodees or Twelfth Quarter Universe Spirits will ever be.

    The video footage itself has some suspicious elements, but as far as I know, it haven’t been debunked as a hoax yet. So if it was a genuine footage, and a genuine message, what do you think about it, and what does Adamu has to say about it ?

    The person who received and filmed it says:

    Maybe whole point of this is that we should not believe in things when we are not really aware of possible causalities.


    Hello there floating!

    I watched this video with an open mind, and must I say this is the poorest alien footage I have ever seen. That is Toys´R´Us figures, filmed with a bit too unsteady hand – to be even something close to reality. Also there is used pictures, I strongly assume, without permission from different websites I am very aware of. So what does pictures in the video of members of The Great Brotherhood of Light the ascended cooperatives to Galactic Federation do in this video??

    A little exerpt from the side text makes this quite funny:
    “We call ourselves as Denosees and we come from star system referred by humans as Zeta Reticuli. We want to warn humankind of future imbalance concerning Federation of Light as humankind refers to it. Goal of the Federation of Light is to bring higher consciousness and hidden truths about universe and humankind

    These “guys” do want to warn us against gaining higher conciousness and getting to know the truths about universe and humankind? Well, I know truth when I see it and this message is true to me in the sense that it was a funny look, and quite a little discprenacy in message, footage and total meaning. I googled Denosees and got 6 hits.

    But hey, I am not a judge over any other than my own creations, so kudos for those taking time to compile that video – but that was for me not anything else than something from the funny-corner of today.

    But I suggest people look for them selves, and might have a different view, and that I would respect.

    Much love
    Annan the Nordic


    There appears to be a projection with 2 almost symmetrical beings. (others head is more tilted) to demonstrate the appearance of these beings. Its purpose is not to create an illusion that there were 2 living beings in the room, as they state in their message.

    However to try debunk it, if there is an exact copy of these figures available somewhere, it could be used to help to see whether this is faked using these figures. Sure, a “simulation” of non-moving alien figures can be created with anyone’s home computer, so it certainly is easy to fake it, but is it as easy to debunk it ?

    As to what it comes to other material used in the video, it is irrelevant I think..
    -like.. maybe he don’t know or care about the copyrights. Also he might not know exactly what the other pictures are, or he thinks that they are related to it.

    These “guys” do want to warn us against gaining higher conciousness and getting to know the truths about universe and humankind?

    Apparently so. It seems like they wish us to develop on our own staying pure without an intervention by GFL.

    “It will bring balance inconsistency to this section of Universe.”
    “We respect true purity of souls and minds of humankind”

    peace, love & balance


    Cool stuff Floating, thanks for bringing this forward to discuss…

    You know Adamu is a wondrous being of some pretty awesome consciousness… from MY perspective. But if I ask him then he tells me outright that he is not omniscient. And he very specifically does not want to dictate to anyone what they should think or believe. So I asked him about these Denosees. I asked him if he would confirm or deny their existence. He would do neither. His opinion is that it is irrelevant whether these are “real” beings or not. Just as it is irrelevant whether he, Adamu, is real or not. What is relevant is the message that is being brought through. That is to say… what is relevant to each of us is what we hear and what we do with the message. He says we always anyway only have our inner intuition to guide us. So, from his perspective this message from the Denosees is a gift to human consciousness. It doesn’t matter who the gift is from. It is a gift that we can decide to accept or reject. JUST as his message is a gift for us to decide what to do with. So you must look to your soul and decide what you want. Do you want to know if there is life out there in the stars? Do you want to be able to talk one-to-one with the life that is out there? Or do you want things to continue as they are? These things are for each of us to choose. The GFL do not ever walk roughshod over beings free will. They are appearing now becasue the majority of earth-humans have, in one way or another, invited this. And every where I go, every forum I am on, every person I speak to – everyone, in one way or another confirms that they would rather know than not know. So I personally can believe that this is in accordance with our free will. And that is pretty much what I get from Adamu. He’s a very tolerant and loving guy.

    I am less so. I just get a little p!$$ed becasue, from my perspective these little grey dudes have made secret deals with the power cabal and they have treated us like trash to be used and abused as they see fit and NOW, now that their whole shabby little scam is about to be revealed… now they are appealing for “the purity of consciousness”. They have intervened against our will, the GFL are appearing in accordance with our will. They Greys did secret deals behind our backs with the power mongers, the GFL want to appear before all of us and negotiate in openness and honesty. The Greys never gave a damn about who was hurt or traumatised, the GFL are going to immense effort to ensure that no one is hurt… the comparisons go on and on. If this is a genuine message then I think it stinks. If it is a hoax message then I think it stinks.

    I guess I have some tolerance and love to learn from Adamu yet. Forgive my rant.


    @Zingdad wrote:

    I guess I have some tolerance and love to learn from Adamu yet. Forgive my rant.

    Och, you`re human Zingdad! What would we be without a rant here, a moan and a grumble there? We`d be automatons. 😉

    When you have time could you put this question to Adamu for me please?

    I`ve been thinking about the Earth being under some sort of ‘quarantine’ and the Federation of Light not being able to come without our consent. I`m guessing that humanity at a soul level asked the FoL not to intervene, so that we could experience the highs and the lows life on Earth has to offer. With the internet leap in consciousness, have we at a soul level decided to go onto the next stage of life?



    Floater, well in the widest terms of all – everyone is correct about everything, and that is not for us to discuss around to much with our mental brains – that is a spiritual endevaour which is ultimately quite different in you, me, everyone and on top of that it changes every millisecond of time and space.

    Regarding the raising of consciousness…..hey….for me personally I have not been stuck here on earth in about 30 years to lower my consciousness…..that is the sole and soul reason why I attend this very forum by many other means to go UP, because I have a inner wish, a longing against becomming outside – who I know in my heart I am from inside. And this “it is not beneficial that you know the truth”…..that is not for anyone else than myself to decide. Anything that does not speak in the outmost love and for every-ONEs spiritual growth – is information from the astral layers, and that is as usefull for my personal spiritual development and me personally – as to speak of rocket science with my 70 year old lady-neighbour that has never even seen a rocket. Spiritual guidance coming from non spiritual beeings or entities is not spiritual guidance, it is just guidance. Light, love and truth is given for spiritual advancement – scaring tactics and “they over there are conspiring against us we must attack back” is given by our collective conciousness ego to let ut just sit in that sofa some more days to eat som burgers and swallow down some more pints of beer.

    Enjoyed that first section you wrote largely Zingdad…but the next section….huuumhh….you must let Adamu more into your heart 😆

    I am not so sure about this conspiracy-ish things. What is spiritual growth without any opposition. What is building muscles without using weights? What is learning without making mistakes? What is love if you do not know what its oposite hate is? Have you read Conversations With God btw Zingdad? That book is an absolute easy read, i loved it, and it makes such a sense that all this “they someone conspiring against us” makes a meaning-full meaningness, and life aint that complex as when one chooses to go into these conspiracy-ish modes of be-live-ing!

    Both Adolf Hitler and Ghandi was, amongst MANY other influencial historical people, avid followers of madame Blavatskys teachings (Theosophy, Great White Brootherhood of Light etc)…..and it is easy to say that Hitler is a bad man bad for doing all these horrible things. Yes, they where horrible…..but what have our collective conciousness learnt by his doings…..as much as Ghandi has learnt us???? In my opinion Yes! These two very important endowements for you and me and all to utilise after their “doings” is:
    Listen to your own truth let now one dictate your life…..and be the change you want to see in the world. That is One dark-full and One Light-full projection from two different people…..with the same inspirations so to say…..which has moved us forward with roots in immensely different ways – but with great benefits for you and me in the comming times – will be able to understand the universal project of duality.

    So, i say for now…..let the dear Adamu penetrate you heart more….this conspirazitioningsh beeing in fear, is not healthy for US….All….as ONE beeing 😉

    And Zingdad, question if it is ok: What if we add a little “s” behind your friends name, would he be comfortable with that? And could I ask if your friend, our friend, once upon time had a little wonderfull home in Romania? And has he a little affection for the violets? 😎

    Much love
    Annan the Nordic


    Tiaka my friend!

    You raise a question which I was about to adress in my previous posting. My sources says due to Lucifer rebellion, where Lucifer denied to bow down to human which he meant to be superior of, he was cast out of heavens after what is called “The Lucifer rebellion”. Caligasta and his companions, conspired, and tricked human into betraying humans and God. This was after much diplomatic talk in the angelic worlds……ended in Archagel Michael taking the lead and cast Luficer and his companions out of . The effects (karma) and of the Lucifer rebellion was over in 1984, meaning urantia (earth) then was out of quarantine.

    There is also 36 other planets under same quarantine – unknow to of the angelic messengers in UB to what destiny faces. Christ Michael (Jesus from Nazareth) came down to earth to bring the rebellion to a halt – in flesh. Michael means the “first one” and or “leader”.

    The Urantia Papers is discussing this in great detail. I bring to those interested a link to the Urantia Papers with the excerpt of the happenings of Lucifer rebellion: http://www.truthbook.com/index.cfm?linkID=1300

    Much love
    Annan the Nordic


    little edit: I see that this thread has received many posts after I started writing this post. (I’m slooow:) Anyway I post this as it is, being in non-chronological position in a way,..but anyway.

    Here’s some of my thinking how I try reason my inner truth, if it even had anything to do with reasoning.. :

    It is impossible to see the whole picture surrounding this event, and thus understand, whether the appearance of GFL would be what I really want.

    “So you must look to your soul and decide what you want. Do you want to know if there is life out there in the stars? Do you want to be able to talk one-to-one with the life that is out there? Or do you want things to continue as they are?”

    My answer to those questions is uncertain, because of lack of understanding the factors in play. There are lot of exciting things going on in the life already. Could it make some of our exciting things become less meaningful without offering anything in substitute? How would it affect our will to pursue the unknown and so on. For the well-being of mankind, my inner feeling agrees with GFL and many other sources that are saying, that it could be better. For that, they are promising a remediation^^

    So when I try to look deep within, I have to skip the reasoning at some point and make a wild “guess”. It seems like I want GFL to appear us, but I still want to understand more.

    The Denosees introduced us some things to consider. If we raise our global conciousness to a point where GFL intervention is meant to happen, we radically decide to change us, and become impure according to Denosees that is. It’s like we are deciding to open up a new gate to be influenced in a much wider scale?

    It is possible that gray aliens and what not have been tampering(influencing) with us behind the curtains, but that’s part of us as we currently are, and is another story. Of course if these stories weren’t behind the curtains, they could be weighted differently.

    The other point being made is that it would create imbalance. Even the GFL has admitted that they are unaware of all the consequences that this event “will” have. What kind of imbalances are we talking about ? I wish Denosees would have explained it a bit more in detail. GFL on otherhand emphasizes with importance, describing all the good changes that would come along and even hints that it may be too late if they don’t act now..


    Dear friends and be-loved Zingdad and Adamu!

    Must I state my Joy in reading the just up conversation with you two, underlining in great sense what is was formulating as a higher meaning of my initial post.

    I was frank enough to quote a little and then highlight, though not by so excluding the importance of the other, but more as to agree in totality what Adamu brings forward – in regard of my post.

    The majority of the population of the planet are enthralled by the game. They are deeply mesmerised by the illusion. It is meant to be so. If the game were not compelling it would not work. And so only a few will surface and awaken of themselves. Of course this will soon change.

    Belief (joy), Hope (light) and Love (love) is all that we in common as ONE need. 😀

    (To-) Much politics
    Annan the Nordic


    @floating wrote:

    Few days ago a video appeared on YouTube showing 2 Denodee beings from Zeta Reticuli. The beings transmitted a “channeled” message related to October 14th sighting the day after they appeared for him. http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=3CgMmAELVBs&NR=1 .



    Hey again. I was in such a frenzy, that I forgot to thank Adamu, Zingdad and Annan for the replies, and while at it, the whole forum for this another unique day that was given to us, so thx.

    It made me spend a lot of time thinking about these things, and your replies have helped me to further understand the depths related. For now, I am happy where I ended up. The last thought I had was that, if an event described by GFL did occur, it wouldn’t be helpful for me to question whether these beings have made a decision that comes from the brightest of lights, or from the next brightest. Therefore, by forgetting such thoughts, I would rather look forward, be of joy and hope for a good future.



    @opalescent wrote:

    @floating wrote:

    Few days ago a video appeared on YouTube showing 2 Denodee beings from Zeta Reticuli. The beings transmitted a “channeled” message related to October 14th sighting the day after they appeared for him. http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=3CgMmAELVBs&NR=1 .


    Rofl I also had to laugh. xDD
    Oh look, an Alien!

    Edit: Oh by the way, opal, I have already been looking for more videos of Volker Pispers to share, the problem is, they’re all German and none of them has subtitles in it.
    The video I shared is basically the only one with subtitles, because it is about US politics and stuff. But if I find any more, I will post them in the fun section!! =)


    Hey Opal, that sounds soooo interesting!!! what could it be? Bushes impeachment or the like?
    9/11 as an inside job?
    Truth coming out! that is the litteral meaning of the word Apocalypse, the revelation of what was hidden. And yes, the tectonic layers of pysche will re arrange together with Gaia’s.
    So much going on, my body is about to brake into pieces with so much exitemente and SUSPENSE!
    The Sun Halo. Yesterday in many sities in Bolivia we saw the biggest and most beautifyful halo EVER. It was like a rainbow circling the sun. Enormous! colorful, radiating, impressive. Did any one saw this in other parts of the world? 21 september?


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