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  • in reply to: Friend System Must Be Deactivated… #9837

    Thank you for all your hard work Annu!

    And thanks for keeping us updated. Otherwise I might have thought all my friends didn’t like me anymore. 😛

    in reply to: Light ship Spotted on Google Earth? Watch – debunk** #9420

    Kailaurius, I don’t think you are far wrong. The power cabal HAVE induced monetary collapse in the past in order to gain a greater hold on world power. Money is their tool of control and banking is their method of manipulting the money. They collapsed the economy before in order to gain control of the banks. The system pretty much belongs to them. But this time is different. I agree with you on this UFOBelieve. I think THIS collapse is not induced by them. I think this is their whole system running amuck and pulling itself apart. It ceases to function coherently and falls to chaos. This whole mess is a symptom of the power cabal losing control. “The Powers That Be” are becoming “The Powers That Were”. If the financial world feels quite panicky now it is becasue that is what is happening in the hearts of its true masters: panic. The house of cards falls down. And in perfect time too. When people see the mess that we have created… when they see that our money system is a mess, that our ecology is a mess, that our religions are a mess, that pretty much everything is falling appart THEN they are ready for change. You see, most people fear change. They are resistant to it. So they have to come to see that the way things are is untenable before they can contemplate change. And if you look around you and talk to people you’ll discover a great appetite for change
    “Something has to give. Something radical must be done. We need to change” seems to be the song in the hearts of the people. And it is just this song that the GFoL is ready to sing accompaniment to. They are ready to help us to see exactly HOW we can work this change. And THAT is how I think these things are related.

    in reply to: the October 14 thread #8510

    My lady-love and I have both taken off work for the 13th and the 14th. We figure if the Lightship arrives then we are automatically on leave for the rest of that week. 😀

    At worst we’ll have spent two days at home together meditating and relaxing and talking. No way to cut it that it’s bad news! 😎

    in reply to: Greetings! #9786

    Silver is here! Welcome friend!

    Y’know silver I often say this: we should only ever trust and believe what is in our own experience. Wasn’t blindly believing in things that were NOT our experience what got us into the horrible mess we are in in the first place?
    Anyone or anything that asks you to believe against your own experience is just trying to manipulate you.
    Politicians ask us to trust them. Yet it is our experience that they are consistently utterly untrustworthy. We continue to trust them at our own peril.
    Religions tell us our truth is not inside us but inside a book. Or a preacher. Or some other “holy” personage. And yes, they’ll accept cash or cheques, thank you.
    Science (despite it’s promise not to do this) offers up the same high-clergy. Only the “experts” know. You must go to a doctor for your health becasue you’ll just keep making yourself ill. And the doctor will fix you up with a jumble of chemicals and antibiotics. And yet! Quantum Mechanics starts to show directly that we create our realities with our own minds!
    So it’s all a mess. Until the day we decide:
    1. To simple believe our own experience
    2. And to choose for ourselves what that experience might be.

    😳 Sorry Silver. I just realised I slipped into soap-box mode. I didn’t mean to launch into a tirade on your intro page. I guess what I’m actually trying to say is that I agree with you: we really should trust our own experiences. But it is also MY experience that we can take it further. We can actually take direct control of our experiences with our minds, our will, our intentions. So that’s the first thing I wanted to say.

    The SECOND thing I wanted to say is that I’m really pleased you’re here! Welcome!

    in reply to: a sure thing #9713

    That is a really awesome message Opalescent.

    I have been thinking and reading a bit about reality creation of late and one of the things that seems to be consistently true is this: Wherever you focus your attention (whether in love or in fear) that is where you are headed. So it seems to me if folks are spending a good bit of attention on the lightship then it doesn’t make any material difference if they are doing so in loving, joyful confidence or if they do it with fear of disappointment and doubt. Either way they are pulling thi event towards them. The only real difference is their experience of life leading up to this. They can be happy or they can make themselves miserable. It’s okay. Either way its coming. So given all that… isn’t it better to just be happy about it?


    in reply to: Channelings from Blossom Goodchild #9144

    Awesome Yigdady!

    I felt all those things too the first MANY times I wrote up channellings. I once asked my guide:
    “how do I know I am not just creating this whole conversation in my mind?”
    and he answered “You are. But that doesn’t make it any less real.”

    I think we misunderstand the true nature of so many things. So we find concepts like channelling quite problematic. We want to put it into one box and it won’t fit. But anyway. All I’d like to say to you is “feel the doubt and do it anyway”. That is the fastest way to overcome the doubt. By not worrying about it.

    in reply to: Help needed please #9687

    I open my heart.

    Healing love to her.

    Strength and courage to her family.

    Compassion. SUCH compassion.

    in reply to: Into the Fractal Core… #9694

    Excellent article! Thanks for sharing this here, Opal!

    in reply to: The Disappearance of the Bees #9675

    We have African Bees here. Mainly because “here’ is in Africa (duh!). Anyway, if you have ever met one under less that the most respectful of circumstances you’d know these critters are happy to go from work-mode to aggression-mode plenty quick. And their sting is quite toxic. If you are allergic (as I am) then you can certainly be killed by just one bee sting in the wrong place (throat area, etc.) So I am sometimes met with some surprise by other people for my unendingly protective position towards bees. I can’t explain it. I just have a deep love for them. There is something deeply amazing about them. Like each worker bee is an organism and yet it is also a part of a greater organism. They are really beautiful to me. And the funny thing is the last few weeks I keep getting them coming to me. It’s bizarre. When I get home from work I make a habit of sitting still in the garden a bit. Watching the clouds and the sunset. Letting go of the day and bringing only the most loving energy into the evening and my home. And every second or third day I have a bee come to greet me. They are always old or hurt or for some other reason not flying. They are just walking around on the paving. Or just sitting there looking confused. I fetch some dilute honey on a teaspoon and set it before them. Sometimes they drink. Sometimes they don’t. Sometimes if they drink they get energised. It’s too cute you can actually see the little body revving up – and then they fly away. Sometimes they don’t and end up dying there under my watchful gaze.
    Other times I find bees stuck inside the house trying to get out a closed window. I let them out and then half an hour there is another (the same) one doing the same thing.

    These things never happened to me in all the years I have been living in that house. The last few weeks I am interacting with bees all the time.

    What does this mean? Are they leaving here too? Are they lost and confused because their hive is breaking up? Has the queen bee gone? I don’t know. But as long as these little critters want to come by my house they’ll be welcome.

    in reply to: GA is Home #9648

    At last! I was wondering where you’d gotten to. Sounds like you had a bit of a tough road getting here. Well, you’re here now. Welcome home. We’ve missed you.


    I look forward to re-acquainting myself with you!

    in reply to: if you could… #9448

    I guess I should say that I am not inherently against… substances… I can’t say I am AGAINST anything really. There is a plethora of options of things that one might ingest out there. Everything you ingest has some effect upon you. From a cabbage leaf to opium. Anything you put in your body has SOME effect. The question for me is not if this one is “bad” and that one is “good”. These distinctions are irrelevant to me. The question is “where do you want to be” and “does this substance take me towards that or away from it”. I humbly suggest that the likelihood of alcohol taking one towards a deeper experience of life… towards an opening of the senses… is somewhat unlikely.

    So, while I am at it I will also say that there are many illegal substances that are very likely not to assist your ascension process. Some of them have very dirty energies. But equally there are some substances that have helped a great many people to move forward when they were stuck. But for me, the bottom line is this: these things can be risk territory. They can cause pain. They should be treated with the utmost care and respect. If you are going to use them you should either do so reverentially (respecting self, body and substance) or expect a sharp hiding.

    Finally. I cannot deny that, especially the plant allies, have catalysed some of the deepest most profound insights and inspirations… some of the greatest leaps in consciousness, that have happened to mankind. I will say that this has been my own experience too.

    I just felt I had to set the record straight in case it seemed I was taking a puritanical line. In my book this is the guideline: decide clearly where you are headed. Then anything that takes you to where you are headed is probably okay. For myself I am headed to a place of love and respect so if these things are used at all it is done with love of body and self.

    :climbs off soapbox: 😳

    in reply to: Greetings From the Dark Side #9601

    Neiru, my friend, I thank you and I honour you for the effort taken in writing all this up for us. I have, at this point, only scanned it. I am at work and will go home and read it properly. But I felt moved to say that I feel that which you are expressing here is very important. We have dwelt in a duality system for so long that we have gotten used to finger-pointing and blaming. We are always looking for a bogey-monster to blame our pain upon. Sure there are beings that are out to do harm. There have been times in my incarnational history where I was one such. We have all been there. So if we understand that we all have capacity for expressing great harm as do we all have the capacity for expressing great love, then this is no longer the time for the silly games of blame. And to label one class of Life as culpable for my pain is to somewhat misunderstand the nature of reality. I think hurtful behaviour has been mislabelled as “darkness”. I think it is time we all grow up and realise that All That Is is part of God and is worthy of love. All is ONE and no part needs to be rejected. And I don’t think the KIND of being you are talking about here is in any way responsible for our woes here on planet Earth. I think WE are. We are all co-creators of our own experience.

    For me? I am Light-that-is-also-Darkness. Right now I am wearing my Light mask. But that is a small matter. A matter of choice. I am also the dazzling darkness within. And much else besides. So I love Darkness as other/self. No pain here.

    I think we can understand that light and darkness are what they are. But they are also metaphors. In the metaphorical sense, we need to understand that humans are diurnal (day-light creatures). The night time is embedded in our collective psyche as a time that has some inherent danger. If you can’t see in the dark, then beasts that can, can eat you. So we like to shine light on our world so that we can see. Light is metaphorically equivalent to knowledge or truth . And as it is under the cover of darkness, where things can’t be seen, that nefarious deeds take place, I think darkness came to be metaphorically representative of evil. So I think in that purely metaphorical sense, darkness has developed a bad rap. I think its unfortunate and I think we can transcend that now. We can grow up and stop being scared of the dark, right?

    in reply to: E.T 101 – The Cosmic Instruction Manual #9581

    The $11 is for a “creative licence”. I don’t know what that is exactly. Or why I’d want one. But I have no pain: they are giving their message in love. If they are saying they are willing to take donations in return then that’s okay by me. I don’t mind someone saying “here is a gift. I am willing to receive gifts back if you feel so inclined”. It’s a helluva lot better than what normally works in this world:
    “here is some poison. You have to pay a fortune for it. And then you will feel a bit such and a bit addicted to it. So you’ll need to buy more. And then get very sick and buy other poisons that will make you feel temporarily better while poisoning you you worse in other ways. We’ll take all your life-force and all your money. And no. You get nothing back”

    Seems to me the “mutual gift” plan is a lot more in accordance with Life.

    in reply to: if you could… #9441

    @Ricky wrote:

    these days a few drinks will give me a hangover, this makes one quite sad 🙁

    This is GREAT news, Ricky. it means you are transforming. You are no longer toxifying your body and numbing your senses to celebrate. If we are to become who we really are then I feel we should celebrate life by feeling it MORE not by anaesthetising ourselves to it! I say the new drug of choice is LIFE! 😎 I think we are in an in-between phase now. Like pre-teens who can no longer play their kiddie-games to have fun but can not yet party like adults. We’re like that. We are being weaned off of our self-destructive forms of celebration but haven’t quite yet learned the fully-life-affirming ways.

    But think for yourself: if you could have a mad, raucous alcohol (or substance of choice)-fuelled humdinger of a party again… like the best you’ve ever had. Would you rather have that or would you rather see the face of GOD. Would you rather experience all the variations of life in the infinitly unfolding universes. Create whole new worlds. Surf the fractal-rainbow-wave of consciousness. Open YOUR consciousness up and expand it to include oceans of experience. Know what it feels like to be a sun – and then build up love and joy until you supernova across the heavens! Or … I could go on. I make the rather unsubtle point that we are about to discover what LIFE is. I think giving up a few un-life semi-pleasures is probably an acceptable trade. no? 😆

    in reply to: if you could… #9438

    This is brilliant! Thank you Opalescent!

    I have recently understood this: that all eyes that are willing to see shall be able to. That there is no “exclusivity” by geography… or anything else. But I don’t understand that. Fortunately I don’t have to. Luckily no-one at the Galactic Federtion thought I had to be in charge of planning this mission 😆

    I don’t know about anyone else but I am really beginning to get quite comfortable with this: that it is going to happen, that it is going to unfold perfectly, that those that “oppose” it are not going to be able to mess it up in any way and that there is absolutely no cause for fear. If I look to my feelings on the subject all I really have is excitement. I feel like the hugest possible surprise party is about to begin and we are all the guest of honour.

    Imagine how it must be to be a rock-star. You and your band are about to go out on stage. There’s like about a gazillion people out there. They are chanting YOUR name! They have driven miles and stood in long queues to make this moment happen. They all LOVE you and have paid good money just to see you. The fact that you are about to walk out on that stage is one of the most exciting moments in their lives. When you are out there, you are going to open your mouth to sing the words you have written then all those people are going to sing right along with you becasue they love you so much they have memorised all your words. And you are standing back-stage ready to run on and make all this happen. Now is the moment. The curtain quivers as it is just about to be raised. You feel the adrenaline. You know you are going to do awesomely. This is it!

    Time to rock!

    …and THAT is how I feel for all of us. This is our moment to bring out our light and let it shine! We’re going to bring down the house!

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