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  • in reply to: Hello! Welcome! Hugs! & Site Maintenance… :-( #11898

    Thank you to the lovely Annu as always!

    in reply to: The Zeta Reticuli Exchange Program #11900

    Great find Syme, thanks for sharing!

    I have just started on it and my initial feeling is that this is correct… that it is “the truth” in as much as it seems to factually represent certain events as they occurred. My question is: is this a true leak or is it a managed leak. In my experience many such leaks are permitted by those in control for reasons of their own. I have come to believe that TPTB are preparing us for full disclosure of the whole UFO thing. The thorniest issue for them is the deal done with the Zetas which came out of the Roswell incident. So they are sloooooooowly letting the story come out in greater and greater detail to a) see how people respond and then b) modify or manage the info release to keep things from blowing up in their faces. If it all goes horribly wrong they can still call this a pack of lies. But if it goes okay they can eventually legitimise it.

    So that’s my call: I think this (and many other similar info-releases) are indirectly coming from TPTB.

    The areas to watch for info-flow are:
    1. Roswell (as in this case)
    1a. The black technologies that we have gained including free-energy devices and similar
    2. Life on Mars. Get ready to be told that there is microbial life on Mars. This opens the door for the possibility of “higher” life all around the galaxy.
    3. Opening of UFO files. This has begun. More and more nations will be doing this. Innocuous stuff at first, more sensational stuff later.
    4. More and more “serious” people will talk about UFOs and ETs. At first it was just the “fringe element and the freaks” that were ever seen to make such claims. Slowly we are being presented with some quite senior and serious voices saying the same thing. Top military people, top politicians and other people of heavy credibility are beginning to come forward. Expect this to increase.
    5. Expect to hear about organisations and bodies discussing how to interact with ETs. EG the UN to have talks about “how to engage diplomatically with star nations”. This is already going on behind-the-scenes. When it is safe it will be brought into the public domain. The Vatican is, for example, already talking in terms of ETs. More of this will come. The ET issue will eventually be discussed in the parliaments of the world.

    Then, like the frog in the hot water, when the planets population is broadly acclimatised to the idea the announcement will be made that we ALREADY are in contact with certain ET groups and have been for quite a long time. And then they can appear in our skies without the difficulties and karmic costs associated with an intervention of this nature.

    I have now read a little further. It seems they are openly admitting that they have obtained certain permissions to release this info in this format. So this is blatantly info-flow management! It is STILL done in a way that can be denied by TPTB. But it is interesting that the material itself professes to have official sanction for release!
    This feels a bit like confirmation of my assertion about us being prepared for disclosure.

    in reply to: Questions about Auras #11818

    Hi c_s

    I will offer you my view. It is that aura’s are not a part of the 3D body. They exist at a slightly higher vibration. They are not one thing either – they are a visual representation of the persons whole energy matrix. And as that visual representation does not occur here in 3D it is not a consensus reality construct. That means the viewer actually creates the image in response to the stimulus. But we 3D folks are not used to thinking like this. We think if we “see” something it is real and “there” in an objective way independent of our perception if it. We fail to comprehend that all things are created by the consensus of those that are here to observe them. But before I go off on that tangent let me come back to auras. What I am suggesting to you is that 10 people who all are able to see auras might get together and look at a single person. They might all agree that the do indeed see the subjects aura. But when they get to describing what they have seen they might find each has seen something a little different: they might each see different colours, different flow patterns, different thicknesses and densities, etc. Because, as I am trying to explain, each person is creating their own view of what they are seeing and they are not even necessarily seeing the same range or types of energy.

    So it is a complex thing.

    It is my view that when people say they see auras they are seeing (depending on their own atunement) some part of the energetic, etheric and spiritual bodies which the physical (3D) body is contained in. The physical body is energised, nurtured, and supported by the auric body. Did you know you can change your bodies properties by changing your auric body? It works like this: one of the layers of the aura is the electro-magnetic template according to which your body constantly re-creates itself. So, if you change that template then your body will begin to recreate itself according to the new template. This is why you can make yourself sick or well based upon your beliefs about yourself. You can pretty much gain mastery over your body like this if you get sufficiently proficient in this. But you have to come from a perspective of total love and acceptance. But that again is another story.

    The aura is connected with the chakras becasue the chakras are also energy constructs. But this is a very complex subject which I myself am only begining to understand. What complicates things massivly is that we are very badly constrained by our current 3D experience. We see things in terms of 3D and can easily think outside of that box. When you understand that the entirety of your experience… everything you see, touch, smell, hear and feel occurs INSIDE you not OUTSIDE of you and in fact that there is no “outside” at all but that we have created the illusion therof then you begin to see how wierd this can all get. We are all connected via our chakras. They are all one energy that runs longitudinally between us. We “disintegrate” ourselves to come down into this deep density. Essentially we break our energies up into many parts and spread our experience over time and devide it up over many incarnations. But that is only our temporary illusory experience of things. But inside this illusion we experience this disintegration according to energetic models or principals or archetypes, if you will. These archetypes are common to all of us. We are joined by them. When we ascend we reunify our energy… we re-integrate what was dis-integrated. And we leave behind that model of experience.

    I hope some of this has made some sense. It is terribly difficult to make english words describe the realisations and insights I have in my mind. It comes out like so much gibberish sometimes. That is the difficulty in using a crude 3D communication system when trying to communicate concepts that are very much more subtle.

    Echo, you ask if auras interact. Yes, very much so! Whenerver you interact with someone energetically your auras also interact. If you teach yourself to see auras (and everyone can learn this) it is quite fun to sit at a social gathering and just watch. You see two people talking to each other. You see the energy flow. You know they are into each other before they even know their interest is reciprocated! You see how someone snubs someone else they don’t like by cutting their energy off from them. You see how some people play power games by projecting their energy at others. You see all of these things by just watching. If people only knew how obvious they actually are!

    But I must say, really deep energetic exchanges are a little more rare than this. You seldom just see these going on. When people make love this is one of the few times it happens properly to earth humans. Unless the people are quite in balance spiritually and are aware of their energetic principals and able to use them. Then you can also see these people extend their energy to another. This is how one person can do a healing on another, for example. If you are very aware of your heart chakra, know how to open it, know how to bring pure energy into your body and know how to direct what flows from your heart you can do some profound good for another that might need it. There are many ways to use such abilities and they all essentially revolve around the use of personal energy which, I argue, IS the aura, really.

    So these are my views on the subject. But, as I say, this whole subject lies outside of consensus reality so other people might have very different but equally valid ideas and experiences of what the aura is.

    in reply to: Question for Silver Surfer #11812

    I can explain the “no stars in the sky” thing. It goes like this:
    The pictures that you are seeing are “in the day time” on the moon. The reason the sky is black is that the lunar sky is ALWAYS black. There is not enough atmosphere to refract the in-coming light to make a blue sky like earth has. But there is still enough light coming in from the sun that the camera’s aperture must be too small to catch the comparatively faint light from the stars.
    The thing is that we ARE earthlings. And to an earthling there are two sky-states: blue sky with no stars and black sky with lots of stars. Now if you came from another planet you might have very different expectation. So that is my explanation. However that does not mean I don’t believe in those same conspiracy theories! 🙂

    in reply to: Should one cause harm in defense of self or family #11803

    Tough question Seeker.

    I, for myself, have chosen not to own a gun. This is despite living in Country know all over the world for its high crime rate (South Africa) and also despite having undergone military training in which I became quite proficient with such hardware.

    My view is that we are the creators of our own reality in very, very powerful ways. I believe that we draw experiences to ourselves though our thoughts, beliefs and intentions. My belief is that I can, through choosing inner-peace, create outer-peace for myself. And I put this belief into action in myriad ways. One of these was by choosing not to own a gun. I feel the choice to own a gun is the choice that says “it is possible that I might be attacked violently in such a way that I will have no option but to kill my attacker”. Isn’t that essentially it? The reduction of options to the destruction of a life ?
    No, I choose to know that I will always have options that include a positive outcome. But I realise this is my way and this does not constitute a judgement on anyone that has chosen another way. I don’t, for example, have children or other dependants and I can see how that might change things. Would I feel differently if I thought I might have to defend THEIR lives too? I don’t know. Also, I know some people have a very different view from what I do about what is going to happen in the coming changes. They see a social melt-down where I see an ascension to a higher level of consciousness. So there are many different factors that might impact on a decision like this.

    My point is I do not judge others for their decision to own a gun. But I for myself have decided that I don’t want or need any people killing equipment. Or animal killing equipment either for that matter. But that is a whole other story.

    in reply to: Dollar enslavement is really a choice #11806


    Congratulations on an excellent first post. I would like to welcome you to BoL. It’s good to have you here.

    I agree with your thinking entirely. What you say is very true. You might some-what enjoy a channelling I did of Adamu which happens to be on the subject of NESARA but actually talks far more about our money-obsession, our mind-enslavement and how this is not really congruent with the ascending soul. Check it out when you have some time. You’ll find it here.

    With respect to the question of “what to do about this?”. May I suggest that we humans perennially look at our problems as being “outside of ourselves”. I would contend that the the world is always just a reflection of our own inner landscape. I would suggest that we, each of us, should become the change we desire. Whatever that change might be. We do not need to fix “the world”. The world is not broken. It is the perfect reflection of the choices of its inhabitants. We only need to “fix” ourselves – if it is fixing that we desire. Now I know this sounds way hippie-flaky but it is my absolute truth, my absolute experience and my firmest contention that this is how it works. I will try to create an example:

    We are spirit beings that have chosen to incarnate into this world AS IT IS. We chose to be here. We cannot therefore complain about what is here and say “it is wrong”. We chose to be here as it is here. But we are welcome, upon getting here, to change our minds and go “it would be even better if it was a bit different”. In fact this is a good idea. Experience your choices and then make better choices. Thus evolves the soul. So, for example, we discover that the money system AS IT IS, is a bit iniquitous. But we can’t now demand that IT should change… That the world must change. That EVERYONE should agree with us that it is iniquitous. This is not sensible. What of the many, many folks that are still busy experiencing the money system as it is that have not yet decided they don’t like it? It is unfair to take from them their learning experiences before they are done with them! So, instead of demanding change of the world, how about demanding change of the self? If you don’t like money then minimise your use of it! It IS possible.

    Firstly: the WORST thing about money is the debt system. If you are in debt then you are a slave. So get out of debt as fast as you can. It is a simple case of discipline and different choices about your life to do so and then to live with a positive cash-balance. I mean SAVE for stuff don’t get it on credit! It IS possible. People that think this is “too hard” are HONESTLY not ready to let go of the lessons that the money system teaches.

    Then, when you are out of debt you are LOT LESS of a slave. You “belong” to the system a lot less becasue you don’t have to pay someone something just to stay on the right side of the law. So then you can begin to make some other choices. Like: what if you saved up enough money to buy some land (or if you and some like-minded folks pooled your resources to do this, or if you lived on an intentional community)? What if you grew your own food there? It’s really not so hard to grow your own fruits and veggies if you learn to do so in harmony with nature. Really it isn’t. And the “in-harmony way” also costs next to nothing becasue you save by not buying chemicals. And you’ll be eating the healthiest food possible too! And if you do it right you can trade/ barter/ sell your excess to get stuff that other people are growing and in so doing increase the diversity of foods you have access to. So now, if you have done it right, you are living “for free”. As it should be. You have land, shelter, food, water, air. And you owe nobody a single thing. NOW you are ready to begin adding some value to your life. Now you can begin to follow you passion and see if there isn’t someone that is willing to part with resources for what you have to offer. Seeing as you don’t NEED anything, whatever you bring in at this point is a bonus and can be used for… upgrading your home… or doing some good in the world… or whatever makes you giggle. The point is you not only begin to follow your passion and find true joy in your every moment, you also kick the habit of being a wage-slave. You never have to “work” again. You only do stuff that you love doing.

    Now I am aware that these few sentences are pretty broad strokes and it isn’t “as easy as all that”. I am very aware of that becasue this is the plan I am busy putting into place for myself. My lady-love and I have been working VERY HARD at this for a while now. But you know, once you set your intent you will be dazzled by how much easier it is than you could have imagined. Once you try to work on a plan which brings you into harmony with THE IS then you are going to get miraculous assistance. Literally. Because when you work in harmony with THE IS then clearly you get the assistance of THE IS. Which stands to reason. I won’t try to prove this I will simply state that it is my direct experience that things have progressed in a truly miraculous way for my lady-love and I since we have began to “align”. I can tell you that by the middle of this year, at the latest, we will be moving to a large piece of the most beautiful forest where we shall live, grown our food and simply express ourselves creatively for the love of it. We are doing it. It IS possible. And then, yes, we will still deal with some money sometimes. But we will very much not be the slaves of it. And, I have an absolute conviction that we will come to live a life quite soon in which money, as it currently is, will play no role. But that is another long story having to do with the ascension process.

    So, if you’ll forgive the long-winded opinion piece I’ll get to my summary: I recommend to anyone that is unhappy with the status quo that they forsake the desire that the world should conform to their desires. Rather, I strongly recommend, they should see how THEY can change to gain a life that’s more congruent with their desires. I firmly contend that decisions which are based upon choices which are loving and respectful of the Self, of others and especially of the planet will result in process which appear to be miraculous to the observer.
    Accepting that not everyone is where you are at is a start. Accepting that there is nothing “wrong” with someone else that still finds the money system compelling, that still believes all the nonsense the power-cabal is feeding him through their mouthpieces of the media, is a good decision. It will free you from the illusion that you need to change others in order for you to be happy. EVERYONE is God experiencing Itself. Everyone is exactly perfectly where they need to be to experience the results of the choices they have made. There can then be nothing “wrong” with anyone. Nothing for me or you to change about anyone. So then it is clear that, if we do not like our experiences, it is we that should make new choices. These new choices will bring us different experiences. It is hoped that these different experiences will be more to our liking!

    Of course… we DID choose to incarnate into a system in which there is a process called time. Time passed between the choices you took before which lead to the experiences you are now having… and time will again have to pass between the choices you next will take and the the experiences that will flow from them. To demand that the change must be instantaneous is not going to bring you happiness. To “go with the flow” and YOURSELF be a part of the process called “change” is probably more sensible.

    I speak these words becasue they are the lessons I am now busy learning for myself. These are not easy lessons. Giving up the addiction to the victimhood of money is quite a tough habit to kick. But when you do… then you make it MUCH easier for others to do also. We learn by teaching. We teach by learning. We create by co-creating.

    And that is about all I am going to say before I wear my out my fingers.

    in reply to: DREAMS #11585

    You ever ask yourself “who am I REALLY?”

    I contend that you have.

    Now you are living this life and you can look at yourself and get some pretty good ideas about what kind of person you are by observing the choices you have made. But THIS life only offers you a certain number of options for telling you about yourself. You might want to know who you would be under other circumstances entirely. So why would you confine yourself to just this one life? Why not create imaginary scenarios in which you can experience and express yourself inn other circumstances? I think this is ONE of the reasons for dreaming… an opportunity for us to experience and express in conditions different from our own current ones. But obviously our dream-selves mustn’t know they are dream selves! They must think and believe that they are a real, whole, complete person or else the dream-reality would not fool them and then they would not experience what we want them to experience, right?

    If you follow my reasoning thus far then I’m sure you’ll be ready to make the leap with me to the fact that that is all THIS whole life you (and I) are living is: It is but a dream too! The fact that some dreams are co-created by many being and others are created by just one is really semantic becasue we are all ultimately ONE anyway!

    All dreams are then illusory realities created by the Self to experience Itself in. They are ways for the Self to see the results of Its choices played out. So that it can confirm that Its choices are good ones or, indeed, see under which circumstances there might be better choices made. And this whole universe and all in it is just such a dream. A grand one, for sure. But it conforms to my definition. It is an illusory reality created by a very great Self for It to experience Itself in.

    The point for me is that each of us is part of a much greater being. We are engaged in experiencing the self at a particular level. Dreams are like doorways into other realities of self at this level. When we are ready we will begin to truly awaken. Then we don’t awaken back in the bed in the bedroom… no… then we awaken to a multidimensional self that is a being of far higher consciousness than we currently inhabit. This is the ascension process that I speak of now.

    I think dreams can be many other things too. But they are always a communication from the greater Self to you. The more you pay them heed and treasure them the more value you will unlock from them.

    in reply to: Gulf of Aden #11688

    Ahhhh! Thanks for that Opal. So this means she is sorta trying to tell us what WILL happen? Like some kind of prescience? Or is it really not meant to be taken seriously at all?

    If it is meant to be taken seriously then all I can say is that I for one have absolutely no resonance over this. I mean they may be relating something that has some truth to it or it might be complete nonsense. Probably a bit of a mix of the two. But, if I look at the tone and the approach, then the objective of this rather shrill communique is clearly to incite fear. Then, beyond that, there are many things that don’t make sense. For example: If, 6000 years ago, the Annunaki had highly advanced space-flight technology when we were, well, primitive barbarians with clubs… And if we have developed as far as we have in the intervening 6000 years… And if (as we have experienced) technological advancement occurs in logarithmic fashion… Then sending our military against them will be futile, wasteful and stupid. They will have technology so far ahead of ours that it will be nothing short of magic to our eyes. And if they wanted to take aggressive action against us then it would already be taken. The notion that our military with their little floaty bits of metal on the sea could in any way contain them is just silly.

    Oh – and the story of the Anunnaki causing the tsunami to take out a submarine? huh??? If you had the kind of technology that could shift the ocean floor and muck around with plate-tectonics you WOULD NOT be concerned with the existence of a sub. And if you were, well, it would be pathetically easy to destroy it without needing the elaborate ploy of doing such damage to the planet. That’s like swatting a fly with the continent of Africa.

    I’m sure I could pick many more holes if I tried. But that doesn’t serve my purpose. I don’t desire to convince anyone of anything. Instead I’d rather just say this: this message carries the energy of fear and disempowerment. It seeks to have you get panicky about events that you have NO way of verifying and therefore cannot discount. It seeks to make you panicky about the presence and actions of a race of beings that you have not being able to see for yourself to adjudge their motives and nature for yourself. It seeks to make you panicky about unfolding events that you have no way of doing anything at all about. In short this looks a lot like pure victim-making to me. But that is just my call… I have been assured over and over (and had it proven to me in my experiences in my life) that I do not need to have any “doom and gloom” stuff occur in my life at all as we go into the shift. But I need to be willing to let go of fear as a creation tool and I need to be willing to accept that that which I focus on I create in my life. Then I can have an experience that is devoid of all such painful unhappiness. I very firmly believe that this would be true for others as well. But each will create as they choose and experience what hey have created…

    in reply to: Disclosure begins! Canadian Ex-Defence Minister speaks #11759

    I’m with you on this Will.

    What is in the best interests of the planet is that each of us KNOWS the truth. That we are given the option of choice. How can you choose what you want to eat if you can’t see the menu? What I mean is we must know what is really going on before we can make properly informed decisions! And an absolutely essential and intrinsic part of the story is being hidden. It is time for the truth to be known. Then the people of the planet can really begin to decide what they want to create for themselves as their next reality.

    The issue is this: Those that are in power want to remain in power. They think it is in their best interests to manipulate the truth. What they WANT us to believe is this:
    1. ET does not exist and UFOs are the purview of crack-pots. Go back to sleep – or at least back to watching the news and the sport. And have another beer for chrissakes!
    2. If you MUST believe in ET then okay, believe they are bad,scary monsters that will take and rape and pillage. If they DO exist then they are the enemy.

    These are the memes the power cabal would plant.

    Funny. If these things are true why have THEY done deals with certain ET factions?

    And anyway, give the way the power cabal operates you can be sure that whatever they want you to believe is diametrically opposed to your own best interests!

    Anyway, I’m saying I agree with you completely. What is good for us is for us to know what the real situation is so that we can, each of us, decide what we will do with the true facts. Let us see the friggin’ menu already!

    in reply to: The concept of ONENESS #11726


    it is a beautiful spiritual instant to feel you have fallen in love with yourself as a Soul

    I am in SUCH resonance with THAT, my brother. That is true for me too. True love does NOT encompass arrogance. Boastfulness comes from a soul that has not found love of self and is trying to convince others to love him/her. True self love brings the kind of self assurance that does not need to boast. And falling in love with the self is all of that PLUS the excitement and thrill of the process of constant self-discovery. It is beautiful. Never ugly.

    Further, I would say this:
    We are each of us GOD experiencing itself. Now OBVIOUSLY not one of is is ALL of GOD. Duh! But without any one of us the experience would be incomplete. That is to say, if any single being, no matter how humble, disappeared, there would be a lack in GOD’s experience of Self. A perspective would be missing. Every single being, every ant, every molecule, every atom is absolutely essential.

    We each hold our own unique, individual perspective. It is our amazing precious gift to THE ALL. And when we are done playing the game of being separate and individual we can begin to experience ourselves as something more… something that KNOWS it’s ONENESS with All That Is.
    Now I ask you: If you were to know as an absolute fact of your existence that you are and intrinsic, inseparable, invisible and essential part of the ONENESS that is Source-God… and I asked you “are you God?” what would you answer? Yes, or no? I tell you, you would answer “BOTH”. And that is what we are. We are GOD that knows not that we are GOD. We are GOD an also, because we know it it not – we are NOT GOD too! Both. But now thing are about to change. The whole game is coming to an end and each mote of consciousness will be allowed to choose a new perspective. And each one of us will be allowed to take a new stance from which we will experience ourselves. Will you choose the perspective of the KNOWINGNESS of the Oneness? Or will you again choose the not knowingness which will allow you to continue to create yourself anew? Both are good and valid choices. Each being will decide. And they will get what they create. Which is appropriate for God-like entities!

    Point is: you are either GOD or not GOD. It is up to you. And you can even choose to be BOTH.

    Creator – CREATE!!!

    in reply to: 100 Ravens #11682

    PP, Ravens are SO rich with symbolism and folklore. They are to be found in pretty much every one of the mythological traditions playing some important role. So I guess the issue would be to just trust your own instincts as to what this means TO YOU. Which you seem to have done. I found the Wikipedia entry on the subject quite interesting though. Maybe something will ring a bell for you? See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raven_(mythology)

    in reply to: end of the line, part 2 #11738

    LOL @ Will

    I’ve ALWAYS been upside-down…

    in reply to: end of the line, part 2 #11736

    Awesome message, Opal. Thank you. What a way to end! Even though, of course it is not really an ending… just a change of gears, right? Can’t wait to see what happens in the next gear!

    There is definitely a new “frequency range” being made available now. I feel this too. I was “taken off line” for the couple of months or so. During this time I found myself somewhere between unable and unwilling to channel. It has just not felt right. At the same time I was undergoing a whole bunch of growth and change within myself. And now I emerge with a whole new energy and my perspectives have so widened that I am able to receive concepts that just wouldn’t have worked for me before. So that is my experience. I thought it was just me. Seems like many channels are in one way or another experiencing some kind of an energetic shift. Cool.

    in reply to: The concept of ONENESS #11715

    Mushi, I cannot say for anyone else. But I will gladly share my truth and you can see how it feels. It is this:
    There is only ONE. But ONE in a state of BEING cannot truly appreciate Itself. An example. If you suddenly woke up in a state of sensory deprivation with no memory what would you do? Maybe you’d wonder “who am I?'” and “where am I?” and “what am I doing here?” but you’d be hard pressed to get any real answers to that question all on your own with no sensory inputs. Eventually you’d probably start to get quite good at imagining things. This really happens to people in sensory deprivation experiences by they way: they start to get hectic visual stuff going on. Like hallucinations, really. Anyway, back to the example. If you began to create stories in your mind to entertain yourself then I guess you’d be doing a bit if what God did. Sorta. The difference is that God managed to create that each of the imaginary personalities gained the belief that they have free will. They believe that their choices are their own completely and that is their experience. But you know what’s weird? Loads of authors will tell you that the characters that they create for their books seem to “get a life of their own”. These characters created in the authors mind seem to get some kind of free will – and the author feels like he is just relating what they are doing. Wierd, huh? So maybe we are a lot more like God than we are ready to believe. But I digress. The point is this: with God imagining all these beings in It’s mind… is there One, or many? Depends on your perspective, I guess. And now, here comes the twist. Each of the imaginary beings begin to imagine their OWN imaginary beings in THEIR minds! And THEN the imaginary beings imagine worlds and realities in which their imaginary “children” can interact. And so on and so on. And it get just more complex and more weird. Like: some of these imaginary “people” decided they wanted to create a reality in which you can experience stuff like “death”. A termination of the self. But this is impossible becasue imaginary constructs like these cannot be destroyed. They are held in the mind of God and destroying something in the mind of God is just not possible. It has been tried and it has never yet been accomplished. But anyway, in order to create the illusion of death they invented reincarnation. So that we can experience a “beginning” at birth and an “ending” at death. The other cool trick they invented was a kind of a shielding off of aspects of this one great SELF so that beings could forget and pretend to not know about the Oneness of all. This allows for interesting experiences and games. Like this: if I don’t know that I am ONE and that I already have everything I want and need then I can create that I have lack. Which can actually be quite cool. Because then I can look for someone that has what I lack. And then I need them. And if they also need something that I have then we can play a great game of “we need each other”. Which can be fun. And while we are playing all these various games we can very firmly hold the perspective that we are all individuals and separate from each other. We can believe it and experience it and so it will be true for us. But from another perspective it is not true. There is another being that knows that you are a beings from within It’s mind and It knows that It is ONE with All That Is. And eventually you will get done with this game of hide-and-seek that you have played with yourself. They you will choose to have a remembering experience. You will remember a bit more of Who You Really Are. Then you might say “I am more than just Mushi, I am a being who has had many incarnations which I remember, AND I am something much more besides. And I KNOW that I am ONE with All That Is.” Such a being is not GOD… but it is aware of Its oneness with other beings. But such a being too has many remembering experiences ahead of It before It will truly merge with GOD. And that is good for the process of the forgetting and then the process of the remembering again brings us all many wonderful and varied experiences. Without this GOD would not be expressing and therefore discovering who It is.

    So, my friend, if you’ll forgive the rather odd and convoluted explanation then I will say for me the following is true for me:
    We are all ONE. Absolutely, indivisibly and eternally ONE. BUT we are able to create within ourself many wonderful and varied ways to experience myriad levels of separation, individuation, isolation and “otherness”. These illusions we can create so powerfully that for the aspect of Self that is experiencing them they are real and true. Until that aspect is ready to experience Oneness again. Then it can cease to be true to whatever degree is desired by that aspect.

    That, is my shot at a very brief and sketchy outline of how I have come to see this thing. How’s that work for you?

    in reply to: What makes an adult an adult of their mind? #11678

    I personally believe you are an adult the day you can say:

    “I take absolute responsibility for everything that happens in my life”

    Up to that point we blame mommy and daddy for this and that. We do stupid things becasue of our upbringing. Or our education. Or the neighbourhood we grew up in. Or what other people say and think. Anything other than our own choices and actions. We whine and moan about our circumstances. We expect someone else to come in and fix things up. Irrespective of who messed them up in the first place – someone ELSE must fix it. We find we need to believe that no matter what we do/choose/create someone will swoop in and give us a different result… something better than we have created. And when this doesn’t happen we get disappointed and angry. We demand that the government must fix it. Or the church. Or God. Someone must fix it. And when this STILL doesn’t happen we lash out in anger. We want to make them hurt becasue they aren’t doing what we expect. All becasue we won’t take responsibility for our own actions.

    Sadly, by this definition, almost the whole worlds population are still children. Which is evident in the way we treat each other and the planet. We are not willing to be responsible for what we do so we get up to all kinds of destructive nonsense.

    But back to the point. I personally think all the issues with respect to Drinking/Smoking/Drugs/Sex/Housing/Studying/Working can be resolved with the simple willingness to be absolutely responsible for your choices. Not one of these things is black-and-white. Every single one of them can be a great idea and a wonderful eperience or the worst choice of your life depending on the circumstances. You must choose. And you must be responsible. The alternative is to let someone else choose and blame them when it doesn’t work out. You see society or your parents of the government or whoever might have very firm views on what you should and shouldn’t be choosing. But YOU have to live your life.

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