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The Illusion of Choice: Ninety Percent of American Media Controlled by Six Corporations Gallery of Giants Ebook: The Book of Giants – Dead Sea Scrolls Illuminations Ancient Mysteries of Sound Levitation by Kathy J. Forti Video: The Real Story of Christmas Documentary Video: The Real Story of Halloween HD – History Channel Ebook: Egyptian Book of the Dead Ebook: The Lost Book of Enki – Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God Video: The Universe Space Time Mystery | Mathematical Science Documentary HD Video: Vedic Cosmos – Full Documentary Video: Buckminster Fuller – Thinking Out Loud (1996) Documentary Video: The Buckminster Fuller / Edward Leedskalnin Connection Edward Leedskalnin – The Mysterious Magnetic Coral Castle a Broken Heart Built Ebook: The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla – 20th Century Genius Video: Nikola Tesla’s Life – New Documentary Full Ebook: The inventions, researches and writing of Nikola Tesla Video: The Connected Universe – Nassim Haramein Video: UNGRIP (From the creators of Esoteric Agenda and KYMATICA) Ebook: The Book of Enoch – The Secret Old Testament Book Ebook: The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean Videos: Aleshenka – A Tiny Creature Found in Russia The Mysterious Georgia Guidestones – 10 Shocking Commandments Set in Stone in 1980 Book-of-Light.com STAR of LIGHT The Return of the Annunaki – Gillian DeArmond-Green Video: Secrets of Water, The Movie Video Series: Ancient Aliens – Full Series Video: Guided Astral Projection Technique Meditation Ebook: Be Here Now The Charge of the Goddess The Lake of Fire That Men Built Tantra and Taoist Cosmic Connection Video: ONE STEP BEYOND AND THE SACRED MUSHROOM Building A Post-Chaos Community Video: UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied Life’s True Beginnings Video: Urantia Book on “Strange Universe” Making the Connection Between Spirituality & Creativity The Four-Fold Path to Enlightenment The Hynek Classification System Ebook: Designing Our Future – The Venus Project Video: Why in the World are They Spraying? (Chemtrails, Geoengineering) Video: Kymatica Renewable Energy Directory Self Confidence & Inner Self Worth Video: THRIVE – What on Earth Will it Take? *MOST IMPORTANT FILM ON EARTH* The Zeitgeist Movement FREE DOWNLOAD! 4th Chakra – Green Open Heart Bliss 528hz & 639hz http://t.co/VZWQK5sJ Law of One / RA Material Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies Video: Zeitgeist II – Addendum Ebook: Oahspe – A Very Weird New Bible (1828-1891) Communicate Telepathically with Animals Techniques for Soul Growth Every person has within them…A Song of Life…Each of us know we have a song. A beautiful vibration within as a reminder of our essence… Video: Nassim Haramein – Crossing The Event Horizon part 4 of 4 Master Mayan Tzolkin Calendar The Messianc Complex Video: The Big Picture by George Green Video: Human Genetics Manipulated – Human Origins Intro Ebook: Out of the Matrix Video: *Quantum Physics* The Reality As You Know It Does Not Exist Authentic Sacred Jewelry and Talismans Ebook: Messages for the Ground Crew Jonathan Goldman – Holy Harmony Homeland Security Checkpoint "Those who are hardest to Love, need Love the most" – The Peaceful Warrior The Truth about Vitamin D Video: Zeitgeist I: The Movie Remastered Version Key to the Gnosis Video: The Freedom Movie 2: A Spiritual Awakening (1 of 14) 13 Moon Mayan Galactic Calendar Date Decoder Video: Beyond 2012: Evolving Perspectives on the Next Age Unconditional Love OMMM Reiki MI – Healing on All Levels Winston Shrout – Solutions In Commerce Thoughts, Words & Deeds aligned is total CONGRUENCY… Total Congruency = Powerful Manifestation of Goals Ebook: The Book of Light: The Nature of God, The Structure of Consciousness and the Universe Within You Codex Alimentarius…Bills C-51 and C-52 and C-6 Canadian Implementations of the CODEX ideals -Become Aware, be FREE to choose Implications of Oneness Sustainable Earth Friendly Living About Awakenings Does DNA Have Telepathic Properties? Thought Therapy Avoiding Victimhood Video Library: What About Me? Consult the Sabian Oracle The Magnificent You Inner Child Meditation About Love – Happy Valentines Day! XO LΦVE H20 Festival June 19th – 21st, 2009 – The Historic Summer Solstice Celebration & Concert For The Living Water Video: Gnarls Barkley – Crazy The Science of Oneness – Is Current Science Incomplete? many happy returns echoes Winter Solstice celebrations: a.k.a. Christmas, Saturnalia, Yule, the Long Night, etc. Ebook: Monroe Techniques for Astral Projection Ebook: The Astral Body & Other Astral Phenomena Ebook: 66 Astral Projection Exit Techniques Ebook: Secret Guide to Instant Astral Projection Ebook: Astral Projection – The Complete Guide

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  • in reply to: I HAVE to make you know about this Game!! #9201

    Okay… seriously… WOW!!! and Drool!!! That is beautiful. 😎

    in reply to: Channelings from Blossom Goodchild #9041

    oh. Apparently it wasn’t just me. LOL!

    I’ll go read yours right away Opal!

    in reply to: Channelings from Blossom Goodchild #9038

    That’s brill! Thanks Orissa. Is it just me or was there a really cool synchronicity between Bloss’ stuff and Adamu’s new one. The whole “lighten up” thing?


    in reply to: Oct 14th Mass Meditation for Love #8410

    wow. great video. great idea. I’ll be there!

    in reply to: a letter to The Galactic Federation of Light and higher. #9009

    Heya Dax

    I wasn’t sure if you had created Fred and family or to what extent it was a self-portrait. But it doesn’t really matter, does it? The point is you find this method of addressing some very real questions to the whole “the lightship is coming” story. I appreciated the way you got to the heart of the matter: at bottom people really want to know “am I going to be okay?” and “is my family safe?”. Basic stuff like that. And well, Dax, if I am not very much mistaken then there really is no way to look at this that it adds up to bad news. Unless you really want the “old” way of power=money=control thing to continue. Which I am pretty sure Fred doesn’t. So it’s all good news for Fred. The GFL aren’t just going to flash by in our skies! They are making themselves available to assist on the ground. To come and be here amongst us. To live with us and teach/learn with us. And, no, our planet doesn’t then sink back into some sad, darkened future when they leave. Because they don’t leave. You see we join them. We become them. We become one with them. One. So its all good news for Fred! He and his family are going to be okay.

    … or such is my very best ability to fathom.

    in reply to: Hello from the UK #9014

    Heya Moria!

    Thank you very much for the kind words.

    You are most welcome to post my stuff on your website. Few take the time to ask as politely as you have. But I have no issue so long as there is the link back here. And even then just becasue people should have the right to go read the “context”. So: thanks for asking and you are welcome to do this.

    in reply to: a letter to The Galactic Federation of Light and higher. #9007


    I have JUST finished setting up a video channelling. If I am not very much mistaken then this might be the response from the Galactic Federation of Light to your letter. Kinda looks like that to me. So watch the two vids and tell me if that works for you, okay?

    Adamu through Zingdad:Preparation without fear Part One

    Adamu through Zingdad:Preparation without fear Part Two

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks #7837

    Okay. So the next video is UP!

    My new friend Magenta Pixie was kind enough to put visuals to this and host it on her youtube channel.

    AND… the amazing Annu has done a drawing of Adamu! I don’t know if you know this but Annu has this ability to see spirit beings and then she is an awesome artist too so she can render what she sees! And so, we actually have a picture of Adamu pretty much exactly as I remember seeing him (even the background is right) as a part of the video.


    So here it is:

    Adamu through Zingdad:Preparation without fear Part One

    Adamu through Zingdad:Preparation without fear Part Two

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8251

    Hi UFOBelieve

    Thank you for you very kind words!

    I can’t really answer your question as I am not directly or personally familiar with DMT. It is indeed something that would be classified by the legal system as a drug. An illicit substance. Seems to cause extremely powerful hallucinatory states. The bit that I have read about it seems to indicate that people come away feeling they have experienced a mystical state. Can’t say I know much more than that about it.

    If you are interested in reading then I usually find the erowid site the best place to find out more about all such substances.

    in reply to: Stacked deck in this Game? #8898

    GT, my dear brother. I am touched by your REAL-ness every time. I feel you pain. I don’t have kids but I can really feel with you about yours.
    That said I would like to offer you this thought. I know I have it within me to be a “bad” person. I have in my younger days been quite aggressive and hard-core with people. I used to be an abusive aggressive @$$hole on the roads. So that is all “within” me.
    If I look back at my past lives then I see a story of alternating between abusing and being abused. There is this amazing balance between the ugly that I dished out and then, some time later, getting exactly that ugly done to me. So where are the demons?
    And that essentially is my point. I do not argue there are spirit beings that are of ill intent. Some of them have a little power. And that there are other races and beings that are pain-and-destruction minded? Yeah. For sure. But from my perspective and from within my own understanding I am now very firmly of the opinion that “evil” is really just that which is manifest from within every being, at some point or another, as a result of feeling sad, hurt, lost and confused.
    If we don’t know there is “enough” and that we are the creators of our reality then we might feel we must take as much as we can to protect against running out later. And so greed is born.
    If we don’t know that we are powerful creator beings then we might fear our weakness and in that fear we need to lash out at others in a “pre-emptive strike” to keep them from thinking that they are weak. Or the classic bully story of believing that you are so unworthy of love that you feel better that at least you can cause a fear and pain response from someone else. In other words you know you can’t get love and fear/pain is better than being irrelevant.

    I guess this whole thing is really just me saying the transgressors and pain-causers are really just us in another situation. They are the part of us that is most in need of love. And then too will find their way. Just as we now find a place where we really only want to express love to ourselves and others so they will come to such a place. And seeing as all time is already NOW, there is an aspect of them which is already a miracle of love. Just as we are also right now lashing out in fear and pain.

    I know it’s hard when you are there in the moment feeling like you are taking the brunt of their anger and pain. But I find it helps immeasurably if I can look into that being and feel the cause for their behaviour. Feel that they are lost and confused and feel compassion for their situation. Then there actions do not hurt me so badly. And then I can sometimes even help them to a better place.

    in reply to: Mike Quinsey channeling SaLuSa, 24 Sept ’08 #8969

    Thanks Orissa!

    I have always enjoyed Mike Quinsey. And thanks for the Blossom interviews too!

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks #7836

    Hi folks

    I have recently come to see that the Q&A sessions that I have been doing with Adamu is conflicting with other work that I feel I need to do in this regard. The issue is it IS quite time consuming to do this and I always feel I need to be quite fresh or otherwise I don’t do it justice. Unfortunately my life has become increasingly… interesting… the last while. With the first intimation of the Lightship coming I have been thrown into a flurry of activity around that. But that isn’t even the beginning of it! I have become extremely busy on every front. My work life, my life as a musician, my spiritual life… every sphere has just kicked into high-gear.
    So I find very little time where I am able to do work like this and I find that time is now taken up by the rather urgent and active process of the coming Lightship showing and all that is involved with that.

    So I am going to take a break from the Q&A’s and focus on the direct messages from Adamu (and the other beings I work with). When things settle down a little (as I hope they eventually must) I will let you know and re-open myself to Q&A style interaction.
    I will, as promised, get to the questions already put to me. I’ll do this soon. In the mean time you might be interested in the last salvo of Q&As which I did on Book of Thoth on this thread which I shall paste bellow:


    Adamu: Dear friends
    I am happy to address you once again. Things are proceeding very well with our plans. I have taken note of all that our dear Zingdad has just said I will make a small amendment if I may? It is to say that his services in this capacity are soon to be redundant. If I am not very much mistaken then you shall all soon be able to ask space beings your own questions directly as they will soon enough walk amongst you. And so our dear Zingdad will be released from this task of speaking for us and we will then have some other, shall I say, more interesting tasks which we shall ask him to fulfill. [he declines to elaborate in response to my curiosity]
    So there is this good news. That soon you shall need no intermediaries. And there is also the good news that I shall in the interim still be speaking to you but from now on as a part of my address to a greater and ever growing audience. We simply need to speak to as many people as we can at this crucial juncture.
    But now, to your questions:

    @kael wrote:

    1. What types of weaponry do the Galactic Federation/Pleiadians possess? Lasers, as many humans have thought of in Space-based fights, or something else?

    Adamu: You might be surprised to find that we are not very big on weaponry. We spend very little effort on the design and invention of new weapons. And the more advanced a race becomes the less use it has for weaponry. Indeed, the most advanced of our societies have not a single weapon between them! But think for yourself – if you were engaged with the creation of planets, suns, solar systems… indeed, whole galaxies… and seeding and populating such systems would you be thinking about creating tools to terminate lives? You would not. So there is a progression. The least advanced are the most violent and destructive and the most advanced are the most creative. Now, within the Galactic Federation we have a very many societies all at various levels of advancement along this curve. Those that have the most recently joined are of the lower densities and still bear arms. They serve as a sort of a defensive wall against which these other space races may dash themselves if they wish to attack. I would, at this time, like to draw your attention to a race which is the most recent to join the Galactic Federation. They are known to your planet. They are called amongst other names Annunaki and Nephilim. But these names have been confused and are not very useful. I prefer the name Nibiran as they come from the Nibiru system. Now these beings were quite recently not aligned with the Galactic Federation. They strove against some of our members. They prided themselves on their phenomenal capacity to make war. They equipped their central home-world, Nibiru, with some extremely potent armaments. Nibiru is a true juggernaut. A celestial body which is somewhere between a planet and a sun in size. It is hollowed out and the Nibirans live deep within. The mass of Nibiru herself provides protection. The surface of Nibiru carries some of the most potent energy weapons ever devised. And this brings me round to your question. Do we use lasers? No. Lasers are a stream of light particles. They are made coherent with focusing and alignment. They can thus carry a fair amount of energy to a very focused point. But they are not ideal as weapons. They take a great amount of energy to power and they are limited in used against suitably armored opponents. The weaponry used by Nibiru is not known on your planet. And our friend, Zingdad is not a physicist nor and engineer. I will therefore have difficulty telling you of the nature of the weapons. But I shall try: the surface of Nibiru is dotted with installations. When a target is found then any three installations can at any moment work together. They use competing spins of energy. That is each beams energy of a particular type at the target. These three different spins of energy intersect on the target. The part of the target that is touched by each of the three types of spin is altered such that they now repel the other two types. The target literally pulls itself apart with the force of internal repulsion.
    My apologies, I know the above makes little sense to you. It is the best we can do without going to an extreme degree of effort.
    That is the merest brush over the subject of weaponry. Of course, if one desires one can weaponise almost any of the great forces of nature. But the GFL is primarily concerned with harmony and peace. With creation and relationships. Not with destruction.

    @kael wrote:

    2. Adamu has said that Light-ships are ‘living beings’ made of ‘light’. Would these ships be able to take any shape it wanted, or do the Pleiadians/GF have designated shapes/appearances for their ships? (Opposed to the general metallic ships, which have a saucer shape?)

    Adamu: The shape of the ship is dependant on the nature of the reality into which it is expressed. Let me say that it is the most perfect and natural response of the Light Being which manifests the ship to the density and environment of your reality. An example: a water drop. It could theoretically be any shape. On your planet within your atmosphere and at your gravity it takes the “droplet” shape. That shape is the perfect response to this environment. So, these same ships look quite different in other realms of reality but descriptions of such other shapes would be futile as you would not be able to comprehend these other dimensions quite yet.

    @kael wrote:

    Also, If light-ships are ‘living beings’, how would they fight in battle? Would they ‘bleed’ light/energy if they were wounded, or are they not ‘living’ in an organic/biological sense?

    Adamu: Lightships do not “fight” in battle as you might think of such things. Here is an analogy: Imagine you are the wisest and most loving father. You are also a very large and very powerfully built man. But you have a two-year old child who desires its own way. But you know that that which the toddler wants is deleterious to its own well being. So you say “no, you may not do that,” whereupon the child throws a tantrum and it lashes out at you with all the might its little fists can carry. As it pounds upon you it wails and cries its frustration. It says “I hate you” and bashes at you with pitter-pat hands. At which point do you bring all the might of your muscles to bear to destroy the child? What? You don’t? Of course you don’t! You have no need to behave like that. You know the child is part of your family and you love the child and, besides which, it is actually doing you no harm. And you know it will grow up and cease to behave in such a silly fashion. So you simply accept the little blows with good grace and then try to gently teach the child that this is not the path forward. This would be quite a good analogy for the relationship between a Lightship and an attacking craft. Anything that is still of a consciousness which is about “attacking and destroying” is by definition like a two year old child. And it really hasn’t the power to actually hurt a Lightship. It is acceptable for you to think of a Lightship as a spirit being of very high consciousness. As an angel, if you like such terms. It cannot be harmed by weapons. It cannot find it within its consciousness the desire to harm another either. Such a notion is alien to its very nature.

    The “body” of this ship is, in this reality, composed of magnetized light. That is, the being to whom this body belongs actually emits light. It then creates a field into which that light flows and cycles. The light itself if the hull of the ship. There is nothing that can harm such a hull. Such ships are VERY much living but no, I would not call them biological or organic as you might understand it.

    @kael wrote:

    3. Easy question: How large is the total Pleiadian population? (Ex. Earth humans are around 6.5 billion persons/beings.) How large is the total population of the Galactic Federation?

    Adamu: Oh no, my friend! A far more difficult question than you could imagine. You are inside of time. You think there are 6.5 billion earth humans. From your perspective that is a fair estimation. From my perspective I can chose amongst many, many numbers depending how I look. For example. I might see only the greatest beings from which all of you have come. Then the number is quite small. Or I may see all the incarnations that have ever been on planet earth. Then the number is vast. I also do not differentiate as you do between humans and animals. Do you know that whales are, generally speaking, of much higher consciousness than humans? That dolphins fulfill a vital function in balancing planetary energies and that dogs are workers on the consciousness of humanity? … I could go on and on. And you also fail to see that which resides inside your planet. You fail to be aware of energetic beings. And so on and so on.
    If I asked you, friend Kael, how many are you – you personally – you’d assuredly tell me you are one. One person. But then what of your past lives? Are they you or are they “other” than you? And what of all the myriad consciousnesses that are engaged in each of the physical constructs you call your body: are they “you” or “other” than you? So are you and your body “one” or “many”? I really just try to give you an inkling. There are an interminable number of ways to look at things if you wish to answer your question. The whole of the Pleiadian consciousness may be seen to be just one being. Or even as a small part of one greater being. Or it may be seen to be – literally – an infinite number of particulate points of consciousness. It all depends on your perspective. If you wish to understand this better then I would encourage you to investigate fractals. They are a beautiful art form and are also a wonderful metaphor for this that I am trying to convey here.

    @kael wrote:

    4. When you (Adamu) spoke of truth earlier, you said that everyone must find their own truth/absolute truth. Does this mean truth only means something that is taken true in one person’s perspective, while it would be a lie or falsity to another? Or is ‘truth’ something that is completely true for all things/beings? If the first is true, then how can it be called ‘the truth’ or the ‘absolute truth’ when it is seen as false?

    Adamu: May I say that there are very few absolute truths. All is One is, from my perspective an absolute truth because search as I might I cannot find a expression of consciousness for whom it is not true. So, even for you on earth that do not know it is true, it is still true because it is an absolute inevitability that you will come to know that this is true. So I declare this, to the best of my ability to discern, an absolute truth: “All is One”.
    One might also get localized truths. For example: Free Will. It is so that all of us here in this system of reality express our own will in a way that is largely free. But this is not an absolute truth. There are experiences of consciousness that do not express Free Will. Or maybe a better example is gravity. While you are engaged in that lifeform there is a rule which is “what goes up must come down”. It is a truth. But as soon as you free yourself from that body you are no longer so constrained. Do you see? There are many, truths. They all depend on your perspective and your choices. There are not so very many absolute truths. You see Prime Creator, as I can discern such things, desires for there to be unbounded expression. Infinite and unending creativity expressing Itself in infinite ways. Creating a TRUTH that is absolute and unbending would mean that that infinity is suddenly bounded. There is a place or a way in which LIFE may not express itself. As soon as you do that then it is not infinite or unbounded. It is finite and bounded. And that would collapse all of infinite reality… it would cease to exist.

    So the answer to your question might be as follows:
    There is only one absolute truth and that is: Consciousness IS. Everything else is created and is therefore flexible and subject to change, to re-creation or to being created differently elsewhere. If you and I want to create together we might choose some consensual rules for our creations. In so doing we create for our creations some absolute truths. And as long as beings play inside our creation they will have to abide by those absolute truths. But the second they choose to leave our creation they find those truths are not absolute. They are temporal. They are a frame for the creation.
    I hope I have expressed this clearly.

    Then there is the fact of your own personal nature. There is WHO YOU REALLY ARE. This is your own truth. Your own highest nature. The truth of your own being. This is absolutely unique. No two beings in All That Is are identical. It is your quest to discover your own uniqueness and to express it. To be in your truth.

    @kael wrote:

    5. I’m not sure if this has been asked, but dreams have precognitive/psychic/foretelling abilities, yes? Would dreams of possible future events, possibly involving 2012/the ascension process hold any ‘truth’ or weight to them, or are they simply what your own mind thinks will happen?

    Adamu: You, my friend, are the creator of your own reality. As you proceed, so you will keep discovering that this statement becomes more and more profoundly true.

    You ask about dreams. Dreams can be any one of a great many things. From random entertainments of the mind to deepest insights of great wisdom. You will have to hone your intuition and discernment to tell the difference.

    With respect to foretelling the future: Because each being creates their own future by their choices it becomes impossible for one to be absolutely certain what that being will experience in their future. Because they may change their path forward at any time. One may see where the being is at and then one may look at probabilities in the future. And one may say with a fair degree of probability what is likely to happen. But fixed certainties? No. That would mean that your ability to choose is removed from you.

    I offer you this. Your dreams are like postcards from other possible realities. Over there in your possible future is another “you” sending you a greeting. It says “this is what it looks like over here, would you like to come here?” Now you must choose. IS that what you desire for yourself? Make a choice! State your intent! And then head towards the future YOU desire. You are not a leaf blown in the wind. You are an eternal, immortal creator being. Creator, create!

    @kael wrote:

    6. Do Pleiadians listen to music for enjoyment? 😀
    Perhaps you are fond of certain Earth music?

    Adamu: I-that-I-Am am not of a consciousness that I might listen to music. I am not embodied with ears. I can however tell you that I “listen” to the music of souls. I hear the harmonies, or indeed disharmonies, produced by all the aspects of a being with which I engage. And then, I may take a step back and hear how all the souls on a planet sing together. Do they produce a cacophonous noise of conflicting sounds? Or are they greatly harmonious? This experience is powerful in ways you cannot yet imagine. One day you shall hear such things for yourself.
    I am able to – shall I say “piggyback” – on the consciousness of others. I am able to share the “listening experience” of beings that are incarnated. Our friend Zingdad has on occasions allowed me to engage with him in this manner. He is, you may or may not know, also a musician. He has asked me for input into his creations. And I have also in like manner “listened” to the creations of other musicians. The earth music I like best is that which inspires in the listener a desire to be still. To quiet their busy minds. To open themselves to grand inner visions. To feel love and wonderment. This is what I like most. I love complexities of such music as this is most like the music of the souls that I love so much. I have asked/inspired in Zingdad a piece of music which best expresses this. I understand he will be sharing this with the world at some point soon. It will explain what I am trying to do here in words.
    [Soon enough. But I don’t want this to be a “plug” for my stuff]

    @kael wrote:

    7. What do you mean when you say you ‘are watching humanity closely’? Do you watch over us on big telescreens or watch our news broadcasts, or are you able to look any person up whenever you want on your computers?

    Adamu: Not computers and screens. Souls. There are many on your planet that share their experience with us. There are many on your planet that “awaken” and realise they are one of us. When they do they usually open their hearts and minds to us. And then we know intimately what their experience is. They are us so we know what they know. This is in accordance with their will and ours. That is one answer.
    The other answer is that we look upon your planet, not with eyes like yours, but with higher dimensional eyes. We actually see/hear/feel the energy of your planet and the beings upon her.
    Please understand we are much more than simply humans with better toys. We are also beings of greatly expanded consciousness. We are you and we are that which you are becoming. And we are much more besides.

    @Dalia wrote:

    I would like to ask Adamu if he watches any earth broadcasts and if he has a favorite television show? 😀

    Adamu: I have a great appreciation for any creative expression which causes the connection of the emotions and which causes the upliftment of the soul. That which causes spirits to soar. I have an appreciation for creative expressions which cause you to feel touched by another and connected.
    It is unfortunate that there are far more broadcasts which are geared to make you feel disconnected, which inspire fear and separateness. But if you go looking you can find those which are positive.

    @fatthumb2008 wrote:

    Regarding illness.
    What’s the purpose of a person born with brain damage?Did they choose to experience that? A friend of mine ask me that. She looks after this little girl that suffers from brain damage and very few people think about them.

    Adamu: Each being that incarnates into a body has its own purposes for doing so. It would be futile for me to express a blanket statement for all beings that choose some one type of expression. There are also a great many types of brain damage. But yes, I will absolutely confirm that every single being that is incarnated with some such disability chose to express that disability in this life for reasons of its own. Also the parents of that being chose to be the parents of a being with such a disability. There is a contract in place between them. They wish to teach/learn together. Others, like your friend may wish to express themselves specifically by offering loving care to such beings.

    May I say that there can be profound value for a being, in them choosing to have a lifetime where some of their mental faculties are deactivated. This may, for example, allow their hearts to be the primary motivational organ. So instead of reasoning their way through life they LOVE their way though life. You see? And it is also so that, by choosing the life they did, they make themselves intensely vulnerable. They arrive asking others around them to look after them. In so doing they become great teachers of compassion and loving care. They very often carry the lesson of compassion into communities and families that are greatly in need of such lessons.

    I say to you now, there are no mistakes! Such a being does not have the body it does by accident. So I would suggest that a good response to such a person is to ask yourself first what this being can teach you and THEN what you can teach this being. Endeavour not to see such a being as something broken which must be fixed. If you understand that they are perfect as they are then you open your heart to them and allow for some wonderful transformative interactions which will heal both of your souls. But maybe not the damaged body, if you understand me.

    @Zingdad wrote:

    In a PM Alusa asked some questions and gave me permission to address them generally. She asked if dragons and humans had ever walked the earth together or if this effect was always just the result of realties bleeding though into each other?

    Adamu: Both are true. But what a complex story to try to tell! There was a time before time. Long, long before there were Homo Sapiens on your planet when there were other beings who were… related… to your current form who shared the earth with dragons. There were also other beings with which you might share a racial memory that were on earth in the times of the dinosaurs. There are many possible times or realities that might correspond to an affirmative answer that indeed, yes, humans have directly shared this planet with dragons. But your mind wants to insist that there is one flow of time and it has a start and an end and that makes things difficult to tell.

    @Zingdad wrote:

    Alusa also asked about what you think will happen after the lightship has been. “Will the governments fall apart after that? … people will be mad the governments have been lying to them. But will they so quickly be overthrown or will it be gradual? I am wondering about the actions earths own people will take against it once they find out… and how much when and how our ET friends will help.”

    Adamu: We are sailing a sea of probability. Before us is the crashing wave-front of probability collapsing into that which shall unfold as your direct and personal experience. Instead of asking me what that should be, maybe you should be deciding for yourself what you’d like it to be. I shall repeat myself: creator create!
    We are a part of a calling and an answering. You and we have called to each other and are answering each other’s call. We are now going, together, to fashion the outcome of that call and answer. I tell you now there are a great many outcomes. You as the people of planet earth do not have one timeline ahead of you, you have many. For example, you personally, Alusa, have a choice to make. You must choose between peace and conflict. For yourself. You see there are many that still desire to express themselves in conflict. If you too desire that then you shall find yourself in a reality where you may rub shoulders with them. That is in accordance with your will. But you also find that you tire of the conflict and wish for harmony and peace. You can choose that and find yourself in a world that has risen above the need to fight. You can even choose both – harmony and conflict – but then you must be open to your own multi-dimensional nature. I am endeavoring to illustrate that things now already are progressing in different directions. There are beings on planet earth that are now already not seeing any pain and conflict in their world. And there are beings that are engaged entirely in a painful, wracking struggle with themselves and every other that they engage with. Such beings are already going separate ways. You must each of you choose for yourself. We do not dictate what you shall see.

    @Zingdad wrote:

    Alusa was also personally concerned about her own mission here in this incarnation. She believes she has a role in helping people to come to terms with what is coming. She is concerned what will happen if she doesn’t “awaken” I time. She says “I keep getting the feeling that I am freaking out too much and just need to relax, I just wish I could ease my mind.”

    Adamu: All is going according to plan. It seems that your feelings are guiding you correctly. But there is no “in time” for you to awaken. You awaken “out of time”. You will be exactly the right response when it is necessary. Fear is irrelevant.

    @Alusa wrote:

    I also remember what he said about changing perspectives after “ascending” or some such and being able to see all time is now, all simultaneous incarnations, and getting the spiritual tools for that. I wonder what such an existence is like and how you advance yourself, what the spiritual interaction is like. Personally so far I think I still enjoy being a particle of conciousness in this play but I would love to hear about the other side of things.

    Adamu: It is not really possible to tell of such an experience. How would you tell an person what it is like to be a whole planet or a whole galaxy? You cannot. You can make some analogies, some comparisons but you cannot explain such that the person truly understands. So then you can invite the person to become a planet or a galaxy and then the person will know. You can only know something truly by experiencing it yourself. But in the answering of the previous questions I have already given you many expressions of analogies and metaphors to show you a little of what broader consciousness might be like. For so long as you desire a particulate expression of self so you shall have it.

    @Zingdad wrote:

    And then Alusa asked about where you had previously said the following:

    In that view the elves are very like humans but they are tall, magical, bright and fair. This is actually a reference to the bright ones that inhabited the earth planes in the early times. They are us… the Elohim and the children of the Elohim. My cohorts and I. And yes, there came a time when we left “middle earth” – an earlier version of earth – and earth was left to the dominion of man… our children.

    Alusa asks
    @Alusa wrote:

    , I thought we were all children of the Elohim though? And I am not sure about the middle earth reference, and what hes talking about before. If you know could you elaborate more on that?

    Adamu: In this context I would say most of you (not all) are the progeny of the Elohim. Maybe you will accept the metaphor of a pyramid structure? In such a metaphor then, right at the topmost peak is unified Oneness. It is the access point to Prime Source. The step below this is that of the Elohim. The next step is the direct fragmentary expressions of the Elohim: the first generation children of the Elohim. They are of the highest consciousness and are of the subtlest of bodies and are still very bright. They in turn produce fragmentary expressions which are denser of body more expressive in what you would call reality but of narrower consciousness. And so on and so on all the way to the third-from-the bottom-most level of the pyramid where Planet Earth’s current humanity is. You are of very dense bodily expression. Your reality is intensely physical and you experience yourself AS matter. The steps below yours are that of plants, certain animals and matter itself.
    So to summarize: From one perspective I can say that we, the Elohim, are the first step down from the topmost pinnacle, which is Oneness. From that perspective it is also possible to view it that there are 12 such steps in total and you earth-humans are on the third from the bottom of those 12 steps.
    That is one very simplistic view. And it is also so that there is much else that is not of this pyramid yet which interrelates with it. There is much that does not interrelate. And there is more that I can find words to express which is above and beyond this pyramid. It is even so that not all people on earth are directly from the Elohim though certainly the very greatest majority are.

    The allusion to “middle earth” is not important. It is simply so that there are many ways to understand the spiritual realities that lie outside your direct experience. One way is the many stories that have been implanted in your planetary consciousness. There is a rather beautiful tale so planted in your consciousness called “The Lord of the Rings”. It has some wonderful understandings if you know how to look for them. It suggests that there is another world, called “middle earth” which is inhabited by bright, magical beings of higher consciousness called elves. And also all manner of other magical and wondrous beings. And humans live there amongst them. This is, from a certain perspective, true enough. And you may, quite soon, open yourself to experiencing such a “middle earth”, which can be said to be a world which is the parent world to your own.

    @anomynous wrote:

    As a civilization’s population grows, where do the spirits come from that incarnate into those bodies? Does this mean that there will always be more spirits than physical bodies in existence?

    Adamu: There are an infinity of so-called souls. That is to say, when a creator being expresses itself it may fragment itself into as many expressions as it desires in order to experience the range of possibilities that it desires to experience. There is always exactly the perfect ratio between physical bodies and spirit beings. The idea that there are spirit beings wanting to incarnate but having to “wait their turn” is not exactly right. There are such spirit beings that are a little, shall we say, lost. They get trapped in the cycle of incarnation due to the way they have engaged with it. They gain a sense of desperation to return. They are slowed by loving hands so that they spend a little more time in the space “between lives” so that they can be helped to understand better the pain they are creating for themselves.
    If there truly was a need for more incarnational opportunities such opportunities would very simply be created.
    In a nutshell then: there are as many “souls” as are desired. That is to say there is an infinite number. There are exactly as many incarnational experiences as are desired. That is to say there are an infinity. Whether one particular soul has an incarnated experience or not is a factor of some complexity but in general you get the experience that you desire.

    @anomynous wrote:

    Can any soul incarnate into any physical body, regardless of race/species/form?

    Adamu: The theoretical answer is yes. The caveat to that answer is that you must be of an appropriate consciousness or you will have some great difficulty. I will give you the example of some spirit beings that wish to try being a human being and they attempt to incarnate into this kind of life. They find they are not of the right kind of consciousness and soon decide to abort the mission. This is one of the explanations for still born babies and for cot-death children. Another example would be a being that is of a very high “love” vibration but not of a very robust “conflict” vibration. Such a being may choose to express itself in a body with what is called Downs Syndrome. All love, no conflict, perfect! You see?
    So the principal answer is yes. But the practical answer is that not all physical expressions are appropriate for all consciousnesses. Some will be uncomfortable, some will need modification and some will, quite simple, not work at all.

    @anomynous wrote:

    Has the Creator ever incarnated into physical form?

    Adamu: Yes. Look in the mirror to see an example. We are all the Creator expressed into whatever form we currently inhabit. Right now the Creator is experiencing life through you AS you.

    @anomynous wrote:

    If you do not experience linear time, Adamu, does that mean that you are fully aware at every moment that you are experiencing ALL of your lives simultaneously?

    Adamu: Yes.

    @anomynous wrote:

    Is it true that we only see a fraction of the visible light spectrum? How does your vision differ from ours?

    Adamu: Yes. There are many answers to that. The full electromagnetic spectrum ranges in size from subatomic wave lengths to a standing wave which is the size of the entire universe. In the middle there is a sliver which you receive with your eyes. My friend won’t accurately get the numbers from me. But it is available in your science.
    [apparently from about 380 nano-meters to about 750 nano-meters]
    The other thing to understand is that this is only the one density of light at which YOU reside. So there is a great deal to which you are oblivious.
    My vision differs from yours in a great many ways. Prime of which is that I am not under the illusion that I can only see “what is around me”. I know I can see whatever I desire by taking my consciousness there. It is quite different. I am not confined to a single point of view. And as much as I can navigate within all that I am andd see all manner of other view-points, I can also elevate my perspective and see things in different ways. I may look on your planet and see the beautiful blue ball that your astronauts my see, of I may change my perspective and understand your planet as a consciousness construct and see it as an evolution of light. But these things will not easily be explained to you like this. I give you the briefest hint.

    @anomynous wrote:

    How many different densities are there? How were they created? Can you describe each?

    Adamu: This again is a perspective issue. I will offer to you that the densities work very like a musical octave. So you may say that there are 12 tones on that octave. Or you may say that there are 8 full tones and another 4 supporting tones. But if you see it differently then there are as many graduations between each tone as could be desired. An infinity, in fact.
    The densities are created by the diffraction of the souls that express themselves here. That is to say, if you begin as a whole, perfect, complete spirit essence, then you may chose to slit yourself into a myriad tonal expressions. In so doing you allow yourself to reach out and down within yourself and find that portion of self which is the slowest and densest. And by sharing this experience with others you may find yourself in a reality like earth.
    To describe each density would be quite arduous. It is simply a ranged expression from that which is the most dense (which is also lowest consciousness and the lowest ability to express its will and the lowest ability to re-order its world) up to the least dense (which is the highest consciousness and the highest ability to express its will and the highest ability to re-order its world). There are those that have created labels for such steps and this is fine. But it is all perspective. There will always be other perspectives on such orderings which are equally valid.

    @anomynous wrote:

    What really happens when DMT is smoked?

    Adamu: There is a carefully constructed consciousness membrane which is very useful in keeping you engaged with the game you are now playing called “incarnated life”. If you see through this membrane then you begin to realise you can shift your perspective out of this physical body. You can take your point of consciousness and move it around. And you can see other realities and other consciousness constructs. You can go to “dream worlds” or alternate realities. Or you can see the energetic beings that co-habit your environment. The DMT molecule is one which engages with your brain and mind and helps you to pierce that membrane. So you see a slightly bigger picture until your body metabolizes the DMT. Let me say that you get a very small glimpse of what will become available to you as an ascended being.
    I would add that the consumption of DMT is not a good idea for everyone. Not everyone is ready for what they will experience here.


    And that was THAT session – except for one question which wouldn’t have made sense over here without the full context.

    As I say, I do owe a few of you responses here on BoL which I shall get to soon. And then of course you shall continue to see me on BoL as normal – I just can’t promise to do Q&A sessions anymore. Not for now. We’ll see what happens in the near future. Maybe we DO all meet space people and then you no longer want or need this. Maybe nothing happens and no-one wants to hear from Adamu and me anymore 😕 😆

    I will, for those that are interested in this, post a few of the more interesting “back catalogue” discussions I have had with Adamu over here as well. I will also post the text versions of my audio recordings. And of course we can still discuss all these things on the sister thread and elsewhere.

    Love and magic,

    in reply to: get skeptic yourselves about 14th oct? #8941

    alainiz, I think you are missing the point here a little. You should never under any circumstances believe in a channel. A channel is a person. If you place your belief in another person you will get hurt. There is only one place your Truth resides and it is inside of YOU. So then… The channel is simply someone that brings a message through. You go read the message then you decide in YOUR heart if the message is right or wrong. If it is right for you it is becasue YOU say it is. Not becasue someone else says so. So then it doesn’t matter if you read it as graffiti on the toilet wall, it doesn’t matter if it was written in a “holy” book. It’s true if your heart tells you it is. And if your heart says it’s not true then you walk away from it. Simple. And the conduit? The method of getting the message to you? That might be a person. A person is another being just like you. Or it might be a book – which is just slivers of a tree. Or it might be chalk on a side walk. What do you want to go putting you faith in them for? You don’t! Put faith in yourself to tell the difference between what feels true and what does not. Then it doesn’t matter what ELSE the conduit does.
    Alainiz, Blossom is just a woman living in Australia trying to make her way in the world like anyone else. She is not some immaculate goddess of truth. The channelling passes THROUGH her! It doesn’t come FROM her! So if it comes from someone else then what difference does it make what she does when she isn’t channelling?
    And give a poor girl break! Suddenly she finds, as a result of all the work she has done, that she has some attention. So she wants to sell some material and make some money back off of this. Is it the BEST idea? I don’t know. I think it’s sort of a grey area. But if someone puts time energy and effort into a project I sort of DO feel it is okay for them to say people should give them some value back if they want it. So she’s selling a book. SO WHAT?

    in reply to: what is channeling? #8890

    @UFOBelieve wrote:

    In meditation or contemplation or whatever, when you ask questions to your higher self or whatever being, or if you ask a guardian angel to protect you, or as Zingdad explained, when you ask for a truth to come through to you, do you actually SAY it? Or do you whisper it? Or do you just formulate a question in your mind and send to out to whoever it is meant for? Is that enough?

    UFOBelieve, I find in matter of spirituality there is one absolute consistent golden rule that you should always adhere to and never forget. It’s this:
    There are no rules.
    LOL! Seriously! What I mean is you can ask a hundred people what “works” for them and get a hundred different answers. And then, when you find something that works for you, you’ll have found the hundred and first way! Honestly my friend, whatever works for you. Whatever makes you feel “right”. That said there is value in asking people that are getting results that you’d like to get but don’t think that their way is gospel or anything, okay?
    So here’s what works for me. I normally work silently. I have my conversations and all that stuff inside my mind. But sometimes, just SOMETIMES when I really want to give some extra clarity and power to something I’ll say it aloud. I don’t know… it feels like I am making it real-er. More concrete. More final, by saying it with my mouth and with my breath.

    @UFOBelieve wrote:

    Okay there’s maybe another question I have. xD
    I was told by Opal that meditation is more or less the opposite of contemplation. I always did contemplation, thinking I was meditating, and it works pretty nice for me. Would you guys say it is ESSENTIAL to meditate, or can you just continue to contemplate and more or less get the same results in the end?
    I never really meditated, I still can barely imagine how it works. For example, if you channel, don’t you somehow have to think about things, like formulating a question or writing the answer down? How is it than possible to meditate, which I understand is shutting the mind down as much as possible?

    I also feel there is no one meditation. Each persons experience of meditation is unique. And literally each time I meditate I have an entirely different experience. Sometimes I mix a little contemplation in there. Sometimes I have some conversation. Sometimes just a monologue. But for me the real meditation goodness happens when I shut up long enough to feel myself undergo some energetic change. I don’t know how to describe this. I simply become aware that I am much more… much LARGER… than this body. I sometimes feel myself drifting and moving. Or rushing very fast. Or I feel energy patterns rushing over my body. Stuff like that. I become aware of myself as an energetic being which is much more than this body. And in so doing my energies are able to re-balance themselves. It is a wonderful restorative and healthful thing to do. And it just FEELS so damn good. And then, if I manage to keep my ego out of things and keep BE-ing then I can sometimes begin to touch the divine within. The most amazing and unexpected things can happen. Like meeting my highest-self who is a beautiful sun-shine angel being. Amazing. Or being show stuff. Or hearing music that makes me cry with its beauty. Or… just different and amazing stuff. The point I am making is that, if you can stay with it your “waiting” can be profoundly rewarded. And the journey to getting to the place where you CAN stay with it is very very valuable. Like: the reasons you get hooked by stuff must be looked at. If you find you keep having something bother you so that you can go into deep meditation then that is your subconscious showing you a place within that needs work. And you’ll have to do the work. You’ll have to heal the pain and balance the imbalances within yourself and your psyche or you’re going to struggle.
    It can be a LOT of work. It can mean you might need to get someone to help you. I went to a wonderful healer person. She is a shaman/ energy healer/ psychologist/ hypnotherapist. She helped me immeasurably. Helped me to heal my pain and sort my demons out. Find my peace. Now I know I could have done it on my own. I also know it would have taken me years to do what I did with her in weeks.

    So I’m just throwing this stuff out there. I don’t know what your journey will be or where you’ll need to go. I’m simply saying it can be a lot of work. But the journey itself is the most valuable thing you will ever do. Or so I believe. It is the journey inwards. The journey to self. It is the ascension path. It is the way to the discovery of your own magnificence. And what could be more important that that?

    in reply to: what is channeling? #8877

    @rheaunique wrote:

    I’ve been trying to go back to that place since. I meditate periodically but I been searching and studying for a method that will work best for me, because I always fall asleep during meditation. I want to be fully conscious so I know that it will take time.

    Rheaunique, I would like to say to you that everything is perfect. That dream-vision was not given to you by accident and it is also not by accident that you have not been given it again. I would suggest to you that it was given as an act of “divine intervention”, if you will. It was meant to inspire you. Draw you forward in a quest to finding your true path. I love that it was an “illuminated path” and that it an out into thee stars. The imagary is beautiful, powerful and compelling. And the planet with three moons? Perhaps a “home planet” of yours? How very tantalizing!

    Rheaunique, for what it’s worth I feel meditation to be the ONLY real path in this world. Or certainly the foundation of all paths. But that is my opinionf. Falling asleep during meditation is a common complaint. There are a few solutions. The one is to do your meditations first thing in the morning when you are fresh. The other is to meditate in the sitting position. Or you can learn to chant while you meditate. These are three solutions which spring to mind but there are others if these do not work for you. But the point I make is that I believe you will struggle to re-find this path if you are not meditating. If you do not meditate how else do you still your ego and your will enough to receive? How else are you to begin to know your own spirit essence? How else are you to find true inner-peace and balance? There may be other ways but I do not know of them. So I would strongly encourage you to find the method that works for you. For then I am sure you shall soon find your path!

    In the mean time. If you ALSO meditate before going to sleep at night then this can be very beneficial. Sure, you will fall asleep during your meditations, but that is okay. The benefit is you are taking the time before you fall asleep to deeply relax your body. You are also focusing yourself and are able then to place a suggestion deeply in your sub-conscious. This is an excellent way to “program” your dreams. When I am struggling with something and I need some guidance then this is one of the means I might employ:
    1. Take some deep, slow breaths
    2. Systemically relax the body, muscle-by-muscle from my toes up to my scalp
    3. Say to myself: “I am going to dream of a solution to the issue of…” Or “I ask my higher self to show me in my dreams how to…” or whatever I have decided I want. I repeat this a few times until I feel it is embedded. Then I work my emotions around into feeling how I would feel if I already had what I was asking for. Peace. Or happiness. Or satisfaction. Or whatever it is. I really feel that and I put that feeling into saying “I am thankful that this is given to me” and I let it go.

    I have to say it works like magic. I don’t always get what I asked for but I always get what I actually needed. And it is always very clear that what I am getting is the direct response to the request. Quite fun, really – you should give it a try.

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