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Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 228 total)
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  • in reply to: Greetings! #9789

    Hi Silversurfer,a bit of a belated welcome from me. I look forward to reading some of your posts , I’ve been running a bit behind this past week trying to keep up with everything & haven’t got to them yet.

    in reply to: First post – Hello Everyone! #9798

    A belated welcome Rainbow Dancer! I look forward to catching up & reading all of your posts.


    Thank You Dear Annan! That was very moving.

    in reply to: Channelings from Blossom Goodchild #9189

    Here is Blossom’s video for 16th October – Blossom Looks Back at October 14th. I hope that everyone viewing it can appreciate the enormous cost & courage it took for Blossom to produce it. I for one send her love, compassion & golden rays.

    [youtube:28xn3928]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rm4v8ylAxTc[/youtube:28xn3928] Blossom Looks Back at October 14th

    in reply to: Possible sitings #9919

    Boy, they took that one down quick, Wanderer. here’s another copy which is still able to be viewed at the moment

    Yes, that was the photo that I was talking about Paul. I looked at the live link & verified that it was taken at my 7:00am this morning (14th). I was able to go back to the photo taken immediately before that one at 6:45 am & there was nothing there. The next photo was taken at 7:15 am with more cloud cover & again nothing was there. So I feel something showed up within the 30 mins time frame.

    Someone has suggested to me that “You are not seeing an object in the photo, you are seeing a reflection off of something behind the clouds, probably an airplane. Check the angle of the sunlight in relation to the reflection.” So I guess that could be a possibility but I personally think it looks too large to be a plane or a reflection of a plane from that distance.

    in reply to: the October 14 thread #8516

    http://10-14-08.blogspot.com/ Two interesting posts recently posted from Brad’s blog. His description of the power blackout resonated with me & suddenly made more sense of the last message I received from Orion.

    Maybe our fellow french speaking Canadians can tell us if the translator did a reasonably accurate job of translating the message. I can understand some french but I’m not fluent in it.

    Sunday, October 12, 2008
    Military confirmation on October 14th follow up

    The individual has responded to me regarding the french canadian military’s involvement with October 14th. Here is the french email the gentleman had sent me:


    Bonjour à tous,


    1. Dans le cadre de l’OP Élocution (l’assistance du SQFT au Sommet de la Francophonie à QUÉBEC le 14-19 Oct 09), le 34 GBC a demandé que le GBT Salaberry soit prêt à déployer dans un délai de 48h en support au SQFT.

    2. La Compagnie A GPE a été mandaté de se préparer à déployer afin de supporter le GBT et le FAS.


    3. SUR ORDRE DU COMMANDANT DE COMPAGNIE A GPE ET APPROBATION DU COMMANDANT DE COMPAGNIE A 4R22eR, le Peloton 2 GPE se préparera pour un déployement possible le 13 au 19 Oct 08 en tant que composante de la Cie A afin de supporter des taches possibles du GBT et FAS


    4. 14 Oct 08

    RV Ordres

    5. AUCUN pour le moment


    6. Comme demandé par le QG de la Cie A, Commandants de sections et det doivent informer leur membres de la possibilité PEU PROBABLE de devoir se déployer en 48h entre le 13 et 19 Oct 08. Ceci peut être fait simplement par courriel.

    7. Commandants de sections et det doivent informer leur membres que cette possibilité est IMPROBABLE et a PEU de chance de se matérialiser. En aucun cas les membres doivent s’assoir sur leur kit en attendant un appel. En aucun cas au fait les membres doivent changer leurs plans ou perturber leurs vies civiles à cause d’un scénario hypothétique. Dites à vos hommes de continuer leurs vies comme si de rien était pour l’instant mais que ceci est simplement un ”heads-up”. Ceci DOIT être mentionné dans votre courriel ou appel aux membres de votre section. Je ne veux pas de dérangement dans la vie de nos soldats à ce moment-ci.

    8. Commandants de sections et det doivent me confirmer par courriel ou téléphone avant le 12 Octobre 08 à 1000L le nombre de membres qui seraient théoriquement disponible durant la période du 13-19 Oct 08 si jamais un déployment serait nécessaire. Le laps de temps est court et j’accepterai une estimation du chiffre. Vous n’avez pas besoin d’appeller chaque membre pour discuter d’un scénario hypothétique et d’avoir une confirmation de leur présence. On pourra demander plus en détail le mardi 14 Oct 08.

    9. Encore une fois, je ne veux aucune panique ou de rumeurs excitées. Ceci est simplement une combinaison de staff-check et de tenir le personnel du peloton informé d’avance.

    10. SVP ack à la réception de ce courriel et j’attendrai les chiffres par section et det dimanche.

    Capt Nguyen

    I Ran through this a translator and it came up with this:

    1. Within the framework of l’ COp Elocution (l’ assistance of the SQFT at the Top of the Francophonie in QUEBEC 14 Oct 19, 09), the 34 GBC required that the GBT Salaberry be ready to deploy within 48h in support to the SQFT.

    2. The Company has GPE was elected to prepare to deploy in order to support the GBT and the FAS. PROBABLE MISSION

    3. ON ORDER OF the COMMANDER OF COMPANY HAS GPE AND APPROVAL OF the COMMANDER OF COMPANY has 4R 22eR, the Group 2 GPE will prepare for déployement possible 13 at Oct 19, 08 as a component of the Co has in order to support possible spots of the GBT and FAS NO FRONT MOVEMENT

    4. Oct 14, 08 RV Ordres

    5. NONE for the moment INSTRUCTION ADMIN

    6. As asked by the HQ of the Co has, Commanders of sections and det must inform their members of the NOT VERY PROBABLE possibility to have to be spread in 48h between the 13 and Oct 19, 08. This can be made simply by email.

    7. Commanders of sections and det must inform their members who this possibility is IMPROBABLE and has LITTLE chance to materialize. To in no case the members must s’ to sit on their kit while waiting for a call. To in no case with the fact the members must change their plans or disturb their civil lives because d’ a hypothetical scenario. Told your men to continue their lives as so anything was for l’ moment but that this is simply a ‘ ‘ heads-up’ ‘. This MUST be mentioned in your email or call to the members of your section. I do not want a disturbance in the life of our soldiers at this time.

    8. Commanders of sections and det must confirm to me by email or telephone before October 12, 08 with 1000L the number of members who would be theoretically available during the 13 Oct 19, 08 period if ever one déployment would be necessary. The amount of time is short and j’ will accept an estimate of the figure. You n’ do not need d’ to call each member to discuss d’ a hypothetical scenario and d’ to have a confirmation of their presence. One will be able to ask more in detail on Tuesday Oct 14, 08.

    9. Once again, I do not want any panic or of excited rumours. This is simply a combination of staff-check and to hold the personnel of the informed group d’ advances.

    10. PLEASE ack with the reception of this email and j’ will await the figures by section and det Sunday.

    My power was mysteriously knocked out.

    Across the city of Victoria, my city’s entire power was knocked out for about 30 minutes.

    It was the strangest thing, the clock on my stove and microwave felt like faded out and zoomed out before just cutting out. Turns out that everywhere I looked no one had power.

    If anyone else has had a power outage where they live, please contact me. I have never seen a power outage before like this…This could be in relation to October 14th, but I’m not sure. Please contact me or reply via this comment if you have had your power knocked out recently.


    UPDATE: I have just tuned into the radio news where I live, and a BC Hydro tech was talking about the incident. The transmission was lost for reasons unknown. They cannot understand how the power went out. There is no explanation for the lost power.

    Guys, my own haunch is this may have something to do with a possible light ship perhaps near the pacific northwest. It may have caused a transmission interference disrupting power. Another commenter mentioned that power was recently out in Las Vegas about a day ago for two hours, no explanation given.

    My truth, my feelings is this has something to do with the light ships. And from my experience of this. October 14th IS GOING TO HAPPEN!!


    I contacted my local news radio that was doing an update on the power situation. I MANAGED TO GET ON THE AIR TO PLUG OCTOBER 14TH! I said these words:

    “I’ve been following the current internet phenomenon of a UFO entering our skies on October 14th. This UFO could have very well caused this transmission interruption. Everyone, keep your eyes peeled to the sky on October 14th…”

    After I said that, they hung up on me…But it was too late. I got it on the air before they could cut me off…Hmmm, cover up anybody? LOL

    Man, that was fun. LOL!


    “On the other hand your planet will be made aware of our presence drawing closer through different signals and transmissions that we shall emit through various sources.”

    Transmissions…Well this definitely qualifies as such a presence of awareness to me. I cannot wait until Oct 14th guys! I’m more excited now than ever

    in reply to: HUGE UFO over China? Real or fake? #9886

    Mystery solved! Thanks UFOBelieve & Wanderer.

    I did think the general public were looking remarkably sanguine about the whole affair 😆

    in reply to: Oct 14th – please send me a Mail! #9889

    Okay UFOBelieve, I’ll let you know if anything shows up my way tomorrow 😀

    in reply to: My messages re October 14th #8622

    Thank you Pleadianprincess!

    I received another message from Orion my last night. I was actually on a skype call very late at night with a friend in the U.S when I realised he was trying to communicate with me. So I put her on hold for a few mins & wrote down the message. I ended up losing contact with him part way because I lost concentration as I was aware that my friend was waiting so I ended up getting the second part of the message early the next morning.

    Note: A couple of words I have highlighted with a question mark as I didn’t have time to grapple with the finer nuances of the meaning due to the pace of this message.

    October 11th evening:

    O: Sharyn, much is in readiness now. It is our wish to present you with some information known to no one before. At the start of the offensive jets will fly overhead as a decoy (instigated by the powers that be) . This is to deceive the public into thinking an attack is imminent.

    DO NOT BE DECEIVED & FALL INTO FEAR. All will be controlled by us, there is no need to panic, stay calm & all will be well.

    Am I to know over which country?

    This will not be revealed as yet. Tell the public to get used to the idea of a noise roaring from above like power lines zapping in the breeze. ( I have no idea what that means) Signal coming from us is transmitted along electrical? waves. Telepathic signals will be used to convey information.

    One interesting thing that occurred was that 10 mins after I received that message I checked a forum that I’m a member of & somebody had just posted the following info (bolding is mine)

    Possible location
    This is a post from a guy named Walter at Galactic Federation of Light Yahoo Group.
    __________________________________________________ ___________________
    I’ve been watching the speculation on the appearance of the GFL ship with interest,
    as the ‘jigsaw’ that Blossom mentions unfolds. To my mind, there is only one place
    on Earth where the jigsaw pieces all fit together nicely – Cape Town, South Africa.

    Why ?

    1. Cape Town is in the southern hemisphere;
    2. “Alabama” :- a ‘renegade’ Confederate ship that raided the oceans during the American Civil War, regularly called at Cape Town harbour, South Africa, to replenish victuals. The Alabama is recorded in the anals of South African history in the form of a song : “Daar kom die Alabama”, which is sung to this day by locals on every festive occasion in Cape Town, but especially during New Year celebrations;
    3. “Table” :- Table Mountain in Cape Town is a world famous “landmark” and also an energy portal.
    4. “Diamonds” :- South Africa has been world famous for its diamonds “forever”.
    5. “Rainbow” :- South Africa is known by all who know it well as the “Rainbow Nation”.
    6. Last, but not least :- Cape Town is the seat of Parliament and therefore the “heart” of a nation that has set a shining example for the whole world, in its peaceful TRANSITION from a dark, controlled mentality of the
    apartheid era, to a Light filled society. As in all nations, the struggle in SA between dark and Light continues, but with luminaries such as Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela and many other “shining examples” of the Light, (both male and female), the South African nation continues to progress peacefully into the Light.

    Another “coincidence” – the US Navy has docked in Cape Town this past week with one of its nuclear powered aircraft carriers and other naval vessels for the first time in DECADES !! This – ostensibly to “learn” some “tricks” from the SA Navy ?!! This surely must be a thinly disguised joke !! How transparent the cabal is……….!!

    – a cat amongst the pidgeons…………………?? Just a thought.
    __________________________________________________ ___________________

    And btw, I just felt a shake here in Puerto Rico. There was a 6.1 Magnitude tremor on Santa Cruz Island (near P.R.)

    Although I have no idea if & where the mentioned jet fighters might appear this was an interesting synchronicity .

    Here’s the remainder of the message early morning October 12th:

    October 12th:

    Orion, sorry about last night – I lost concentration when I had Pamela on the call. I have a couple of questions. Is this the message that you told me previously that I would receive where I would have to Trust what I was given? There was a post that appeared on the forum 10 minutes after I received your message. This wasn’t a coincidence was it?

    Peace be with you, Sharyn, Orion here. Continuing on from last night I want it to be said this is your choice entirely but yes, this is the message that I intimated would be given to you. The ships in the bay? at Cape Town are there as a defence mechanism.

    All will be well, we will allow no harm to take place. Our sophisticated technology is superior to everything you have available here on Earth. We’ve been protecting Earth for a number of years diverting missiles.

    In regard to your question was this a coincidence that you received this message – No it wasn’t.

    We want all people to know of our presence & be aware that we are not attacking your people. Even though they (the military) will try to engage us to make this look like it.

    Our tactics are sound & have been in place for some time now. Fear not, we are looking forward to the day of reckoning when we prove once & for all, for all eyes to see , that we do in fact exist. All lies & deceit fed to the people will be brought forward over time. Consciousness will be raised by this event & it is the purpose of our coming now.

    The flow on effects are many & varied. Many ramifications will need to be considered but at all times the well being of the populations on planet Earth is of our first & utmost consideration. We attempt to show you the way to create harmony & peace amongst yourselves, the environment & the planet.

    Is there anything else you wish to add?

    I reiterate – PEACE BE WITH YOU, PEACE FOR ALL MANKIND, STAY IN TRUST & ALL WILL BE WELL. Go into your heartspace, it is for each & every one of you to decide & ask yourself if you are ready to receive the gift that we come to offer in goodwill & joy. No force or pressure will be brought to bear on anyone. Freewill is always respected.

    There is much love amongst us all here for all of you on Earth. No one is less important than the other. All are loved equally & valued for their commitment for being here now. Each person has chosen their own specific task? for being here.

    Trust in the message, Go in Peace,

    in reply to: Channelings from Blossom Goodchild #9158

    Here it is! I’ve told a few more family members about this event over the past few days who I am sure think I’m “Strange” then I read this & once more am filled with certainty that something is going to appear.

    14. (Oct 11th) Well, it’s almost time my friends and the world waits it seems, for this next communication with you. It still seems so unreal … and I, out of everyone should feel the reality should I not? Yet I can’t. Thousands and thousands know now of your coming (whether they believe you or not) and yet , even for those of us that are prepared , we simply do not know what to assume or visualise. Its like waiting to have a baby, except at least with that you know what to expect … a baby!!! … with you guys, we just don’t know what you are going to surprise us with. And I guess too, there are so many people that still don’t know about it and are carrying on talking about next week as if it’s just another week. It’s been a LLLLOOOONNNGGG LLLOOONNNGGG week down here… whats cooking up there?
    You would be surprised!
    No doubt!
    Indeed we are in position and generally taking care of rescourses. May we say that in preparation we have underestimated the LOVE and anticipation that is being sent to us. Your word is ‘phenominal’ is it not? We choose to say that we shall become a phenominal phenonima! It has indeed been a long period of waiting for us also … eons of your time. Yet we are aware of the controversy that is taking place and of the complete sham that is overshadowing your beloved planet. Be of great aprehension regarding what the media shall be asked to disclose in the beginning days. We are secure in the knowledge that there are those in place on your earth that are ready to begin their dreams. They shall know exactly what to do . They have been awaitng their entire lives to be of service in this way. We wish all souls to understand this. We have not suddennly just decided to drop in for a cup of tea unannounced. This is why we asked you Blossom, to release our message to the world as you did. It was of upmost importance that your planet was aware in advance of our coming. Otherwise, the shock may have been too great. Also it has allowed souls to prepare for this historic encounter.
    Dear souls of planet earth … let it be known that we have longed for this unity. Do you see how this shall change the darkness within your stratosphere into the Golden Race? This is how you shall become known.

    The Golden Race.

    This coming into your skies is the beginning of The New Dawn … in to The New World that has been prophesied in your past days.
    Allow your hearts and minds … allow your very being to ascend into a vibration that resonates with the TRUTH of your soul.
    Until you experience it for yourselves you will not be able to accept that of which we speak. Yet we say to you, when you accept it, you shall never again feel the darker times that have swamped the very air in which you have had to breathe. There shall be freshness within all things. Your days will ‘feel’ different. Your purpose shall be introduced to the self and each shall desire to go about their future days in a very different way from the way you are displaying now.
    This is why we say to you ‘BE OF JOY! The minute your eyes look upon the wonderous sight that we offer, the soul shall remember who it is. How can it be anything other than immense joy? Share your knowledge with those in despair. They simply are in a place of deep sleep. Help them to awake with tender words and actions, for indeed they shall be in great need.
    I think everyone is expecting the biggest part of the jigsaw … (i.e., rainbows, diamonds etc) after all, aren’t there only two pieces left? Today and tomorrow’s communication…?
    In Truth the puzzle is almost complete. It leaves only the one space for it to show the fullness of itself … and we shall fill that space when we appear in your skies on the 14th day of the 10th month in the year 2008. Whereby we shall prove once and for all that we come in PEACE and LOVE.

    And there shall be no one more relieved than I and that’s a fact !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Dearest soul …
    Oh oh! I can feel the tears coming straight away … yes? I can sort of feel what you are about to say and feel a bit reluctant from the ‘ego’ point of view, and yet … how can I refuse you at this juncture ?
    On behalf of The Federation Of Light we thank you for your part in this procedure. We smile with your humour for we know we could not have done it without you.
    Or I, without you … clearly! You KNOW you are most welcome on one level, but I am sure you know it’s been a ride that I wouldn’t necessarily put my hand up for again!! I look out the window and the world keeps turning. How will it be when I look out this same window next week?
    It will be that you see a beauty that you have not seen before as you look through the eyes of one who has experienced and been an integral part of the way forward into the LIGHT OF LOVE … as those from planet earth join us … The Federation Of Light … on our journey home.
    Nicely said my friends. We welcome you with open arms. Many, many of us. I think I speak for perhaps millions when I say THANKYOU for the LOVE you have shown us, and …

    BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

    in reply to: My messages re October 14th #8620

    Thank you Opalesence!

    I asked the Fellowship of Rings who they were several weeks ago, so this was the message I received:

    Sharyn, we are the Fellowship of Rings. Name given to you for you to understand us – a group consciousness of 8.
    Relax, you have summoned us to explain. All is well beloved, ease of message is within your reach.Our task is to communicate
    as you wish, be at ease & enjoy conversing with us – have much we wish to share.

    Our planet is off in a distant galaxy, the Taureg? stream of light. Many eons ago we evolved there. Our race is a proud & noble one
    stemming from a variety of mixed cultures in your earth words. Over time migration became possible & we mixed with other races.
    Advanced society was formed on a number of planets to enhance sharing of wisdom & knowledge.

    I had a lengthier message from Orion yesterday.

    My Oct 10th:

    Peace be with you, Sharyn
    I am here now. My duty is almost over, soon to be reconciled with others. I will watch this mission on Earth proceed as planned. All is well & functioning as proper.

    Needs of people will be met, vibration is high. The majority of earth people are in accordance with this plan & the time gathers near to generate a positive result & outcome.

    You can hear me well now. Output is clear, input is true. Fear not that your messages are misinterpreted. Your ability to transcribe is true & accurate. Light pours forth from you keeping you in high vibration. It is an honor to communicate with you.

    *Jonny is known to us – peace keeper on planet Earth. Contact was initiated by us. Many on Earth are working for us as ground crew. It has been vital to have their support in the interim years leading up to this event.

    Me – Any more clues?

    Blossom’s clues are sufficient. We will not disclose our plans sooner than we have to, undermining is underway by those who know of our planned mission. They will not be successful as all has been taken into consideration. We will not let this time be to of no avail. The turbulence being experienced now is necessary but shall soon pass to make way for calmer times ahead. Progress will be slow but steady. Fear not & spread the word to as many people as possible.

    It is vital to stay optimistic & see us coming in peace. Prosperity can be yours (Earth’s) once more, peace can be established amongst all peoples. Races do not matter, we are all One & One is all.

    This event is seen to be a precursor or stepping stone for further visits to take place in future if mankind accepts us into their hearts. The vibration for this to occur will be offered during our visit. Heart space/ chakra will be opened for those who are aware & wish to take advantage of it. Knowledge will be there for all to see. There will be no more cover ups, everything will be out in the open for all to see & will be above board.

    Cherish this opportunity to make amends for past history. Mankind has been lost for too long & now has the opportunity of returning to home if they wish. Love conquers all. It is the vibration of Love that we offer & we ask that those of you that choose it, to embrace it fully & openly.
    Evidence will be provided of our visit soon. Meanwhile go in Peace & Love,

    Commander Orion

    * Jonny is someone who commented on one of my previous posts on my paths2potential blog post titled “What’s up with Google Earth?”. This was his comment:

    Hi Sharyn,
    This does appear to be a coverup. That is what I feel, too. This month of October is testing for those of us who have lived with greater reality mostly inside our beings until now. Many years ago, the Council of Elders informed me that an earth tremor would happen in the days before resumption of open contact; they also mentioned that the sky would change colour. Many, self included, have been prepared for the days of open contact. We have been given dreams about this time.

    I have long been waiting for certain factors to fall into place. They are all present at this time. It does not matter if the specific point begins on the 14th. All I know is it is immiment. The Federation now appear to be offering signs to everyone who asks. The experiences of my friends and self are gaining momentum. Recently an old friend, not really into celestial matters, entered into another phase of his particular role. He is just one example of what is happening to many. My brother has posted some transmissions that came through my friend, here: Message from Zylon of the GFL – The Ashtar Command

    I’ve been uploading Google Earth snapshots (yeah, that word, LOL) here: Flickr: omsar2008’s Photostream

    Commander Orion is indeed a real person, and a colleague of Turak. Thank you for your great work, Sharyn.

    Love and peace to you and the others.
    The Unveiling

    in reply to: google earth #9766

    Thanks for that link Alainiz – that was great! Something about it really resonated with me.

    in reply to: Farewell to Power: Saint Germain channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe #9742

    Jontix, I meant to say “Thank you” for posting this channeling in my last post as I hadn’t gone to check the site for a few days & realised that it was out.

    We may lose 90 percent of Shaumbra along the line, because I’m going to antagonize them. I’m going to pressure them. I’m going to irritate them. But the ones who stay are going to understand what divine living is really about. Thank you. (audience applause)

    Annan, I also found this a rather strange comment to make.After 8 years spent nurturing everyone, helping them to grow in their understanding & power so that they can perform their chosen role to the best of their ability it seems a little strange to me that “St Germain” is prepared to now possibly alienate 90% of the shaumbra group just when they will be needed to be available to assist those who are beginning their “awakening”. To be satisified with a little elitist group of 10% seems a bit like a waste of many beautiful people to me.

    It would be interesting to go back & find an earlier channeling of St Germain & compare it with this one as I certainly have no memory of him being this abrasive before.It will certainly be intriguing to see if Geoffrey comments on this channeling of “St Germain” in his monthly newsletter & see if he really felt comfortable with it. At the moment I prefer to take the tack “shoot the message not the messenger”.

    I tend to read channels because of the opportunity they provide for me to widen my perspective, grow & become more enlightened which I personally didn’t feel from this particular channel for Oct. Actually, now that I think about it, perhaps both of us in our own way Annan have simply outgrown these particular channels. I did almost have a sense that July might have been a good note to finish on.


    That is so interesting that you thought that Annan because those are my sentiments exactly! I was going to post here earlier today but I got waylaid. When I first came across these channelings I really enjoyed them, so much so in fact, that after a couple of months I decided to go back to the very first one & print them all off to read. It took me almost 2 months of solid reading, approximately 2 hours per day, to get through to where I originally began them last year & I always eagerly awaited the next month coming around.

    I have felt since this new series began in August that it hasn’t had quite the same appeal for me. I found the first two seemed to be missing their “spark” & I found this one a bit off putting. I do feel the energy has changed around them. I am fairly sensitive to picking up the energy from different sites, in fact I have had a couple of unusual experiences as a result, but that’s another story.

    I read the question & answer section also for October & there was another response to October 14th (see below). I remember coming across an earlier channeling of Tobias which also had a similar response about “aliens” (I actually don’t like that word ) to this one of St Germain. Tobias tended to say, if I have remebered correctly that they were part of the Star Wars in the distant past & were only our “past life” aspects.

    I can’t help but wonder if in this instance we are seeing a bit more of Geoffrey coming through rather than St Germain & Tobias. Needless to say that didn’t resonate with me as I have always believed there was life on other planets. I guess that is why it is essential to use our own discernment & our inner guidance system with channeled material – to take on board the parts that are useful & ignore the parts that aren’t or don’t resonate with us.

    LINDA: Okay, this represents about a dozen questions, so it’s representative.

    QUESTION FROM SHAUMBRA 3 (read from the Internet by Linda): Dear Tobias, there’s a great love for you here. (Linda says, “Oh I’m sorry they didn’t mention you!” and audience and Adamus laughs.) I’m sure you’re getting many letters about the October 14th event concerning the appearance of a UFO. Like others, I’m interested in your take… (Adamus yawns, to much audience laughter and Linda says, “Let me finish! Let me finish, be patient.”) Like others I’m interested in your take on this but also wanted to use this as an opportunity to ask you to further explain your view on extraterrestrials in general. After all, Bashar, who I’ve listened to for many years, was one of your co-stars in the “Tuning In” film. Though I’ve never been overly interested in the alien side of Bashar, I have found him to be a loving teacher who has many messages in common with yours as the film also demonstrates. In the past you’ve encouraged us not to get too involved in these alien issues. I believe I understand why. I can see how we could easily be distracted from our own spiritual paths (Adamus slouches in his chair, more laughter) and inner directions after it seems clear that some aliens, like some people, have other agendas. But I wonder if you would comment…


    SHAUMBRA 3: (Linda reading determinedly) …on the October 14th event and issues around it. Thank you! (laughter)

    ADAMUS SAINT-GERMAIN: …and I could be in Paris right now. (much laughter)

    LINDA: Many, many people were asking. Be nice.

    ADAMUS SAINT-GERMAIN: I, Saint-Germain, will answer one last time and I will no longer take questions about aliens from Shaumbra.

    When will any of you who are thinking along these lines understand that you are the grandest beings in all of the dimensions? There are types of life forms, some in a type of biology and many not, in the other realms. There are your spiritual families in the other realms. But Earth comes first. There are not more intelligent civilizations. There are more deceptive civilizations. There are civilizations that have learned how to lie, steal and cheat better than you, and that’s all they’re doing. They’re feeding on you. I think it was Tobias who said look at the word alien – a lie. That is all it is.

    Now, alien drama, people living inside a mountain drama, Jesus drama, and any of these dramas really rise to the surface in times of change like this and times when there is fear. Even this drama about 2012 that so many people are attached to, they’re going to be so disappointed when 2013 comes around and they’re still in their same shabby clothes and their shabby car. (Saint-Germain chuckles) So I’m going to ask you right now to let it go. I don’t want to see you disappointed on October 15th.

    There are things happening, indeed, but it’s not the mothership coming down. It’s not the aliens coming in to rescue. As I mentioned during my discussion before, there are energies coming in and there are things that would appear to be visible to the human eye. There’s going to be an increase in sightings, but it is you that is coming in. The veil is thinner than ever, so the perception of seeing things coming in is going to be greater than ever. Some people will go into fear. Some people will be wishing, wanting some aliens to come in and save them, but it’s not going to happen. You are the ones you’ve been waiting for. Period. End of questions about aliens.

    I’m going to add also … I have to see if Tobias is listening. He’s not. (laughter) I love Tobias dearly, I’ve learned so much from him. But when Tobias leaves and I come in to work with you, I will tell you I have far less patience than Tobias, and I have many more important things to do than he does. (laughter) I go gallivanting around the world!

    We’re going to recreate in a New Energy way the Mystery Schools right here on Earth, and it will be intense and I will have absolutely no tolerance for those who want to get into drama, who want to talk about aliens, who want to talk about the Illuminati – by the way, which I started, so I don’t want to hear any questions about that. We are going to bring back the Mystery Schools, but they’re not going to be a mystery. They’re going to be very open and very out there.

    We may lose 90 percent of Shaumbra along the line, because I’m going to antagonize them. I’m going to pressure them. I’m going to irritate them. But the ones who stay are going to understand what divine living is really about. Thank you. (audience applause)

    I have already told this to Tobias, by the way. Next.

    in reply to: Light ship Spotted on Google Earth? Watch – debunk** #9416

    Interesting post from Brad at http://10-14-08.blogspot.com/, particularly the update. There are supposed to be a couple of images where I’ve written the word – Image. I can’t get them inserted here so if you want to look at them just follow the above link.

    A satelite glitch…Are you sure?


    It’s been since the beginning of October since we have seen these so-called “shape glitches” that the skeptics prefer to call them. Yet we are seeing similarities in other satelite images other than from Google Earth. There’s no question now that this is far more than just a simple glitch. But what does it mean?

    – Is something being covered up that somebody doesn’t want us to see?
    – Is it indeed an anomaly we are seeing from a spacecraft?
    – Why are the shapes so perfectly proportioned?

    The Current Google Earth Image:

    The idea of the “diamonds” reference could play a potential role here. With current estimated measurement using Google Earth, this “diamond” spans well over 4000 miles from tip to tip vertically:


    Are we sure this is only going to be a one mile spacecraft, a 2000 mile spacecraft, a 4000 mile spacecraft? Regardless of what various channellers, UFO abductees and psychics have said, the size has always been generated within a state of flux. My friends, we may have no idea of the size of the vessel until October 14th.

    But as I’ve said before, in all the times I’ve used Google Earth, nothing like this has ever appeared before. It’s something we just shouldn’t throw on the backburner. This should be investigated and should have a close eye kept on it on a day to day basis until the 14th.

    Only 5 more days until those who believe (myself included) see for themselves, and the skeptics will see the very thing they thought they would have never of seen in this lifetime.


    UPDATE: I found this post in the comments rather interesting. A poster named “lilrose” stated the following:

    “Brad, thanks, for this, I know someone who worked for NATO and defense department… they told me that The Department of Defense gets first dibs on what goes out on all satellite images and if there is anything there that they do not want us to see, they are blocked out ‘for security reasons’. So no matter where the images are coming from… whatever it is they do not want us to see is blocked off. It has nothing to do with putting together ‘snapshots’ from previous days, or angles of the satellite images… these shapes were not there previously and they take photos daily and they have the technology to cover the whole globe. There is a coverup.”

    I have a strong feeling that lilrose is correct. Like I’ve said guys. I’ve used Google Earth in the past, and nothing like this has ever come up before. People can offer their ‘explanations’ about multiple photos causing shapes and bla, bla, bla, bla…I’m not buying it. This is a strange phenomenon that is happening on Google Earth, and on other satelites as well…And it’s not going to get dismissed. We really need to not throw this aside and say, “oh, well it’s just a glitch.” I think with this being the 8th day of these occurences, a mere ‘glitch’ is definitely irrational thinking.

    Another clue lilrose stated was about Blossom’s book named “Snapshot.” And she had no idea why it’s called that. It has also been stated that Blossom’s wikipedia page is gone as well. And still no forms of blip within the main media on this at all. Guys, wake up and smell the cover up coffee.

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