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The Illusion of Choice: Ninety Percent of American Media Controlled by Six Corporations Gallery of Giants Ebook: The Book of Giants – Dead Sea Scrolls Illuminations Ancient Mysteries of Sound Levitation by Kathy J. Forti Video: The Real Story of Christmas Documentary Video: The Real Story of Halloween HD – History Channel Ebook: Egyptian Book of the Dead Ebook: The Lost Book of Enki – Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God Video: The Universe Space Time Mystery | Mathematical Science Documentary HD Video: Vedic Cosmos – Full Documentary Video: Buckminster Fuller – Thinking Out Loud (1996) Documentary Video: The Buckminster Fuller / Edward Leedskalnin Connection Edward Leedskalnin – The Mysterious Magnetic Coral Castle a Broken Heart Built Ebook: The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla – 20th Century Genius Video: Nikola Tesla’s Life – New Documentary Full Ebook: The inventions, researches and writing of Nikola Tesla Video: The Connected Universe – Nassim Haramein Video: UNGRIP (From the creators of Esoteric Agenda and KYMATICA) Ebook: The Book of Enoch – The Secret Old Testament Book Ebook: The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean Videos: Aleshenka – A Tiny Creature Found in Russia The Mysterious Georgia Guidestones – 10 Shocking Commandments Set in Stone in 1980 Book-of-Light.com STAR of LIGHT The Return of the Annunaki – Gillian DeArmond-Green Video: Secrets of Water, The Movie Video Series: Ancient Aliens – Full Series Video: Guided Astral Projection Technique Meditation Ebook: Be Here Now The Charge of the Goddess The Lake of Fire That Men Built Tantra and Taoist Cosmic Connection Video: ONE STEP BEYOND AND THE SACRED MUSHROOM Building A Post-Chaos Community Video: UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied Life’s True Beginnings Video: Urantia Book on “Strange Universe” Making the Connection Between Spirituality & Creativity The Four-Fold Path to Enlightenment The Hynek Classification System Ebook: Designing Our Future – The Venus Project Video: Why in the World are They Spraying? (Chemtrails, Geoengineering) Video: Kymatica Renewable Energy Directory Self Confidence & Inner Self Worth Video: THRIVE – What on Earth Will it Take? *MOST IMPORTANT FILM ON EARTH* The Zeitgeist Movement FREE DOWNLOAD! 4th Chakra – Green Open Heart Bliss 528hz & 639hz http://t.co/VZWQK5sJ Law of One / RA Material Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies Video: Zeitgeist II – Addendum Ebook: Oahspe – A Very Weird New Bible (1828-1891) Communicate Telepathically with Animals Techniques for Soul Growth Every person has within them…A Song of Life…Each of us know we have a song. A beautiful vibration within as a reminder of our essence… Video: Nassim Haramein – Crossing The Event Horizon part 4 of 4 Master Mayan Tzolkin Calendar The Messianc Complex Video: The Big Picture by George Green Video: Human Genetics Manipulated – Human Origins Intro Ebook: Out of the Matrix Video: *Quantum Physics* The Reality As You Know It Does Not Exist Authentic Sacred Jewelry and Talismans Ebook: Messages for the Ground Crew Jonathan Goldman – Holy Harmony Homeland Security Checkpoint "Those who are hardest to Love, need Love the most" – The Peaceful Warrior The Truth about Vitamin D Video: Zeitgeist I: The Movie Remastered Version Key to the Gnosis Video: The Freedom Movie 2: A Spiritual Awakening (1 of 14) 13 Moon Mayan Galactic Calendar Date Decoder Video: Beyond 2012: Evolving Perspectives on the Next Age Unconditional Love OMMM Reiki MI – Healing on All Levels Winston Shrout – Solutions In Commerce Thoughts, Words & Deeds aligned is total CONGRUENCY… Total Congruency = Powerful Manifestation of Goals Ebook: The Book of Light: The Nature of God, The Structure of Consciousness and the Universe Within You Codex Alimentarius…Bills C-51 and C-52 and C-6 Canadian Implementations of the CODEX ideals -Become Aware, be FREE to choose Implications of Oneness Sustainable Earth Friendly Living About Awakenings Does DNA Have Telepathic Properties? Thought Therapy Avoiding Victimhood Video Library: What About Me? Consult the Sabian Oracle The Magnificent You Inner Child Meditation About Love – Happy Valentines Day! XO LΦVE H20 Festival June 19th – 21st, 2009 – The Historic Summer Solstice Celebration & Concert For The Living Water Video: Gnarls Barkley – Crazy The Science of Oneness – Is Current Science Incomplete? many happy returns echoes Winter Solstice celebrations: a.k.a. Christmas, Saturnalia, Yule, the Long Night, etc. Ebook: Monroe Techniques for Astral Projection Ebook: The Astral Body & Other Astral Phenomena Ebook: 66 Astral Projection Exit Techniques Ebook: Secret Guide to Instant Astral Projection Ebook: Astral Projection – The Complete Guide

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  • in reply to: …crop circles… #12163

    oh, and I also found this next one. It’s quite pretty but I’m sure it’s man made. If you look carefully at the shapes you’ll see they are not well executed. This lacks the “crispness” of other croppys. But it IS pretty. 🙂

    in reply to: …crop circles… #12162


    I have just seen what is quite possibly the most exciting croppy yet. Have a look at this:

    You can see more images here.

    There are two things that leaped out at me. The first is the amazing “writing” that streams from the “swallow’s” wings and tail. When I look at that it just screams at me: space brother writing! 🙂 What do you think?

    The second thing that I noticed was the funny ellipsoid that is hanging on the the tail-streamer. It is quite an obvious shape becasue all the other shapes are symmetrical and usually based upon circles. So the ellipsoid stands out. Which is why I immediately noticed that it was the same ellipsoid as in the previous croppy posted above by Orissa! Can you see it?

    Clearly SOMETHING is being communicated here and that something is a message in many parts. I just wish I could decipher it!

    in reply to: War #12666

    Really awesome post, Opal. I’m enjoying Anica’s perspective a lot.

    I love the dichotomy that she speaks to: The fact that life IS change. And we fear death so we retreat from change. Ironically in our fear of death we resist change and therefore are actually inviting and creating death. If we are to embrace life then we must embrace change including the change of form that is death. Then we really get LIFE.

    Just out of curiosity, Opal… I am interested in why you feel you have moved from speaking for the Nine as a group to speaking for Anica. Is it the more “personal” approach that Anica seems to bring? A more personal relationship between you and her? Just wondering…

    in reply to: The Ascension Papers by Zingdad #12545

    @Seeker wrote:

    Dear Zindad, the Ascension Papers are awesome. I’ve been seeking as much material as I can digest on the subject for quite some time and this is the most interesting and enlightening that I’ve come across. I really like the way it is written in a dialog format, which makes it easy and enjoyable to read. Thank you (and JD) so much for creating it.

    Seeker I am SO please you are finding value in this. Writing this is about the most exciting thing I have ever done. I am loving the process more than I can express. And being able to share it with folks like yourself just multiplies that joy.

    Seeker I am going to try to answer your questions briefly from my perspective. If you feel that more is needed or if you want to discuss then you are welcome to do so. These are good questions.

    @Seeker wrote:

    On the in-breath does the universe then physically reverse and start contracting?

    Answering this is complicated by the fact that we earth humans have only one perspective. Multidimensional beings have many.

    The simple answer is “yes”.

    But the more correct answer is probably “it depends on your perspective.” Beings that engage in the path of returning to source will find themselves in a reality that is physically contracting. This will alter the dynamics of their universe quite dramatically, I am told. But anyway, just because they are experiencing this it does not mean everyone will be experiencing this. There is scope for some others to still be on an outwards trajectory while you begin your inwards trajectory. Over time there will be less and less expansion and more and more returning.

    The thing to realise is that ascending souls will become multidimensional. You will come to see yourself as able to hold many
    perspectives at once. You will release your need for all things to be black or white, this or that. You will see them to be this AND that. If that makes sense. You will know yourself to be in more than one place at once as time loses its significance.

    But that IS hard to understand or visualise for us here.

    @Seeker wrote:

    For those that take a long exploration excursion during the Singularity Event what happens to their body, in that I’m concerned that dependent family members might suffer from someone’s absence?

    Good question. The nitty-gritty of the singularity event is not clear to me beacuse, I think, this kind of thing will depend very much on the individual. Each person’s circumstances are different and they (and their Inner-Selves) will want to handle this experience in such as way as to be most loving and respectful for all concerned. I don’t have children and my life-partner is exactly in synch with me on this stuff. So she and I will do this together. That greatly simplifies matters for me. I fully recognise that this is not so for everyone and others might have some anxiety about leaving loved ones or about causing them pain and confusion. All I get about that is that each case will be handled with perfect sensitivity to the highest good. Maybe you can begin to open yourself to creative visualisations of how it could work for you in your situation so that it is all about love and not at all about pain.

    @Seeker wrote:

    I’m very confused on being outside of time and on how we can be concurrently experiencing other incarnations or past lives. Additional discussions on this would be greatly appreciated.

    Yes, as mentioned above this is hard for us to understand. Single-point perspectives and linear time are so deeply a part of our experience that we really struggle to understand them. I have had this shown to me in dreams and in mediations and still I only have the barest glimmering of how it might be.

    I’ll make a point of getting J-D or 8 or someone to talk about it in such a way that it can be elucidated a bit. I have been promised a chapter on time and dimensions. Maybe it will all come clear in that.

    @Seeker wrote:

    Considering the symbiotic comparison to us and Gaia, and our intestinal critters, and also other animals and plants, do only humans ascend?

    Oh no! Everything ascends! We humans are very arrogant about ourselves and our place in the universe. In some ways this is right becasue we do play a important and pivotal role in huge experiment that is going on now. But we fail to understand the nature of animals, plants (and even minerals!) and so on. We make the huge mistake of thinking of them as “less” than us. Less evolved, less “special”. This is not so. They are simply differently configured. Remember – it is all Oneness – it is all “God” and EVERYTHING is of consciusness. And often plants and animals h chosen a path of great self-sacrifice in order to facilitate our path (and the paths of other civilisations that came before ours that we don’t even know about).

    Because animals don’t show us the kind of intelligence we can engage with we think they are beneath us. But what if they have all kinds of other intelligences that WE can’t engage with? They often have energetic and spiritual awarenesses which WAY supersedes ours. They are almost always FAR more aware of their connectedness with the Oneness than we are. Many animals are representatives of the most wonderful spiritual hierarchies from elsewhere. At the ending they will return to where they come from. Their role in this game will be over.

    But this is a huge and very complex subject and again, there will be many different answers for each of the different plants and animals.

    @Seeker wrote:

    Regarding the three “leavings” or waves of ascension:

    What happens to the physical body and how might the event be noticed for those that stay behind?

    Again, I think this will vary. It will depend very much on the situation of the one leaving and the ones staying. I think the ones that stay that are the most locked up in their fear, pain and baggage will not want to know anything about the leavings. Or they will chose to see them as some kind of proof of “evil” goings on. Or whatever. They will be allowed to experience it like that if that is their choice.

    There may be others that are less caught up in all that, ones who are ready to see examples of beauty and light. And they will take that from the leavings.

    You see… the leaving ones will not make a great show of their going. They will do so quietly. Many will (I think) do so by enacting their physical death. Some will do so by turning their body to light and going, body and all, to their new reality. I even think some who are spiritually from other planets will be picked up by spaceships and physically taken “home”! But whatever the case… this will not be an exercise in removing from others the right to choose or the right to create. The leavings will be quiet, personal events. They will go unreported in the news, and probably undisclosed in public. Some folks will just not be here any more…

    Many of those that are most actively preparing and are conscious of themselves doing so are quietly wrapping up their affairs. They are sorting out their debts, tidying up their lives, tying off loose ends. They are often moving out of the city to more quiet and tranquil places. They are gently letting go of the ties that bind. When the time comes for these ones to go it will barely be noticed. There will be no-one to say “hey where is Joe? He didn’t arrive at work this morning! And his bills are unpaid!” At most someone might notice that they sort of lost touch with Joe.

    @Seeker wrote:

    What is the possible timeframe for the first leaving?

    No idea. It is apparently unhelpful to us if they get into that. Then we attach our egos to this. We approach it with the mind instead of the heart. We try to get into “proving or disprove” or to try to change and convince others. It loses it’s personal nature.

    If we accept the invitation the we will experience this at exactly the perfect moment for us. Not before and not after. If we are refusing the offer then, I guess, there will be some other kind of exit from this planetary reality.

    Which brings me to your next question…
    @Seeker wrote:

    For those that do not partake does that mean that they will remain until the planetary ascension and then physically die?

    I really can’t be sure. I think there are many more paths out of here than I am able to imagine. And I think each person has, on a soul-level negotiated their own transition. So I just don’t know.

    But I can see the urgency of this question for folks that have loved ones that are not engaged with some kind of ascension path at all. I think I need to have a discussion with J-D about this too.

    @Seeker wrote:

    For those that do not ascend to higher dimensions, where and how will they go when Gaia ascends?

    I think there are many paths forward. It becomes quite true for me that we all create our own reality, even the ones that d not believe this to be the case. And as we all are different and all are creating differently it is inevitable that we will each get something different!

    But I think I’ll lump this question together with the one above and address it with J-D.

    @Seeker wrote:

    I was going to ask on how we can better prepare our sails, masks and eliminate baggage, but I see this will be forthcoming, which I will anxiously await.

    I’m looking forward to this myself! 🙂 But I do suspect that it is to a great extent about each person leanring to listen to their own inner truth and follow their heart.

    @Seeker wrote:

    If our reality is being continuously defined (blink-to-blink) by the creator beings, does that mean they control our actions such that we really have no free will and are just puppets in their play? I know this is not true, but from how this was conveyed makes one consider such.

    The confusion creeps in with us because we see ourselves as separate from our inner-selves. “They” are the creator beings and “we” are the poor sad sacks down here with no power. But this is, of course, not true. We are each one and the same being with our higher selves. We have just managed to create a kind of a mask or a partition so that we cannot perceive this.

    We are at one with the process of the creation of the universe. Each of us. The difference between us and our higher selves is that they are aware of this. The know consciously about their creative endeavours. We do not. We think we are just observing stuff unfolding around us over which we have no power to choose. The ascension process is the awakening process. It is a gradual realisation of who we really are. It is remembering that we are our own true creator selves. We are our higher selves. We are the ones we have always been waiting for.

    @Seeker wrote:

    Although I’m sure you could jump on the first wave, I hope you stick around and keep sharing your wonderful insight, humor and guidance.

    I’m not so sure about that first wave thing. I have only recently really begun to wake up. I know of others who have been awakened for twenty years (and more) before me.

    But this isn’t a race. Each will get where they want to be in perfect time.

    And I will not leave before I am done what I wanted to do. And I have this strange feeling that once I have left I will immediately return again. I love this planet far too much to desert her in her hour of travail.

    Kindest regards to you my friend!

    in reply to: The Ascension Papers by Zingdad #12544

    @Orissa wrote:

    Congratulations on your new site dear Zingdad! I love the design. I look forward to exploring more of your sharing & wisdom. I’ve only had time to read the foreword & intro so far, so I’m looking forward to perusing the rest soon.

    Orissa! Hi! Glad you have found your way here. There is no tearing hurry. The book is being written and will be “unfolding” for a while still. I think you will enjoy it though and look forward to your feedback as you go. Especially of the “Singularity Event” chapter. 🙂 But I won’t spoil it… you’ll see what I mean…

    in reply to: The Ascension Papers by Zingdad #12543

    @Bigfeet E wrote:

    I’m not sure yet how to send you the translation, maybe you can give me some pointers ?
    Maybe on a PDF file ?

    Hi BigfeetE

    Again… I just want to say how much I appreciate what you are doing.

    The easiest for me would be if you sent it to me in a MS Word document. That’s the easiest for me for formatting and uploading.

    @Bigfeet E wrote:

    OMG, i completley missed the other 2 pages of your foreword. (more to translate 🙁 … 😆 )


    Take your time, my friend. There is no rush.

    @Bigfeet E wrote:

    Very interresting how you are able to have the remembrance of your past lives.
    As i read about your fourth life i saw a resemblance with something i’ve read before in some book.
    I’ll try to give a perspective as it was explained there.
    It told about when one was to die in this earthly reality, one could become trapped in a self projected world, holding on to shaped realityconfigurations as the one you just left. This in order to feel comfortable and still to play out a roll of character as you were not ready yet to see true the veil/cloak and completely enter the light realms. There you are helped by overlooking ‘higher souls’ to play out a nasty scar of the hart. In this selfcreated ‘reality’ you are the harvester and the most powerfull one as it is ‘your’ universe. Much like in a dream and you are counsiously participating in . This lasted as long untill you were ‘robbed’ from your last straw of love (the sister) wich took you from your selfprojected strenght and saw the nature of oneness. As you said all this in order to release a karmic pain. So this was actually happening in an astral plane, an inbetween place where toughtprojections become seemingly real for the person projecting. And furtherly it seems that here you also got the taste for mastering power as you played your next incarnation as an elemental controlling wizard and landlord…

    That was what i felt about that part of your story.

    That is a very interesting analysis. Wow. Thanks for that. As I read your words I got a feeling of “this is right”. The fourth incarnation was a kind of a meta-reality… almost like a dream world. Yes. I think you are right. And I think your analysis of this is correct too. I had such deep pain in my heart that I wanted to lash out and hurt and damage the ones that had hurt me in the life before. The understanding I now have is that all the players in that life: my parents, my sister, the abusive uncle… even the children that tormented me… all of them were actually of the same “group soul”. But I didn’t know that. And THIS is how it was resolved in the end with them killing my sister and in so doing showing me that they are all the same greater being. Yes. And that is also how killing me resolved the karmic pain that lay between me and this group soul. Wow. What a wonderful insight. Thank you for helping me with this BigfeetE! Thank you for you interest in my story and for sharing your wisdom.

    And the way that this all lead into the wizard lifetime is a very interesting observation too!


    Much to think about. Thank you.


    Quite irritating that this fella is taking the whole 2012 concept and condensing it into an opportunity to show “the whole world going to shit”. That’s a direct quote of Emmerich from an interview.

    With everything that is said, that is believed, that is known about 2012… the best Hollywood can come up with is a movie in which everything is destroyed? That’s the kind of plot-line I came up with when I was 10 and had just discovered how to put together crude home-made gunpowder. Kabl-OOOM! It was lots of fun. But I have grown up a bit since then. Now it’s more fun to create things and to really learn to understand things as they are. It’s a pity Hollywood seems to have their mental-emotional age stuck at pre-pubescent. For them it’s STILL about destroying things for fun. Sad.

    in reply to: Kick It #12641

    Hooray for our space-brothers! 🙂

    Nothing like the little rush of adrenaline when I think about what is coming.

    Thank you for the message Opal!

    in reply to: The Ascension Papers by Zingdad #12538

    @GTTOWNSEND wrote:

    Z , I loved the video! Great intro to your new sharings! I also have now finished the first 7 chapters , and I really love what you’ve got going on there! Very good mix of info and humor , all wrapped in Love. Also , for me anyway , the Ra Material was pretty much The pivotal information that launched my quest for the Truth years ago , or at least began to really answer the questions I was asking , and I love the way your writings and it dance together. And that we , in fact , create that very Truth that we have been searching for.

    I very much look forward to co-creating our new reality together , Z , with you , and many others that will join us , quite a few I am sure from here at BoL!

    We are One!

    Thanks again for you gift of Love!

    Thank you so much GT!

    It has been a while since I looked at the RA material but I do remember how it caused in me an opening up of the mind. There have been a few works which shifted my perspective on life and the RA material is one of them.

    GT, I think we stand on the very verge of some of very beautiful experiences of Life. For me The Ascension Papers are not so much about teaching people about how things are as about inviting people to a very special party. The party is the grandest most beautiful vision of Life that we together will imagine. It is a true golden age. And only people that want to imagine a life of maximum joy are invited to the party. So… it should be fun. 🙂

    @Will wrote:


    …just wanted you to know that I downloaded your music to my mp3 and listened while I was painting the house yesterday…

    …Love it !…

    …nice work…


    Cool stuff! Thanks Will. My music is a bit of an eclectic mix of creative expressions at this point, Will. I understand that I needed to learn how to do this becasue I am, in the near future, going to need this ability to express something important. Not sure what exactly that is yet… but I am learning to trust and to be patient. 🙂

    In the mean time the tunes are fun, though, aren’t they?

    @Bigfeet E wrote:

    As i see here you allready made an invite-movie then i presume that it wont bother you much if i want to post your site in to the dutch niburu.nl.

    Hi Bigfeet E

    Nice to see you around again! No, I won’t mind at all if you’d like to do that. I have written a short-ish introduction to The Ascension Papers for the other forum that I frequent (Book of Thoth). I’ll send that to you in a PM. You might find it appropriate for nibiru.nl members too.

    @Bigfeet E wrote:

    Although we have a lot of ‘difficult’ members over there of all sorts, i feel your writings will clarify (hopefully) a lot for potential true seekers.
    It could even swing some of the more 3D-stranded readers.
    I never give up hope to explain the more ‘floating’ perspective, wich is usually what i’m accused off, haha.

    You know, Bigfeet E, the perspective I have come to take is this: it is all perfect. Some are meant to “ascend” in this lifetime and some are not. This doesn’t make those that are meant to ascend any better than those that aren’t… it is just what the soul has purposed for itself. Take for example the “previous lives” that I wrote in my book. If I didn’t live those lives then I wouldn’t be able to be who I am now doing what I’m doing now. They were a vital part of my journey. And so it is perfect that those lives were not “ascension lives”. They were perfect in their imperfection. As is this life I am living now. So… what I am trying to say is… from my perspective, I like to share learnings and insights but it works for me to not get attached to convincing others. Maybe the 3D stranded ones are doing exactly what they were really meant to do?

    But these are only my thoughts on the subject.

    @Bigfeet E wrote:

    Furtherly i’d maybe like to try to make a translated version, i’ve got vacation coming up next month.
    Surely there are a number of ppl who have trouble with reading english.
    Offcourse i first ask for your concent to do this ❗

    And I humbly and gratefully accept your offer! Thank you SO much Bigfeet E! It is a strange thing: I was told (it is even in the book) to expect this kind of amazing generous help but… even though I was told that… still I am surprised and amazed at the offer. Thank you. Yes. I am very pleased to have you do this. Please let me know as you go and I will create a place on my site for your translated version.

    in reply to: The Ascension Papers by Zingdad #12534

    Thanks Jam. Interesting – I hadn’t thought of this in the context of Socratic dialogue. But now that you point it out I guess it might sort of be like that. I am talking to “myself” about philosophical matters. Hmmm… I like that!

    And Ricky – you are such a sweety! I appreciate you enthusiasm so much! And “enthusiasm” spelled backwards is “msaisuhtne” which is Swahili for “you rock”! lol!

    Opal – you know I value and respect your opinion and so I very much look forward to hearing what you have to say when you’ve had a look.

    So I’ve just uploaded the “invitation video” to youtube. It’s a short teaser to let folks on youtube know about my site. I thought I’d share it here just for your interest. Let me know what you think, huh?

    in reply to: The Ascension Papers by Zingdad #12530

    @mathewdhart wrote:

    Hi Zingdad, I just wanted to say that I read the first 7 chapters of The Ascension Papers and thoroughly enjoyed and resonated with the content (as well as with the style, humor, honesty, and format). Keep up the good work — I look forward to reading more!

    Thank you so much Mathew, I really appreciate your kind words.

    I’m busy on the next three chapters right now and will post here as they are added. I am however taking a very small break from writing as I first just wanted to do a limited release to see if there are any bugs on the site that needed ironing out. Next I am going to make a youtube vid to invite more readers as well as telling folks about this on other forums, etc. THEN I’ll get back to the work of the channelling again. And in between all this try to live the rest of my life 🙂

    Oh and welcome to the Book of Light!

    in reply to: The Ascension Papers by Zingdad #12529

    @GTTOWNSEND wrote:

    Thanks so much , once again , for sharing your Truth , dear brother!
    Much Love , All-ways! 🙂

    Thank you my dear brother Greg!

    in reply to: The Ascension Papers by Zingdad #12528

    @Will wrote:

    …great site Z…

    …I like the flavor of the dialogue so far…

    …but I have to find time… betweens…

    …so it will take a little while…

    Thank you Will!!!
    I’m very glad you are enjoying it. The nice thing about a book is that you can take your time and read when you are ready. it never moves on while you weren’t looking. 🙂

    @Will wrote:


    …will there be a test at the end ?…


    Oh for sure! There is always a test at the end!


    But seriously… I think the test is for the material itself. To what degree will it show itself to be valid in my life and in the lives of it’s readers? That will be an interesting test indeed!

    in reply to: The Ascension Papers by Zingdad #12523

    @jamwolfsky wrote:

    Congrats Zingdad, super site…. :), very promising .

    Thanks Jam!

    You pose some very interesting questions!

    @jamwolfsky wrote:

    Is Joy Divine ultimate goal to integrate Zingdad into Joy Divine? 🙂 .

    Yeah, I would say that this is the case. But things are not as simple as they might seem. It’s not a simple matter of a “higher-self” sending a part of itself out and then reeling it back in again. It is quite a complex thing to understand. From the higher-self’s perspective I have never been apart or away. I never left. I have always been, and will always remain, within and a part of my higher-self. It is just from my perspective that I have come to believe myself to be separate and to perceive myself as an “individual”. In believing it to be so it has become very powerfully true for me. I have felt myself to be completely alone and separate and lost. In that state I have learned some interesting things about myself and done some interesting things. I have caused myself and others quite a lot of harm. I have come to realise this state of separation is quite painful and decided I wanted something different. I have, in this lifetime, begun to remember that I am not REALLY separate but actually a part of something greater. I have begun to wake up to the fact that I am, and always was, an indivisible part of my higher-self. I have begun to wake up to the remembrance of other lifetimes that are also “me” who are also a part of my higher-self. In waking up and remembering I am also learning to really love myself and to heal my inner-pain. And the more I do that the more I awaken. This begins an accelerating cycle which returns me “home” to my higher-self.

    But does that mean I am “becoming” Joy-Divine? That I shall cease to be what I am and shall become something else? That is what your next questions were asking:

    @jamwolfsky wrote:

    What will happen to Zingdad once he is integrated into Joy Divine?
    Will Zingdad become Joy Divine Zingdad?
    So that Zingdad can only speak through Joy Divine making it difficult to imagine a dialogue between both of them as everything is Joy Divine 🙂 ……….

    The answer that I have received to this type of enquiry is quite difficult for me to completely grasp. You see, Jam, we here on earth are constrained to very limited view of what we are or what we could be. We each inhabit a world of one-perspective, one time-line, one identity. But, as I understand it, higher-dimensional beings are not the same as us in this respect. They know themselves to be outside of time. This is hard for me to grasp properly. But the way I understand it is like this: every single moment in my whole life is RIGHT NOW for my higher-self. And not just all the moments that I believe I have experienced… the moments I have NOT experienced because of the choices I DID NOT take… those moments are also equally real and equally RIGHT NOW for my higher-self. And all the moments in all my past lives too. And all the moments in all the possible lives and probable lives that got played out in dreams and in subordinate realities. And all the moments of all the life-between-lives too.

    It starts to boggle my mind when I think about all that, but for my higher-self all of that is RIGHT NOW and all of that is SELF. And, in fact, all of that is like a grain of sand on the endless beach that is Joy-Divine because J-D has infinite experience doing all kinds of things that I simply do not have the capacity to even begin to understand.

    But do you see the problem? I see myself as that which holds certain experiences. I am a certain kind of person because I behave in a certain way. But higher-self also includes other versions of self that are quite different from me. So what am I? Am I just me or am I me and all those other versions too?

    Well… I can speak from my own experience and say I am that which I create myself to be. I can say that, as I awaken, so I have been healing and loving parts of self that previously I rejected and said “not me”. Now I look at these part of self and say “oh yes, that too is me”. And so the journey is begun. So I am becoming more, not less. So I am indeed awakening to being one with Joy-Divine.

    And then? How do I converse with myself if I am all just that? Well… the answer is quite simple. if I wish to discover something about myself or seek within myself then I speak to that aspect of self that is engaged in that process of self-discovery. Then I can see myself as Joy-Divine OR I can see myself as the individuated aspect that is busy with that task. Because it is all one thing. Unless it holds the perspective that it is not.

    And this, I believe, is a good way to understand EVERYTHING.

    It is my belief that, at some level, all higher-selves find that they too are all part of one great being. And that means that ultimately we are all ONE. All of us. We just don’t know it. We all experience ourselves as separate and apart but that is just so that we may be the part of the greater self that can answer certain questions about Self.

    Jam, I don’t know if I have done a good job of answering your questions. They are big questions with terribly complex answers. But they are quite central to the whole issue of ascension. And seeing as that is what the book is all about I very much hope you’ll stay with the book and see if your questions are elucidated. Maybe some of what you find will even resonate with you too.


    Very, very interesting read!

    For myself I am not going to get tripped up in the minutiae of this exact date versus that one. I think that is irrelevant. All we really have is the NOW, isn’t it? And in that sense I think this article gets it very right. “The Shift” isn’t something that is coming… it isn’t something we must wait for. Don’t expect it to happen to you. It is here, it is now and you are happening to IT! It is in every decision we each take, in every choice we make. It is in our beliefs and attitudes. We are the ascension… not some date somewhere ahead on the calendar. And that is the part of this article that worked for me. He is talking about this being an ongoing process of cyclically incoming light. That is true for me. Waiting for end 2012 to THEN suddenly begin to do something is missing the point. But for me it is just as erroneous to wait for some point near the end of 2011. So hammering on and on about it not being 2012 doesn’t really help his cause in my humble opinion. But other than that this was a really cool article, I thought.

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