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  • in reply to: The Shadow Government: What Led You To Believe? #9706

    Wow, yeah, there are SO MANY answers to this question. I guess I would say you only need to look in any one direction deeply enough and things just don’t add up anymore. That is to say the information we are given no longer fits the facts of what you can observe. The only way things then begin to add up again is you rearrange your paradigm to include a group (or groups) of powerful people that are not visible but that are REALLY running the scene. Honestly ANYTHING you look at hard enough (and with an open enough mind) will yield this. Or so I believe. Others may differ with me of course. But you ask the question “what led you to believe”. For me personally I have two answers. The one is “real world” and the other is “spiritual”.

    In the “real world” I encountered the theory of the illuminati in many different places but remained on the fence. Until I studied up on economics a bit. They say one way to find out who committed a crime is to “follow the money”. Well this is very good advice in this context. Go and read up on the the world banking system. On how money really works. On why we have inflation. On what underlying true value of monetary system is based. If you study this stuff long enough you get quite ill. It is very apparent that SOMEONE is pulling the strings. Someone is manipulating the world into valuing itself in terms of the arbitrary values THEY give us and then then just keep making us poorer and poorer against that value. Which they own, control and manipulate. Now you can study all this stuff for a very long time or you can do yourself the favour of watching “Zeitgeist – the movie” and “Zeitgeist addendum”. I don’t slavishly agree with everything in these movies and if it were me I would have left a lot of stuff out there. But I can very firmly recommend them as a great beginning into understanding the current world financial system, why it is the way it is, how it got this way, and why we should chuck this whole system… and even some great recommendations and thoughts about what we can replace it with. But the bottom line is I’m pretty sure that anyone that watches these movies with an open mind will come away with a sure conviction that there are people that are REALLY in power that are never elected. You can call them the illuminati or anything else you like but they are most certainly there.

    The second place I encountered the idea of a shadowy behind the scenes power cabal was, strangely enough, in my spiritual questing. It’s a LOOOOOOONG story that I won’t go into all the details of but the main point is that I was, in my late teens and early twenties, very frustrated with my life. Things just didn’t make sense. I felt some acute pain at the lack of understanding I had about my own self: why am I here? who am I really? why is the world the way it is? These kinds of questions plagued me. They burned at me. I tried all kinds of stuff to get answers: psychics and clairvoyants, meditation, past-life regression, hypnosis, auto-hypnosis, psychedelics, nature retreats, flotation chambers… the list goes on and on. I had a kind of aching obsession to begin to get answers. At first they were very slow in coming. And then few years ago I had a breakthrough. All this “processing” had the side-effect of me working out my ego issues enough that I began to be able to receive sort of telepathic communication from my spirit guide. I had big issues with doubt and that took me some months to even begin to tame. But long story short: I started to get some answers. Now, all I really wanted to do was find inner peace for myself. But in my questing after that I discovered that a lot of my inner pain was only explicable in terms of past lives. I needed to understand and heal those past-life experiences. But the flabbergastingly weird thing for me to understand was that most of those past lives played out on other planets! And the more I dug and delved the more weird it all became. One the one hand the stories I was getting very neatly explained how I felt inside and they were bringing me peace and healing but on the other hand they were pretty outlandish tales of galactic civilisations, of time-outside-of-time… all kinds of weirdness. And anyway, to get to question, woven into those whole huge mad tableau was the understanding that this earth is not managed as it seems to be. That there is a group that has been running the scene from the shadows for all of our history. And that our REAL history is NOTHING like we are told. But that all of this is from a higher perspective just a part of a greater plan. That it’s all really okay. That each of us can choose to play the game any way we want. Here are some permutations:
    1. We can play little games in which we choose to ignore the issue the illuminati altogether. We can ignore the atrocities going on around us and believe the lies told to us on TV news.
    2. Or we can have a bigger view. We can see ourselves as “warriors of the light” and we can actively try to fight the insidious plot of the illuminati by spreading the “truth” and by conscientising others about this.
    3. Or, indeed, we can decide to serve the illuminati and align ourselves with their goals in the hope of gaining money and power.
    4. Or we can take a larger view still which is to see the Oneness of All. To understand that all is perfect and that there are no victims and no perpetrators. Only contracts for experience.

    Now the thing is we are in a very special time right now. Globally this is the time of the ascension. Which is another very long tale but essentially each of us must raise our consciousness from the level it currently inhabits. So in terms of the ascension process we can re-classify the above people like this:
    2. Are those that will ascend to the next density as “Service to Other”. They are essentially people that want to make the world a better place and are willing to “fight the dark forces” to get this right
    3. Are those that will ascend to the next density as “Service to Self”. They are people that don’t give a damn about anyone else as long as they get what they want.
    1. Are the undecided ones. They can’t ascend. So they are going to be pushed to decide. Things are going to become more and more stark, more and more obvious. The truth of what is going on is going to come out in more and more powerful ways. It will be ever greater to deny that there is, for example, an illuminati. People must choose to ascend. If they steadfastly refuse then they stay at this density but must go to another planetary reality. Which is another story.
    4. These are the ones that ascend to an ever higher density. They leave behind duality density altogether.

    There is no right or wrong here. People simply choose what they want to experience next by their choices now. You get the reality that you are creating. But the point of this whole story is that I came to understand that there was an “opposition”. That they had a very important role to play. And that they are represented here on our planet ass the “power cabal” or “illuminati”. And so THAT is how I came to understand this from a spiritual perspective.

    And that is my story.

    in reply to: bearer of light, anchor of love #11598

    I am a bit flabbergasted. I have been engaged in a WHOLE LOT of inner-work this past while. It has taken me on many paths. I won’t bore you with the details but I did a whole raft of channeled discussions to come to grips with why this reality is the way it is, what my place in it is, and ultimately, why I chose to come here at all. At one point I was lead to the need to understand “evil” as it is presented to us: the bit of duality which is the “baddie” bit (so I don’t call it “darkness” for Neiru 😉 ) Anyway, I came to understand that I needed to talk to Lucifer himself. A bit of a daunting prospect, I thought. Until I actually got into the conversation. Nothing scary at all. And after hours of some of the most intense channelled conversation I have yet had I came out with a story much like the one presented here (with some small variations). Now, I’m not one to go around saying “don’t worry folks, Lucifer is actually okay”. You can get some funny looks that way 😆 . I really didn’t feel compelled to share this story with anyone. But now to see it presented here – and to see that there are other sources that hold some variation of this concept is just amazing to me.

    The thing is this: There is a level of reality at which All know their intrinsic ONENESS. As you begin to move towards Source and away from duality so this becomes more and more obvious. And then it becomes harder and harder to advance and grow if you refuse to recognise this fact. And, you see, there was a time when Lucifer was One with Source. As we all were. And then, for whatever reason, Lucifer “fell” into the density of duality. But, you see, “time” is a function of this reality. It is something we travel through in order to obtain the experience we have come here for. It allows us the illusion of the separation of the creative act from the manifestation of our creations. It is essential to the experience of coming to believe that you do not create your reality… and that you are separate from Source. But the Space/time continuum is really just a very local phenomenon. It is in no way representative of the greater experience “out there”. So this logically leads to the understanding that “outside of time” Lucifer is still, has always been, and will always be, in a state of oneness with God. Now one can choose a perspective: You can decide that Lucifer is the cosmic baddy, that he fell due to vanity or something. Or you can take the perspective that he did it as a service. Once you get over the very human desire to insist that there must be only one perspective and one truth then you can probably see that both of these are true. IF Lucifer fell as a service… to provide a Service To Self, selfish, unloving counter-balance to what would otherwise be our natural state… then you can concede that it would be unhelpful if it was known that this was the case. I mean, if you understand the “baddies” are just another you making different choices… if you get that it is actually a service to you so that you have something to strive against and occasionally to choose to experience for yourself… well, then it wouldn’t make for a very compelling game, would it? If we all saw through the illusions and knew it was just a big game we wouldn’t be willing to play as seriously as we apparently wanted to. You can’t go round hating the baddies if you know they are taking a massive toll to play that role! So that’s one possible perspective. Here is another: Lucifer played hide-and-seek with himself so that he made some dastardly choices and ended up being wicked and twisted and wanted to steal this whole reality to serve his ego. It’s a pretty neat trick to do something that stupid coming from a position of perfect knowing of the Oneness of All but, hey! maybe he isn’t so very bright after all? And then, afetr falling into duality/density he began scheming and manipulating and just generally bad-assing around so that this world of ours had some rotten spots. In which case he anyway ends up providing a service, whether he likes it or not, becasue without his generally dastardly behaviour we wouldn’t be offered the options that exist here. So now you can come and define yourself in opposition to so-called evil. You can be noble and good and righteous and you can overcome, precisely becasue there is the Luciferan influence. Or you can choose to dabble in it for a bit too. You can, for a lifetime or six play around with manipulating and abusing others. Because “they hurt your first”. Or something. But here’s the thing: We still have the problem of time being a local, illusory construct. One that comes to an end every now and again so that different games with different rules can be set up. So what happens then to Lucifer? Well, you see there is only ONE ultimate Source. That means there is only one place to come from. And you can head away from it as far as you like and for as long as you like but given the nature of infinity and given that time is an illusion, it is an inevitability that you will have to return to Source eventually. There is nowhere else to “end up”. You see, no one and nothing can sustain itself without Source. And it is also so that you can only advance so far before you have to accept the oneness of all. You are profoundly limited in the scope of what you can create and express if you deny this truth. So, I am saying there is no way around it but that Lucifer must return to source. And again, outside of time, he is just returning to Self. He always was and always will be One with Source.

    So both stories are true depending on your perspective. He did a service and allowed us to experience duality. And he is the arch-villain that caused all kinds of ickiness. From within this system of this reality he DID cause a whole lot of pain for others. And here is what I came to understand from him: In order for the aspect of Lucifer that “fell” into duality to return to Oneness, It has to to a whole lot of healing. It has to balance all of that pain out. You see, returning to Oneness implies the understanding that other beings are just another aspect of Self. Whatever imbalance, pain and animosity lies between you and another comes to be seen as a pain you have with yourself. Its like a inner-turmoil that must be healed as it keeps you from the balance and peace required to re-unite with Source.

    So anyway. Lucifer has some serious work ahead. His whole soul-group does. But he will have help. Interestingly, he will get the help he needs from beings that “suffered” his machinations: ascended beings who lived inside the duality system will be the ones to bring the service of assisting him to balance and heal. Compassion and understanding will make it so. And then Lucifer will reunify with his greater beingness and all of him will again know his Oneness with Source.

    Final thought. It is my truth that I have done some really god-awful things in some of my incarnations. If that made me irredeemable then there would be no point in trying to be a good person afterwards. All the processes that came after those acts would have been a waste. Then I would have just stayed an evil bastard. But it isn’t like that. Those were experiences and choices that I made as I was experiencing “not-self” so that I could turn around and begin the journey to self. If that is so… if on my small, individual basis I could have come from Source, fallen into density and am now ascending to return to Source… then why must it be any different for this great soul-collective spirit being? The only difference between him and me is the scale of his operation. And I very firmly do contend that it is also so for every single person alive. If you don’t know about the harm you have done in past lives it is not because it isn’t there – it’s just becasue you have not yet had opportunity to learn of it.

    It behoves us to forgive as we would be forgiven…

    in reply to: …NESARA… #11472

    Hi folks!

    I have somehow always been on the fence with the NESARA thing. I didn’t worry about it and didn’t give it too much thought. But reading all these posts got me interested. So I went to ask Adamu if it’s true or not and got an overload of info. I was quite taken aback and blown away by what he was telling me so I stopped, got out my laptop and started again so that I can share this with you folks. It is what I received and I must say it really feels right to me. But I completely accept that there is no “one truth” on matters such as this so I don’t at all insist that anyone must agree with Adamu’s words. I really offer this in love, for your interest and consideration. And I must also say that I feel there is a great deal of “truth” being spoken in the NESARA material that you have shared, Will. The point it seems, is not if it is true or not. The point is what you are going to do with this and how you are going to define yourself.

    But anyway. I’ll let Adamu’s letter speak for itself:


    Adamu: Dear friends,

    My dear Zingdad asked me about the NESARA concept – whether it was “true” or not. He expected a “yes” or “no” answer but what he got instead surprised him. So he asked me to channel the message through him for your interest. So here it is…

    Before I will answer the question of the legitimacy of the NESARA concept I would ask you to look to your own heart. Does it matter to you? If so, why. I would suggest there are a few different camps:
    1. The skeptics and naysayers that dismiss this out of hand for whatever myriad reasons.
    2. Those that think it is probability (or possibly) true but are not “counting” on it.
    3. Those that fervent want this to be true.

    The first group will not in all likelihood be to interested in THIS channeling so I won’t even bother speaking to them. They are fine. The second group will follow this story with some interest but they are not emotionally attached to the outcome. So they too are fine. It is the third group that concerns me. If you find yourself in such a group then I would say this to you. You are making yourself a victim to the hoped for benevolence of something which you can’t even prove to be true. What this does is it takes away your power. You cease to engage with the world to make plans and to create your own future. Instead you hope these good people are going to rescue you from your financial woes. Do you see what this means? It means you believe you must be rescued from your life by some kind of savior. Worse… you seem to think that that savior can come in the form of money! This is just an all-round recipe for disaster. Some of these NESARA folks have even publically advocated that people willy-nilly get themselves into as much debt as they like… that they not concern themselves with trying to pay off those credit cards… because “any moment now” NESARA will be announced and your debt will be cancelled.

    My dear friends! People who think like this have absolutely no understanding of how your reality works! On SO many levels this is faulty thinking.
    Firstly and most importantly: the point of your experience on planet earth is to teach you that you are the creator of your own reality. This means that you always will and MUST deal with the results of your own actions. If you don’t like your situation then it is a object lesson for you that you should be making different choices in future. This is so for everything: relationships, experiences, work life… and most certainly also in the case of money. If you have made a mess of something and someone else swoops in and saves you from it then you have NOT learned how to create your own reality. What you have learned is that you are now a dependant of your rescuer. Every time you mess up you’ll have to go back to them for more rescuing because plainly you have not learned how to do it yourself.
    Secondly. Money ITSELF is worth nothing. It is just paper. Your current financial system is based upon debt. It’s a horrible system. But that’s how it works. There are other ways of doing it so that you have counters that represent actual worth but to get to such a system on your planet you will have to completely overhaul your financial system. I don’t mean tinker with it… I mean throw it out and start again with a whole new system. If you do this then the “old” money will not translate into the “new” financial system. However many trillions of dollars they say they have in the bank will be meaningless if there is a new system that is actually love-based and equitable. And the bank? Well they are the corner-stone of the mess that your world-markets are in! Banking as you have it on your planet at this time is really a most iniquitous thing. I haven’t the time to go into it – read up on the way national central banks cause the impoverishment of the nation some time. It will shock you. But the point is – if the NESARA plan is to us the current economic system and the existing banks… well then they are not changing anything. And, here is the clincher… if they managed to pay out all this cash to all and sundry then the economic system would instantly implode. If everyone has surplus money then no-one is a wage slave. No one feels that they must trudge off to work to do the job they do to earn the money. So you’ll have cash… but there will be no one working the stores or manufacturing the goods you desire. They’ll be too rich to bother with that! And… if there is no debt then the banks cannot charge interest. If they are not charging interest then they have no reason for existing. They are out of business. And then the wads of money you received under NESARA are suddenly worthless anyway. SO! You cannot have NESARA and keep the financial system in tact. Central banking fails, meaning that your national economy collapses. And local banking does not function either. And the economy ceased to be viable. If every one gets rich then no-one is rich. Then you just have so much paper – that isn’t even any good for blowing your nose on. So you can’t work NESARA under the current financial regime. And if you change the financial system then the money that they are apparently going to pay out is worthless. It is meaningless to talk of all the billions and trillions that they have ready to disburse if they intend paying this into a non-debt based economy. The money will not translate. You cannot swap debt-based money for value-based resources. So either way this is a dead duck.
    Thirdly. Your money DOES have an unseen value. It represents, to you, energy. It is a way to transfer resources. You see, if you work a month you get your thousand shekels (or whatever). That means you are accepting and agree… no CREATING… that your time and effort for a month is worth those thousand shekels. This now becomes a very powerful symbol for you. And so, if you are in debt then it is so that there is an energetic imbalance in your life. Quite simply, you consume more resources that you can produce. If there are two friends and one friend always takes more out of the friendship than he is prepared to offer back then that friendship will sour. Imbalances like these must be dealt with and addressed. If you are in debt then you are in a state of energetic imbalance. It is no wonder debt plagues on the mind of the debtor! And I would tell you that this is also a strategy of those that would keep you stuck in the duality game. If you are worried about your debt then you are hardly in a great position to find the inner peace that is required for you to raise your consciousness and see through their illusions! Doubt, fear, worry, anger, frustration… these are the emotions that keep you from seeing your own true nature. And what does the “system” propose for those that are indebted? It offers them another credit card! “Are you depressed about your finances? Go buy something nice with your new credit card to make it all feel better! But whatever you do, don’t find balance and inner peace because then you won’t play our game anymore!”. And so I would say to you, my friends, anyone that tells you not to deal with your debt is no friend of yours. They are inevitably seeking a way to manipulate you.
    Fourthly. The mechanism for the NESARA “payouts” is… suspect. Many of the NESARA proponents claim to have some kind of “inside line”. They are part of these workings. And they can help you get YOUR package… but you must first give them some cash to “enroll” or some-such. Friends! What are we thinking? You buy a story about the wicked machinations of the power cabal without any proof. Then you buy a story about some improbable financial plan that will heal the harm. And then you buy the story that payouts will be made only to individuals on “the list”. And you, sure as nuts, are going to get yours! The fact that this means the overwhelming majority of the planets inhabitants WON’T be on the list doesn’t bother you. That they will remain in poverty hasn’t phased you. You just want YOURS. And the fact that it is inevitable that those living in the most abject poverty have not even got access to the internet, let alone having heard of NESARA means that they will just remain below the breadline. While you have your burgeoning debt cancelled that has funded your comfortable well-fed life.

    Are we serious?

    Do we think this is okay?

    Does this sound like a healing of the iniquities of the system? Or does it sound more like “I don’t care because I got mine”?

    You are so busy being a victim to the circumstances you have created that you don’t want to give a thought to the inherent problems with this NESARA story because you so badly want to believe that Santa is going to sweep in and make your rich. And you also don’t seem to mind that that doesn’t fix the problem as long as it fixes YOUR problem.

    And then there is the small isssue of the “N” in NESARA standing for National. It refers to the nation of America. I’d love to know how it is proposed that this will occur in only one nation. Your world economics are so intertwined that you really cannot separate one nation from another in such matters. If the NYSE crashes then global trade ceases. As has happened. And as is about to happen again. But that’s another story. The point is you cannot institute such a plan in one nation alone. Unless of course you are quite happy to visit financial ruin on all other nations? Again… not the actions of the loving beings these messages purport to be speaking for. Enlightened beings know they are responsible for their actions. Such a being would not contemplate inflicting the kind of hardship that will befall, especially the worlds poorest-of-the-poor in order to fill the coffers and fluff the egos of the American people! Not very loving at all…

    Fifthly. You will notice that these updates and bulletins talk in terms of retribution and punishment for “the wrong-doers” who are in power. The evil power cabal will, according to these missives, be imprisoned and punished. And military action will be taken against their backers. Threats are issued left, right and centre against those in power who might try to oppose them. Even warnings on pain of death! The “goodies” are going to punish the “baddies” most righteously!


    And all this is declared in the name of ascended masters, Christed ones and other high and holy beings. This my dear friends does not stand up to even a seconds scrutiny. It is literally IMPOSSIBLE for an ascended master, a Christed One or and enlightened soul to look at another and wish to punish. Impossible. By definition ascended and Christed beings KNOW that they are One with every single other being in All That Is. They know that even the “vilest” of wrong-do-er was only acting out of his own fear, pain and confusion. They know that this duality game is just an illusory game which beings play out their lives in so that they can experience what is here and learn what they came to learn. They know that the most sainted being has had at least one lifetime (and probably many) somewhere in his reincarnational history where he too has been an abuser and a manipulator. And they know for a fact that the “wrong-do-ers” are not healed with violence and retribution. That just makes of YOU a wrong doe-er too. It perpetuates the pain. You do not heal violence with more violence! No. Only love can heal. I know it is but my truth (as expressed through Zingdad) against theirs, but for what it is worth I will tell you blatantly that this is is incongruous. It doesn’t stand up. Ones that talk of violence, aggression, war and punishment are by definition ones that are deeply embroiled in duality. These are not the words of a enlightened consciousness. I am not saying that all you will read here is untrue or that it doesn’t reflect so measure of what might occur… but I very firmly do caution you to use your discretion and your intuition. I will state my truth that this material does not source from where it claims. And if that us so then you would do well to ask yourself what the real objective of this material is. A falsification of the point of origin does not bode well for the content, I’m sure you’ll agree.

    My friends. I tell you this: You are living in an amazing, wonderful time. This is the time of the planetary ascension. It has never been as easy for you to find your own true power and to ascend into your own magnificence. The very heavens all conspire to give you every assistance to make this choice. But YOU must make the choice. You must decide to be the creator being that you are. You must take responsibility. You must heal your own psyche and find inner peace and balance. And you must stop demanding of the world that SOMEONE ELSE must come and fix up your own mess. Whatever that might be. Creator, create!

    This is not an opportune moment for me to talk at any length about ascension and what it is and how it works. But I shall make another opportunity with my young friend, Zingdad, to do so. Suffice it to say you now have a choice. Do you want to go another round inside this duality system, or do you want to raise your consciousness out of it and find out who you really are? If you choose the former then you will get more of the same as your current life. Different specifics but the same general theme. If you choose the latter then you will be astounded, I promise you this, at what you will discover about yourself. I tell you, you will learn things like matter manifestation. You will travel the Space/time continuum in a wink as we do. You will now mastery over death and ill-health. You will have instant access to all your deepest memories of past-lives and experiences in other realities. You will have a kind of a telepathic heart-to-heart connection with all manner of beloved beings. And these are not the most amazing of the realisations and abilities that you will disover! Dear friends, if you would pay any heed to old Adamu then hear this: your ascension is a more desirable thing than it is possible for you to imagine or for words to convey. It the greatest prize of your entire reality. It is the reason you have gone through all the trials, tribulations, pain and confusion of all your many incarnations in density life. No matter how much you have struggled across your innumerable incarnations… your Soul knew that it would we worth it for you to gain the prize that lies ahead: your ascension. But you must first choose it. And if you DO choose it… let me promise you now that you will have less use for money that a fish has for a bicycle. An ascended being residing on the New Earth will definitely not use such as system! You will not allow yourself to create with such imbalance. And moreover… the New Earth does not have “property” the way you currently think of it. And there are no jobs. Everyone will follow their passion. But before I digress too much, let me come back to what is going on, on THIS earth. Unfortunately there are those that very much do not want you to know of these spiritual truths. As long as you believe you are powerless then you will hand control to them. When you begin to discover who you really are then suddenly all their silly manipulation games cease to compel you. So they work against this. You see, they want as large a number of people as possible to NOT ascend so that they remain inside the system which they are in control of. They want to keep you here because as long as you are here you are apawn in their game. You make them feel powerful and smart. You work for them and serve them and you don;t even know it. A portion of every cent Every cent you earn or spend goes to them. And as they own the money system they keep making themselves richer. They keep gaining more power and control. When you work you work more for them by far than you do for yourself. Becasue everything is done in terms of this money system which they own, control and manipulate. Of course all this is very cleverly hidden from you. They find myriad ways to keep your attention away from what is really going on. Politics, wars, debt, fear, disease… and so on. These things are all used to keep you servile.

    So all that said… you have by now come to decide that dear old Adamu wants to tell you there is no NESARA, not so? Well I do not. There is indeed a proposal in place which is being worked through the corridors of power. There are discussions around creating an equitable financial system and there is a proposal which is about redress. You see those in power can see the way the cookie is crumbling. They are now either scrambling to get themselves to come out looking squeaky clean or they are desperately trying to tighten the reigns of control. So there is a this-way-and-that-way about this. And so? Will it come to fruition? Well, that depends. You see you are not all going to experience the same “future”. Time-lines are now already beginning to fragment. You are going to get the results of your choices, whatever they are. Someone that is intent and remaining in duality will not co-habit a reality with someone that is of ascension-consciousness. There are many possibilities for what you will experience and where you will go as the coming singularity moment approaches. All you need to know about this is that every single person will get to experience a new reality or “future” that is congruent with who you are and what you are choosing in your life. And if you would have the most magnificent possible outcome for yourself then I assure you it does not come in a cash-package! It comes from within you. From your heart. Through you make the choice to create it thus.

    Now old Adamu has been quite rough with you. I am unaccustomed to speaking in such harsh terms. But dear friends, time is of the essence right now. If I can cause just one of you to look at your life and your choices and to make the choice for your own magnificence then I will be well pleased.

    So, in conclusion. I am really not trying to tell you that all this is “false”. There are many future outcomes available to you and it most certainly could be that you choose to experience a timeline in which NESARA comes to fruition in one form or another. And yes, there are all kinds of forces that are baying for blood. And yes, there are myriad power-machinations going on behind the scenes that are hidden from you. And yes, there are those that are fomenting war on an unimaginably large scale. A galactic war, even. And some or all of this could come to fruition in the reality you come to inhabit if you make a certain set of choices. So, if that sounds like a good time to you then I have no quarrel. If you want to punish someone for what has happened to you in this life then you apparently still have an interest in duality. If you would see your “enemies” demise in a bloody war then that is most certainly an option for you to experience. And that’s okay. Nothing wrong with extending your sojourn in a place of learning and experience when you desire those experiences. But please do not be mistaken into thinking that this madness is inevitable for you. Things are not as they appear to you. You don’t live in the kind of a linear, fixed, single-outcome reality that you believe you do. As you travel the ascension path you will begin to see that this reality is far, far more “fluid” than it would appear to someone who is still wrestling with it. And miraculous events are bout to transpire! But, it must be said, those that will be expending magnificent loving energies to bring these miracles to fruition are not in the habit of forcing themselves on anyone. If you are not willing to choose for your own magnificence then they will not force you. You won’t ascend if you don’t want to. And I must also point out that it isn’t just the one thing or the other. There are realities available to you that are not “ascended” realities but that are still a LOT more loving than this one. And there are realities available to you that are non-stop strife. Many possible outcomes, here where there is the duality of “dark” and “light” there are also infinite shades of grey. Just so that you are aware that your choices are ,essentially, limitless. So please give some thought as to the kind of life you want to lead and the kind of world you want to live in. And then make sure your every single choice from RIGHT NOW is congruent with that. And FINALLY… it is never “too late”. No matter what has gone before. No matter what your current situation. If you are willing to be steadfast in choosing a better reality for yourself… if you are willing to have your thoughts, your words and your deeds all align with a grander version of you, a you that is a being of love, and magnificence. A you that has the majesty of the One-ness of All in your heart… then you will be amazed at ho things can be turned around for you. I tell you there are miracles afoot! Right now! They are happening to all kinds of people all over the planet. Because these people are aligning themselves with their souls purpose. And when they do that then they are suddenly aligned with the movement of the entire universe. You can create with exponentially more power when your creations are congruent and in tune with what all the most powerful beings of the universe are creating! So, if you engage with this earnestly then you will not fail and you will not be lost. Choose now. Think what you want for yourself and in your life. State your intent. Act congruent with that.

    And now that is all I will say at this time. I will talk more in due course about this concept of “ascension”. It is an important topic. In fact it is THE most important thing in the whole galaxy right now.

    Until I speak with you again I wish you all joy and peace. Love yourselves magnificently!

    … and there it is. I’d be interested to hear what you folks think of this. But please, I am not attached to this message and I love and respect you all far to much to be offended if this doesn’t work for you.

    in reply to: Aum Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya #11528

    Mushi is here! Hey friend!

    Just to lessen the confusion: I used to call myself Ragnarok on the various forums I frequented. I met Mushi on one of those forums. A kindred spirit. So anyway, not long after joining here it struck me to go back and invite Mushi to join here too. I just figured he’d fit in and like it here. So that’s the story.

    Mushi, welcome! It took you a while to get here, but better late than never, huh?

    in reply to: Super-sized Full Moon #11500

    Hi Syme

    I was baffled about that one too. I have a little telescope that I like to play with. It’s not a big fancy one and so the moon is one of my favourite things to look at. I have to say I can’t see anything different about the moon. Also, the moon “disappeared” for the “new moon” period exactly as it was meant to and returned exactly as it was meant to again. There was nothing particularly unusual about the moons activities at all. What was unusual, of course was the beauty of the conjunction between the moon, Venus and Jupiter. That was breathtaking. But other than that I’m afraid Blossoms message doesn’t seem to correspond with observable reality.

    Your thoughts, Silver?

    in reply to: Discovered: Cosmic Rays from a Mysterious, Nearby Object #11312

    Opal, I have a strong feeling that this is a part of something VERY BIG happening. Like, this little bit of info has just slipped in under the radar but it is actually the biggest news for a long time. I believe this is the energetic input for the planetary ascension starting. I’m sure people have come across the term “photon belt” in various prophecies and channellings? I think this might be it.

    Co-incidentally, as I was mulling this over I came across this very interesting thread on GLP. If you can stomach the rudeness and idiocy that goes on over there then it actually makes for an interesting read…

    in reply to: Magnetic Portals Connect Sun and Earth #10881

    …except he is wrong. No one ever said gravity came from the rotation of a planet on its axis. No one. Gravity is (according to science) supposed to be a factor of mass not of spin. Spin causes the centrifugal force (which is really just angular momentum but that’s another story). The point is the spin of the planet actually works against gravity. So he is wrong there.

    But then I have to admit I’m not a great Alex Collier fan.

    in reply to: Spectacular Sky Show #11351

    Thanks for the heads-up Silver.

    It’s a little overcast here tonight. Just enough that the moon, Venus and Jupiter are all spooky and misty in the sky. Beautiful. Quite an amazing sight the three of them close to each other like that…

    in reply to: BGC Channelings Nov 15th/16th #11154

    @Alusa wrote:

    I don’t know about you all but I have mixed feelings on this. I believe there is a mass consciousness shift/change happening. I also have begun learning how to find my own self strength. Why would we be somewhere and come here just to go “back”? How boring, and wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of coming? And are we really that dependent on external circumstances? You can control your perceptions, you can help your self grow, I think that’s why a good number of us come down here in the first place. I think its that kinda thinking that got so many leaning on a “savior” with the October 14th message, and why so many got very angry when no lightships showed. You are not powerless, be your own change. I will love to see the mass changes, but I am my own person, I don’t wait for them nor rely on them. Any help we can get is great but if we are going to evolve as a race we really should be more focused on helping ourselves and each other, whither there are ET or not. Real power and real strength comes from within, and no one can take that away but you, by giving it away, or loosing focus.


    I am with you on this one Alusa. I have had some disresonance with Blossom the last while. I disagree that the Lightship thing was aa mistake, that the messed up and that we have all fallen back to our previous state. But maybe these things are true from a certain perspective? Maybe we ARE entering into the time of the split in time lines where beings are operating at different levels of consciousness? And maybe for some this kind of thinking is true? I can’t say. I can only really speak for myself and FOR ME this is unambiguously the most miraculous time. Every day more and more light pours in, consciousness is lifted and I can just FEEL a move to a higher level of consciousness coming. I can litterally feel it. And If I go out and look at the sky at night it is ALIVE with activity when before it was pretty but predictable. No. I do not inhabit a world in which anything is falling back to the way it was. I do not reside in a world in which the hosts of heaven are bumbling unprepared fools. I live in a world in which the miraculous is becoming the expected! 🙂 So I will happily just disagree with Blossom on this one…

    in reply to: "I am a generational member of a Ruling Bloodline Family." #11186

    gotta say I am quite pleasantly surprised by this one. Most of these are “I R alienz ask me qestin. LOLZ!!!111” And end up going downhill from there. This fella is something a little different. I don’t know if he is what he professes to be but it doesn’t actually matter. The quality of his message is great. Really intriguing, thought-provoking stuff. Someone of this level of understanding and consciousness is always worth reading. And if it is all role-playing exercise? That’s fine by me. It got me mulling things over in a new way! More power to his elbow, I say!

    Tiaka, you certainly have a knack for rooting out the gems!

    in reply to: Annu’s birthday #11008

    Beautiful dear Annu

    May you have a year that reflects your own beauty back at you…
    May you be surrounded by the love like that within you…
    May you be blessed with gifts such as you are always giving…
    …and the coming year will be abundant indeed!

    With endless love

    in reply to: S.I.D.S. #11206

    I’m really glad you liked it. I hope your client is in a space where it can be of meaning to her.

    in reply to: S.I.D.S. #11204

    Dear Syme

    I would like to offer a channelled message which you may pass on to you client. It is from Adamu who I have channelled elsewhere on this forum.

    Please tell your client that this is channelled info. It means she is please to use her own discernment in receiving this message. It is probably best to accept it as a work of fiction. If some part of it is right, meaningful or true for her it is only because her intuition approves of it. There is no other proof or guarantee of the veracity of these words other than what resonates with her own heart.


    Adamu: I will address the grieving person who has lost her infant child to this phenomenon called “cot death”. I will address the reason for such a thing happening in due course. But first I would like to speak to the emotions… to the HEART of the matter. First I wish to take a moment to say to you that my heart cries with you. Reason, logic, ideas… all of these have their place and are important. These things will play their part in helping you to move forward. But first we, the hosts of heaven, bend near to be with you. We feel your pain. We feel it with you. This is a time of the opening of the heart. Your loss is our loss. We are with you. Dear being… before we get into the matters of the mind… before I talk to you of the how and the why of your loss I will first ask you to be aware that you are not alone. That this is not an uncaring, unloving universe. You are surrounded with love. You are supported. It may take time for you to feel this but if you open yourself to the infinite love that is available to you then it will be there for you to receive. This is a time for you to know that you honour your love for you baby no less if you allow yourself to be consoled.
    I would tell you something quite important now: You know that your baby was only one incarnation of an infinite immortal spirit being, do you not? You know that this little life was not the ALL of this being? Well now is the time to know also that this Being that chose to be born to you is not gone from you. This Being is with you now, loving you, reaching out to you. Not as a baby but as a spirit that stands in its self-knowledge. The Spirit Being did not die. What happened was that the relationship between the Being and its very young body was terminated. The Being is absolutely fine and unharmed. The one that is hurt the most and has lost the most is you. I say this that you should be aware that you grieve not for the Being of your baby but that you grieve for your own loss. You grieve for the loss of the dreams and hopes that you had built. You grieve for the loss of the relationship and the direct one-to-one love that you and this baby would experience as this being grew. You have lost so much. You have every reason to feel the pain that you do. I simply wish to say to you that the Being that was incarnated as your baby is not only fine but is with you now, now supporting you. I also wish to say that it is important that you allow yourself to express your grief. It is very well that you are speaking to others about this. Expressing your grief and crying your tears is vital if you are to find emotional healing. And yes… incomprehensible as this may sound… you WILL find emotional healing eventually. Be open to that. Be accepting of the fact that it is in no-ones best interest that you remain wounded by this for all time. You do not honour the Being that was incarnated as your baby by remaining in a state of grief. So feel the pain – explore it, express it, discuss it, cry it out, breathe it through, honour the life that was, honour the love that is… and allow the healing to come. You are loved.

    I wish to speak some more of matters of the heart before I move to matters of the mind. I wish to offer you a method of feeling the love of the Being that was incarnated as your baby… and indeed the love of the heavenly hosts. I would encourage you to try to do a meditation in which you allow your body to relax completely. You must sequentially relax each and every muscle from the tips of your toes right up to your scalp. Relax each muscle until your body is quite relaxed. Then focus your concentration on your heart. Imagine that instead of your heart there is a ball of the most beautiful radiant light enclosed in the petals of a flower. Now imagine that you are standing opposite a Being. That Being is the One that was incarnated as your baby. You are going to very slowly open the petals of that that heart-flower and allow the radiant light to shine out of your heart and illuminate the Being that is standing before you. Imagine this and allow yourself to FEEL it. Feel the flowing of the love. And be conscious of the feeling of love that returns to you. Feel yourself being flooded with the loving and healing… the tender caring… that comes back to you. Try this. Keep trying. You will feel it. Probably more profoundly than you would imagine.
    You see when you are in a state of grief then you close yourself in on yourself energetically and you make it very hard for another to give you the loving support that you need. You make it difficult for the spirit world to give you what you most want. But by sending love in the above way you open your heart to receiving it. You also open yourself to the miraculous. Open your heart and open your eyes and you will be touched and shown that all is perfect. The Being that was your baby will find ways to confirm to you that you are not alone.

    And now. Finally I will address the question put to me by Zingdad. He asked me why babies sometimes seem to die for no discernible reason. In answer I will say that there are many different reasons but the prime reason is that an infant baby is not yet fully invested by the Spirit Being that was to live in that body. It is a time of transition. A time of engaging more and more into the life that is to be lived. So on the one hand you have Spirit Being that is free and unfettered. That knows who and what It is. That has access to knowledge insight and wisdom. On the other hand you have a baby human being that is confined to a single perspective. That doesn’t know or understand anything of why its world is the way it is. That has no power or influence over its world. That is at the mercy of its experience. It is a drastic and somewhat terrifying transition. Some Beings find it quite difficult to integrate fully into this new life and they have difficulties throughout that life because of it – they find themselves sort of half-in and half-out and really struggle with that. Some beings quite simply choose to leave before they no longer can. You see the window of opportunity closes as the baby grows. Some spirit beings feel the pain of the experience and they choose not to continue. The choose to return home.

    Now the thing to understand is that there is a dichotomous state for this spirit being. There is that part which is immortal Spirit and there is that part which is engaged in the human consciousness of the baby. The immortal Spirit wishes for the incarnation to continue but the quanta engage as the baby does not. Even though it is one being… there is internal conflict. And in some cases the desire to NOT continue the incarnation is too strong and there is a termination of the life of the baby. The Spirit leaves without there being any discernible illness or damage to the body of the baby.

    I will offer you another thought. There are cases in which the parents of such a child have, on a higher spirit level, felt the need for the learnings of certain experiences. It does occasionally happen that the Being that will incarnate as the baby will allow itself to be the instrument of teaching by choosing to leave early in this manner.

    There are many possible reasons. It is not permitted for me to give you the specifics of what has happened in your case for complicated reasons having to do with free will. But I will say to you that this is not a random reason-less event. There is reason and there is a plan. Heartless as this sounds I will go so far as to say there is even a greater good being served. And a time will come when you will see that. But of course it is understood that you will have great difficulty right now understanding how that can be so. Which is fine. And which is why I say to you now is far more a time of opening the heart to receive love and healing rather that a time of opening the mind for rational reasoning.

    I am Adamu of the Elohim, of the Bright Ones. I am with you. I rain my love upon you. You are not alone.

    And that is what I got. I hope it is of some value to your client.

    Bless you for the work that you do.

    in reply to: A picture i took at Avebury #11171

    Wow Ricky, that’s a cool pic. I’d also be keen to hear what the photo analysis folks have to say. I wonder if there is a way to get a sense of how far away the object is from you. And from that get a sense of what size it is. Awesome!.

    in reply to: Deep-Space Picture! #9877

    Silver, I have this rather whimsical belief that galaxies are living beings just as we are. The galaxy is the body of the Being. And just as OUR bodies are full of other consciousnesses (our cells as well as the myriad flora and fauna that reside in and on our bodies) just so the galaxies are teeming with life which makes up the greater body of the being. So given all that… I have to say I was very slightly distressed to discover that it does happen that galaxies collide as in this article. But then reading further gave me some comfort. It seems such collisions may in fact serve a purpose in allowing small galaxies to grow and liming the growth of the largest galaxies.

    Phew! All is well. I hope the collisions aren’t painful? 🙂

    This odd thought brought to you courtesy of the Zingdad Foundation.
    Loopiness is our business

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