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  • in reply to: Questions for Zingdad Re: Oct 14 #10169

    Hi SteveB

    First a letter from me and then a letter from Adamu in the next post. I feel quite strongly motivated to share with you my story. I hope something in here will be meaningful to you or at least to some of the other forum members. I will tell my story in the context of answering you about my name: Zingdad.

    The thing is I am right now bestriding two different lives. I have one foot in my “old” life, which was the result of a boys dreams coming to fruition and I have another foot in my “new” life which is what I now dream for myself. I am just about done with the transition and will soon leave the old life behind. Now in the old life what I wanted was to be seen as “serious”. I wanted to be a big man in business. I wanted my own company. I wanted to be successful. I wanted to make lots of money. I wanted prestige and status and loads of ego polishing. I wanted to be the boss. And I pretty much got all that. As I grew from a boy to a man I succeeded in these ambitions and then found them to be not all they were cracked up to be. So I decided to grow from being a man into a mature spirit being. And I discovered some new goals. I recreated myself. I decided all that gumph about being serious and esteemed was just my attempt at getting everyone I met to look at me and go “oh my goodness what an awesome guy you are”. I wanted people to love me. And the reason for this is quite obviously that I didn’t love myself. Now, some people did respond with love. But it was never enough. It never made me feel okay in myself. Given that I have always been a spiritual person I was anyway on a particular path. It was really just perfect that I came to a place where I was ready to give up on the old and spring forth into the new. So after much metamorphosis a new being is now emerging. And who is the new me? I am someone that really knows who he is. That sees himself clearly. That has ceased to tell himself self-limiting lies. Someone that stands in his truth. That aspires always to his highest good. That loves himself greatly. And BECAUSE I love myself as I do I can, without hesitation, tell you that I love the whole world too. So what I seek to do, Steve, is to express love to everyone that would wish to receive it. And I am willing to receive love in return. Now people often get a bit squeamish about the word love. It has come to take on some rather warped connotations in our current society so I’ll give you some examples of how exactly I am wanting to express love. But in order to do that I need to tell you a very brief story.

    As I was awakening spiritually I found myself in some deep distress. I felt there was stuff I needed to know and understand in order to move forward. I needed to understand the causes of some deep pains in my psyche, how they came to be there and how I could find healing. Stuff like that. So I learned to talk to my spirit guide, a being of the most magnificent pure truth who (for some complicated reasons) I call “8”. HOW I learned to channel is a long story better left for another day. But it took me lots of time and buckets of sweat and tears before I had something that I trusted even in the slightest. But the process was good and the stuff I was getting was profoundly healing. So I continued with it. And in so doing I remembered a past life in which I was the protégé of the most amazing wise being. I decided to channel a discussion with him. To see if he remembered me and to see what had happened to him. Just a catch-up with an old friend, you understand. Well. The discussion that followed was one of the most moving experiences I had had up till then. I was just amazed by what I got from this guy. You see up to that point I had been perusing spirituality. I had not even given the whole UFO/ ET thing more than a cursory glance. It just wasn’t my bag. Certainly I had never encountered any of the exo-political writings that I now know exist. And here I was talking –in my own head – to someone that claimed to actually BE the Pleiadian civilization! I didn’t even know there WAS one at that point! The stories he told, man, they were just wild. On the one hand I was completely fascinated and absolutely loved what I was hearing and on the other I really suspected that I had very firmly and completely lost what remaining shreds of sanity remained. But it was really compelling so I kept talking to him. And at some point I went looking on the ‘net to see if anyone else had vaguely similar experiences and I can certainly say I was dazzled to find how much of what I had discovered was “known”. I will add that the perspective and context that I had gained was quite different from most of what was on the net… but the general gist was the same. So anyway, given that I had a different perspective I thought it might be nice to share that with people. Give them something different to think about. So I wrote up my first channeling of Adamu and very tentatively put it up on a forum. I was quite pleasantly surprised by the positive reception. And that is how that started. Since then I have grown and changed so much I am hardly the same being at all. It has been an interesting ride. And still I haven’t told you why “Zingdad”. Believe it or not, I’m getting there. You see I had to explain to you about the channelling or you wouldn’t understand the next part.

    I have always loved music with a great passion. But as a listener, not a performer. I tried as a child to learn to play the piano but gave up pretty soon for reasons of general laziness and lack of commitment. I decided I was better suited to managing a hi-fi than an instrument. Now, part of my current business includes an audio production studio. For the manufacture of radio advertisements and interviews and so forth. I had employed a sound-engineer to manage this facility. On the production computer he had loaded some really amazing software that allowed him to produce, with the aid of a keyboard, some really cool music. I was entranced! I couldn’t believe that one could produce all those sounds on just one machine. I decided to do something audacious. I decided I was going to learn to do this. So I got a copy of that software for myself with a keyboard and installed it on my computer at home. Well, the most amazing thing happened. I could instantly make music! It was just about effortless. As soon as I figured out some bit of the software I could make music with it! I just knew something incredible was going on here. So I took a break and spoke to my spirit guide (I was at this point getting very comfortable with the channeling thing already) and I asked what was going on. He explained that it is possible to channel much more than just words. I was discovering that I could channel music. It was coming through me from my higher self. Since I had worked so hard on “opening the portal” more of it was now available to me. Now I know that sounds pretty out there. I’m not sure I would believe it if someone else told me this. But it was my experience. My lady-love had gone away for the weekend on business. She left her non-musical guy on Thursday night. She arrived back on Sunday night to find a guy that had not only learned to use a the software but had produced a whole complete song! And it was pretty darn good, if I say so myself. She could not believe it. Our friends couldn’t believe it either. I had to show everyone how I did it or they thought I was just having them on. And SO: all these elements came together for me. My spirituality, my writing, my channellings, my music… all of it added up. I began to realize who it was that I wanted to be in the world. I wanted to be a person that expresses love to the whole world through music and thoughts which may be channeled or they may be just straight from my heart. But I decided that I no longer wanted to do anything that was about conflict and manipulation (as the business world always is). I am going to just express love. So now I am going to buy this huge piece of pristine forest. I am going to live there in a state of absolute harmony with nature. I am going to grow my own organic fruit and veg. And I am going to give the world my music and my writings as a gift of love. And I believe that the world will love me back enough that I will be able to sustain myself. And so you see Steve, I needed a name for that character that was going to express himself to the world in this way. The one I chose was obviously Zingdad. And you know, the very thing that offends you about the name, that it is so irreverent, is one of the things I like most about it. I personally do not want to be taken seriously. I am not about credibility. I very much do not want people to decide that I am a truth speaker and that they must therefore believe what flows from me. That is the opposite of what I want. If people want to read my words at all then I would like to ignite in their hearts a desire for them to find their own truth. I would want them to only ever trust their own hearts for what is true for them. You see Steve I don’t want to tell the world “look at me, I am amazing”. I already know I am amazing and so I don’t need to be told this by someone else. What I want to tell each and every person in the world is “look at YOU, YOU are amazing”. And that is what every single bit of what I do is geared at. In myriad and subtle ways that is what I am saying over and over. But you can’t just tell people this. They don’t believe it. You have to be prepared to play a little. And you can’t go out there saying “hey! I love YOU!” to everyone. That’s just creepy. So my own soul-essence comes to bear. I am really a very playful and joyful being. That is my style and who I really am. And so it would be completely inappropriate for me to present myself as anything other than that. And if I now decided to work up a persona and a pseudonym that was serious and heavy then I would directly be stepping out of my truth. I would fall straight into the ego trap which is a crappy thing when it happens to a channeller. I’ve seen it happen to a few. It screws everything up. So you see Steve. I actually insist that you do not take me seriously. I am not a truth speaker. I am more like a court jester. If you see truth coming out of my mouth then you must conclude it is because something I have said has resonated with your own heart. Not because I am some kind of authority figure. I mean no “Zingdad” could ever carry any authority, right? And that is where it is at. I am Zingdad. I am here to engage directly in the consciousness of this planet in the noble act of turning fear into love through the medium of joy. That’s what a Zingdad does.

    So I hope you now understand me a little better. You asked a very simple question and I just about gave you my whole life story. Because I wanted to. And I only ever do the things I want to.

    And now that you have MY story I shall go and get Adamu’s reply. Which, I must say, I am not asking you to believe. It is not believable because it comes from me. It is not believable because it comes from Adamu – after all it is only me that says it comes from him. And I very well might be utterly insane. Right? So it should only believable to you if you find inside yourself a resonance with it. I’m saying it’s only true for you IF YOU SAY IT IS. Trust yourself Steve. Trust your truth. Only by exercising your own truth can it get stronger!

    Thank you for reading my somewhat long winded story.

    with love and laughter

    in reply to: Questions for Zingdad Re: Oct 14 #10168

    Oh wow, SteveB, I offer my appologies I have been somewhat otherwise engaged and did not see that you had sent Adamu and I each a letter. I checked in with Adamu and he is most willing to respond to you. As soon as I can block of the time to do this I will post it here. I am sorry if I was a little scratchy with you. I guess I was feeling just a little tender myself and I went to the defensive position far sooner than I normally would have. But things are moving forward at such a rapid pace (in my life anyway) that I now realise I should just have stayed the course a little longer. But that is all behind us. All I wanted to say is that a full reply from both myself and Adamu is forthcoming.

    Oh – and to the other forum members that leapt to my defence. I am touched by your kindness and loyalty to me. I really am. But I DO feel SteveB has the right to express himself as he has. I mean most of us felt our world view shift around this issue. No one likes to feel like they have been taken for a ride. So, Steve you’re okay with me. All of these interactions are an opportunity for growth and learning.

    in reply to: A Postcard: To the Comm-Unity of Light & Zingdad #10579

    Clever_sky I assure you nothing weird is going to happen to you if you meditate. You are totally in control of what happens. I would suggest, if anything, you will come to see the illusion of control that you currently cling to is redundant. All is perfect. And yes, if there is one key to finding yourself then I think it might be meditation.

    Is suspect there are as many techniques as there are meditators! But for you a beginner I’d try something very simple. How about this:

    1. It’s often a good idea to start when you are as comfortable and relaxed as possible. After a gentle walk or a nice bath is good. Many can’t do it before bed time because they fall asleep but I find that ideal. Be prepared to experiment a bit. Commit to at least 10 minutes every day. One meditation in six weeks is only going to frustrate you.
    2. Release all expectations of what you think will or could happen in the meditation. Agree with yourself that this is simply a time-out-of-time which is sacred to you becasue you make it so. Agree with yourself that expectations will just get in the way.
    3. Dress in loose fitting clothes. Lie down comfortably. Take a three deep breaths. Deep, deep as you can. hold for a few counts and release your days stress with the breath out.
    4. Focus you attention on the muscles in your feet. Tell yourself to relax those muscles. When they are relaxed move your attention to your ankles and relax. Then to your calves and relax. Do this sequentially with every muscle group all the way up your body. Make sure each group is totally relaxed before you move on. remeber to get the muscles of your front and your back. stay a bit longer than normal in relaxing the shoulders and the neck. We normally keep a lot of tension there. Then also be sure to relax even your scalp and facial muscles. By this point your body should be feeling really yummy and relaxed.
    5. Now you can begin to meditate. The idea is to lull your ego-will to sleep whilst keeping your spirit-mind awake. There are a number of tricks that can help to achieve this. One of the easiest is to count your breaths. You breath in while counting to three and then you breathe out while counting to four. And you just do this over and over and over. If your mind wanders or if you forget to count or if you are distracted then it is important that you don’t get mean with yourself. Simply start again. There is no actual destination here. The practice of meditating itself is a wonderful thing. But it is something you need to get the hang of. So you might find it feeling a bit silly at first. Just do your 10 minutes and come at it again tomorrow. “If you do this every day for three weeks you will know why you needed to do this”. I first told this to a friend years ago to motivate her to stay with it. It was just something I made up. It wasn’teven three weeks and she came back to me glowing about how she was finding healing and peace. So now I tell everyone that asks me about meditation this. And almost every single person that has stuck with it has told me before the three week mark that this was true. So I make the prediction for you too. tell me if it’s true, okay?

    in reply to: FIRST channeling from Blossom Goodchild since Oct 14th!!! #10618

    Friends, respectfully I would like to say to those of you that have said you no longer trust blossom or other channellers for you truth that this is a wonderful and joyous thing. I would like to say to you that this is precisely why the Oct 14 non-event was such a huge success. I will be writing an article and explaining my reasoning in more detail but I have come to understand that what ails earth’s consciousness the most is that we human beings are saviour-fixated. We want someone else to tell us how it is. To be our truth. And then we want someone else to come and fix up our mess that we have created. Now this sounds judgemental of me but it is not intended to be. Everything that went before now conditioned us to believe that we are not the powerful creators of our own reality that we actually are and to instead look to some authority figure to take care of our creations. So in that sense the announcement of the lightship, the huge build up and then… nothing… was JUST what the doctor ordered. It has had the net effect of opening people to a more amazing possibility and the shaking them hard if they were demanding that the lightship come and play saviour-saviour. You see the beings on the lightship want us to know that we are creator beings in our own right. If they show up and fulfil the saviour role then they are teaching us just the opposite. They are teaching us that we need them to make things okay. When, instead, our consciousness is on the very cusp of comprehending that we can each create our own realities.

    Now I have to admit I also hit a wobble on the 14th. Which is strange as my channellings didn’t specify the 14th at all. But you see on the evening of the 12th and the 13th I saw some amazing stuff in the sky. It’s pointless trying to describe what I saw so I’ll just say there where millions of pin-prick lights that danced together in a kind of a mist. But it was such that I could never get a proper fix on where they were. Now here’s the cool bit. On the night of the 13th my lady-love was outside with me and she saw the same phenomenon BUT what she said the lights were doing was different from what I saw. In other words we were each seeing something different and yet still the same. Freaky. But anyway I knew what I saw was somehow not generally visible. Like it LOOKED to me as if it was in the sky but I was actually seeing it with my heart. or my third eye. Or something. So obviously nothing was reported in the press or anything. But I was fine with that. I was sure this was just the preview to the main show which was going to happen on the 14th. In my mind I had a very rigidly held idea of what was going to happen on the 14th. The HUGE ship was going to become visible and it was going to be visible to everyone. And then as a result of that everything would be a bit chaotic for a while and then we settle down to a much rosier future. The point is, in my mind I was insisting that the lightship should be VERY substantial and real to all eyes on the 14th. So when that didn’t happen I went into a tailspin of doubt. I guess I ALSO needed to have my saviour-complex shaken loose. What followed that was some of the most amazing and growth-filled days of my life. I have suddenly began to awaken to who I really am and what its all about (for me). Its just been incredible. All I needed to do was finally decide I no longer was waiting for any kind of a saviour. I decided to just let all of that go and instead create my own reality and be my own saviour. That choice has catapulted me forward into astounding growth an realisations. I come to truly know, understand and believe that I am really the creator of my own reality. Really. As are we all. We just need to awaken to that understanding and claim it. And so I did. And I claimed for myself that I would be able to see the lightship. Just that. Not that I NEEDED to see it. Just that I could. So today I went outside and sat and meditated for a while and… there it was! I know this might sound fanciful but I stand in my truth and say I saw it in the sky with my eyes. or my heart or whatever. It was still not solid and substantial. You see I can claim the right to see this for myself but I cannot claim this for all the other inhabitants of my city. What it looked to me like was a HUGE lens of glass in the sky in that I could see right through. I even saw an aeroplane through it. But the edge was defined by the most beautiful delicate rainbow! So there was this slightly darker almost invisible lens shape in the sky surrounded by a perfect rainbow such as I have never seen before that made a big circle in the sky. The only other thing that I can really comment on was the way clouds behaved when they blew into it. They made a completely unnatural movement as they came to the edge of the lightship and then passed into it. I can say it was as if they were passing between two different media. And the other thing was, if I dropped out of the meditative state then it faded away. If I went back into egolessness then it appeared right back. And it was there for at least two hours that I was aware of. But when I looked up and saw it a simple knowing arrived in my heart – this is it! So that was pretty awesome.

    So if I can express anything to you out of all this then I’d like to say to you that I believe there were no mistakes. It is all working perfectly. If you feel you can no longer trust channellings or words from various ostensible channelled beings then I say to you you have taken a good step. It is time everyone stopped trusting external sources for their truth. But now you should complete the process and take another good step – claim your own truth. By all means give up on reading channellings. But for goodness sake replace it with something better. Don’t just go to a place of doubt. Doubt is utterly useless. It is a dead end. So claim your own truth. Signal your intent that you will know what you need to know when you need to know it. State unambiguously that you will experience the highest best most amazing and beautiful reality. If you claim it it will be yours. If you claim doubt and fear then unfortunately that too will be your experience.

    Friends, lets make our world the way we want it! Lets make it love filled and a happy place. I just KNOW this is possible.

    in reply to: Since it’s been quiet… #10584

    Awesome site Yig! I love your drawings. I am JUST ABOUT to launch my own site. I will be offering my music and writings there. Maybe we could work on some stuff together sometime?

    in reply to: READ ME! #7315

    Yay! I found this place. Like a secret club house. And the guards at the door let me in! Cool. Now I also belong to a secret society. Do we get special hand-shakes and funny hats? LOL!

    And yeah, double thumbs up on the new av, Annu! Bzzz-wow! 🙂

    in reply to: A Postcard: To the Comm-Unity of Light & Zingdad #10574

    Awesome stuff, thank you so much clever_sky. It certainly has been an interesting time, hasn’t it? I don’t know about anyone else but this has been the most polarising period of my life. All the icky doubt and fear stuff pulled in one direction and all the powerful and liberating love and joy stuff pulled in the other. It has become very clear to me how we really create our own reality with elements of either love or fear. And how I had been creating with a mixed collection. As a result of the events of this period I have come to see clearly that it no longer serves me to use fear and doubt and pain at all any more. So it has actually been pretty amazing. No more leaving myself out in the cold, clever_sky! 🙂 Thanks for the postcard! Big hugs to you!

    in reply to: Zingdad: Message from my heart #10271

    @Qanena wrote:

    I will give you a reminder, to put a transcript from that video on this page, please.
    Than, I can translate it for the German readers. Would you be so kind ?

    Hi Dream-soldier. Here you go:

    Hi everyone

    This is Zingdad. I’m not going to channel Adamu this time. I’d much rather just speak to you from my heart.

    A lot of people are expressing a lot of pain over the no-show of the 14th. You are confused and hurting. So am I. I am confused as to why I invested so much emotional energy into this event occurring on the 14th when my channelings hadn’t even said it would occur on the 14th. But I just wanted it so badly. And as the day slowly slipped away and nothing happened I felt lost. And I had no-one to blame for all this. Some of you have lashed out at us channellers. I can’t even do that. I am no one’s victim. I know I engaged in all the honesty and earnestness I have. I know I was motivated by pure love. And still I managed to get myself into this situation where I caused myself a world of confusion. So what to do with all this? I think two things. The first is to give the whole lightship phenomenon one more look and then the second is to see how we move on from there. So here goes.
    Part One. The Lightship. Right now I am feeling a little too confused and hurt to really want to go and try to channel a message about this. Let’s for a second assume that there actually IS a lightship and it just hasn’t yet appeared in our consciousness, shall we? In that case I can only think that the reason it hasn’t appeared is it is waiting for our consciousness to be ready for its arrival. That our mindset be such that we are not harmed by its appearance.
    And if you have a look at what’s happened, despite all the messages of the lightship not being our savior still that is how we are responding – like lost little lambs whose savior and protector has let us down. And I do include myself in this. That was how I felt. Let down and betrayed. I would suggest that if we are going to grow though this event then it might be useful to examine our own expectations of it. If we want to be saved by anyone other than ourselves then we are looking to be hurt and disappointed. Such is the nature of life. Each of us can only ever save ourselves. Otherwise you become dependant on that which saves you. And that does no-one any good. So I guess, after the fact, it becomes apparent why the consciousness was not in fact ready to receive such an intervention. If I am not wrong then what is being offered is simply the knowledge that there are positively-oriented beings out there, so that we can make better decisions about our own home situation and then later possibly invite them to discuss with us about how we ourselves can improve our own lot. They never were going to come in a fix everything for us. And if these are our demands and expectations then I suspect those expectations are unrealistic and that’s going to cause us a world of pain.

    But some interesting thoughts crop up for me. I don’t know how it is where you live but here in my city all the news media are suddenly buzzing with this story. They were dead quiet before the 14th but now that it hasn’t happened they are gleefully having a laugh at it. In so doing revealing that they knew all the in-s and out-s all along but were just keeping silent. And now that they feel safe to poke fun they are telling it all. Which is both typical and quite useful. I suspect we do far better for ourselves if we hold on to the idea of a lightship lightly. If we accept that it may come but that we are neither its victim nor is it our savior.

    And so with that in mind I’d like to move myself to a position of what I can take from all of this that is positive and light-filled and beautiful. And this is what I get. If we forget the lightship itself for a second… if we forget this ostensible being of light that was going to appear in our heavens… then what do we have? We have us humans here on earth that found a reason to pull together, to create dreams and visions of a more beautiful world. We formed instant communities, we joined forums and had discussions. We made new friendships. We looked at each other with new eyes. We truly began to create something beautiful. And now that the Lightship has not arrived on the date we expected, we are ready to throw all of that over-board. Which seems wrong to me. And so I am now undertaking to do life a little differently. And I’m hoping some of you will come with me on this journey.

    I am undertaking not to be a victim of anyone else ever again. I am undertaking not to expect anyone ever again to save me from the life I have chosen and created. From now on I am going to take absolute responsibility for my life, my choices and my experiences. I am going to strive to create reasons to bring people together and to form communities with people that wish, as I do, for a better world. For a world in which people are motivated by love. I guess I’m saying here that I am now giving notice that I myself intend to be my own Lightship. I’m going to give a lot of thought to exactly what the Lightship would have meant to me… why exactly I wanted it so badly.. and I am going to then work to give those things to myself. Because clearly I feel them lacking in myself. And if I am the creator of my own reality as I believe I am then I should fill those areas in my life that are lacking. And of course by having a community of like minded and mutually supportive souls this will become easier and easier. So then we together can become each others light ship. So here is my appeal to you. Lets do this. Let’s join together let us be the lightship we really wanted.

    And so when it arrives we’ll say “hello brother, hello sister, what took you so long? We’re cool down here”

    in reply to: relevant to first contact… #10281

    …and may I add…

    Divers alarums from off stage: It seems the lighting crew has absconded. Just before the highlight of the show, where they were meant to shine bright lights on the stage they mischievously absented themselves. And now the audience is in up-roar. Some are loudly debating the necessity of the light-show. Others are calling for calm. A third group think the darkness ads a certain avant-guard charm to the production.

    “What? Did the lack of the expected light-show awaken you? We are so sorry. Ah well you might as well come up on stage now that you have realised you are the play. And the playwright too.”

    …and yet others have not noticed the difference and will slumber through the intermission…

    in reply to: 3 days of… #10295

    it’s a fact. I have seldom seen such fast energy clearing and growth going in my own life. And never before on such a large scale in the world around me. Very interesting observation yigdady!

    in reply to: Blossom Explains Oct 14th #10089

    Zet, I can speak very well for myself, thank you. Yes, I did feel hurt and confused. But the story is not over. The hurt is healing and there is sense being made of the confusion. This is what happens in life. It’s called growth experiences. The most important thing to understand is that it isn’t over. Not by a long shot. And yes, in the moment of confusion I did need to take a break from channelling. Wouldn’t you? But we grow. We learn. We move forward.

    And now? As I am healing my pain and confusion so I am already speaking to my spirit contacts again. I just realise that I should be a LOT more circumspect in what I share with the world and how. It seems many people are often not able to enact their own discernment as you clearly are able to. And so I can say with all honesty that I am very please you did not blindly trust my sources. Blind trust in anything is likely to get you hurt. I have always advocated that people find their trust in their own truth and in themselves. Always.

    in reply to: Questions for Zingdad Re: Oct 14 #10125

    Hi everyone

    Seems like there is a lot of anger and confusion here. Which doesn’t exactly surprise me me. Even though my channelings stipulated “mid October but anything up to the end of the year”, STILL I managed to attach my ego to Oct 14. So I was in all kinds of pain when this never happened. And unlike other people I couldn’t lash out and blame anyone. I certainly was in no position to come on here and offer answers. So I spent some time trying to find my centre and trying to figure out what I would make of all this. I detail that in this thread over here which essentially is my current position on the whole subject. Please feel free to watch the video and engage with me over there.

    So I am in this really weird position. I’m being hammered for something I never said. And when I say so – that I never said this – then I am told I am being evasive and not answering the questions. So I then feel like I need to defend the position anyway. Which is just silly. So anyway, my current position is spelled out in the above thread but I shall briefly address particular posts here:

    Miamaria: Only 1 post? I hope you’ll return. I am unfortunately not the font of all knowledge. I passed on what I received. Also please note that MY channellings never actually said 14 October. Somehow because it was a part of the same general body of info it came to be accepted as such. But they never actually said that.

    Nagual and dax: I will certainly channel Adamu and other entities again as my life has been immeasurably enriched by the loving wisdom they have imparted to me. However I am going to have to think very hard if I would ever again post such channellings publicly. I haven’t exactly been positively incentivised to do so by this whole experience – as I’m sure you would agree if you put yourself in my position. The best I can offer is what I feel in my heart as I have expressed in the above-mentioned thread.

    Alusa, Annu and Neiru: thank you for your input. This is deeply appreciated. It is beings like you that make it worthwhile.

    truthseekers: With all those many 😆 😆 😆 you must be a very happy person. Joy is such a wonderful thing to share.

    SteveB and dan: Both of you good gentlemen are expressing confusion and pain. I understand that. If you read the new thread I have started in this regard then you’ll see where I am at this point. And no, I’m afraid I don’t have answers for you. Maybe now would be a good time for you to find answers for yourself? Learn to meditate. Find your own truth. Then you’ll never again have to read a single channelling. Sounds like a plan?

    SteveB, you say YOU have taken a black eye. Okay, let me see: so now due to your embarrassment SOMEONE must pay? Is that it? The thing is, good sir, that every single person is responsible for their own choices, experiences and truths. If you accessed some info and decided it was interesting and good then you and I are in the same club (you read it I received it in a channelling). Then when it caused us some pain and confusion you decided to blame someone else. And there is where it seems we are no longer in the same club. I do not blame anyone else.

    I shared what I did in love with an open heart. If you took this on board then that is what you decided to do. If you wish to blame me for that then that is your choice. But unfortunately you are not going to find a willing dance partner in me. I will not accept blame. I firmly maintain that I honestly and earnestly shared what I did with an open heart. And if you will complain of poor service then I will gladly refund you the money you paid for my service. Oh. Right. There was none.
    And you talk about my “credibility”. Are you kidding! What credibility? You think Adamu and Zingdad are brands? Ones that want or need loyalty? Honestly, what I most wanted was always for people to exercise maximum discernment when engaging with any of my channellings. Credibility is the exact opposite of what I wanted. I want people to find their credibility in their own souls! To find their own truths in their own hearts! You see SteveB, there is nothing here that you can threaten me with. But you know what? The fact that you are hurt touches me. About that I honestly do care. So how about forgetting the stuff that would work in making someone from a call-centre hop… how about dropping the posturing. How about engaging me like a real, live, human being? How about you take a second to assume the same human emotions and the same vulnerabilities for me that you have. You are not all-knowing nor all-wise. You got hurt. I am not all knowing nor all-wise. I got hurt. Is there some better way for us to engage than to slug it out? Is there a more productive way for us to talk to one another then to see who can make the other cringe the most? What do we REALLY want here SteveB? I’ll tell you what I want. It’s what I have always wanted. I want to live in a world where the currency is love. I want to engage with people in a way where all gain through the exchange. I want to be able to give whatever expressions I have to give to the world without worrying about “what’s in it for me”. These are the things I want. This is what I believe in my heart I am working towards. If you can shift your position to engaging with me in such a manner – that neither of us need to make the other wrong, then you and I can talk. Then I will gladly – no excitedly – talk you through all my processes as to how I came to derive the channelling about the Lightship and why I thought this was special and believable and why I shared it broadly as I did. I will also take you forward to my post-Oct 14 position. I will share with you where I am now and what I believe it all means and what I believe the future holds. But if you want to push me into tight corners of answering tough questions to see me squirm? Then no. Then I won’t dance. And you’ll find you have no tools or inducements to make me. I am somewhat beyond the considerations that can normally be used to prod people to dance against their will. So now: the ball is in your court. Tell me you are willing to talk human-to-human and I KNOW there is some growth and learning here for both of us. Otherwise do as you will.

    And that is what I have for now. It is my experience of the world that all things turn out for the good. I do believe that this will too. I feel there is some amazing and miraculous positive that will come from all this. I guess I personally will be working with any information that I derive in a very different way. I guess I will be a lot more cautious in the way I share it. It seems to me some lessons have been learned all the way round about this.

    in reply to: Zingdad: Message from my heart #10253

    Annan, my brother from the North, that was an amazing post. I know in my heart that you are right. You posted this as I was posting my reply to Tiaka and Paul. But yes, this is right. If we open ourselves to it we shall be touched in our hearts in a most personal way. I think this is correct. What wonderful times we are living through!

    Fiz: Hello and well met, my new friend.
    I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your very kind words.
    I think part of the problem with 10-14 is that we all had too many specific ideas and expectations of what this Lightship should be. I think that needed to be shaken free. I suspect if would could all cultivate what you are speaking of… the sense of wide-open wonder… then this world would painlessly and effortlessly move forward into its new golden epoch. There should be more like you!

    in reply to: Zingdad: Message from my heart #10247

    Ahh… Tiaka… you have discovered my secret! I have the power of The Cookie Song. No-one can defeat the mysterious magic of the cookie song. After all: “It’s made with coconut!” 🙂

    Seriously though. Paul, you say you think it was a dress rehearsal. I don’t think you are far wrong. I shall tell you how I have come to see it by way of a little story:

    Some time ago a friend had a still-born child. She was obviously pretty hurt by the experience. She wondered what it all meant and how to make sense of this little life that was promised but that never expressed itself. I asked spirit for some meaning. What I got was that she and her husband were way too “pressured” about this. There was too much energetic stress on the whole event and the baby could simply not express itself into that environment. The soul of the baby therefore chose to terminate the life. This caused the the parents to release some of all their pent-up emotions around this as grief. They shed some of their expectations, etc. I cautiously told my friend what I had received (worried that she might take this the wrong way – that I was saying they were to blame). She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said how strange it was that, before this child’s coming, she and her husband had its whole future mapped – the schools, the achievements, the careers… everything. They had it all planned down to the finest detail. And then, when the foetus had died, all of that died with it. Now all she wanted was a baby. She just wanted a little person to love, as it was, for what it was. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you the ending of this tale. She did indeed have another baby and she is the most wonderful contented beautiful mother. And the baby is perfect. A perfect baby. She is perfectly what she is. With no expectations that she should be anything OTHER than what she is.

    And it strikes me that we – planet earth – have had a sort of a still-birth of that type. We have expected the birthing of our new golden age. The Lightship was to be the midwife. But it just didn’t happen. And with the death of THAT new beginning I truly do begin to believe that we actually prepare ourselves for another one. For one without all the intense and impossible weights of expectation that we all placed on it. All of us that looked forward to this event pushed and pulled at it with our desperate need of what it would mean to us. Too much pressure in too many disparate directions! It would actually be impossible for this thing to manifest without hurting us and itself given all that emotional weight. So it seems to me we have had the opportunity to release some of that. Now that all of that is released… it seems to me that if it just appeared in the sky tomorrow that we would accept it with a lot more equanimity and just let it be what it IS rather than needing it to be what we demand it must be.

    Sometimes, it seems, we need to lose something before we can correctly appreciate it.

    And THAT is what I think has happened to us. Anyone that now says “a lightship is coming” is going to get a far less fevered response than Blossom did. Less intensity. Less pressure. Less conflict. And so now, slowly, this event can dawn upon us and just be what it really is. AND I believe it will be a far more personal experience than we have been expecting. AND now we all know it is really okay to doubt. We know it is a counter-productive and probably pain-causing thing to try to cause this to happen by our raw faith. What will be will be. So let’s just let it BE what it will be. Not try to push it into one or another box of our creation.

    That’s where I am at this moment.


    I strongly agree with the sentiments on this thread. I think we – no wait, I shall speak for myself – I think I was wanting this Lightship thing to come and rescue me from my life. To come swooping in to “save me” from this world. I worked though my pain and I came out the other end and realised that I didn’t need this! My life is exactly as I have created it! So if I want it to be different then I should go about making it so. And if the things I want changed include human behaviour on a global scale then that is a task worthy of a true creator being. So I have dedicated myself to being my own saviour, my own lightship (as detailed in this thread here).

    And I am beyond excited to see similar thoughts going on here. Let us EACH be the one that makes our lives that which we dream they should be. And let us each be the one that helps hs brother and sister in the journey to discovering their own ability to do so. If you would know something then teach it! Let us teach the magnificence of self-creation! In so doing we remember that we are masters – all of us!

    There are no mistakes. There are no errors in God’s creation. This is all perfect. The announcement is perfect. The no-show is perfect. And when this event DOES occur in our hearts, our minds, and our personal experiences… then that too shall be perfect. But as of this moment now I shall cease to wait for it to happen to me. I shall happen to IT! By this I mean I am no longer going to wait for the lightship to come to me to make my life perfect. No. I am going to happen to my life. I am going to make it perfect. I am going to be the lightship. I AM the lightship!

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