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  • in reply to: what is channeling? #8874

    Rheaunique, you ask an interesting question: “what is channelling?”. I would start by saying that I agree with what Annan has said. In principal it is you allowing a higher energy to pass though your body. Some people channel healing energy, others channel frequencies and vibrations that heal the earth. I know of people that receive emotions or feelings. Others get a “sense”… a “knowingness” about things. Some get pictures. Others get ideas and words. Some do it in a trance state where they are absent, others do it fully conscious. There are so many permutations and variations that it is hard to put any firm definition forward. All I can tell you about is my own experience which I shall briefly do:
    In searching for my own spiritual answers I can to be aware that, in meditation, I could ask ”myself” questions and get answers back from my own inner voice. At first I thought I was just playing a game with myself. I doubted that this was anything more special than some self-deception. But the answers I received were interesting so I kept doing it. I asked more interesting questions and got some pretty amazing answers. I was at that time addressing myself to my spirit guide. Then I began addressing other beings and getting other perspectives. Things got more and more interesting and the answers became to be quite complex. I came to understand things that have brought me great healing. I moved myself from a place of pain, self-loathing, fear, anger, and a desire to just “not be here” to eventually find the place I now am at. I am quite simply in love with life. I am here because I want to be. I am more happy than I ever thought any person could be. I know who I am, I know why I’m here, I know where I am going to and I know how to get there. Everything is just too beautiful to contemplate. And this is all due to the unending love and patience of those that make themselves available to me through this “channelling” thing.

    But what IS it?
    I can only tell you how it is explained to me. I, Zingdad, am a fragment of something much greater. Call it my “higher self”. This being loves me and wants me to be happy. If I ask it for help it will give me that help but will not over-ride my free will, etc. So I have to be prepared to help myself a bit too. Things are not given on a platter. So anyway. I ask for guidance and advice. Then I have to be prepared to work to hear that guidance and advice. But then it begins to come through. In my case the answers to my questions are placed in my own mind as my own thoughts. So it really does feel like I am thinking to myself. The only difference is that I actively ask the question and then wait for the answer to “think itself into my brain”. And that is how it works. So I can choose to doubt this process and tell myself I am just deluding myself! I can still make that choice right now. Okay, it’s a bit hard to explain how my life has been improved… but you get the point. There is no solid proof of anything yet. So essentially my higher-self places thoughts in my mind which is really just me thinking to myself. And when I talk to other beings it is actually my higher self talking to them. He sort of translates their thoughts into a format that I can easily manage and understand and makes it available to me. So, no matter who I talk to I always get the answer in the same way and it always feels the same to me. But it is so that different beings will give different answers to the same question. I begin to get a sense of the personality of these beings by the way they answer me.

    And that is how it works for me. So I have always been a bit uncomfortable with the term “channelling”. It seems to imply some mystical, occult mechanism for contacting the dead or something. When, in reality, there is nothing further from the truth. It is as natural a thing as breathing. Or thinking a thought. Its so simple and so natural. We have just somehow forgotten that we can all do this.

    Oh, yes. When I meditate very deeply and channel then I get more than this. Then I feel stuff – sometimes I feel like my body is moving very fast. Other times I feel energy rushing through me. Or sometimes I see lights and shapes. Sometimes I even hear a few words. But that isn’t actually how I channel when I’m bring the stuff though that I make available here. For that I just call a being (like Adamu) to my mind and then ask “myself” questions. I type the question as I think it. Then I type the answer as it begins to come onto my head. Usually I have no idea how the idea will unfold… I just type the words as they arrive.
    I have very recently given up typing the conversations and using a mic to let Adamu speak… and that is how the youtube Video was made.

    So that’s me. But each person will be different. I promise you that everyone can do this. You must want to and you must be prepared to do the work. But everyone can do it.

    in reply to: My messages re October 14th #8594

    Awesome Orissa

    Listen: don’t worry about HOW you are going to get the message out. You don’t need to be a “name” or anything like that. I’m no different from you… just a little further down the road time-wise. I was doing my first channellings just trying to figure myself out not so very long ago. Months, not years. And the incoming light means things will just accelerate. but that’s not the important part. You don’t need to be “known” as a person in order to impact consciousness. We don’t understand how consciousness works yet. But each person that translates a message down from the higher realms to this density and this planet changes consciousness on the planet. Just by doing what you are doing you are making a difference. And if you receive something interesting enough or slightly unique and it is “light filled” then suddenly it will take wings. People that need it will find it. And they will copy it and post it elsewhere on the ‘net and soon it will be halfway around the globe! This is how consciousness works. If you let go of the old thinking that you have to have some kind of qualification or credibility or a fan-bas or such stuff… then you can allow the message to be bigger than you are. And then some pretty big messages can come through. Such is my experience.

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8233

    Cool stuff Floating, thanks for bringing this forward to discuss…

    You know Adamu is a wondrous being of some pretty awesome consciousness… from MY perspective. But if I ask him then he tells me outright that he is not omniscient. And he very specifically does not want to dictate to anyone what they should think or believe. So I asked him about these Denosees. I asked him if he would confirm or deny their existence. He would do neither. His opinion is that it is irrelevant whether these are “real” beings or not. Just as it is irrelevant whether he, Adamu, is real or not. What is relevant is the message that is being brought through. That is to say… what is relevant to each of us is what we hear and what we do with the message. He says we always anyway only have our inner intuition to guide us. So, from his perspective this message from the Denosees is a gift to human consciousness. It doesn’t matter who the gift is from. It is a gift that we can decide to accept or reject. JUST as his message is a gift for us to decide what to do with. So you must look to your soul and decide what you want. Do you want to know if there is life out there in the stars? Do you want to be able to talk one-to-one with the life that is out there? Or do you want things to continue as they are? These things are for each of us to choose. The GFL do not ever walk roughshod over beings free will. They are appearing now becasue the majority of earth-humans have, in one way or another, invited this. And every where I go, every forum I am on, every person I speak to – everyone, in one way or another confirms that they would rather know than not know. So I personally can believe that this is in accordance with our free will. And that is pretty much what I get from Adamu. He’s a very tolerant and loving guy.

    I am less so. I just get a little p!$$ed becasue, from my perspective these little grey dudes have made secret deals with the power cabal and they have treated us like trash to be used and abused as they see fit and NOW, now that their whole shabby little scam is about to be revealed… now they are appealing for “the purity of consciousness”. They have intervened against our will, the GFL are appearing in accordance with our will. They Greys did secret deals behind our backs with the power mongers, the GFL want to appear before all of us and negotiate in openness and honesty. The Greys never gave a damn about who was hurt or traumatised, the GFL are going to immense effort to ensure that no one is hurt… the comparisons go on and on. If this is a genuine message then I think it stinks. If it is a hoax message then I think it stinks.

    I guess I have some tolerance and love to learn from Adamu yet. Forgive my rant.

    in reply to: SITE MAINTENANCE #7822

    Please check the site for the TR/Hijacker.Gen virus. I’m not saying it IS here but I have been picking it up once a day every day when my scanner runs. There are very few places I visit that regularly and this site is of course one of them.

    in reply to: My messages re October 14th #8591

    Orissa, it suddenly strikes me. This whole good vs bad thing is really just a perspective issue. I mean, have you ever done anything of which you are ashamed. Of course you have. Every one has. Think of the best, most loving person you can. That person ALSO has made mistakes and has done hurtful things. We all have. But that does not make US evil. Even Adamu assures me that, within his consciousness, are many moments of pain. That they have been integrated and healed is the important point. So from a greater perspective it is so that we all move on from our pain and become something that is healed and whole. When we integrate and heal our pain it becomes a beautiful thing. It is that which makes us compassionate and loving of others. The most wounded become the best healers… right, Orissa?

    And so it is for Orion! From a lower perspective Orion is DEEPLY conflicted. Highly polarised and with great conflict between those poles. But from a higher perspective there is a way to see that whole spirit gestalt as that which holds within its being both poles and it heals and loves both poles. Would than not make such a being endlessly compassionate? It has BEEN there to the limits of polarity. It KNOWS what that is about. And so it is a healer of polarity! It’s just a matter of perspective. And I can tell from the energy signature of your words that you are talking to no trickster! There is simply love and compassion here. And patience too.

    For what its worth I think you can trust this process. I think you are onto a good thing. And trust your heart and your intuition – they certainly seem rock-solid to me. You are doing good.

    ʑ̊ǃɳǥðåð ̊

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8229

    LOL, Opal!

    That looks like an EXCELLENT play! I wish I could see it someday. Oh! Waitaminit! I AM! LOL!

    in reply to: My messages re October 14th #8588

    @alainiz wrote:

    opalescent wrote:In fact, some people on Earth are reincarnated Orions who are here to integrate their negativity and hence allow both our worlds to ascend.

    zingdad wrote:I have met one or two such people. Alainiz do you possibly feel you might also be one such?

    I used to be an orion gray that is correct but i am not here to bring dark forces my path is my own choosing, please do not accuse me of evil intention i am not of that at all. I bring light to everyone.

    Oh no! You misunderstand me, my friend! Opal’s quote says “come here to integrate their negativity”. This I take to mean, come here to this planet to do the inner work of integrating and healing your own inner negativity. Which we ALL do as a part of the ascension process. I too am integrating my own negativity. But by doing it HERE on this planet we bring the planetary consciousness a gift. If it is done here then it raises consciousness. No, my friend, there is a big difference between integrating negativity and expressing negativity! They are opposite things, really. The first is about finding healing for your self and in so doing loving others. The second is about taking energy from others and hurting them and yourself… opposite things. I wouldn’t dream of implying that you are the latter!
    The point is if yo bring the Orion signature here and do your work here then you not only heal this place but you heal Orion too! That is what I was wondering if you might not be doing…

    in reply to: biggest atom smasher #8733

    @Zingdad wrote:

    It apparently acts as a gate to allow energies onto our planet. But it must come on-stream in a stepped way. … Too much, too fast can be disastrous. So the Galactic Federation are ensuring that this doesn’t happen. They may take it off-line with technical difficulties now and again if this probability should look like manifesting.

    @opalescent wrote:

    “We were going along at a real good lick,” Dr Evans said of the days after particles first circulated.
    But the cryogenics that keep the great machine cool – it is the biggest fridge on the planet – went down on Friday, as a result of thunderstorms disrupting the power supply.
    “We have had problems with the electricity supply for various reasons and the cryogenics is recovering from that, so we will not have a beam again, probably until Thursday morning,” says Dr Evans.
    The team now hopes to achieve collisions at between one fifth and one tenth of the full energy in a few days.

    …and then…
    @opalescent wrote:

    A major helium leak has shut down work at the CERN Large Hadron Collider.
    In order to fix the problem, the machine will have to be warmed up from its operating temperature of minus 271.3 degrees Celsius (minus 456.3 degrees Fahrenheit), spokesman James Gillies said.
    “Because the LHC is a superconducting machine that works at very low temperatures, in order to get in and fix it we’ve got to warm it up, then we go and fix it, and then we cool it down again, and that’s a process that’s likely to take two months,” he said.

    Uncle Adamu and his buddies seem to be taking care of stuff JUST FINE!

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks #7835

    I refer now to the discussion on the sister thread about US politics and the question of whether Barack Obama is a light being or not… or whatever. I had previously put this question to Adamu and I thought, since the question was raised here, to share his answer here. As I copied it here Adamu asked me to modify it a little. So here it is… Adamu answering the question of Light vs. Dark and which politician is on which side and is Obama on the side of “the light”:

    Adamu: I prefer at this time to take a perspective that is of unitary consciousness. I prefer to tell the tale of “we are all ONE” and that light and dark are momentary choices with which we dabble to make the game work. I’d prefer you all see that you all have both light and dark within you. But you ARE still in the game and so these things seem like inapplicable philosophy to many of you. And then you want to know the score on the light-vs-dark game again.
    So to the question of Barack Obama… I will not judge or pontificate over another being. I will not make declarations about how that being should act or choose. So I will not issue judgements about Barack Obama nor about how people should vote in America. To get embroiled in such issues is to miss the point. I think the entire system has become one in which people give their power away to these politicians who then clearly do not serve the interests of those people, of the voters.
    Given how the system is flawed and manipulated to what degree do you think it matters who you vote for? Do you think the winner will be the “man in power” after the vote is in? Do you think his thoughts and opinions will count for much? Do you not think that IRRESPECTIVE OF WHO WINS the system is not designed to keep the power in the hands of the existing cabal?
    I say you should find your own personal power over yourself instead… master yourself and then see how the whole question of politics becomes irrelevant to you.
    The presidential election and everything involved in it is entertainment and nothing more. It is meant to keep the American people from thinking about the real issues. And the outcome is irrelevant. It changes nothing. It’s very like that other thing Americans like to watch: Super Bowl football. Many Americans will act as if the outcome of who wins this game is vital to their future well-being. As if it is really important. But nothing actually changes no matter who wins. It is exactly the same with your presidential elections. A new face is presented and it is made to seem as if there are policy shifts but these are surface and minor. All that really changes is that those behind the scenes manipulate for more and more power. And you will not reverse this trend by picking the right candidate. If the “right” candidate tried to fight back that person would be made to look like a traitor and a criminal. They would be destroyed in the minds of the people. Or if that could not be done they would be assassinated. Quite recently in your history there was an American president that saw the way the power cabal was running things. He disliked it. He spoke up about it and he was eliminated by the power cabal for his insubordination. They warned him a few times. He declined to be silent. He was therefore assassinated by the power cabals agents and this was then covered up. I speak of course of John Kennedy.
    I say this not that you should lose hope. Quite the opposite. There is endless reason for hope. I simply point out that if you desire real change you should not look to politics to achieve this. If you want change find it within yourself. Forget politics. It is all a sham for the entertainment of the masses.
    Zingdad: Okay. Thanks Adamu. I’m not sure how popular these thoughts will be!
    Adamu: They are not meant to be popular. The majority of the population of the planet are enthralled by the game. They are deeply mesmerised by the illusion. It is meant to be so. If the game were not compelling it would not work. And so only a few will surface and awaken of themselves. Of course this will soon change. The appearance of the light-ship I have mentioned is one of the radical measures we are undertaking to help things along. But that begins another long conversation. Instead I will wish you love and happiness until we talk again.
    Zingdad: Thanks Adamu. Love and happiness to you too!

    …and so it is that I care little for politics. What about you? Discuss on the sister thread if you feel so moved…

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8220

    @Patte wrote:

    For those of you interested in our US politics, I recieved from Isis an e-mail she edited from www. ChannelfortheMasters.com. Go there to read unedited article. Long, but interesting.

    @UFOBelieve wrote:

    Thx for the link, but this site is a little strange, after a quick look at it it seems they support Obama for he brings Light. Does anyone in this forums really think Obama would be the man of choice?!?

    Patte, I personally did not read that site as I am personally not interested in politics, US or otherwise. I would not have responded to this but for UFOBelieve’s comments about Obama and “is he the right man”, etc. A while ago I was asked on another site to ask Adamu about this issue. And he gave me quite an interesting answer. I’ll post it on the sister thread for anyone that is interested…

    Will, thank you for your interesting and thoughtful questions. I will again put them to Adamu soon.


    in reply to: My messages re October 14th #8580

    Wow, that’s a whole lot of info there, Opal! Most of that is outside of my field of knowing and so I can’t comment. There were two sentences which came home to me as both important and right:
    @opalescent wrote:

    The “Orions” are made up of two opposed races.

    and the notion that there is quite a strong polarity of light and dark over there, and:
    @opalescent wrote:

    In fact, some people on Earth are reincarnated Orions who are here to integrate their negativity and hence allow both our worlds to ascend.

    I have met one or two such people. Alainiz do you possibly feel you might also be one such?

    in reply to: Thank You to the Team of Light-Lovers! #8807

    Annan, I think it’s time you build a stable for that horse here at Book-of-Light-Land. 68 posts already! I think you must rephrase this:

    and me not even beeing a forum person

    I never USED to be a forum person.

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8214

    That Cosmic Awareness stuff is BRILLIANT! Thank you for bringing that to us, Orissa!

    That is deeply resonant with me. I must obviously go and read more of their work…

    …and of course Blossoms stuff is awesome too!

    in reply to: Thank You to the Team of Light-Lovers! #8804

    Hi Teeka

    I’d like to join you in thanking Annu. You know, one goes around this big ol’ thing called “the internet” and you look at websites and some draw your attention and you stay a while and others you just flit on by. But, for myself, I had rarely given much thought about how much work went into the creation of those websites. And if I did I just assumed it was done by a whole team of people. Well with BoL I got a glimpse… the barest glimpse… You see Annu is the very dearest of friends with me, even though we are literally on the other side of the world from each other. So I got to see some of the creation process. I saw bits of the other 5 versions of this site that were created before she pulled them down and put up each successive evolution. I saw the work, I saw the love, I saw the ENDLESS almost through-the-night hours of work that went into this. Months and months of patient, passionate labour. It’s good thing she’s making a lot of money out of this becasue otherwise… uh, wait a minute… what’s that? Oh. Um. I mean it’s a good thing she’s getting lots of love from all of us! Heh.

    Annu, you have a done a wondrous thing. Out of your love and labour your have created a landscape. And on that landscape we can can each of us come and build a home with our words. And then, we look around and see our neighbour’s homes and we realise we are a community. And all of our homes are connected here in the Annu-land by streets of love and respect. It is so because YOU made this place. So it can be no other way. The Book-of-light is the Land-of-Love on the internet. And I for one am blessed and honoured to be able to be here… to find this little corner of the ‘net to BE-LONG.

    Love and respect to you dear friend for a creation of love… by love… for love!

    in reply to: the October 14 thread #8495

    …and I just want to say “hello Neiru!” Awesome that you joined us here!


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