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  • Zingdad

    Hello Clever Sky

    Welcome to BoL!

    Let me say that I personally have absolutely no problem with your position. I think that we should believe in ourselves and our own experiences. I think blindly believing in what others say is what got the world into the poo in the first place. It is my view that the “good” channellings on this (and any) subject do NOT ask for your belief. Information is presented for your consideration, nothing more. The idea is that you should be aware of what is coming so that you can prepare for it and so that you don’t respond in fear if it happens. That’s all. No one is asking for faith or belief. These are not religious figures or institutions. And they don”t want 10% of your hard earned cash either! 😀
    You ask what you can do. I just need to be sure. Are you asking what you can do to make this Lightship event happen? If not please re-frame your question. If so then I shall happily give you MY answer:
    Nothing. You don’t need to do anything. It IS going to happen. It’s like asking what you need to do to make the sun rise tomorrow. Nothing to do. That said, you should probably spend a little time thinking about what might happen if this amazing event DOES happen. Like: will life on earth proceed as normal the next day? I think not! I think people are going to be somewhat overwhelmed by this event. So you can expect disruptions in normal services. Stores not opening. People making a rush on the stores that DO open. Interruptions in electricity and water supply. Stuff like that. Prepare for that.
    The other thing that is asked is that you look at this event with your heart. Really open yourself to it to see what the nature of this Lightship is. Judge with your truth and your intuition what you think it is. Don’t simply fall for a fear-response. but you don’t seem like you’re headed in that direction.
    So then the final thing is to help others that DO have a fear response. You can do this by sharing these channellings with other people you know (you don’t have to say you agree with it – you can just say “this is weird, huh?”). And then also on the day of the event. When it happens and you are happy that this is a good thing then help anyone you see that is struggling with fear and panic to relax and open their hearts to the fact that this is not so alien invasion but a peaceful and loving “hello”.

    And that is pretty much it. Really the channellings are not asking a lot from us. They are just asking us to be open to the fact that this might be a loving, peaceful event. Not much more than that. Doesn’t seem like too much to ask to me!

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8330

    Thanks for sharing MagentaPixie’s vid here, Orissa. It’s a really important message.

    @jeanph01 wrote:

    This is my first post. I got all the Adamu video from youtube on my ipod and listened to them with great comfort.
    I have a little question for Adamu:
    Do you think that forgiveness is a key to a better world on earth ? Is there something that would be unforgivable ?

    Thank you.

    Hi Jean

    Welcome to BoL. I’m afraid I’m not taking questions for Adamu at this point. My appologies. If I do this then I find it is ALL I end up doing. However it is an interesting question. I wonder from what perspective you are asking?

    If you are asking from a higher perspective then I will say it is my experience that not only is everything forgiveable but everything already IS forgiven. Those that are of higher consciousness than us know and understand that life here is pretty confusing sometimes. And they see us holistically. They don’t just see the little moment when we caused some pain… they also see how we eventually come to use that pain for something good. Like learning compassion. Or deciding to strive to do better. Or dedicating ourselves to service to balance this out. They see us as complete beings that have learned, grown and moved on. in other words they do not see an error at all. And if they do not see that then they do not need to forgive.

    I would say that we need to learn to forgive ourselves. Sure. And we need to learn to love and understand each other without judgement. And until we have that sorted then forgiveness is a good stepping stone.

    Those are my thoughts. What do YOU think?

    in reply to: magentapixie & zingdad #8688

    Thanks for posting Alainiz!

    He seems like a good, honest person just telling his story. I enjoyed hearing it.


    Good message, Solara! Thank you!

    in reply to: Viruses Malware Hacking… #9362

    I just wanted to say “Hi” and “I love you”.
    I can’t help you with your viruses and stuff. So I’ll just sit over here and love you, okay?

    in reply to: PREPARATION for Lightship showing #9263

    Patte, I’ve somehow never REALLY gotten into the crystals thing. I always felt like at some point I should. I understand there is great power in them but there has somehow always been something else taking my attention and so I never quite got round to understanding the deal with crystals. So I have no idea what the “orthodox” understanding are about crystals. Or what people that study them might have to say. But I speak to my Inner-Self (Joy-Divine) now on this subject and here is what I get:

    Dear Being
    The subject of crystals is a vast one. If you understand that the highest form of your own body… the ultimate ascended form… is crystalline, then you might begin to see the importance of these structures. They are very much more than just pretty rocks. But then even rocks are very much more than you currently imagine. So I won’t endeavour to impart a complete understanding of crystals now. The truth and wisdom of crystals will unfold for you soon enough. Instead I will cut to the crux of the matter: how best to now use the crystals in what comes next: the appearance of the Lightship.

    The first thing I would say is that the crystals are living beings in a way that is just not apparent to you now. They offer a service which is to be a tool for consciousness. You may create a consciousness pattern by thinking a certain thought. If you think that thought repeatedly and with great clarity and emotional force, then you begin to imprint that thought onto the etheric realm. You begin to manifest it. Now, you can use crystals to assist in this function becasue crystals can be used as both a store of your consciousness and an energiser of that which is so stored. So you may hold an intent in your mind, work on it until it is just right, and then imprint THAT thought into the crystal. The crystal will, over time, do the work of imprinting your thought into the ether as if you continued to place your consciousness into the ether.

    Now, as regards the Lightship which is about to enter your consciousness. You do not need to manifest this outcome. In one manner of seeing such things it has already always happened. So there is no concern there. You may however desire to bring this event into your localised consciousness with enhanced strength. I will offer you the analogy of a beacon at sea which shows a ship how to come to harbour. You may charge the crystal with YOUR intent that YOU shall experience this event. This might be helpful for you as it directs your consciousness when you might otherwise find yourself becoming concerned or doubtful… or similar. It is not essential that you do this… far from it… but it can be useful and it cannot be harmful. So then, why not do it!
    As to the HOW… the actual process: You cannot really get this wrong and so I would ask you to trust your intuitions. Make friends with the crystals and treat them as your heart might dictate. I would like to gently offer some thoughts but these are not rules that must be obeyed. If your intuition says otherwise then please follow your inner truth! The first thought is that you should cleanse the crystal of any other energy resonance it might hold. I can recommend lovingly and carefully washing the crystal in salt water, with the intent that they then be purified.
    The second thought is that you may then place the crystal before you when you next meditate. Work on that which you wish they crystal to resonate with. Possibly work to hold in your mind a vision of the Lightship above you. Then work on your heart feeling all the love and excitement of that moment. When it seems/feels right. Pick up the crystal and hold it to your heart and imagine this consciousness construct passing from yourself into your crystal. You may say something aloud like “so be it”. Or “thus is my will”. Or “my intent is declared”. Or even “amen”. As you see fit.
    Then ask the crystal where it would like to be that it may do its work best. This will often be outdoors. Crystals will probably want to be in the garden. But it may differ for you.
    I would suggest that it might be best not to leave the crystal in the full glare of the sun. The sunlight on your planet at this time can be very harsh and your crystal will quickly lose the energy you have stored. Coloured crystal may even lose some of their colour. So taking your crystal back indoors for the day and outdoors again for the night might be a good idea.

    You can trust your intuition as to how often you might want to “recharge” your crystal again.

    And that is all I would offer on this subject for now. Except to say that I would ask that you treat your crystals with respect as you should treat all matter and all energy. Everything is of consciousness. Everything is alive. You often hold things of great beauty and power in your hands and you think these are just “stuff”. Be mindful. Be loving. Be respectful. And you shall be rewarded in abundance with the return of loving care from the universe.

    Okay. That’s what I get. A good bit more than I expected to get! So use or discard this as your truth tells you!

    With love

    in reply to: A big hello and hug from Yorkshire UK #9297

    Hello and welcome friend!

    I regularly spend time outdoors at night with my eyes locked on the skies. I’ve found I can get into quite a nice meditative state like this. And then all manner of beutiful things start to show up. Not yet such that I’d call the neighbours for… not yet “undeniable” sightings. But there is SOMETHING going on, that’s for sure! It’s also ridiculously exciting, isn’t it!

    in reply to: 300 member mark surpassed today!! #9340

    Wow. That’s good going. Annu’s baby is growing fast!

    in reply to: PREPARATION for Lightship showing #9261

    Oh yeah! Good point Ricky! I keep meaning to find out more about the crystals thingy. For sure it can’t hurt… but what is that actually all about? I must remember to delve a little and see what this is supposed to do. And how exactly we should charge our crystals. All that stuff. Any thoughts from anyone else on this?

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8314

    Hi Qanena

    Firstly, thank you very much for making Adamu’s words available in German! That’s wonderful.

    You ask some questions:
    1. “Whether my order is correct on the earth here”
    Umm… sorry, my friend, i’m not quite sure what you are asking me. Can you re-phrase this question?
    2. “whether I translate his words in a correct manner ?”
    Adamu is not omniscient. In other words he does not know all things. He is also extremely respectful of things like free will and the privacy and integrity of each beings energy and space. What this means is that he won’t go delving where he is not specifically invited. And he also almost never tells me something about another person. It’s just not the way things work with him and I. Otherwise there is the risk of abuse. He and I prefer to work on planetary consciousness and try not to delve into personal stories. We both prefer to work like that. So the bottom line here is this: my German is very rudimentary. Worse than your English, that’s for sure. So I can’t verify your translation and neither can he do it THROUGH me. Your best port of call is to ask someone that is good with both languages to do a quick comparison (like UFOBelieve, maybe???). But I wouldn’t worry too much. I am sure you have gotten the important concepts across.
    3. I have some confusion in telepathic contact. Is this contact of light ?
    Again, Adamu is too respectful of free will to engage like this. But I can, from my own experience, offer you these thoughts. Before you make your contact maybe meditate and bring down a column of pure white light from Source. Imagine this to be cleansing and balancing your body and your aura. Then ask to be connected THROUGH this column of light to your own highest god-like nature. Within each of us exists this unseverable contact with the divine. Speak to this being and ask it any questions you like. Doing it this way will absolutely minimise any chance of interference from self-serving beings. And then, if you want to talk to someone else other than your own higher-self ask your higher self to act as the intermediary. Then you get all the info you want but are protected, again, from interference.
    4. I was told, that I’m not a son of Elohim, is this correct ?
    I don’t know. Same reason as above. Adamu and I just don’t do work like this. I’d say you should ascertain facts like this about yourself though your own work and trust your inner truth to see if it’s right. Certainly there are some here that are not of the Elohim. I am not and neither is my lady-love. Though, it must be said, in order to have a physical body such as we do, we have had to engage in a soul-contract with the Elohim. But, yes, it is still quite possible that you yourself are not of the Elohim.

    in reply to: Yet another hello and hug from the UK! #9320

    Hello Jane

    I am most pleased that my work has drawn you here! I bid you a warm welcome!


    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8302

    Opal, that is an AWESOME message. Thank you for bringing it forward again. How very exciting!

    UFOBelieve, I get the distinct feeling that the GFL are not stuck on a fixed plan. It’s more like they are responding to the way consciousness here is evolving. They adapt and redefine their plan from moment to moment. Remembering that they are actually outside of time and are not confined to thinking as we do, it seems entirely plausible to me that they can completely overhaul a plan while it is actually being implemented. So anyway, I must agree with Blossom that it is beginning to feel more to me that this is going to be a global phenomenon rather than a localised one. I certainly hope so. It just can’t feel fair to me that some see and some don’t, y’know?

    in reply to: 14th of october 2008 ship is already here? #7945


    That is just AMAZING!!! I feel like I am being hit with the synchronicity stick! I just posted to you on this very subject in this thread. Something you said triggered EXACTLY this understanding in me. I have read the Hopi prophecies before but literally 2 minutes ago I suddenly made the connection that the Blue Star Kachina is the Lightship. All this stuff that they are saying here suddenly arrived in my consciousness as a “known”. The next page I open is this one with exactly this info. WOW!!! I am feeling quite blown away. How cool. And yes, I was just explaining to my lady-love my understanding that when the Lightship show up we elevate our consciousness to the “next world”. That is the new earth begins to be available to us.

    It works like this. We are all of us tethered (by our own choice in coming here) to the planetary collective consciousness. So as individuals we can be of whatever high consciousness we like, we will still live in a world which is embedded in this particular version of 3D density. With duality in place. Because that is what is in the belief system of people. Now, when the Lightship shows up we suddenly lose all need to doubt. We suddenly KNOW that we are a part of the star races. We know there is life out there. We know love triumphs over fear. We know we are not alone. We know we don’t have to fight and compete for resources. etc. etc. So we can give up on doubt and, with a little thought we realise we can give up on fear. Then we master ourselves and our experience and the next step is to give up on pain. When we, as a planetary consciousness do THAT, then we simply ascend to the next density upwards! Automatically. It is where one resides if you give up on duality. And if you don’t have fear, doubt and pain then you don’t have duality. So bingo! The next world.
    Of course SOME beings may decide to firmly choose duality. I have a strong suspicion that there might be a schism in time lines. But that is another story and not my story or my concern. If I am able to help such people and my help is invited then I shall. For now I feel we are to work with the light… to work with the planetary ascension.

    This is so exciting!

    in reply to: Channelings from Blossom Goodchild #9065

    David Wilcox is generally a fine fella and has done much good work. He presents another option. But you see this event doesn’t require belief. This is not a religion. Just as I will not cease to exist if you don’t believe in me so this Lightship does not come into existence by our belief. Now David, bless his soul, talks about the infringement of free will. Like he is the final arbiter of what this planet’s will is. Like he holds inherent knowledge of what people will do with this event. Like he has been privy to their private thoughts, their prayers, their hearts crying out for help in the privacy of their own quiet moments. He’s a good guy but he’s just a guy, y’know? And he’d do well to remember that us up-right-walking monkey-people are not the only things in all of eternal creation with “free will” to practice. What about Gaia… our dear planet? You think she might get a vote somewhere in all this? You think the plant and animal life is not conscious? Does not have a will? Dolphins and whales? And what of our higher-selves? Those aspects of us that are wiser and more knowledgeable? Does David accord them a vote? What I’m saying is, for someone that I normally have some respect for he is showing a VERY narrow-minded view of the situation and then filtering it though his own even narrower pre-conceptions.
    And yeah. So some folks will look at the Lightship and worship it. Some will fear it. While on the one hand denying that it will appear he assumes he knows what it is and what it’ll do next. Which is a slightly schizophrenic position to take. If he is going to debate the issue then he should debate it as it is presented. Which is that this is not a big tin ship that will appear. it is an incredibly high-order spirit being manifest in our realm as a body of light. Like an arch-angel or similar. It will interact with us such that we are helped to understand who and what it is and why it is here. Of course it will not just appear for three days and then never come back again! What possible purpose would that solve. So… no… sorry. David Wilcox has failed utterly to apply his mind or his innate spirit wisdom to this. Could it be that he doesn’t like not being the ring-leader of THIS particular circus?

    Next topic. Opalescent, when I read your quote about the Kachina it suddenly fell into place! The light ship is EXACTLY what the Hopi have been talking about when they mentioned the Blue Star Kachina. And the taking off of the mask is when it “de-cloaks” by dropping into our density. And the dance in the plaza before the uninitiated is that all will see. Not just those that are initiates… not just the spiritually aware. All. And the reference to children is those that are spiritually young. Now it all makes sense! I got my little “energy run” of rightness when I read that. I will go and re-read the Hopi prophecies in light of this new understanding. Awesome!

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8298

    Tiaka I have no idea where they will show up. I don’t even know for sure that the “Alabama, Snow Cone, Table” hints ARE geographic locations. I know that I very firmly WANT them to show up over Cape Town but – duh – doesn’t everyone want them to visit their home! So, yeah, I have taken a guess that the “table thing refers to Table Mountain. But I wouldn’t bet money on it.

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