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  • in reply to: …triangel caught by Pyramidcam… #12336

    Like this?

    Very interesting, huh?

    If I didn’t know what I was looking at I might have thought the tip of the big pyramid blew off in the wind. lol!

    in reply to: …Kasakhstan to build the first Alien Embassy… #12098

    now who thought Kazakhstan would take the lead in matters of galactic relations.

    Seems there is MUCH to be said for not being an “aligned nation”.

    Good for them.

    in reply to: Questions.. #12090

    @echo wrote:

    The intention is to be able to answer my own questions so that I may be able to reach beyond my own suffering. By doing this I can help other people? Is that the idea, the less of a drag you are, the greater the help? Sounds reasonable…

    I think it goes further than that, echo. What I have come to see is that your darkest most painful stuff is precisely that which will be transformed into your brightest jewels. Now these might sound like pretty words but I have seen this to be true over and over again. Your current difficulties are almost certainly due to some deeper trauma. But the idea is not to cut the trauma out… to just let it go. No, the idea is to come to understand that these are some of your most precious experiences of all. They will hold great value for you. Through understanding them and dealing with them you will unlock amazing things for yourself. And you will have MUCH to give others as a result of these processes. So take heart my friend. Stay with the path. You will still discover your true magnificence.

    in reply to: Questions.. #12087

    Hello echo

    May I see if I understand you correctly. You say you have recently been exposed to a strange phenomenon. It seems to be something or someone within you that is communicating with you. It seems to be letting you know that your choices for your life are not compatible with the outcomes you desire. Sort of like saying “I want to go to New York” and then hopping on a flight to Moskow. This inner voice is telling you you are not on the right track. It seems to also be willing to give you guidance and direction and to even be willing to call you out on choices that it feels are not serving you. And now you are asking questions about this phenomenon.

    Echo, may I say that this “phenomenon” sounds very much, to me, like your “inner-self” communicating and guiding you. If I am not wrong then this is you truest self. The self that knows who and what you really are. It is making itself felt and known to you in a bid to assist you, to guide you and to help you to awaken.

    IF this is so then this is very good news indeed. IF this is what it is then I very much believe the answers to your questions are as follows:

    @echo wrote:

    How many chances do you have to gain favour of outside help before they leave you behind?

    The answer is “as many as you need”. Because this is not “outside help”. This is you helping yourself. And that aspect of you will never give up on you. It is going to extreme effort to reach out to you and to have you be aware of it. It will not ever give up on you. You can choose to work with it or against it. If you go with it you will find healing and inner-peace. if you fight it you will make yourself ill. Physically, mentally and emotionally. Going against the will of your own higher self ALWAYS results in inner conflict because that is exactly what it is: inner conflict!

    @echo wrote:

    Is it ignorant to be impatient with oneself?

    If it is then probably we are all guilty of ignorance. We all want what we want NOW. But being aware that you are being impatient is probably the first step. Learn to meditate. If there is only one piece of advice I could give you it is that: learn to meditate. Then, when you feel you are lost or confused or in pain or being impatient with yourself you can go inside and find peace. A tranquil mind is a mind that is open to truly HEARING what the soul-self is trying to share.

    @echo wrote:

    How far will basic awareness take us if we are uneducated and don’t practice?

    Nowhere. You see, echo, you create your reality with two thing: Intention and Attention. So you ask “how far” well if you don’t know where you want to be then you aren’t going anywhere. So that’s the first thing. You MUST decide what it is that you want to achieve. Where do you want to be? What is it that you desire. Think on this carefully. Don’t answer the first thought that leaps to mind. Be sure of what your desired intention is. Then write it down. Don’t write a 10 page essay – write bullet points. The fewer, the simpler, the better. You must be very clear in this, your statement of intent. Cover all the main areas: Physical, mental, spiritual, emotional. State what it is you believe is the very highest good that you can desire for yourself. THAT is your intent. Now you need to give it your ATTENTION. This is where you look at that paper every day. You visualise all those things coming to yourself. You be quiet and listen, contemplate and meditate. And then you follow your heart and your truth towards those things. But if you sit around doing nothing don’t expect the universe to drop these things in your lap. Be prepared to change the way you think and act so that these things can manifest in your life. And be prepared to get them. Cease negative thought about yourself and your experiences and outcomes by re-languaging these thoughts positively. Be the person you need to be to get what you desire.

    And LISTEN to your inner-self.

    @echo wrote:

    How long do I have before this phenomenon leaves me for good?

    It’ll never “go away” as it is inside you and a part of you. But, I’m not sure, it might be prepared to go quiet on you if you should show unequivocally that you no longer desire it to be there. If you tell it to shut up enough. If you refuse to listen to it enough. I don’t know. The answer, I guess, is whatever is the most loving thing it can do. Like maybe it will just stay because that is loving. Or maybe it will go quiet because the most loving thing is for you to see what it is like to again be without. I don’t know. But I don’t think this is relevant. Signal to this soul-self aspect of yourself that you want it to stay – and it will. Align yourself with it and it will become more and more “you” and less and less “other”. Sit quietly and relax your body. Relax every single muscle sequentially from your toes up to your scalp. When you are completely relaxed and comfortable, inside your own mind, TALK to this being. Ask it to show you who it really is. With feelings. And then trust what you feel. Feel out who this is. See is you get a “yes” feeling about this being or a “no” feeling. If you get a Positive feeling then tell it you want it to reveal itself to you more and more. In inspirations, in synchronicities. However it can. Tell it you want to know it and learn to love and trust it.

    See how that goes.

    @echo wrote:

    Is it wrong to desire strength?

    No. There is nothing that is inherently right or wrong. There are only choices that serve you and take you where you want to be and choices that don’t serve you and take you away from where you want to be.

    Strength is good. But what do you want this strength FOR? That is my question. If you desire strength of will and strength of character so that you stay the course and keep doing what your inner compass tells you is right then obviously that is good and desirable. If you want strength so that you can be more powerful than others so that your will can hold sway over others then that is going to cause you pain. It’s not the strength that is at fault – it is the intention. So again: intention and attention.

    You say something quite deep. You say:
    @echo wrote:

    I want to promote joy and peace, but the sad irony is that I don’t experience it in my own life.

    My friend this is exactly the crux of the thing. Give to others what you most desire. If you want joy and peace go and make someone else’ life a little more joyful and peaceful. Universal laws will be on your side. You will find joy and peace by giving it to another.

    And in the mean time… be kind and gentle to yourself. Treat your body with the greatest love and respect. Discipline your mind to think positive thoughts. Express to others around you the love, kindness and forgiveness that you would desire them to express to you.

    I wish you joy in your life and peace in your heart.

    in reply to: Just BE #12370

    Good one, Syme. I think you got it right. I think death is exactly that: home. I also think, when we die, it’s more like waking up from a dream than anything else. And when we wake up next time we’ll realise we’ve done this waking/sleeping cycle many times. And I don’t just mean reincarnation. I think we find many opportunities to “awaken” during each life. Maybe sometimes in a deep meditation or, from time to time (ironically) when the 3D version is asleep and dreaming. I think we often go home for a re-charge and to get some direction. I just think that we are not really allowed to remember that when we return here to this “dream” as it would spoil the whole effect. I agree with you entirely: going home is going to feel good, comfortable and right – but no big deal. And more than that: we have spent an inordinate amount of energy, as spirit beings collectively, to create this experience we call LIFE. Let’s really live it and love it, Lets BE HERE right now!

    Thumbs up for that, my friend.

    in reply to: UFO Disclosure Conference on CNN #12223

    Fantastic stuff, folks.

    Disclosure is coming. Slowly. But it is coming. It’s not a bad thing that it is taking as long as it is. If it happens too fast people get a fright. Frightened people are not reasonable people. And people can be very destructive when they are unreasonable. So we have to birth ourselves into the greater awareness with gentle and steady hands. And when the crucial moment happens we have to make sure that the awe and the wonder are greater than the fear and the panic. But it IS happening. It must happen. Without us meeting our star family the road just runs to a series of dead ends. And soon too.


    Hiya C_S

    I hope you are doing well my friend!

    You pose an interesting question. It is apparent to me that in this situation, the family has come together again specifically to heal this trauma. And precisely BECAUSE it is such a charged issue it is very hard for them to face this thing and deal with it head on. But deal with it they must or otherwise it will remain an unresolved issue. It will keep “glueing” them together and they will be unable to move on to other games if this is not released.

    In order to release this it would be most advisable to have some sort of counselling and facilitation by an outside party. A therapist or counsellor. But before that can happen the family AS A GROUP will have to admit that there is a problem… that there is pain that needs to be healed. And this is usually a challenge. There will often be a whole lot of denial going on in such situations. Even if one or two members are willing to deal with it there will be other members that will say “there is nothing wrong with me” and be unwilling to engage with the process. And what to do then? Then, I guess, it is up to the person or persons that DO feel the pain and that admit to feeling it to go for their own counselling. I have seen this kind of thing happen and can attest to the fact that one healed member of a family can help bring healing to other members who have been unwilling or unable to go for therapy themselves. If just one member finds real inner-peace and real self-love then they become like a calm centre around which the storm rages. They become a mature, integral, safe-place which the other members will be able to anchor to and then slowly heal as they can.

    I can use the metaphor of a jigsaw puzzle. When all the pieces are jumbled and scattered then it is very hard to see how to build the picture. But when you find just one piece and put it in it’s right place… well then the adjacent pieces can quickly be found. And from that first one piece that was in its place the rest of the puzzle will come together. I’d say it is our mission… all of us that are awakening to who we really are… to be that one piece.

    in reply to: Knowing #11460

    Syme, those of us that do channel each do it in their own unique way. Some ways are similar and some are very different. I, for example, channel both music and understandings. It is my task (if I choose it) to receive the music and understadnings in the pure thought form in which they are presented to me and then convert then into a form which is communicable to others here on earth. I use my mind to convert the “pure thought” into human communication and then I use a computer and a keyboard to make a permanent record of what has transpired. That is my process. Others operate differently. There are those, for example, who receive feelings and emotions. I know someone that receives smells as a part of her process! Others receive visions which they must decode. Some people only channel in a complete trace state. whilst I, by contrast, have only ever done it in a wholly conscious -in fact almost hyper-conscious – state. Some channel “foreign” entities. I only channel my own higher self (even when I talk to other beings like Adamu – it is always first filtered through my own higher self). The point I am making here is that there is this one word we use: channelling. But it covers a whole range of experiences.

    Now what about you? I think you are already channelling. You are just doing it in your way. You are allowing your truth to speak to you when it is needed. If you wish to discipline this so that it can be available at any time then there is probably just some work to be done. I suspect it might have to do with trust and with opening your heart. I suspect that is where your gift might lie. It seems to me you can access this when your heart is touched by another’s need or pain. Then you look at their situation and you speak your truth. Does that sound right? If it is, then your truth is in your heart. It is opened by compassion.

    You see, Syme, we are ultimately all One. And if this is so then everything that is needed to be known is known by SOMEONE and you are already connected to that someone. You are connected to the knowingness by your heart. Open your heart with love and compassion and the barriers may fall. Then you may know. But if you desire to gain the knowing so that you can use it for personal gain and advancement… well that is when the knowing gets twisted and ceases to serve. And just maybe that is what your experience is showing you? That you get your knowing in moments when you feel compassion and desire to be selflessly of service?

    Just some random musings from me. Maybe some of this is useful to you…

    in reply to: S.I.D.S. #11217

    Oh Syme, this is going to be a rough time for this poor woman no matter what anyone says to her. My heart goes out to her.

    These are the thoughts I have to offer:

    Ask her if she believes losing her baby was
    1. just a meaningless, senseless event in a random universe, OR;
    2. something which had some meaning, which was somehow “meant to be” or served some purpose

    If her answer is 1. then I cannot help. She is then not ready to be a part of her own solution. If her answer is 2. then I would suggest she needs to do some inner-work and find out WHY; For HER what was the meaning. What did she have to learn from this. Let me suggest it in this way: if NASA tried to land a craft on the moon but their first attempt failed. If, let’s say, the rocket didn’t launch and in it’s failure to launch people were hurt or even killed. In that event NASA would be considered negligent if they just went ahead and tried again without first gaining a good understanding of what went wrong and addressing that issue so that it didn’t recur the next time.

    And what I mean by this is quite simple: this poor dear hurting person is not done with her previous child until she has found what meaning the death of that child has had TO HER. Not the greater meaning of the SIDS phenomenon, not the medical cause, not what might have motivated the child’s soul… none of that stuff. What it meant TO HER. Until she can take a learning from it, she has not SEEN the experience… not HEARD what it has to tell her. Instead she wants to put a plaster on her pain by having another baby. She hopes that this new baby’s love will heal her. Syme, this is an intolerable burden to place on the miniature shoulders of this new baby! A baby should be free to just BE A BABY. It should not need to come as a vehicle to heal the broken heart of a mother. Until she has processed the death of the previous child, how will she be able to look at the new baby as a being in it’s own right? She won’t! This new baby will be framed by the loss of the previous child.

    I guess the question is this: does she want a new baby for the love she has to GIVE, or, does she want the new baby for what she expects it to give HER? If it is the former then she should love that new baby enough to desire to give it a mother that is actually ready to receive it into this world. She should give it a mother that is whole. That is healed. That is ready to be a mother. If it is the latter… well… then she should admit that to herself and then maybe there is a whole lot of processing and counselling that can happen around that.

    Syme, I know these are hard words. Words one doesn’t want to say to a grieving mother. I’m not sure that I could say these things to her face-to-face if I were in your position. But this is what is in my heart and I share it with you to use or not use as your intuition dictates.

    God bless you for the work you do, my friend.

    in reply to: bittersweetca #12362

    Agreed, Silver.

    No rules have been broken – YET. And hence my reply. I’m not sure exactly what this one’s approach is but it’s almost certainly going to involve their website: http://www.exmusic.net . This is a Russian music website. I guess this person is going to, at some point, try to promote that here. Maybe this first post is smoke-screening – post a few benign posts and then get down to the real business later. Dunno. But it certainly is fishy.

    in reply to: Dolphins #12260

    @GTTOWNSEND wrote:

    Waaaaaaay cooler than the smoke rings I used to blow when I smoked

    Heya my ex-smoker brother! 😀

    I’ve been thinking of you and sending you good vibes. Hang in there!

    And thanks for sharing this WAY COOL vid. I’ve always thought of dolphins as being brothers. It’s like they’re the humans that stayed in the water and forgot all about being mean.

    in reply to: Porn sites as personal sites #12320

    @Annu wrote:

    I’ve added a custom field to the registration form that asks “Are you Human? If you are, answer YES”

    oh noes!

    I’m not sure if I qualify!

    It’s a good thing I’m already a member. *phew*

    in reply to: Porn sites as personal sites #12321

    Good call, Silver!

    And by the way… a BIG THANK YOU to you for your hard work and vigilance with this. I was going through the moderation log and I have seen how much work you have done in this regard. I know that Annu is very heavily over laden with work ATM and I’m sure she’ll get to fixing the CAPTCHA system soon. And in the mean time things are kinda quiet here. So for now, sadly, the majority of the activity in this site is this kind of rubbish that we have to constantly clean up. But I also know that very shortly things are going to pick up quite radically here. There are many things happening below the surface. BoL is going to come into it’s own soon. So… in the mean time… again: thank you very much for your time, effort and dedication.

    in reply to: Allies of Humanity – Another Perspective #12374

    I very rarely am motivated to say “this is wrong” about someone else’s expressions. My view is that there are many perspectives and many truths and all are actually equally valid. So I will say about this material what I usually say in such circumstances: “this is wrong for me”. By this I mean that this does not resonate with my truth. I agree with you two that it is really quite fear-based. But more than that there are a number of things that he says which are inconsistent with my truth.

    Firstly he claims that the ETs have just arrived here recently as a result of nuclear detonations. This is not true. ETs have ALWAYS been here. This planet has been gardened by them. It is the way it is because of our Spirit Family coming here throughout the ages and “tending the garden”. Our human civilisation is the direct result of ET intervention. Other civilisations before ours came here directly from elsewhere. So that’s a bunch of bunk as far as I am concerned.

    It is true that CERTAIN ET races cam here as a result of the Nuclear detonations… that is so. Some of them came like vultures that circle over a sick animal. They saw opportunity to tap into the fear and pain that was going on here. Yes. That is true. But that is only one faction. Other factions came to help, to heal and assist. And there are other factions yet that exist at even higher dimensions that have always been here and never left. We are held in their hearts as we find our way to the true emancipation that comes with awakening and self-discovery.

    The beings channelled here are clearly unaware of these greater realities. And so THIS is my assessment of this material: it is written from a 4th dimensional perspective. The beings that are being channelled have quite a limited scope of understanding. From their perspective I’m sure what they are saying is true. But there are other perspectives… greater perspectives… which do not ring the doom and gloom bell.

    Just as well, huh?

    in reply to: My calling #12357

    This is FANTASTIC news, my dear brother. I very much look forward to seeing whatever you feel you wish to share with us. Trust your heart…. it’s good one!

    Big hugs

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