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  • in reply to: Movie #12064

    GT, you are so right, it DOES seem to present the fear angle. And you are also right that many are very fearful already about 2012. The way I see it is this. FIRST people need to be awakened from their lives. They need to stop thinking about the small issues long enough to register that there is a larger game afoot. Unfortunately the love-and-light message that spiritually oriented people are putting out does not penetrate into such lives. People are too busy with their mortgage to engage with flaky nonsense like channelled messages or what-not. So you need something to “activate” them. It is a law of duality that everyone MUST grow, move and change. If they will not move themselves forward in love then, soon enough, pain and fear comes along to move them.

    That is, in my opinion what will happen here. The doom-and-gloom catastrophe story will activate people. They will begin to ask questions. Hopefully they will begin to look to see if there are other perspectives. Hopefully they will open themselves to a more loving and light-filled creation. And there will be help for them too. The light is rising. It becomes easier and easier to see through the illusion. And The Great Light is on it’s way. I don’t know when… but it is coming. People can simply no longer continue to believe their little world of troubles is all their is.

    What I am saying is a little wake-up call is probably just what is needed.

    in reply to: …Camelot interview with James… #11959

    Yeah, obviously I am going to disagree with James on a number of issues.

    How exactly does James attain his knowledge? He says by remote viewing. Okay. This is different from what I do HOW EXACTLY? I can’t speak for other channellers but I take my consciousness to a place where I can access the knowledge held by the spirit being I am engaged with then I translate this “pure thought vibration” into words. I am certainly NOT just transcribing rote info the way James characterises channelling to be. He pontificates on a subject that he has no first-hand knowledge of.

    I’m not sure why exactly he wants to make channelling “wrong” and less than it is. I always get an alarm bells ringing whenever anyone says “I am the font of truth and you should not go to anyone else”. I think this is a tendency that James is displaying by wanting to make channellers wrong in this way. Either the truth is inside each of us or it is not. If it IS then it is up to each of us to find our own path to it. James wants to tell people like me that have found channelling to be a wonderful and viable path to our truths… that we are wrong. He is trying to tell us that we must not do it our way but must instead do it HIS way. But because his way is unnatural to me I am going to struggle with it. The inevitable conclusion will be that I shouldn’t waste my time and effort I must just go to him for the truth. That’s troubling to say the least.

    He recommends this particular breath technique as a kind of a meditation. That is fine and well. I meditate at least twice a day and pretty deeply at that. Sometimes I use breath techniques – but there are many arrows in my quiver. But what of this? He is saying we must ALL of us use this same technique? That, as individual as unique we each are this one thing must work for all of us? That’s absurd. But yes, I do agree with him that everyone should meditate. This is an EXCELLENT path. But each should find what works best for them. And each will know because it will resonate with their hearts… NOT because James tells you it is right for you!

    If he believes channelling is something less than what it is then that is his business. The proof of the pudding is in its eating. The info that has been made available to this world through the various channellers varies in quality from truly awakening and awesome to pretty dubious. Each person will decide for themselves what messages and which channellers they resonate with. But for me personally I can only say that the awakening that I have undergone as a result of what has been made available to me through my own contacts and others that I respect is incontrovertible. So, James is welcome to his view about it. And each other person will decide for themselves.

    But James view of channelling is, I guess, him just trying to affirm the right-ness of his vehicle. I don’t take huge issue with it. The thing I actually want to take issue with is this ridiculous view that our “Sovereign Integrals” were trapped here by the Annunaki. This is just silly. What he terms “Sovereign Integral”, I term “God-Self”. It is an aspect of self that, even now, resides outside of time and space. It is eternal. It is free and it is powerful and magnificent and it is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY beyond a silly notion like being trapped anywhere. This is just a completely unsustainable proposition. The Annunaki are a good bit in advance of humanity in terms of technology etc. They were master geneticists and able spacefarers. They became humanities “gods” because
    1. They genetically manufactured our bodies and therefore were the creators of our earliest societies, and,
    2. They were very far in advance of those primitive earth societies. But, on this second point, every one of us RIGHT NOW would be considered gods if we were to be transported back to ancient Sumeria (or whatever) with just the technology you can find around your hose right now. Your cigarette lighter would be considered a miracle fire maker. Your torch would be wondrous cold fire. And what of a two-way-radio? Voices of the gods from a little box! A handgun would be the thunder of the gods that delivers instant, swift retribution. You get the idea. Stuff we take for granted would be recorded in the holy books of the people. And your every utterance would be holy writ.

    What I am saying is that the Annunaki of old were pretty amazing with respect to technology and their ability with genetics was at least a few decades in advance of our own but let’s get a grip here… they were still just incarnated beings! As are you and I. To say that they were able to trap the highest and most god-like spiritual beings in incarnations is just so much bull. I mean we can’t even prove the existence of ghosts. We can’t even define the nature of the higher dimensions. HOW are we going to “trap” something that resides OUTSIDE of all of creation …beyond all the dimensional architecture? Impossible!

    Now I don’t know about James. Maybe HE feels trapped. But I for one was most certainly not trapped here. I CHOSE to come here. Right now, this very moment, I am continuing to choose to be here. I am no ones prisoner or victim. Okay, I concede, this place can have some rough moments when you are deep in your forgetfulness. It can be confusing and painful and scary. It CAN feel like a trap if you let it or if you create that for yourself. But that is simply not the ultimate truth of it FOR ME. I have come to have a wondrous experience in a reality in which I can start out by forgetting that I am ONE with All That Is. Only by forgetting this and expressing separateness and individuality can I then begin the process of remembering. Only then can I re-create my view of myself anew without the baggage of all the eternal knowingness. There is PROFOUND value in this process. All the pain and the confusion and the difficulty becomes a minuscule price to pay when held up to comparison with the wondrous prize of joy, love and wisdom that is attained through the experience of ascension from this system. Oh, but he is right about that part: We don’t actually “ascend” anywhere. That’s just a term. We don’t really mean that anything rises upwards into the sky (that too is silly). What we do, when we are ready to leave here, is to re-attain our oneness. It is more like healing all the parts of the self and reintegrating the aspects of self that were rejected and unloved. But this is another long story that I won’t go into right now. Essentially what I am saying is that NO ONE here is a victim. Every single one of us chose to be here and did so through a process of “descent” into the densities. Then we did what we came to do. And when we are done… when we are ready to leave… then every single one of us will find our way out through this so-called ascension process. Every single being will, at their own time and pace, leave the system when THEY are ready to do so. Now I ask you: if you, of your own volition, decide to enter a maze and you wander around a while and then, when you decide it is time to leave, you figure out a path and then you leave… is that maze a prison? Or is it a fun-fair attraction?
    It seems James is telling you the former and I am saying it’s the latter. But ALL of this, anyway, is just an illusory construct. We might have the temporary illusion of being in a prison (or a fun fair) but it is just that: an illusion. Like a dream, really. And the God-Self is, by definition beyond such illusions.

    James is quick to denigrate the mind. And yet he communicates his thesis entirely with rigid, logical mind-constructs. And he makes less of the heart and the emotions. In this he is wrong. The heart is the path to God-consciousness. The emotions are the reason we came here in the first place! And they are powerful tools of creation if you just learn to use them. And if you DO learn how to use them you can go about creating your reality instead of constantly trying to escape it.

    If you shift your view from his one (that we were trapped here by wicked people) to the one I am espousing (that we came here for a grand purpose) then I suggest you might create a different experience for yourself. By his reckoning we should despise this life and do all we can to escape it. By my reckoning we should LIVE this life. Extract all the joy and love we can from every moment. Treasure this unbelievably beautiful world. Treasure yourself and all those around you. Treasure your life. And all the while LOVE yourself. Heal your pain. Discover who you REALLY are. Work to remember that you are an eternal, immortal creator being. Awaken to your magnificence. Create your reality as you desire it. Have FUN. Create with love.

    We are all ONE. Your “Sovereign Integral” is one being holding within it all the many manynesses of all your incarnations and probable lives and lives-between-lives (and much much more besides). But all of our Sovereign Integrals know that they are ultimately ONE with each other too! And yes, the Annunaki are also ONE with all of the rest of us.

    James can say what he likes. He can believe he is a victim if he wants and he can share this view with the world. That is his right. But I personally don’t think that is the highest-vibration message one could possibly be putting out. My truth is that we all are co-creators of all this. And love wins over fear every time.

    in reply to: Movie #12061

    Wow! Awesome find, syme!

    …and so it begins. The biggest story of all time is finally begining to going mainstream. When this movie hits the circuits it will be like a meme-bomb going off in human consciousness.

    How long before “2012 – the end of time?” is the cover of TIME magazine?

    “Soon” is the answer.

    in reply to: pest control instructions #12015

    Ah! Fantastic, thanks Opal. I reckon this might bee a bit more effective than just appending a joke to their post. heh heh

    in reply to: Above Top Secret #12007

    I can’t believe how nice the ATS crowd are being to him. I only read the first page but generally he is being given quite a positive response. The ATS crowd are normally pretty scathing. Why are they not poking at the very obvious holes? For example: if this kind of tech is so pervasive that it is even being made available to normal FBI agents then there would be no more use for any kind of warfare of spying or anything. You’d simply find the enemies of TPTB by reading people’s thoughts and then you’d kill them. No guns, no bullets, no spies, nothing. So what’s the story? There are many such holes everywhere you look. And that is why I am a little surprised at the mellow response he got on ATS.

    Maybe everyone just enjoys a bit of sci-fi from time to time.

    in reply to: Hathor message from Tom Kenyon, Holon of Ascension #12003

    Syme, your truth is in your heart. You said it with

    although I know that if anything resonates with me then I am on the right track.

    I personally think this is pretty good stuff. But only you can know for you. I don’t think the point of all this is to follow the right technique or to believe the right things or any of that . I think the point is to learn to trust your heart and to stand in your own truth. We are all absolutely unique and each of us will have a path that is in some way or another unique. The light that each of us should be following is the one that shines from your soul into your heart.

    in reply to: Questions about Twin Flames and Sexuality #11990

    Hi C_S

    I think the twin flames thing is a very much misunderstood, over-hyped and over-used notion. I’ll offer my opinion on what this is based and how it works.
    Firstly I don’t agree at all that “everyone has a twin flame”. It would depend on the incarnating soul how it want to express itself into life on this planet. It is possible that the soul’s purpose MIGHT be served by having the being incarnate into two bodies so that that being can experience what it might be like to meet itself. Same soul, two incarnations at the same time… it is one flame split in half: a twin flame. IF this happens then, yes, it seems that the soul will mostly split male/female so that there might occur a love relationship. This is so that the soul can teach itself about Oneness, about how to heal the differences within itself. This can be an important stepping stone to ascension.
    BUT I’d like to stress some points from my perspective:
    1. It is certainly not the norm. It is actually fairly rare.
    2. Twin flame pairings are NOT the wondrous blissful romantic unions we are often lead to expect. Unfortunately there are a few voices in the spiritual community that are happy to tap into peoples loneliness and desire for “the perfect mate” and put out a bunch of nonsense about how you only have to find your twin flame and all will be perfect. This is just not so. We each have our own path to walk and each path is different. And MAAAAAAYBE there is a twin flame involved in this process. If there is it will certainly not be guaranteed to be any easier. In fact meeting yourself as your own love counterpart might be one of the most difficult relationships you could have. It all depends on where you are in your soul-progression. If one is really ready for a perfect and blissful relationship with oneself (and therefore a twin flame) then one is pretty much ready to leave this earth plane completely.
    3. There are no hard and fast rules in the spirit world. People that say “it is always like THIS” just haven’t looked around enough. So, just as there might or might not be a twin flame there is absolutely no sense that this MUST be male/female. The issue to understand is that the divide will always be complementary in some other way due to the way the “flame” is split. There also does not HAVE to be only two halves. There could, theoretically be more than two of you here. But it’d take a brave (or very advanced) soul to try to balance all those many energies at one time!

    These are my thoughts. They are not doctrine… just my beliefs.

    in reply to: Alex Jones: "The Obama Deception" – coming March #11944

    I’d like to echo what echo said. …said. …said. …said.


    Seriously, though, that was well put, echo.

    I really feel we are putting way to much expectation on this one man, Obama. Sure he has influence and that translates to power. But any time anyone looks to someone outside himself to come and rescue him he is risking much pain and much disappointment. And I think many are at risk of entering saviour-complex with Obama. And the fact that you see his image EVERYWHERE like that is not really a good sign. A cult of personality would do neither Obama nor this world any good.

    Essentially I believe Obama is probably going to turn out to be a great president. The moment calls for the man. And this is the presidency that get the whole 2012 thing in it. I’m sure he will be the president of the US ever. Great things are called for. But if folks truly want to be saved from the mess they perceive around them then they need to look into themselves. Find their truth within. Open their hearts to forgiveness, compassion and unity. That kind of thing.

    With Obama we get a wind of hope passing over the world. That is good. That will lift the sails of change. But we, each of us, must BE the change we desire. Obama can do nothing to change your life if you are not willing to change yourself.

    So for me it an ambiguous thing. I think he is a good man come to the presidency at the right time. For that I am most pleased. But I am concerned that people now AGAIN just go into victim mode and wait for this new saviour to fix everything. That’s where I am at.

    in reply to: Happy birthday Opalescent #11926

    @opalescent wrote:

    … Some years ago I chucked the 24-hour version of the birthday card for the week-long one, a much better deal all around 😉

    Whew! Just as well or my birthday wishes would be late. Now it seems they are slap-dab in the middle! 🙂

    First birthday wish: That you feel fantastic again really soon.
    Second birthday wish: If just a small percentage of the love and goodness that you share with the world came back at ya that would be abundant. I wish for you that this is the year that it comes back a hundred fold!

    Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeg Hugs to you my dear sister!

    in reply to: Vote for disclosure now! #11874

    Will, I would offer you this thought:
    We are all of us the creators of our own reality. This world with all it’s systems is the result of our co-creation. No one here is ACTUALLY a victim. But the issue, of course, is that almost none of us know this. A simple proof of this statement occurs everytime you say to someone “we each create our reality” and they agree for a bit and then go “no, what about [xyz problem in my life], I didn’t create THAT!”. Essentially people are not ready to see that they have the life they have created. And if you don’t believe you created your experiences then the next logical conclusion is that you are somehow the victim of circumstance or the victim of someone else’s creation. And then the blame-game begins: “perpetrators must be punished!”

    Life is just a big mirror. It unerringly shows you the results of your choices so that you can see if you like them or not. If you don’t then you should change your choices.

    Now enter the situation we find ourselves in. we have chosen to play a game in which there is a thing called money. We are happy to measure our worth in terms of this arbitrary and essentially value-less counter. Worse than that, the power of the money is in the hands of someone else. Some other persons decide what money is worth and leech a little from you every time you engage with this money in any way. And bizarrely enough people seem to accept this iniquitous situation. They just keep limping along working harder and harder, getting poorer and poorer and giving all their power away to these other persons that are already obscenely powerful and wealthy. Where will it end? When will it stop? What will cause people to finally say “enough!” and demand a better future? Probably nothing. Except of course that the greed of the power mongers knows no bounds and they don’t know when to stop pillaging the system and consequently the system is now in melt-down.

    Now what part of this is the fault or the responsibility of our star brothers?


    So what will happen if they swoop in now – uninvited – and fix things? Simple: We will go from believing we are the victims of circumstance to believing we are the victims of the our star brothers. We will still not believe we can create our own reality and will now expect the star brothers to keep saving us from ourselves forever more. So that’s not a good idea.

    So here is my suggestion: The system must be allowed to implode. People must get to the point of seeing how rotten it really is. They must be willing to let it go. Notice how, at every minor little glimmer of an upturn, people are willing to believe again. Notice how people KEEP believing the solution to their problems lies in money. Ask anyone if they had one wish what it would be. Almost guaranteed it’s something to do with winning the lottery or getting a million bucks or some such. They just don’t get it! Until we are ready to kick the whole money addiction and all the wrongful thinking and lies that are wrapped up in it we simply cannot co-create another better system.

    So we must travel the road we are on until we are ready to get off that road. Only THEN can we pick a better road.

    When we as a planet are really and truly ready to open our eyes and go “this isn’t working” then we will be ready to ask for help.

    I am a great believer in “all things being perfect” and “nothing by co-incidence”. Things are coming together. I can feel the energies shifting from every direction. We move towards disclosure at the same pace at which we move towards financial melt-down. I believe these things will roughly coincide. And then? What will happen then? I reckon then the same thing will happen that has always happened: we will each of us get what we create! The difference will be that we will have FAR more knowledge and insight available. Whole new avenues of creation will open for those that are ready and willing to choose them. Some might continue to cling to what they know, some might be ready to create grandly. We shall see. But my brother, for me it is true: there is no cause for despair. Fear will only bring you what you don’t want.

    But can I tell this to the people around me that are sunk in a mire of debt? That are being foreclosed upon and are worried about feeding their children? Sadly, no. I cannot rescue anyone other than myself. I cannot give anyone hope if they are not willing to create it themselves. But there are always options if people are only willing to see beyond the system as it is presented to them.

    I don’t speak from some high-and-mighty position. I was quite recently eye-ball deep in debt. I then had a new thought about myself. I am now very nearly debt free but still working at it. Then I will liquidate my assets and get out of the system as much as possible to be as self-sufficent as possible without the system. These are my choices and I am enacting them. The change in how I feel about myself as a result of seeing this new reality unfold is truly amazing. Everyone can empower themselves if they so choose. I believe this. Again, the problem is that most other people do not.

    in reply to: Vote for disclosure now! #11871

    There DOES seem to be some functionality that it only accepts US votes. It once seemed to accept a my vote but I later noticed that the tally hadn’t gone up. And other non-US citizens on other forums have remarked upon the same thing.

    It’s too bad. I know he is the US president and all but his policies and decisions have the potential to affect us all.

    in reply to: The Zeta Reticuli Exchange Program #11906

    @Will wrote:

    …I found you at this site…

    That’s so cool! Thanks Will. For a discarnate being Adamu certainly does get around! 🙂

    in reply to: Obama good for Earth or not?? #11851

    Hiya PH

    I shall offer my perspective. It is mine and I am very happy to concede that opposing views might be just as valid.

    A little while ago, in the midst of all the electioneering madness, there was a thought being put out by some channellers that Obama is a “light-worker” and so forth. I was asked for Adamu’s perspective on this assertion. I did a little channelling and posted that elsewhere on this forum – I’ll copy the salient bit below for your interest.

    I asked Adamu if Obama was a light-worker and if any of the other candidates were “dark-workers”. Here is the conversation that transpired…

    Adamu: I prefer at this time to take a perspective that is of unitary consciousness. I prefer to tell the tale of “we are all ONE” and that light and dark are momentary choices with which we dabble to make the game work. I’d prefer you to see that you all have both light and dark within you. But you ARE still in the game and so these things seem like inapplicable philosophy to many of you. And then you want to know the score on the light-vs-dark game again.
    So to the question of Barack Obama… I will not judge or pontificate over another being. I will not make declarations about how that being should act or choose. So I will not issue judgements about Barack Obama nor about how people should vote in America. To get embroiled in such issues is to miss the point. I think the entire system has become one in which people give their power away to these politicians who then clearly do not serve the interests of those people, of the voters.
    Given how the system is flawed and manipulated to what degree do you think it matters who you vote for? Do you think the winner will be the “man in power” after the vote is in? Do you think his thoughts and opinions will count for much? Do you not think that IRRESPECTIVE OF WHO WINS the system is not designed to keep the power in the hands of the existing cabal?
    I say you should find your own personal power over yourself instead… master yourself and then see how the whole question of politics becomes irrelevant to you.
    The presidential election and everything involved in it is entertainment and nothing more. It is meant to keep the American people from thinking about the real issues. And the outcome is irrelevant. It changes nothing. It’s very like that other thing Americans like to watch: Super Bowl football. Many Americans will act as if the outcome of who wins this game is vital to their future well-being. As if it is really important. But nothing actually changes no matter who wins. It is exactly the same with your presidential elections. A new face is presented and it is made to seem as if there are policy shifts but these are surface and minor. All that really changes is that those behind the scenes manipulate for more and more power. And you will not reverse this trend by picking the right candidate. If the “right” candidate tried to fight back [against the Power Cabal] that person would be made to look like a traitor and a criminal. They would be destroyed in the minds of the people. Or if that could not be done they would be assassinated. Quite recently in your history there was an American president that saw the way the power cabal was running things. He disliked it. He spoke up about it and he was eliminated by the power cabal for his insubordination. They warned him a few times. He declined to be silent. He was therefore assassinated by the power cabals agents and this was then covered up. I speak of course of John Kennedy.
    I say this not that you should lose hope. Quite the opposite. There is endless reason for hope. I simply point out that if you desire real change you should not look to politics to achieve this. If you want change find it within yourself. Forget politics. It is all a sham for the entertainment of the masses.

    So, essentially the message from Adamu is that it doesn’t matter who or what Obama REALLY is – if we are putting our faith in him to save us then we are opening ourselves for disappointment. If, instead, we figure out how to put our faith in ourselves and discover that we are, each of us, the creators of our own reality then we’re on a far better path.

    I would like to add the following thoughts of my own.
    1. Those that say Obama got to power against the wishes of the illuminati are not very observant. The mainstream media in the states is owned outright by TPTB. What is reported on is heavily watered down and filtered to ensure the right spin and tone. Things that TPTB do not want to have reported simply do not appear in the news. Hence, a candidate that is not sanctioned by TPTB will not make it out of the starting blocks. I would give you Ron Paul as an example. Like him or hate him you can’t help notice how badly under-reported his activities were in the MSM. You had to look on the ‘net if you wanted to know what he was up to. There was (and continues to be) a veritable news black-out around him and as a result folks just didn’t get a feel for him. If he had been a press-darling it might have been quite different a result. BUT the MSM belongs to TPTB. So no joy. I’m sure you’ll agree it was a little different for Obama? That he was loved by the press from the word go? Makes you think, doesn’t it.

    2. How will you know a man? Some say by his actions, others say by the company he keeps.
    If we are to know Obama by his actions then I for one don’t yet have sufficient data. I haven’t done enough research to form an opinion and he hasn’t yet had an opportunity to show his colours as President. BUT he is already making all kinds of back-peddling sounds about not being able to hit the targets he has previously promised becasue of tough financial times etc. The same tough financial times that existed when he made the promises. But… maybe I am too hasty. Let’s give the man an opportunity to show himself, right?
    So what if we try to know Obama by the company he keeps? Well then that is a bit worrying. The folks he is appointing to key positions seem very “more of the same” to me. I would have thought one would engineer the great change Obama got himself voted in on by bringing in different people. Surely the same people make the same decisions?

    I have more thoughts along these lines but you get the general gist. I am very much NOT convinced Obama is the shining angel of light many hope he is. But I have kept these kinds of thoughts to myself as so many people I know, love and respect were on such a high over him. There was this rush of optimism that flowed out of America and bounced around the globe. Everyone was ready to think that his win was good news. And that in itself was, I thought, reason for celebration. If pretty much every nation and every group felt hopeful and optimistic then that could be just the impetus we need to move the world in a better direction. And, ultimatly, irrespective of who or what Obama REALLY is, the fact of the matter is that Americans looked at the insanity of the Bush years… they looked More-of-the-same-McCain. They looked at Change Obama. And the voted for change. The voted for something different from Sheriff Dubyah and his posse. So that’s a great thing. The people of America let the world know that they didn’t want to continue on that insane, destructive track. Whew! GOOD NEWS!!!

    And so, finally, in conclusion. I would say each person has the choice to decide if they are going to focus on 3D reality and The Game that is played here or are they going to raise their consciousness and focus on the ascension process which is now very much underway. If they want The Game, then by all means get emotionally attached to politics and wars and death and destruction. Ride that roller-coaster if that is what serves you. If, on the other hand you are ready to choose the ascension path then, I would think your truth and your hope and your salvation lies within yourself. And if you REALLY find yourself then you’ll see all the illusory games for what they are. And politics especially will lose its ability to captivate you.

    Such are my thoughts.

    in reply to: The Zeta Reticuli Exchange Program #11901

    For what it’s worth…
    I’ve read a good bit further and I have come to decide that this is disinformation. I’m sure some of this story is true but there are certainly other parts that seem fabricated to me. But ultimately it feels to me like there is misdirection going on. We are being given a view of these particular extra-terrestrials and our own planetary powers that doesn’t jive with my experience and beliefs. So I come to a believe that a story is being spun. This is about selling us a bill of goods that whitewashes the actions and relationship between The Zetas and TPTB. This is not acceptable. Healing and reconciliation can only happen after the truth has been openly told, looked at and understood. The have to come clean. The have to give up on their addiction to lies.

    So that is my current opinion on this. But I could be wrong. And it IS quite an entertaining read anyway.

    in reply to: Questions about Auras #11823

    @Alusa wrote:

    I find your just seeing energy

    This is certainly so, Alusa, I agree. But if one takes a step back and understands that all matter is ultimately just energy then… umm… it seems that is true of all things that we are able to perceive: it is ALL just energy! My contention is that the physical 3D body is simply a different kind of energy from the auric body. I am then also going a step further to say that there are not just two bodies: physical and auric, but many. They vary in the density of the energy that composes them. The fact that different people, that can see auras, often report seeing different things really supports my view that, while we are “just seeing energy” it is no simple thing. We are seeing with our “inner eye” which means we are interpreting an energetic phenomenon as a visual phenomenon. The visual phenomenon is therefore being created by each of us in response to the external stimulus.

    And the point that you and Minifang make about seeing an aura around “non-living” objects? Yes, indeed! When I first learned to see auras I got confounded by the fact that even a brick has one. So I discounted the whole experience thinking it to be just a trick of the eye. Until I was ready to understand that EVERYTHING is living energy. Maybe a brick is not sentient in the way we think of such things but it becomes apparent to me that it is still made up of energy which is actually alive AND which exists in more than one density of experience: hence the aura!
    And here’s a cool one: try seeing the aura around electrical wires! I have some that run next to my garden. I sometimes sit outside and meditate and a few times I have opened my eyes and looked up at these wires. And then I could actually see the energetic interference in the auras between the wires! Quite an interesting visual phenomenon…

    @clever_sky wrote:

    Does that mean we, as energy, spread our selves (the essence) over lifetimes?

    c_s, I am really trying to express concepts which I can barely get my own poor 3D head around! The info I have has to do with the ascension process. It is the understanding that we are REALLY, each of us, a part of something much greater. Call it your “higher self”, if you like. You higher self is a true “entity”. It is fully integral and whole. An “energetic point of consciousness” which is also, holographically at all places and at all times at once! Then this being fragments its own energy to enter into a system like the one we currently inhabit. You have heard that this reality is composed of many “densities”? Well you higher self has spread itself down all the densities to get to you here down in 3D. And you are also sort of “spread out”. Think of the concept of chakras. Your one-energy is split up into several energy centres. And you are also spread across space and time (the “you ” of today is different from the “you” of 5 years ago) and then also across many incarnations. And this is only the coarsest understanding of the ways in which we are energetically dis-integrated.
    The ascension process is really a re-integration process. It is the process of reversing this experience and bringing all the energies back to the centre.
    But this is a HUGE topic. And it is very complicated and very bizarre to try to understand with our current earth-brain paradigms. I’ll try to get myself to place where I can allow these understandings to ground properly and then write it all up at some point.

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