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  • in reply to: ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK? #10734

    @Neiru2012 wrote:

    “yeah, I shed blood for Obama!”

    Not in vein then.

    he hee. Sorry, couldn’t ignore the pun. But seriously, from WAAAAAAAAAAY over here in South Africa we share your victory. What a beautiful new day today is!

    in reply to: in answer to your silent questioning, we speak #10832

    Ricky may I suggest there is no problem with them hearing you. There is possibly only a problem with you hearing them. And this is natural and normal. We spend many many lifetimes disconnecting and procuring that we are separated from the Oneness and closing ourselves off into a “individuated” state. And then, when we want to connect again, it takes a little work. Fortunately it is a lot easier to connect than to disconnect becasue it is your “true” state to be One with the universe. And it is your Oneness that allows intuitive and telepathic contact. So that’s just a little background. Connecting like this is aided by an open heart. And opening your heart requires that you be as loving as you can be. Loving yourself is, of course, the place to start. So doing the things that the most loving version of you would do sounds like the right path. But in the mean time, why don’t you try something. Just to see. Why don’t you let go of the self-limiting perception that you CAN’T do this. Tell yourself you CAN do this and just put the wheels in motion to make it happen. I can suggest the following as a “recipe for receiving” to get you started:

    1. Set up a “sacred spot” at home. Nothing elaborate, just a place where you can sit and write (paper or computer) with a candle and/or some incense or similar (like, maybe you want to have crystals there or something)… bring anything you feel will raise the vibration. Organise some soft non-intrusive music if there are sounds outside that might disturb you. Make sure you will be able to sit and write in the most comfortable, undisturbed way possible.
    2. Now take a gentle stroll in the most peaceful surroundings you can. Be conscious of your breathing and let go any stress that you have.
    3. Have a lovely relaxing bath and/or a short meditation. The point is to be as relaxed as possible. To have released any stress you might have. To be as untroubled by the issues that might normally clutter your thoughts. Be still. Be relaxed. Like a quiet pond upon which one can see the faintest ripple.
    4. Now sit down at your “sacred spot”. Declare your intent and light the candle/ incense or project your intent into the crystal. Your intent might be something like:
    “I intend to receive the clearest possible communication as filtered through the highest version of my own soul. I come to this with the most loving and pure intent.”
    5. Now your job is to not question anything. No double-thinking. No doubting. Just DOING. And what you are doing is communicating, right? So now you communicate. You start as you do with any conversation. You say “hello”, right? So you write or type “hello”. And then you just type the response that you feel in your head. Just get it down WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT IT. And just keep going. Like asking “who am I talking to now?” and then type the response. And this is how you go. Ask something and without vetting it write the response as it appears in your head. Do this until you wish to stop. Then, as good manners dictate, say thank you for their time and conversation and wish them well and say goodbye.
    6. Blow out the candle and release your intent.

    And NOW you can let out all your doubts and stuff that you inevitably will feel. Because you will. No part of this process is meant to make you not able to doubt it. You will have doubts. I promise that. And that is perfectly okay. The point now is just to DO IT. Not to prove anything to anyone. So… if you have any responses written down at all… then a celebration is in order. You have made your first contact. Now you just need to keep working on refining this newly started ability. Remember the greatest concert pianist in the world first started with some very simple tune. And at first got it wrong a lot. Well this is not nearly as difficult as playing the piano but none-the-less you ARE still going to have stumbles and hiccups in the beginning. That’s okay. So just be gentle and forgiving of yourself at first and HAVE FUN!

    There is so much more that I could share with you but maybe you’d like to just try this first and see how it goes? But only if this feels right to you…

    in reply to: Channel 5 from Blossom Goodchild Nov 2nd #10863

    Thank for your perspective UFOBelieve, that IS helpful. I actually went to talk to Adamu about this between now and when I last posted What it all comes down to is this: I guess the issue for me was quite a simple one. Blossom’s contact is telling how there was a “mistake”; there was a miscalculation of what the “enemy” would do. Adamu is telling that it is all perfect and everything is leading towards the perfect outcome. So I thought (in my normal human way) that this discrepancy means that one of these must be wrong. Of course it doesn’t mean this at all. There really just are two perspectives. Adamu takes a very “high” perspective indeed. From where he stands there is no enemy at all. There is only “self”. And so of course he sees things differently from Blossom’s contact that is talking from the perspective of dealing with an enemy. Neither perspective is more right. And neither makes the other wrong. It’s just somewhat different ways of looking at the same event.

    in reply to: Channel 5 from Blossom Goodchild Nov 2nd #10860

    I have to say that that just isn’t working for me. On three fronts, I guess. The first is it isn’t in accordance with what I got from Adamu. Which is then really just a case of “my guys” vs. “her guys”. But the second is that it doesn’t make sense. You can’t tell me the guys with the lightship didn’t know what weapons the opposition had. And you can’t tell me they didn’t know that their arrival would make the opposition desperate. And you can’t tell me they wouldn’t have had contingency plans in place for those eventualities. And if they COULDN’T put such contingency plans in place then they would not have made a promise to appear… surely?
    And then the third issue. She asks them why they didn’t appear. They say its becasue the is not indestructible. She questions them and then suddenly they are talking about US (earthlings) being blown up. And then later when she questions some more they just go on to affirm that their ship can be destroyed. But that was not, according to this channelling why they didn’t show up. These two things are not connected. Why didn’t they just START by telling here that OUR safety was threatened? Why the confused little mental meanderings? This doesn’t show the kind of clarity I am used to getting from such beings.
    Forth issue. So they didn’t show up becasue the opposition can blow us up. If that is so then are they proposing there will be a time in the future when they can show up? Because how are they going to then make sure the opposition no longer have those bombs or whatever? If they couldn’t protect us from that eventuality now how will they do so next time?

    Sorry. I HATE to be writing this. Blossom and I have been communicating via email and I think she is a lovely lady. And I am the last person that wants to pull a channelling apart. But my truth is my truth. And this doesn’t sit well with it at all. The organisation Adamu is a part of does not make gross tactical errors like this. This is a message of “oh, sorry we lost this round, we’ll try again next time but we can’t be sure we can figure our stuff out and not be destroyed while trying to rescue you” and is is the starkest possible contrast from what I received which is a message of “all is perfect. You and we are powerful creator beings creating our realities and we are managing the shift in consciousness in perfect accordance with divine will”. You could barely get more different explanations.

    So what do I make of this? Why would my messages be diverging from hers? I think it might have to do with the time-line split which is beginning to occur now. There are many energetic levels of reality opening up. We will all of us be resonating to a reality depending on each of our level of consciousness and the degree to which we are willing to take responsibility for our own reality. This creates the complicated situation in which there is more than one truth for everything. It’s a situation we are going to see more and more until the time-lines finally separate. I know for myself I am simply not resonant with a time-line of victimhood. Each will discern for themselves though…

    in reply to: 10/21 message, Operation Terra #10840

    That is just awesome. I have been anticipating this for a little while now and it feels right and perfect that we are on the very verge of the split in time-lines. You see, what I have come to understand about the lightship and all related phenomena is that beings must be willing to choose to experience things before these things may be experienced. You must be ready to create it for yourself. And it is patently obvious that there is far too great a diversity of things that people are willing to create in our world. In other words IF the lightship appeared on Oct 14 there would have been wonder and elation for a percentage of the planet and unspeakable trauma for another percentage. So the way to handle this is the separation of time-lines. We move in different directions. So that each being can begin to co-create with like-minded beings rather than this silly overly constricting co-creation with people that are still living in conflict and fear-based realities. So we can move free and realize our own greater dreams for ourselves. In so doing we can re-create ourselves far more powerfully than we do now. This is wonderful news. And the fear-filled ones? Then are most certainly not abandoned. It comes to me that by lumping us with them we are actually making things as difficult for them as they are for us! We constantly push for change and growth in ways that chafe at their fears. There are far better ways to help them forward and these will be explored. And I dare say many of us will help with that too when the time is right.

    We stand on the precipice of the most exciting ride in the whole galaxy. Keep your feet inside the vehicle and tighten your seat belt. It might get a little bumpy. But there is no danger. Get ready to party!!!

    in reply to: Chemtrails? Help needed please #9860

    999 you can most certainly call me zingdaddy. In fact you can call me anything except “late for dinner”. 😛

    I think the thing we are seeing here is that we, powerful creator beings that we are, always get exactly what we focus on. Now, you see, we are co-creators of this planetary reality. So there are others that want to force us to choose what THEY want. They want us to choose to create that we are small, weak, powerless and inferior. If we choose THAT then they OF COURSE get all our power because we need them to make our decisions for us. We need big strong military and government types to look after us. We need experts to tell us what to do. Religious leaders to tell us what to believe. News anchors to tell us what is happening in our reality… and so on and so forth. Now, if you go around the web and look at websites discussing conspiracy theory items like chem-trails and so on, then you get two positions:
    1. The debunker position which says it’s all bull and there is nothing going on and that believers are gullible fools, and,
    2. The believer position which says that “THEY” are a powerful, mysterious force that is pulling all the strings and has all the power and it pretty much seems like there is nothing much we can do but get more and more scared. Or maybe we should get angry enough to fight back… get ready for civil war… take up arms… kill the bastards that are doing this to us!

    The believers think the debunkers work for the government and the debunkers think the believers work for some destabilizing force that wants to damage their precious status quo. But somehow neither of these sides realise that all their efforts achieve the same goal… that they are intrinsically ON THE SAME SIDE. Because they are both focusing their attention (and therefore their creative powers) on the continuation of a situation in which Average Joe is weak and powerless and those in power will get more power. Both sides are serving duality. Both sides are serving interests of those currently in power. This is becasue, by immutable universal law, you cannot fight something without making it more powerful. So you cannot fight the power cabal without giving them power. So then what can we do? I say we can establish a third position:
    3. The Ascended Being position. This position accepts certain precepts like:
    * I am the creator of my own reality and am absolutely responsible for that which I create
    * I currently reside in a co-created system with other creator being and need to be cognisant of that and respond accordingly
    * What I do to “other” I also do to “self” and vice-versa becasue indeed:
    * All is truly ONE.
    And then it becomes quite clear what we should do. We should never ever again fight something that we don’t like for that only makes it more. You can’t create what you don’t want and then whine if you get it! So instead we create what we do want and be happy when we get it! But we must be sure that what we are creating is at all time the most loving thing, for the good of the ALL, that we can imagine. If you are creating hurt for another then you are creating hurt for yourself. So all this said, to me it is quite clear that we should not be focusing on the “horrendous fear-inducing calamity that is the chem-trails”. Because then you get more of it. You see I believe it is a real phenomenon and I believe they are put there to increase the quotient of fear and desperation of the populace. So DON’T do what they are made to do. Don’t fear and don’t fight. Ascend you consciousness above that silly duality response! Claim your power! Creator CREATE! Manifest the reality you desire. Ask yourself what you DO want. Then check that this is the most loving outcome you can imagine for the good of the ALL. Then visualise that with clear powerful loving intent. Direct your love up into the heavens. When you are done working this FEEL that it is done. Feel how you you would feel if you got exactly what you wanted. Be grateful and let it be. Now it is important not to engage in doubt. You see, some such creative workings will take longer than others. It is not your job to worry about how your intent interacts with the illusory construct we call time. It WILL come to fruition. If you run outside immediately and see that nothing has changed you might be inclined to immediately undo all your work by saying “oh no, I have done nothing but waste my time. I CAN’T create my reality” and becasue that is your belief… so it will be… and nothing will come of your working. Instead, accept that your creation WILL be manifest over time. And, if you keep doing this, then your experience of life will be more and more powerfully corroborative that in fact you DO create your own reality and you CAN do such workings. Then the gap between your creation and the realisation of that creation will close. You will start to know and experience your own abilities in this regard.

    The more you desire the greater good of ALL, the more powerful your workings will become too. You see you will begin to align your will with universal will. You will become a part of the infinite universal chorus. Sometimes you will lead the chorus. Sometimes infinite love, light and power will be directed precisely by your will and intent. Because YOU are voicing it. I contend that your wish for this planets air to be clean of will-fully sprayed toxins and pollutants is a wonderful place to see this in action. And a wonderful place for you to rise above the duality cycle of either fighting or supporting the fear and manipulation games of this system. So: Creator CREATE!


    And those are my thoughts.

    Essentially it means you can now shift your emotional response to Chem-trails if you see them. Instead of getting hurt, fearful, angry and desperate you may now instead thank the universe for a very clear and present opportunity for you to practice you new skills as a creator being in training. There aren’t many things as unambiguously in need of your creative talents than this! So be thankful. Be playful. Go fix your world. Go BE love in action.

    Happy creating!

    in reply to: Chemtrails? Help needed please #9855

    Good post 999 (if I may call you that?)

    I don’t know a lot about the phenomenon it seems very much like this is something that happens over NATO countries. I don’t live in a NATO country. Our skies here are African blue. And when we get clouds they are god’s-honest clouds. Things of beauty and wonder spread through the skies to turn pink at sunset. Not the oily bilious things I see in the photos of chemtrails that I have seen. So, I am saying I don’t have very much first-hand knowledge at all. But I do believe they exist as a phenomenon. And I agree with you totally that we are powerful in ways that we don’t yet begin to acknowledge. If you set your intent and you project your will with clear and firm intent you CAN change things like this. The point of orgonite devices (as far as I can understand) is that they will do this work for you 24/7 without you needing to sit there and think about it. SO that sounds like a plan? I think so. If I lived in a place where this was going down I would certainly use this as an opportunity to learn about reality creation by seeing how I could undo this mess. Orgonite and meditations would be my starting points. Oh, yes, and ask for help. The spirit realms are waiting to assist you. But you must ask and you must at least be ready to do SOMETHING. Even if it is only to light a candle and set your intent.. or SOMETHING.

    in reply to: ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK? #10719

    Hey jamwolfsky

    You are right and I apologise for the confusion. I was talking about emotional and psychic pain. Not physical pain. Sorry. There is clearly a difference in my miind. For me the body has pain receptors which are quite simply there to tell you that it is in risk of harm. If there are medical practitioners on hand to deal with the trauma then OF COURSE give the person the painkillers. But this does allow me to make my point more clearly. How would it be if someone was damaging their body… lets say by burning it on something hot. Instead of heeding the pain then just take a very powerful pain blocker and they keep doing what they are doing. Then it is really apparent that you are going to end up with major trauma. Now if we translate this to the spiritual. emotional sphere then THAT is what I am talking about. People who have some profound inner pain who, instead of dealing with the source of their inner pain, dull it with all manner of chemicals or what ever. You see? If you have some deep emotional pain then in all probability you are continuing to hurt yourself every day in your thoughts and your beliefs. It does no good to avoid THAT pain. You must fix it. You can’t show it to a medic in an emergency ward, unfortunately. It is buried deep in your psyche. SO you have to deal with it in other ways. And that I what I was talking about.

    I put it to you that we have all had bad physical pain at one point or another. Like I passed a kidney stone once without painkillers on hand. It was HELL. And we have all had emotional pain. Like a belief I had that I was unworthy of love. I’ll tell you without a second thought that once the kidney stone was passed I was already okay. I mean passing it was excruciating. But when it was over it was over, right? The painful belief however needed to be dealt with at its root. I needed to “go inside” and find the cause and heal it and let it go becasue as long as I left it there I kept hurting myself over and over. And I kept blocking my growth and advancement over this thing. You see what I am getting at? Definitely not saying “no painkillers for medical patients”! I like my painkillers A LOT when I’m in such situations. Maybe more than the doctors think I should. 😛 But when it comes to our emotions and our spirit beings I say we need to feel the pain and face it down with love, compassion, self-respect and a firm backbone.

    in reply to: ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK? #10717

    Correctly understood our traumas are our most valuable “not self” experiences. And healing those traumas are the diamonds of our souls. Such is my rather firmly held view, anyway.

    You see, I believe we come here to this reality construct to experience who and what we are if we manage to utterly forget our true nature. The question is: what does an eternal, immortal creator being of infinite power do if IT manages to entirely forget who and what it is and what it has done before. Well, it seems for pretty much all of us we manage to be “young souls” who are quite innocent of what cooks here. So we make some silly mistakes and get ourselves hurt. We make some really silly resolutions about how we will not get hurt again. And get even worse hurt. Then we decide it is time to get even. And we lash out. We discover some kind of twisted pleasure in hurting others. Things get… interesting. We get better at hurting and learn to make others do what we want by less-than-loving means. We keep doing this becasue it seems to feel better than being a victim until we hit some kind of low point. Somewhere along the line it registers on us that this is no way to behave. Primarily becasue it becomes apparent that hurting others is traumatising to the self. Then we have a new thought: is there not a way for me to be neither a Victim not a Perpetrator? And then we (usually) decide to be a Rescuer. We decide to right all the wrongs we have done and go on a crusade to fix the worlds ills. At this point we are probably calling ourselves things like “teacher”, “healer” or “lightworker” (‘fraid so). And this will continue until you truly liberate your own psyche from your own inner hurt. When you are properly healed and you understand that no-one ELSE needs any fixing. And if they do they must do it to and for themselves. THEN you are ready to transcend the whole duality thing. Then you are about ready to know, understand and feel as your truth that you really were that eternal, immortal creator being of infinite power all along. There was really nothing to heal or to fix all along. But you see, while you are playing in duality then there is no way for you to believe this. So the game is actually about finding ways to enable remembrance of what you are. To be able to look at yourself with a clear lens unsullied with self-limiting lies about you being anything less than magnificent. So, anyway. If you DO get to the point of being willing to see yourself this way then you CAN, if you so choose, decide to help others to see that they are also such perfect and magnificent creatures. But you don’t do it by rescuing them from their pain. You do it by helping them to see that they are the authors of their own reality and that they are the only ones that can truly heal their own pain.

    So all that said – if you;ll forgive the long preamble. I will make the very firm contention that taking anything to “kill the pain” does nothing but take away from you the opportunity to do your soul-level work. If you have pain in this lifetime then it is my absolute truth that this echoes through your whole multidimensional self. If you don’t deal with it in this lifetime you’ll deal with it in another. But you WILL deal with it. Ensuring that the pain you have caused yourself/ otherselves is not accessible with to your brain is probably the fastest way to a totally shattered soul that I can think of. If it works in this lifetime you will seek the same or similar means in other lifetimes. You will get very badly lost. Pain is dealt with with backbone and integrity and love. But it must be dealt with. Pain avoided is pain multiplied.

    As you can see I have some strong views on this based upon my own experiences of life and dealing with some pretty ragged stuff that lived with me. Dealing with it was the most intensely liberating thing. And now all that is available as a tool. So these are my thoughts which I share with you… in love.

    in reply to: ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK? #10710

    My experiences of late have come to have me simply KNOW that I am the creator of my reality. I don’t mean this in the weak sense of “I can decide how to respond to what is presented to me” but in the strong sense of “the choices I make absolutely and completely dictate what I will experience”. This is becoming more and more powerfully true for me as I progress. I do believe it is a path we are all treading. One the one end is victimhood, where we believe we are powerless victims of our reality, and on the other end is creator-hood, where we believe we are the creators of our reality. Wherever you are on the continuum between these two states, whatever you believe will be true for you. Telling a “victim” person that they are really creators will have them thinking that you are nuts. “I didn’t create all my misfortunes!” they’ll shout at you. And then promptly list for you all the myriad shocking and terrible things that are happening to them personally and the world in general. But you see, they really ARE powerful creator beings busily creating that they are victims! So it is true for them. And given that I am now coming to not just understand but to actually know and experience my own self-mastery I have had to take a very hard look at choices available to me. Because what I choose I will experience.

    Now you ask about light and dark. I feel these concepts are a great many different things depending on how you look at them and who you ask and what masks and lenses you yourself are wearing. So instead I will simply tell you what I have come to decide about all experience: where you place your attention is what becomes more real for you. So, if you fear something then you are putting some of your energetic attention there. Whatever it is, you are bringing it towards you. Seems like a silly and counter-productive thing to do then, doesn’t it? To get what you DON’T want. Also, we often exhaust our own immense creative powers by residing in neurotic states of placing huge amounts of attention on two opposite things: like loving peace and hating war. When, if you follow my reasoning, you’ll see this will just keep you exactly half-way between war and peace at all times while you expend your creative powers doing sweet nothing! So I have decided to give up fear. I decided it isn’t fun. It does me no good. I’ve checked it out and there isn’t really anything about it that I like awfully much. Fear just no longer entertains me. So now I can simply focus my attention directly on what I love and bring myself that experience directly and powerfully. And as for dark? Well. That which I have come to understand of true darkness I think is pretty damn rocking. Nothing to fear there at all. And the normal mundane darkness of this world? If you have no fear then all the stuff that’s hiding in the dark is just undiscovered stuff. And if you are a curious being (as we all are) then satisfying curiosity is good. It is a great motivator to get out there and discover!

    Okay. Many will say “if you walk around in the dark you could get mugged”. Stuff like that. Yeah. As long as I want to stay with this bodily experience then I am aware that it can be hurt and damaged. So OBVIOUSLY I take care of this vehicle. Being stupid is an expression of a desire for harm. But I very firmly contend that I have sensory abilities beyond what empirical science would recognise. If I am clear about my motivations not to come to harm and I am observant and receptive of my inner voice and I am willing to be guided and protected, then my bodily integrity will be safe-guarded. At least until I have learned to re-manifest a body at will should this one be harmed.

    So, to summarise a very long answer: no fear of anything for me. And dark is cool. 😉

    in reply to: Vegan Essay (Part III) #10743

    I enjoy your writing style. That was fun to read. And I really resonate with your cause too. I am vegetarian. Not quite vegan yet. For me I think its a process of moving from the flesh guzzler that I was to … who knows… living on light, air and love as a fully ascended being, maybe? And so step by step I am making choices that are less and less about pain and suffering for some being somewhere and less and less about damaging to ecology somewhere. So, anyway, I’m not quite where you are but I really do resonate with what you say. And DEFINITELY eating something that felt a whole lot of pain and fear results in you having to deal with that energetic load. This is something that I hold to be true. I know it is infinitely easier for me now to meditate and find inner peace now that I am no longer ingesting such energies.

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8397

    Hiya Will

    I’m going to be re-doing the letter to Steve in a way that it will be directed at people generally, rather than at Steve specifically as it is now. This is what Adamu was on about in the intro paragraph. Then I’m going to make a new thread for it and invite the world to read it. Via a youtube vid or something. I haven’t been shown yet how all this must transpire. But it’ll come. The point is, this message is an important one but it needs a little re-jigging so that I can make it a general offering. When the correct guidance comes then all that will happen.

    Thank you for asking about my music. Yes, downloads will soon be possible. I want to do it right. I don’t just want to chuck my stuff out at the world and see where it sticks. I want my music and my writings and stuff to work together to be a whole and coherent message. They actually have a purpose in the way they are meant to interact with consciousness. Just putting a track up, without the context and without offering the listener an opportunity for engagement and context, will make it a much poorer thing. So I am just about to launch my website. All my offerings will be gathered together there. And then people can come an play. I will invite people to join my website… sort of like members. Or family. Or something. And then we can work together to bring about the selves we want to be and the world we want for those selves to inhabit. I have loads of ideas that are burning to be expressed. And I want one place that I can gather all these things. So music and so much more soon to be made available… I promise you I’ll let everyone know when it’s up!

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8395

    @dan wrote:

    ZINGDAD!! friend, I would like so much to know about you! what are those spiritual assignments? why you say things are getting crazy? what are you seeing?
    Am also riding a strange wave and the 14th thing did change a lot in me. And as I wrote somewhere in the forum, the no appearance doesn’t mean at all BUSINESS AS USUAL! although for many people it is.
    what if we make new thread where we can share the changes we lived and share our perceptions of the changes that are manifesting subtlety and almost invisibly and how we are collaborating with those changes. I have lots of great friends but not so many with whom I can share these experiences and perceptions.

    good, so, let’s see.

    Hi Dan

    I have so many things on the go and it wouldn’t really be appropriate to catalogue them all publicly. I’ll simply mention that I am quite intensively engaged with my own ascension process. I have a role to fulfil and I am preparing for that – which is a long and complex tale and really not something that I am happy to talk about quite yet. Other than that I am creating music and writing articles for my website which is about to launch. And “cleansing the lens” so that I can better receive channellings of all types. And transitioning from my “old life” to a “new life” which is congruent with my soul purpose and my truth. And so much more. And all of this comes at some cost in terms of my personal resources.

    But if you haven’t read it yet you might want to look at what I have written over here. SteveB wrote me a letter and Adamu a letter just a little further back in that thread wanting an explanation about the lightships no-show. Well, I had been busy preparing to channel a message from Adamu on precisely that subject when I came across SteveB’s letter so I used that as the perfect catalyst to get the story out. It’s a pretty cool message. And just before that I myself address SteveB on his question about my on-line name: Zingdad and his contention that I’d have far more credibility if I chose a more serious sounding label. Anyway. That little write up might give you some more insight into where I am at.

    By all means create a thread to discuss the topic you have suggested! I think it is a good idea. I have posted elsewhere some of my experiences but I guess I could tell in more detail. I mean I have, I very firmly believe, actually seen the lightship now. And things are so busy in my perceptual field these days that I’m just not even looking twice anymore when something really unexpected and “paranormal” happens. Strange days indeed!

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8392

    Hello my friend

    I must appologise but you obviously missed this:

    I have recently come to see that the Q&A sessions that I have been doing with Adamu is conflicting with other work that I feel I need to do in this regard. The issue is it IS quite time consuming to do this and I always feel I need to be quite fresh or otherwise I don’t do it justice. Unfortunately my life has become increasingly… interesting… the last while. With the first intimation of the Lightship coming I have been thrown into a flurry of activity around that. But that isn’t even the beginning of it! I have become extremely busy on every front. My work life, my life as a musician, my spiritual life… every sphere has just kicked into high-gear.
    So I find very little time where I am able to do work like this and I find that time is now taken up by the rather urgent and active process of the coming Lightship showing and all that is involved with that.

    So I am going to take a break from the Q&A’s and focus on the direct messages from Adamu (and the other beings I work with). When things settle down a little (as I hope they eventually must) I will let you know and re-open myself to Q&A style interaction.

    from here on the Adamu thread.

    I was forced to make a choice between spending time and energy in the work that I was being asked to do by Spirit or spending that time doing Q&A for people. There simply was not enough time for both. And things are just getting more crazy in that regard. So I do apologise but I simply cannot be offering that service at this time.

    I would suggest to you, however, that there really is nothing special about me other than that I chose to figure out how to really listen. If I can do it then you can do it too. And then you’ll never have to ask someone else again. And it will bring with it untold spiritual gifts. I highly recommend it. And you don’t even NEED to do that. Your truth is in your heart, my friend. Meditate, be still and listen to your inner self. It’s all there.

    in reply to: Questions for Zingdad Re: Oct 14 #10172

    The bellow is a direct channelling from Adamu in response to SteveB’s letter to him:

    I greet you, my friend.

    You demand explanations and I am very happy to provide them. The time is right. My answer to you will be a message which will find a form that will go out to many more than just yourself. Because it is an important and timely message. I’m quite sure the answer I have for you will be quite unlike what you would have expected and I am not sure it will sit very comfortably with your current paradigm. But I believe it is none-the-less a message that you should hear. And irrespective of that it is my truth. Which is, in the final analysis, all I can offer.

    My friend. I shall like to start by telling you a little story which I think you shall enjoy. It goes like this: who do you think was the audience of the messages I passed through my young friend Zingdad? Many would like to pretend that it was only the oddball UFO-believing fringe element that looked at messages like this. Many would like to pretend that those who do believe in extraterrestrial life are a little unbalanced. Do you know why this is? It is quite simply because those that hold the reins of power on your planet know exactly how true it is. And they want to keep the knowledge out of the public domain. So they work to taint the whole subject with an air of the ridiculous. They manage to quite firmly insinuate in the public consciousness that only those that are a little peculiar in the head are interested in the subject. No serious person would give it a second glance, they aver. And as they are in control of the media, and as the media sets the agenda in your societies, so it has become. But the very oddest thing about all this is that the most “serious” people of all, the very people that have orchestrated this campaign of disbelief, are believers themselves! Yes, the power cabal members are themselves believers. Indeed they are more than believers, they are “knowers”. They know it is true that there exists extra-terrestrial intelligence and that it is here on your planet in space ships because over the years they have met with various members of different extra-terrestrial groups. And they have even chosen to enter into agreements with certain of these beings. They sought always more power, more leverage, more military tools and the extra-terrestrial group that promised such things was granted certain rights in exchange. The point of me telling all this again now is that it is then obvious that your earth cabal know that there are space beings “out there” in space ships. However, the group they have contractual agreements with is most certainly not a member of the Galactic Federation of Light! No member of our organization would act as these beings have. And it goes further. We have let these other space beings know in some very firm ways that they may not act with impunity. I am now telling you that we have curtailed their activities very sharply. We monitor their moves and we make very sure that they act within certain bounds. If they overstep and we catch them at it then there are consequences for them. You see, we are engaged in a very delicate operation in your planetary sphere. And there are others with other motivations also here. And these others have a rather uncomfortable alliance, but an alliance none-the-less, with your hidden leaders. And so the men of this power cabal know very well of our existence. And they know very well by now that we are a superior force to the one they have allied themselves with.

    Now. Put yourself in the shoes of the power cabal for a second. Just think it all through. Would you not very much want to know what we are planning? And if you or your operatives came across such things as the various channelings and so forth that go out… what would you make of them? I’ll tell you this… they certainly did look into this issue! Often quite heavy-handedly. Up to quite recently channellers and other people that got too close to the truth were silenced. Sometimes with threats and sometimes forcibly. And sometimes permanently. At first the cabal operators were quite confused. You see they could not understand how it could be that ordinary people living ordinary lives could be acquiring information such as this. Certainly there were too many facts that correctly corresponded with what they knew to be true – and had successfully hidden from the public – for this to be a fluke. So they visited such people trying to find out who they had spoken to. Who had “leaked”. They simply could not believe that all this could arrive in this “telepathic” form. But in time they had to admit it must be what was occurring. Totally uncontacted and unconnected people were somehow “in the know”. And they cabal operators also came to see the stupidity of their crass and heavy-handed measures. Each person that was silenced suddenly gained extra credibility. Suddenly their message was elevated. The reasoning is quite simple: If they shut you up it must be because you have hit a nerve. So it finally dawned upon them that this was counter-productive. And then some great Sherlock amongst them realized that they should actually allow this to continue because it was actually a source of intelligence for them. They were learning more about us via these channelings than they could get from their alliance partners. You see that alliance is so rotten with mistrust that it is near to worthless now. But anyway, instead of silencing the channellers they began to monitor them… absorb the “intel” that they could thus derive. They also hit on another sadly typical brainwave which was to put up their own channellers. They wanted to keep the real channels open but still muddy the waters with some other sources of information that were misleading. They planned to keep the people of earth confused and to find ways to keep discrediting the whole phenomenon. What they simply cannot get their heads around is why their channellers, who put out carefully planned and scripted material, just don’t seem to penetrate the planetary consciousness. It just won’t work. Maybe they’ll get it one day. Lies carry no light. It’s that simple. And light is its own motivator. Truths that need to be heard have wings. But I digress. All of this is really just to have you understand that any channelled messages from the Galactic Federation are not only absorbed by your earth cabal and their alliance partners but are indeed taken quite seriously by them. Can you see now that we are not just talking to beings like you? Can you see now that there are profound implications to what we might say – and not say? Can you see that we must be very careful about what we say? And that there might be some very good tactical reasons for saying something. Or for NOT saying something? Of course you can. A glimmering begins to appear, I am sure.

    And on that note I shall take a moment to say a quick hello to any members of the loyal opposition that have gotten this far: “Hello friend. Smile. You’re on candid camera!”

    Sorry I could not resist. And now I shall return to normal programming.

    Now that I have sketched the above scenario I can also tell you that we are not, in fact AGAINST your power cabal. They are not our enemy. Neither are their alliance partners, these other space races. You will struggle to understand this at first but I wish to tell you that we love all these beings. You see we know that we and they (and all of you) are really ONE. Really. We know this absolutely and unambiguously in a very direct way. It’s not a platitude and it’s not a metaphor. It is the simple truth as far as we are concerned. The great difficulty is that you don’t know this, your power cabal don’t know this and their space-faring allies don’t know this. Not yet anyway. Or at least, if they do know it then they know it in a theoretical way which leaves them feeling very uncomfortable.

    And so here is the game plan. On the one side you have the force for unity. That is us. On the other side you have the force for disunity. That is them and everyone that wants to play their game. What we want to do is help everyone to know and understand the truth about themselves. In so doing, those beings that “get it” will liberate their own consciousnesses, will step into their power, will know their unity with All and will be freed forever from the victim states which allow them to be used and manipulated by others. Such beings set themselves on a path of true mastery. They become amazing, magnificent creator beings. And the beauty of this is quite stark: you see, you gain all this amazing magnificence and power precisely through a process that acknowledges that you are an intrinsic and indivisible part of the oneness of all. So the result of all the amazing creative powers that will awaken within you CAN ONLY BE that you set them to work in a way that is to the good of all. Using them to hurt another or gain power over another is not only unfathomable but actually impossible. To behave in such a way would mean that you have somehow lost the consciousness which allows you to have such abilities and you would therefore not have them anymore. So you see: We desire to help those like yourself to see and to know a little more of who you really are. That is our motivation. But can you see that this would be directly contrary to the wishes of your power cabal? They wish to remain in power. Having power over you is what they think makes them feel good about themselves. Why they haven’t noticed that they very seldom actually DO feel good about themselves I cannot fathom. They must be quite unobservant. But none-the-less, they feel it is in their best interests to keep all planetary inhabitants pliant and under their control and so they strive for ever great handles on your behaviour. More control and more power. Clearly having you discover your own self mastery is a disaster for them. When beings do awaken in this fashion they suddenly lose interest in the silly lies that is politics. They discover the bag of mind-deadening doggerel which is sold as entertainment through the cabal-owned media loses all its flavour. They cease to allow religious leaders to tell them what to believe and so, there too goes that lever of control. In short, such a person is lost to them forever. And disaster-upon-disaster such a person is an infectious problem as an awakened being instinctively goes about awakening those around him or her too.

    Now, friend Steve, you have been horrified by the atrocities committed by these people in their wanton desire for ever more power and control. You decided to use what resources you could bring to bear to fight them. I applaud that desire. However, I will offer you my perspective. You will not, and cannot, beat them like this. You cannot fight hate with hate. You only make more hate. My dear friend, it will horrify you to hear me say this to you, but from where I stand you actually assist them in their agenda if you fight them in this fashion. Do you know why? It is because their whole system thrives on fear and dissent. If there is either fear or conflict then people are playing their game. They are past masters at utilizing this. If someone stands against them and that resistance movement gains some power then they find a way to put their own person up as leader of that opposition group and then they lead the fight against themselves. They spill the blood of passionate but innocent people like yourself on both sides whilst they profit in myriad ways from the war that rages and the attendant fear and misery. These and similar tactics have been played out not just on your planet but through the ages and across the galaxy. We have fought them in every possible way, trying innumerable tactics and I tell you this with firm conviction: as long as we fight them we lose. But as soon as we switch to love we win. And so we are winning. We are at a point now where the tide has completely turned. There really is a situation of the last “die hards” that we are now dealing with. And can you see what we now must do? We do not wish to crush them, to kill them, to defeat them. No! We wish to liberate them! We wish for them also to discover their true magnificence. Because, as I said, they are us as, are you. We are all ONE. And we come to remind the parts of self that have forgotten this that it is so. Including the power cabal. In fact especially them. And so, Steve, if you wish to know from me how it is you should go about fighting them then I will tell you your greatest battle is actually within yourself. If you would find true inner-peace and self-love then you will have won. You personally will be the victor. And then it is unavoidable that you shall by your very presence and existence help others around you, everyone you come into contact with, to similarly come to mastery of self and victory. And this process then will gain momentum and before you know it the great enemy – the members of the very inner core of the dark cabal – will also be finding awakening. And then you and they and us will all join together as one. We shall have absolute knowingness and understanding of all that occurred in this whole game across this entire galaxy. And we shall delight in the shared power and knowledge. And then we shall go on to create whatever new, wondrous and magnificent creation it might please each of us to do. We will be done with duality and the concomitant pain, fear, strife and conflict. Between us all we will have extracted every permutation of learning from it and because we had unified we will all of us know what all those variations are. We will all know everything that is to be know from this system. THAT is the power and the value of the systemic ascension that is now to take place. Can you see that this is an almost impossibly beautiful and powerful prize? Can you see that the pain and suffering that is endured as a result of the illusion of separation is more than compensated for once that illusion is overcome by ascension? I really do hope you can. It is a grand prize indeed.

    And if you see it this way then you will see that, in fact, the power cabal is not your enemy either. They are beings, just like you, who are playing a role. They, just like you, have bought into the rather compelling illusion of their lives in your version of reality in your density. And they have played out their roles very well. They have provided you with a great evil, menacing enemy against which you might strive. For indeed how could you be valorous if there was no evil enemy bigger than your self? And valorous you have been! So do you see what happens, Steve? You are actually a great and powerful spirit being. But, by procuring that you have forgotten who you really are, you have allowed yourself the amazing gift of rediscovering yourself anew. You come to find out who you really are, when you don’t know who you are. Can you see how amazing it then is that you come to discover that you are a man that stands for justice? One that will not just expend energy but actually put his own being at risk in service of a greater good? So this is good to know about yourself. And this is an example the kind of value that can be extracted from this process. And the flip-side is equally valuable. The dark stuff. I will tell you Steve, that each and every being on the planet has within this lifetime and the ones that that have gone before engaged in some darkness of their own. Each of you have played both sides of the game. In some lifetime somewhere you have each been a manipulator and a destroyer. And Steve, I put it to you that it is precisely this knowledge that you hold inside of you… precisely this uncomfortable pain of your own transgressions… that motivates you so powerfully to fight the evils of the world. I suggest to you that you are seeking to balance what you feel deeply within your own soul as your own hidden wrongful acts by making things right in the world for yourself and others. You seek redemption in this way. I don’t need you to agree with me I only wish to use this to make a point. Can you see that it is possible that someone’s own misadventures can become their motivation to do good in the future? In fact I would go so far as to say it is always thus. Every single soul hits a low point where they decide to turn around and begin to do good in the world. And then, when they do, all their darkest deeds become the tools for them to do their greatest healing in their world. And you see, Steve, once you are willing to recognize, own and claim all your own darkest deeds then not only do you heal yourself of them but you gain them as a tool. Now you can have true compassion for others who are similarly troubled. If you see that the members of the cabal are in many ways a different face of yourself just in a different phase of their progression then you will understand things much more as we do. You will see that you no longer will wish to hurt them. It is abundantly apparent then that their hurts are actually the problem. Hurting them more will only exacerbate the situation. Helping them to heal is what will solve everything. You see? They are one with you and I. All we are doing here is healing the self.

    Now maybe you gain some understanding of what we are really about. We are about healing the self in all its guises. Now I would like to tell you a little of what this “we” is that I talk about. We have used the label Galactic Federation of Light and this has caused many on earth to think of us as space men. Or aliens. I would like to correct this. People of a more spiritual bent talk of a concept called the “higher self”. They refer to a spirit essence which is much greater than that which is incarnated. It is that which includes all of the various “past lives”, the present incarnation and is something more besides. This model is close enough to accurate that I shall use it to explain. Imagine now that these higher-selves are themselves part of something greater. And these greater ones TOO are part of something greater. Then you begin to understand that there is a kind of a hierarchy. Right at the very top of this hierarchy all of the beings are of course ONE. Inevitably. One way to look at it is that the ONE fragments itself and those fragments fragment themselves and so on and so on until the bottom most rung is populated with a great many fragments. Please understand that this is a very crude description and is badly flawed in many ways but a more accurate description would be nearly impossible to do given the constraints of your current earth perspective and my needing to put it into your language though my dear Zingdad. But it will suffice to allow me to get to my point. In this model there is a group of beings right up near the top of the pyramid. They can look “up” and see that they are ONE. There is no doubt or confusion about this for them. They are the ones that set the creation of the whole rest of the pyramid into motion. They are called various things when referred to in some of your scriptures and esoteric writings. Elohim, Bright Ones, Shining Ones and so on. They are the “we” I refer to. I am, from a certain perspective, one such being. I am also conscious of myself as being of a somewhat reduced consciousness in many other roles and in many other realms of the various densities. My dear Zingdad recalls meeting my consciousness in an early incarnation of his. In that life I was known to him as Adamu. He keeps using that name as it has pleasant connotations for him. But that name is very near to irrelevant to me. I have no need of names. But if he uses it then he refers to me. And as I love him very dearly I will respond when called by it. But that is a side issue. The point here is that my consciousness includes and enfolds that one and a great many other lives, if I can use that term, in a great many different states of being and levels of consciousness. At the very lowest density of my existence, at the bottom of the figurative pyramid, I am very well represented. Those beings which have populated the planets in the Pleiades, and are then called the Pleiadians in your frame of reality, are almost exclusively of my own consciousness. I am them and they are me. In exactly the same way my consciousness is present in many lives right now upon your planet. I shan’t go into the technicalities of the story of how this came to be but I shall simply state that a good percentage of earth’s inhabitants right now are as Pleiadian as I am. You see the label “Pleiadian” is as useful as the name Adamu. It’s a label. As long as you like it you can use it but it has no eternal significance. But anyway. I tell you this that you might understand that my consciousness is there with you on planet earth. I am living amongst you. Though I dare say the overwhelming proportion of myself that is there has no clue that this is so. The illusion of separation is powerfully worked. And the rest of humanity? Those that are not “Pleiadian”? They are, almost all of them, fragmented from the other Elohim in exactly the same fashion. And where I am the Pleiadian civilization the other Elohim have expressed themselves as other space civilizations in other places around the galaxy. There is a very small percentage of beings on the planet right now that are not of the Elohim. Zingdad himself is one such. And these are all here by invitation and are aligned with our goals. And our goal right now is to heal all the portions of self that are hurt so that the ascension process can occur.

    Oh yes, the pyramid I have sketched is most certainly not All That Is. From our perspective it is but a grain of sand on the endless shores of All That Is. But it is our grain of sand and we love it dearly. And yes, we are also aware of our own consciousnesses engaged in other reality constructs all together. I tell you my friend, when you are ready to open your eyes to the glory and splendour of what REALLY is “out there” you will never ever cease to be astounded and amazed. Eternally unfolding magnificence lies before you. And do you know how you begin the process of seeing clearly what is “out there”? You begin by looking inside yourself. Because in reality it all is inside you. If you are really one with All That Is, then does it not make sense that that you will find it all inside yourself? If you seek God then you must seek within.

    And so, if you have chosen to follow my whole narrative thus far, you will have gained a much better understanding of who we are and what we want to do. And now finally I can begin to get into the issue of the lightship.

    Would you believe me, Steve, if I told you that what has happened, and continues to happen now, is exactly and perfectly right? That we have not made a single error? That we are not at all embarrassed or ashamed by our failure to “show up” but indeed pretty pleased with ourselves? If I had started my reply to you like this you would have been aghast, I am sure. But now that you have a greater context maybe you will be ready to see why this is so. You now understand our true motivations and you have a beginning of an understanding of who we are. If you thought we were space people in space ships coming to give the bad men in power a good thrashing so that we could fix your planet… well then I am not at all surprised you were disappointed. And in that case I am afraid we will continue to disappoint you forever because we never will be that. What we are is you, only with a far larger perspective. And we are here working to heal ourselves. We created this system of reality to experience a whole range of states of being and it has been a wonderful success. But now it is time to end it so that we can do something else. So we seek to heal the hurt and traumatized parts of ourselves so that they can stop fighting with themselves just long enough that they might begin to see the power, beauty and magnificence of self. If they do that then they can see through the illusion and ascend out of it.

    The game, quite simply, must end very soon. We, from the very highest level of this creation, do not desire it to continue any longer. It has run its course and it no longer serves us. And so we end it. Considering that it is our game and we are all the players there really is no problem. I mentioned that the only players that are here that are not of us are here by our invitation. We desired them to be here. And they are very firmly in agreement with this agenda. So there is no argument. The game will very soon end. It will end with the whole system’s ascension. After the ascension there will still be an earth for you to live on if this is what you wish to do. There will still be a universe. But the system will be of a higher consciousness. You will no longer find it possible to believe that you are truly mortal or that you are not eternally connected with the oneness of all. You will find yourself in a process of becoming an ever more powerful creator being and then eventually be ready to create your own whole reality. Or co-create it with friends that you love. If you do that… if you go and create a vast reality of wondrous complexity and beauty with a group of beloved ones… well then you’ll be a bit like us, the Elohim. And seeing as you actually already ARE us, can you see how the fractal complexity unfolds into ever more wondrous magnificence?

    But first we have to end THIS game. And one of the rules of this game is that every single point of consciousness that is able to make choices must always be allowed to make whatever choices it wants. It is very important to us. It is called Free Will. If we were willing to break that rule then we’d have no problem. We’d just present ourselves to you in the grandest, most dazzling display and say “Hi, we made you. That makes us your gods. You have to do what we say now.” And then instruct you about what you must do next. And then you’d all ascend and because your free will had been abrogated so radically by us you’d internalize the message that you are small and insignificant and we are amazing and glorious and you’d release all your ego and cease to be an entity unto yourself. You’d stop creating. You’d just return to the oneness. And we would have taught you EXACTLY the opposite of what we wish you to learn and in so doing have destroyed a huge part of the value of this whole system. So we can’t do that. So let’s go back to first principals: We want you to learn that you are creator beings. That you create your own reality. So then it is obvious… we can only have the game end for you by having you choose to end the game for yourself. You must choose. Or to put it correctly you must create this for yourself. Of course we can give you some nudges. We call it offering you other choices. But you yourself must choose. Each and every one of you. And we are here now stepping up the power on the offering of the choice of ascension. We put it before you like a box of chocolates and then, as we go, we keep making it a little more obvious and a little more tempting.

    And that is what the lightship is all about. How? Well let’s see what happened here. We have played quite dexterously with planetary consciousness. Through the channelings and so forth we planted a seed that was quite enticing and beguiling to you. We put into your consciousness a seed of hope and wonder. And I’ll tell you we also put the power cabal into a bit of disarray. You will be quite surprised at the plans they had in place to counter our arrival! They were ready to enact some pretty draconian measures against you to keep you from revolt. And they had arrayed all their secret technologies to make us look like attackers and so forth. When nothing happened all their plans fell to naught. All the resources and the effort expended on dealing with us was a profound drain on them. That it was all wasted was quite a shock. A great deal of chaos ensued and chaos is always a window for change. If it is used correctly the change can be for the good. And it was and continues to be. There are some positive changes afoot in their ranks which will start becoming apparent to you in due course.
    And for yourselves? The good folk of the planet that were hoping for the lightship? Well I can say there is a trend. The more you wanted this to happen the more you believed it was going to arrive as a saviour. In other words those that wanted it most fervently were generally those that believed it would swoop in and fix up your world. That it would rescue you from your own creations. Well I am sure you can see by now that this is not something we would do. Again, this would teach you that you are not the creators of your own reality. So we simply couldn’t do this. I must explain that we don’t do things in the same way you do. When we plan or contemplate or discuss things we don’t use words. We use realities. You think your world is in the only reality. It isn’t. It is one of a great many probable realities. And so we can play endless scenarios out and not just theorize what will happen but actually KNOW what will happen by seeing that it does happen. So there is indeed a probable reality with a lightship in the sky on 14 October. There are many others. But we focus ourselves and our greater energies on the most desirable outcome. You do this to. Without confusing the issue I will simply say that you are experiencing the most desirable outcome where we have managed, in one go, to defuse a whole lot of difficult consciousness constructs. We have caused a profound amount of healing. Those in the power cabal have been caused to expend efforts on this project which has effectively killed a whole host of other projects which they would otherwise have enacted to further traumatize you and themselves. And as this didn’t happen, all the plans they put in place with all the technologies and resources are now useless. It was a massive blow to them. And no one was hurt or killed in delivering this blow. You see? I said we’d defeat their war machines without a fight. But I know this is not what you were expecting. You wanted a big show, so that you can “believe”. Well I tell you this would have actually caused your consciousness great harm and would have won us very little benefit. And so we will not do that. Instead we have positioned the lightship in your planetary sphere in such a way that it is not quite visible. You will each see it when you are ready to see it. But you will not see it in the old way. You will see it with your spiritual eyes. What it is doing is beaming into your consciousness grid the energy of joy. It is making it easier and easier for you to believe in a positive and joyous outcome. It provides the planet with a certain sense of irrepressible positivity. You can much more easily choose to believe that things are going to be just fine. But you must choose. You must create.

    And so, my friend, I have all but exhausted my dear Zingdad in the desire to tell this tale. But of course this missive is something that will find its way to quite a large audience eventually. You quite kindly offered the catalyst for it to flow with your questioning. The time is right for these understandings to go out: We are here. We are with you. We are in your skies and we are you. We love you. We love you so much that we will respect any and every choice you make. Even if your choices are horrendously painful to yourself and to us. We will respect that. But we love you too much to not at least try to help you to release yourself from your pain. We love you so much that we want you to be the most magnificent you can be. And we know that the most magnificent you can be is something that is way beyond what words can give meaning to. We want you to discover this.

    And we are very busy in many different ways telling you this. And every time we tell you this we give you the right to choose. The whole lightship phenomenon with the aforegoing channellings and the way it has played out, and continues to play out is all a part of this. And do you see how that action perfectly set up the conditions for this very communiqué? This story that passes from the heart of me through the heart of Zingdad and reaches out to the heart of everyone on earth? Can you see how this is just one more way in which we offer you that choice. That this is another amping up of our offering? Then maybe you’ll understand the process a little and maybe you’ll understand that our offering to you will continue to get clearer and more powerful until every one of you has either finally accepted of declined our offer. But you must each decide and you must know what you are deciding. So it is a process. If you actively choose to engage in the process then things will go easier with you. If you fight it then you will only bring to yourself more pain and confusion. It seems the obvious suggestion then is to choose to know. To create that you will have all you need at every juncture to make the very best decisions for yourself that you will ascend. To work to release all the fear and pain and anger that you hold in yourself that you may come closer to seeing yourself with the eyes of love.

    And now I must conclude. Because even thought there is much, much more to say there will be other opportunities and that is sufficient for now. It will give you something to contemplate.

    I wish all that read this love and peace. If you are able I would invite you to close your eyes for a minute or two right now. To feel the energy centre of your heart and to see if you can open that energy centre just a little. If you can then I will be there to offer you love. You should be able to feel something. Again, this is not proof of anything that will take away your right to choose. This is a simple offering of love that you may choose to experience.

    Love and love and love

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