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  • in reply to: NWO and those in fear – negative friendship! #8785

    biggest (((hugs))) to you Caz!

    You made all the choices and it sure looks to me like you are doing GREAT!

    in reply to: The forest #7862

    Teeka (((hugs)))

    Okay, magnificently weird, then!


    in reply to: NWO and those in fear – negative friendship! #8782

    awesome stuff Caz. I see someone taking their own power back. If we don’t stand for what is ours her in our material incarnations then how can we expect that we will stand and protect our spirit being, our energy, our life force in the ascended realm beyond. That is why this is such an important lesson. Beings who do not take care of their energy soon get leeched to pale sickness by all manner of energy thieves. Your “friend” was the bearer of a gift to you. She showed you how this works and how you feel when you allow energy to be robbed.

    For what its worth I’ll tell you my principal. No one may take ANYTHING from me. Not a grain of dust. NOTHING!!! But I give and give and give with an open and generous heart. You see? It is my energy. So I shall decide how to expend it. If I give it then it has the energy of positivity and love. It can only heal and do good. And by me giving it away, miraculously I have more! Which I give away… and so a wonderful expanding cycle is started. But anything that is taken from me goes from me with the energy of negativity. It hurts both me and the thief. Becasue they WILL have to balance this with me later and becasue I am a little poorer. So it makes us both ill-er and weaker. So I have decided that NOTHING may get pilfered from me. and then I expend love and energy with joyful generosity. This is a principal I arrived upon about 2 months ago after some very painfully bad choices. I can say that it serves me stupendously well. I share my own learning in love. It might be of use to others…

    in reply to: NWO and those in fear – negative friendship! #8776

    What awesome stuff folks! Wow!

    Caz, the only thing I would think to add is that every interaction is an opportunity to teach and to learn. I would humbly suggest that your “friend” came to teach you the vital lesson of the word “no!”. Just maybe you need to say that a bit more?

    Let’s look at the situation a differnet way:
    Caz, if I have something of yours and you can prove that its yours and you say “give it back” and I say “no” then that is a crime. Its called theft. Literally. I now illegally hold your posession. That is THEFT! It’s something for which I can be taken into police custody for and made to give it back and STILL get a police record and worse. Your “friend” is not only immoral but actually a criminal. And she is quite happy to abuse your good heart. She hasn’t even TRIED to negotiate this with you. She hasn’t even thought to say to you “look I really need this what can I do for you to make it okay. What can I do to repay you.” Assuredly there is some service or SOMETHING she could offer you. But she has not. She intends to just make that laptop her own. Theft by small increments
    And no, you DON’T owe her your understanding as she claims. You owe her nothing. You have helped her out… heaped favour upon favour and she treats you like her own personal donation service. You’ll give and she’ll take. She is an abuser.

    Caz, what you do with the laptop is your business. Only you can decide if you are going to let it go or demand it back. It’s a laptop. It’s just “stuff”. But I would suggest that there is a lesson for you here and a lesson for her. What do you decide what that lesson is? What are you going to decide to teach yourself and her? I would suggest that you give this careful thought becasue you set up your beliefs about yourself in moments like this. Pretend you are the Caz of 5 years time looking back on this moment. Pretend you are REALLY PROUD of yourself becasue “on that day I made a GREAT choice”. What is that choice that you made? What is the choice that made you proud, that was the choice that meant “lesson learned” and that made you a happier person.

    Only you can really know what that is.

    I send you love.

    in reply to: I’m confused, Chemtrail or not? #8797

    UFOBelieve I was lead to understand that some action was going to be take about these chemtrails. That they were going to be removed. It was said in amongst a whole lot of other stuff and I didn’t give it much thought. But maybe that is what was happening in your experience? Apparently the cabal were warned to stop with it or decisive action would be taken. Could that be what is happening?

    I don’t know, this is very confusing. But what a fascinating story!

    in reply to: biggest atom smasher #8728

    UFOBelieve, no, I’m afraid there IS NO objective view on the LHC! Seriously. There is no one on planet earth that can tell you objectively what might come out of the LHC. Because what they are proposing to do (eventually) has never been done before. So there is not a single scientist that can tell you exactly what will happen. They are going to throw the switch precisely to see what will happen. So COULD there be some earth-shattering danger? Theoretically, yes. Do the scientists that are the experts on the subject think so? Apparently not. You see all the real experts on the subject are involved in the project themselves so apparently they think the risk is so small as to be negligible and worth continuing with. But they are biased. This is their baby… their livelihood and such an exciting big toy that they are all just salivating at the opportunity to test all those theories and stuff. So that’s scientific opinion – not quite objective. And who else are you going to go to for an objective view?

    So if you can’t get an objective view that what are you gonna get? A bunch of perspectives, really. So, if you are interested I will offer you ANOTHER perspective. But this is me we’re talking about so it’s going to be a bit “out there”.


    Okay, here goes:
    Our world and our reality are not operating in a vacuum. We are being interacted with in ways that we cannot yet comprehend. In my channellings and the channellings of many other people at this time information is being brought forward about a great many ships that are orbiting our planet and have been for some time. These ships fulfil many functions. One of the important functions they fulfil is to ensure that we do not destroy ourselves. For example they have interfered with certain nuclear processes to limit the harm we can do militarily. I have understood that they are also intervening with the LHC in some creative ways. The LHC is a tool. Let me use the analogy of a very sharp knife. In the hands of a skilled surgeon it can save your life. In the hands of a madman it can destroy your life. In your hands every day it can prepare a meal. In and of itself it is nothing. It is a tool. Well, it seems the LHC is just such a thing. It seems that it has some enormously powerfully positive uses if it is used right. It apparently acts as a gate to allow energies onto our planet. But it must come on-stream in a stepped way. Slowly stepping up. Not too fast. Too much, too fast can be disastrous. So the Galactic Federation are ensuring that this doesn’t happen. They may take it off-line with technical difficulties now and again if this probability should look like manifesting. And so, in the end, this becomes an amazingly powerfully positive thing.

    The bottom line is that our life here on planet earth is VITALLY important to the galactic system. It is imperative that we undergo the planetary ascension that we are on the very brink of experiencing. When we do we catapult the whole systems consciousness into a whole new level. They are NOT about to let us destroy the whole project at the last moment of this I am assured.

    So that is what I have. But okay. It’s comes to you via the noises that happen in my head. Is THAT an objective truth? LOL! I guess not. But it is MY truth. Now, I suppose, you must check your intuition and decide for yourself what YOUR truth is. So go inside. See if YOU think it is possible that we are left dangling in the wind. See if you think the whole planetary ascension thing is a fiction. See if you think our space brothers do not exist. And if you think they DO exist see if you think they have the power to protect us from destroying ourselves with such equipment. I have decided for myself, now you decide for yourself.

    Teeka: I can see we are going to get on REALLY well! 🙂

    in reply to: The forest #7860

    Thank you everyone for your kind words.

    Isn’t life a miracle? You seek only to express a little love and you find a whole lot of love expressed back at you . A miracle.

    Heh! Here’s how my crazy mind works. I looked at that word: “miracle” and I saw: “mirror-cle”. A little mirror! A thing that reflects! So if you express love then the mirror-cle will reflect love back at you!

    Okay. Sorry. I know. I’m weird. 😛

    in reply to: Communal Living #7721

    Awesome Mia!

    I have been making similar plans myself. It is very exciting indeed. I know JUST how you feel. It seems almost too blissful to bear thinking about to be surrounded by your true soul-family like that!
    I personally think this is very in-harmony with the way things will be on the New Earth, Terra.

    Love and power to your plans!

    in reply to: The Universe is Really "You" Inverted #8766

    Qwesome stuff Teeka :applause:

    Thank you so much for sharing this perspective. I agree completely with what you have said. That EVERYTHING is consciousness is an amazing and powerful thought. The emotions we feel, the stone on the path, the light in the sky the water in your body… all of these things are their own consciousnesses opperating on their own way. It’s wonderful.

    in reply to: My messages re October 14th #8574

    Hi Orissa

    Please understand that every single conscious channel has gone through exactly what your are now going though. You are like a person who wants to be able to play the piano sitting down behind the piano for your first few lessons. This is a skill that you must learn. And while you learn you will make some off-sounds. But that is okay. You are “tuning your instrument”. And doubt is a given. You cannot BUT doubt. You are here beyond the Veil of Unknowing where, by definition, you do not know. Saying “you do not know” is synonymous with saying “you doubt”. Doubt is okay. It’ll keep you questioning and keep you humble. And honest too!
    So go ahead and doubt. Just don’t let it paralyse you. Just keep going. At some point the info you are pulling though will start to mount up into some powerful circumstantial evidence. it will look more and more as if this is what it seems to be: communications from another being.

    And as to the question of “are you just creating this?”. The answer is “yes, you ARE creating this”. But there is no “just” about it. You are making a connection in a much more subtle realm with some other intelligence. You are receiving the “pure thought” emanations from that being and then you are creating in your own mind, in your own inner-voice the analogue for that other beings thoughts. You are interpreting his thoughts into your own mind. This is an intensively creative process! So yes, you are creating it. And yes, it WILL feel like you are making it up inside your own head. Just be okay with that and keep going.

    Trust me, there are more interesting questions to ask than “is this real” and “can you prove yourself to me”. Those types of questions go nowhere. But real delvings into these other beings experiences and what they think and how they live… stuff like that… that’s where you begin to get interesting stuff that you KNOW you would never have invented.

    Orissa, my best advice with this? Just have FUN! You are doing GREAT!

    in reply to: Hi I am Caz #8698

    Hello Caz

    I have answered your other thread about your son. While doing that I got a sense about you… that you are a being of profound love. And now I see you say this:
    @Ascend2luv wrote:

    I am not a lightworker or an enlightened person I just know about love and what feels right to me.

    my dear person! If you know about love then you are indeed both enlightened and a lightworker! I have been guilty in my life of trying to “save” myself with intellectual sophistry and complex models of reality and so forth. While they are interesting and fun, it becomes true for me that the only way to “save” ourselves is to LOVE ourselves. Love truly is the answer to every question. And love is the light of God. If you work with love then you work with the purest light of all.

    I would like to say to you that I feel strongly that you are going to find your “groove” soon. You are going to figure out what to do with love so that you find you are doing that which you were created to do. Trust your heart. Trust whatever is your most loving impulse. Even if it is at variance with what conventional wisdom or even the “experts” are saying. Trust your heart it is your truth.

    Love to you

    in reply to: Introducing myself and my last night experience! :) #8673

    Hello dax

    Interesting story!

    May I suggest that your “space” is your own. If, before you lie down to meditate or, as you did, to experience a connection with spirit you “clean” your space etherically then you will not have this experience. These beings can only tamper with you if they have your permission. They use certain things that we do as tacit permission. That is why smoking and drinking can be bad. It can be argued that by consuming these things, knowing they are bad for us, that we are okay with making ourselves available to other energies that are also possibly bad for us. By association, you see. But you can fix that. Take a moment before you lie down to clear your room with a smudge-stick or incense. As you move around the room wafting the smoke declare your intent. Something like: “this is my personal space and all entities, beings or energies that I have not specifically invited here must now return to source. And all entities, beings or energies that are not motivated by love for me must also return to source” You can make sure your whole room is smudged. or indeed you whole house. You can do this without incense but it IS easier if you have this focus.
    Then, when you lie down you can declare your will again. “I am now going to establish a direct connection with the radiant white light of my highest self. No other is allowed to interrupt or interfere with that connection”

    Try it. Or whatever permutation of this you are most comfortable with. It is utterly bizarre how powerful this is. Because you say it is so… it is so! And voila the unpleasant ones stop interfering with you!

    I would think that the very fact of these unpleasant ones trying to stop you from experiencing something is reason enough to WANT to go and experience it, wouldn’t you? I mean if THOSE guys told me not to do something I’d make damn sure I find a way to do it. But that’s just me.

    in reply to: How do I break this cycle of fear for my son? #8704

    Ascend2luv, Hello!

    I feel your pain. Okay, no I don’t. I am not a parent so I can’t truthfully say that. But I DO empathise. Which means my heart feels for yours. I send you love.

    You ask some big questions. I am reticent to give the answers that come from my truth because how can I possibly know what it the highest good for you? Or what is the truth from where you stand? I cannot. But you are appealing for help and I find I cannot offer nothing either! So I’ll make you a deal. I’ll share some thoughts with you if you will use your powers of discernment to separate out that which may serve you from that which does not. And, of course if nothing I say is of any value then at least you will know a stranger half-way across the world was happy to sit for a while and think and write as an expression of love to you. And I guess that’s better than a kick in the head! 😉

    So here goes:
    Thought 1. No one is a victim of their circumstance. It may appear to us that we are but we are not. We are getting what we have created. The starting conditions are what we created pre-incarnationally and then what transpires after that is what we create for ourselves with in that life. Our whole life right now is the direct result of our choices, thoughts, beliefs and actions before now. We are the creators of our own reality. This is as true for you as it is for your son. And then there is also the contract between you. You and he did not accidentally happen to each other. You have a contract. Contracts are always mutual. So you think you have a job with respect to him? Yes. But he has a job with respect to you too. So the questions to ask yourself are these:
    What are you to teach your son?
    What are you to learn from your son?

    And be assured that he has much to teach you.

    By answering these questions you get yourself aligned with a mutual growth path instead of struggling with the “problem” of his autism. I suggest his autism is not an “accident” either. Hard as this may sound, I suggest that this is the vehicle… the very required process… for the two of you to engage in the way that you and he require, in order to do the teach/learn that is needed. So you can rail against the autism and try to “fix” it. Or you can accept the fact of it and get on with learning from your son and teaching your son there where he is. Hard for me to say this to you but it is what resided in my truth. So what do you choose? To expend your energy on trying to fix something which is meant to be and pretty much unfixable or to accept it and find the beauty and wonder in the moment. But bear with me that is not as misserable a thing to say as it sounds…

    Thought 2. Your son is not only “not a victim” but a gift bearer. How can I say this? Well you see I have a knowingness inside me about his condition. Quite a personal knowingness. Would you indulge me please and go and read my “Full Introduction”? Please read my post but especially where I talk about “Life 3”. My third incarnation. Your will find it over here. Please read that now and then come back here for the rest of what I want to say in this regard.

    I assume you are back from reading about my past lives etc. The point I want to make is quite simply that I have had a life in which I was, I am very sure of it, autistic. I remember it. So I am in the rather unique position of being able to tell you a little of what it was like for me to be autistic. Okay – I had a miserable time of it. The difficult parts were quite simply not understanding people or their motivations. The world did not add up for me. And the senseless cruelty was truly beyond comprehension to me. Now obviously your son experiences none of that cruelty. But he will still be confused by life when he needs to engage with it. But there is much that I didn’t tell about in that little vignette. I only told what I thought were the salient bits to THAT story-line. So now I will tell you more from my experience. I perceived this “real world” as a mere distraction. It intruded on my REAL reality which was quite amazing and beautiful. I lived in another world which was full of fairies and angels. I saw them and interacted with them. It was dazzlingly, unspeakably beautiful. I saw things that I now know those around me were utterly unaware of. But I couldn’t tell them about it because there was this barrier to communication. You see? You and your son are two people living in entirely different worlds… different realities, but have somehow, miraculously, found a way to still share an experience of life. So, I honestly believe you and your son can find a way to communicate between these two disparate worlds. And what a miracle and wonder would that be… to have communication passed like this between (otherwise) utterly removed realities?

    If this is so, how then are you to communicate with him? I can assure you of one thing. You will have very limited success trying to teach him our consensual methods of communication. He is not wired to receive it. To him you sometimes make monkey jibber-jabber sounds to attract his attention and then after that something utterly unrelated to those sound happens. You offer him food. Or you put him in the car and take him somewhere. Also, please understand that we use cause-and-effect as a powerful teaching agent. We teach people “if you do this, then you get that”. This is how the system of rewards and punishment works so well on us as a teaching device. Well this won’t work on him. Not becasue he is stupid but becasue he is wired to a different reality. There is no connection to him between the cause and the effect. These are two utterly disconnected things. They are simply two things which happened. So he might do something socially unacceptable which he likes to do. Then he finds himself being scolded which he doesn’t like to do. But these things are not connected in his mind so he won’t learn not to do this next time as he won’t anticipate a scolding. Even if he does this a hundred times STILL he won’t anticipate a scolding.

    What I am trying to get at is that we are very much wired a particular way. We think in THIS way. We expect all other sentient beings to think in this way too. We can’t get our heads around an experience of life as different from ours as the autistic experience is. The only thing we can do with such an experience is label it as “broken” and try to find ways to “fix” it. To try to make it more acceptable to us. We manage to completely overlook that there is a miracle here. There is a an “alien” being living right here amongst us! One that has a whole different thought codex. And this poor little being must not only work ITSELF out but must work out how to communicate with us in OUR codex. Too much to ask by far! So instead. What about if you made it your job to get to him in his codex? What about that?

    And what would that be?

    I don’t know.

    My first thought is that you will have to give up trying to communicate with your mind. Try to just communicate with your heart. You must know that the heart is able to perceive a lot. Think about every intuitive moment you have ever had, every instincts that has been spot-on. Think about the “little voice inside” that sometimes KNOWS stuff. That warns about this or inspires you to do that. THAT is the centre of your communication with him. Just LOVE him where he is at. Understand that he is perfect right now. That you don’t need to change him or fix him – he ain’t broke. He’s just very, very profoundly different. But he can see stuff you cannot. He can feel and experience stuff that you can’t even dream about. So: different but not broken! So you can give yourself permission to see the beauty and perfection of him as he is. And just love him right there. And then, I suspect, you might begin to open yourself to what he is saying to you. FEEL his truth and his communication in your heart. In your little voice inside. Know that he is willing and able to communicate his experience to you.
    And if you want to “talk” to him? You can start, as I say, by knowing he is alright right now. As soon as you stop wanting to fix him and allow him to be as he is, you open the possibility of a heart-channel with him. The you can visualise you heart chakra opening to him. Imagine a green light where your heart is. Imagine a little door dilates open in the front of your chest and a beam of beautiful green light shines out at him. Try this. Try standing near him when he is off “dreaming” and shining the light of your love at him. Say in your head “I love you, I love you, I love you”. FEEL the power and the beauty of your love for him and let it SHINE! …and see what happens. He might take a while to come to terms with this new way of being with you. Or maybe YOU just need to come to terms with the fact that he “reads” you already, just in ways you have not thought to expect. I don’t know. I’m not sure what exactly will happen. But it is worth a try, no?

    And those are the things that surface for me when I think of your situation. Do you want to listen to some weird dude on the other side of the world that has no kids and no medical training and no personal experience of autism becasue he says he can remember some stuff from a past life? No. I dare say you don’t! You want to listen to your own heart and your own truth inside you. And is said weird dude has managed to point you to that which is already in your heart then that is a happy day. And if not? Well then neither of us have lost anything by sitting together in the fire and trying to use love as a solution to a problem.

    My heart and my thoughts are with you,

    in reply to: visual effects #8679

    Hi alainiz

    While I agree with you that we are all undergoing changes and I agree with you that we will all (or most) of us experience perceptual disturbances as a part of this process I do not agree that we will all experience EXACTLY the symptoms you are experiencing. We are each of us utterly unique and each of us brings different perceptual tools to our life’s experience and these different tools will bring us different experience of the awakening. Some will “hear” things others will “see” things as you do. Others yet will “feel” thing in their energetic bodies. The point is that there will almost certainly be some kind of “hallucinatory” process that most will go through as they begin to perceive the 4th dimensional overlay over this 3rd dimensional reality. It was quite some time ago that I had a channelling in which I was told to look out for exactly these ascension symptoms. We will quite simply begin to perceive the world in a different way. We will begin to understand that the world we currently inhabit is not quite as “real” as we think. We will see though the illusion. And we can expect to experience things far more immanently. So for example healthy food will begin to taste better and unhealthy food will begin to repel you. You will look at people and the ones that are right for you to know will look more attractive than the ones that you don’t want to know… and so on. And you will become aware of the LIFE that infuses and underpins all things. Seeing a rock vibrate with life. Or feeling a tree pulse or even breathe. Or seeing extra stars in the heavens, or the lazer-light connections between the stars. Or hearing the stars singing. Such experiences we are to expect. Hints of them at fist and then as we are able to cope with them, more and more.

    in reply to: end of the line #8648

    First class stuff Opal. I love this one. And you were right, it IS full of synchronicities even down to the words and concepts used.

    And that was an awesome post jamwolfsky! The best bit is when you are some completely broken free from the matrix that you actually willingly and knowingly choose to go play in its depths again. Gnosis!

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