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The Illusion of Choice: Ninety Percent of American Media Controlled by Six Corporations Gallery of Giants Ebook: The Book of Giants – Dead Sea Scrolls Illuminations Ancient Mysteries of Sound Levitation by Kathy J. Forti Video: The Real Story of Christmas Documentary Video: The Real Story of Halloween HD – History Channel Ebook: Egyptian Book of the Dead Ebook: The Lost Book of Enki – Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God Video: The Universe Space Time Mystery | Mathematical Science Documentary HD Video: Vedic Cosmos – Full Documentary Video: Buckminster Fuller – Thinking Out Loud (1996) Documentary Video: The Buckminster Fuller / Edward Leedskalnin Connection Edward Leedskalnin – The Mysterious Magnetic Coral Castle a Broken Heart Built Ebook: The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla – 20th Century Genius Video: Nikola Tesla’s Life – New Documentary Full Ebook: The inventions, researches and writing of Nikola Tesla Video: The Connected Universe – Nassim Haramein Video: UNGRIP (From the creators of Esoteric Agenda and KYMATICA) Ebook: The Book of Enoch – The Secret Old Testament Book Ebook: The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean Videos: Aleshenka – A Tiny Creature Found in Russia The Mysterious Georgia Guidestones – 10 Shocking Commandments Set in Stone in 1980 Book-of-Light.com STAR of LIGHT The Return of the Annunaki – Gillian DeArmond-Green Video: Secrets of Water, The Movie Video Series: Ancient Aliens – Full Series Video: Guided Astral Projection Technique Meditation Ebook: Be Here Now The Charge of the Goddess The Lake of Fire That Men Built Tantra and Taoist Cosmic Connection Video: ONE STEP BEYOND AND THE SACRED MUSHROOM Building A Post-Chaos Community Video: UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied Life’s True Beginnings Video: Urantia Book on “Strange Universe” Making the Connection Between Spirituality & Creativity The Four-Fold Path to Enlightenment The Hynek Classification System Ebook: Designing Our Future – The Venus Project Video: Why in the World are They Spraying? (Chemtrails, Geoengineering) Video: Kymatica Renewable Energy Directory Self Confidence & Inner Self Worth Video: THRIVE – What on Earth Will it Take? *MOST IMPORTANT FILM ON EARTH* The Zeitgeist Movement FREE DOWNLOAD! 4th Chakra – Green Open Heart Bliss 528hz & 639hz http://t.co/VZWQK5sJ Law of One / RA Material Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies Video: Zeitgeist II – Addendum Ebook: Oahspe – A Very Weird New Bible (1828-1891) Communicate Telepathically with Animals Techniques for Soul Growth Every person has within them…A Song of Life…Each of us know we have a song. A beautiful vibration within as a reminder of our essence… Video: Nassim Haramein – Crossing The Event Horizon part 4 of 4 Master Mayan Tzolkin Calendar The Messianc Complex Video: The Big Picture by George Green Video: Human Genetics Manipulated – Human Origins Intro Ebook: Out of the Matrix Video: *Quantum Physics* The Reality As You Know It Does Not Exist Authentic Sacred Jewelry and Talismans Ebook: Messages for the Ground Crew Jonathan Goldman – Holy Harmony Homeland Security Checkpoint "Those who are hardest to Love, need Love the most" – The Peaceful Warrior The Truth about Vitamin D Video: Zeitgeist I: The Movie Remastered Version Key to the Gnosis Video: The Freedom Movie 2: A Spiritual Awakening (1 of 14) 13 Moon Mayan Galactic Calendar Date Decoder Video: Beyond 2012: Evolving Perspectives on the Next Age Unconditional Love OMMM Reiki MI – Healing on All Levels Winston Shrout – Solutions In Commerce Thoughts, Words & Deeds aligned is total CONGRUENCY… Total Congruency = Powerful Manifestation of Goals Ebook: The Book of Light: The Nature of God, The Structure of Consciousness and the Universe Within You Codex Alimentarius…Bills C-51 and C-52 and C-6 Canadian Implementations of the CODEX ideals -Become Aware, be FREE to choose Implications of Oneness Sustainable Earth Friendly Living About Awakenings Does DNA Have Telepathic Properties? Thought Therapy Avoiding Victimhood Video Library: What About Me? Consult the Sabian Oracle The Magnificent You Inner Child Meditation About Love – Happy Valentines Day! XO LΦVE H20 Festival June 19th – 21st, 2009 – The Historic Summer Solstice Celebration & Concert For The Living Water Video: Gnarls Barkley – Crazy The Science of Oneness – Is Current Science Incomplete? many happy returns echoes Winter Solstice celebrations: a.k.a. Christmas, Saturnalia, Yule, the Long Night, etc. Ebook: Monroe Techniques for Astral Projection Ebook: The Astral Body & Other Astral Phenomena Ebook: 66 Astral Projection Exit Techniques Ebook: Secret Guide to Instant Astral Projection Ebook: Astral Projection – The Complete Guide

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  • in reply to: Hi everyone #8724

    Hello Olivia

    I wish you the warmest welcome to Book of Light.


    in reply to: Another you has found you! #9306

    Excellent! Another “me”! 😀 Hello. It’s wonderful to have you here.

    in reply to: Channelings from Blossom Goodchild #9048

    @opalescent wrote:

    Of course, there are Table Rocks and Devil’s Peaks all over the place (and if something’s called “Devil’s” it’s likely because it has been sacred to indigenous people or strange things happen there). BUT, dear Zingdad, as I have mentioned before, not so far from Cape Town towards Johannesburg is a place called ALABAMA. In the southern hemisphere. Ahem.

    Not sure about Alabama, South Africa. I’ve just googled it. It’s more of a suburb than a town. And quite an unexciting ordinary little piece of suburbia at that (sorry to any Alabamaians, LOL!). It would surprise me if Blossoms folks were referencing THAT.

    But what is really funny is this:
    Table Mountain, as per my picture above, is flanked by two smaller structures. On the one side is “Lion’s Head” and on the other…


    How weird is that! That you should talk about Table Rock and Devil’s Peak… WOW!

    Paul, I don’t know if it IS going to be over here. But this is sure: if they appear once then they will appear again. And the second time they will be EVERYWHERE. So whoever of us miss out on the first occasion… we’re just going to have to be a LIIIIIITTLE patient. Our turn will come – all of us.

    in reply to: 14th of october 2008 ship is already here? #7943

    Horray! The magnificent Magenta is here! Welcome my sweet sister!

    Moria: those are some freaky clouds! Especially the “eyes”. It’s a pity we live in a world where photo manipulation is such a normative reality. There is thus no way to know if this is real or not. So when one sees something that looks to good to believe I, for one, unfortunately assume it IS. Which is sad. It’s a pity to be closing oneself off to the miraculous in this way. But it’s okay. Because, on the other hand, even the most mundane things are miraculous mysteries if you just give them a moments thought…

    Annan: I think both are true. I think we are elevating our consciousness and “enlightening” all the time. But I think they too will be specifically lowering themselves a bit too. A bit of both. This makes sure that all can see if they are willing. I think so.

    Alora: I think there are as many reasons for denial as there are nay-sayers. For one there is a very powerful group of humans that have strongly vested interest in keeping us in the dark. They own most of the media. They own most of the companies that advertise in the media. They control the cash flow to organisations like SETI, NASA and other scientific organisations. You can’t do science without funding. And if a scientist wants to research anything sufficiently “unorthodox” they get no funding. No funding equals no job. And once you are seen in the science field as enough of a maverick then you can’t even get a job doing more mainstream stuff at another institution. You get “poisoned” by having once held “wrong” views. So it’s a bad idea and you just be a good scientist and research what they want you to.
    So the agenda is set. The “experts” toe the party line and the media reports only “approved” views. It is no surprise then that many people fall for the manipulations of TPTB. They WANT to believe their country is right (no matter what it does) and their politicians are good, honest people and the newspapers and TV channels are the best source of the truth. They want to believe the “experts’. They want to because it is safer than them going inside and finding their own truth and believing in themselves. Because, essentially they don’t love or trust themselves. So then, when the “experts” say that UFO sightings are swamp gas… then they believe that!
    Very related to this (in my view) are religious people that rather want some preacher or priest or rabbi or imam to tell them what is true. Again they don’t believe (or want to believe) that they have their own divine spark in their own hearts and that THAT is where their truth is. So if this religious leader says “no UFO’s” then that is what it is.
    And then there is even another group. I have come across them a lot lately. They so badly, so desperately WANT this to be true… they ache for it to be so… the thought that they might be disappointed is too much to bear. And they see others (like us) that appear to be able to believe this with no problems and they are troubled by that. They immediately proceed to try to debunk this from every angle and call us credulous “believers”. This is their way of trying to move forward. They hope to have every possible debunking angle fail. They hope to overcome their doubt by having their doubts proved invalid. Which doesn’t happen. If you WANT to doubt you can ALWAYS find reasons. It’s the way this reality is constructed. And so they stay stuck in their doubts. Very sad.

    Of course there are, as I say, myriad other reasons for people to deny and debunk. These are just some that I have made sense of. Whatever the case, they have my sympathy. This world is a tough, confusing place. It’s hard enough to make sense of everyday things without having to figure out the big mysteries too. But everyone will find their way eventually. I just hope we can help as many as possible to do so this time round.

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks – YOUR INTERACTIONS #8294

    Solara, I am touched that my stuff elicited this response for you. I am touched that you felt moved to express this to me. Thank you.

    And Wow! What beautiful stuff here about our tear-responses. I have two different responses. Like you, Annan, my cup overflows when I am deeply touched by the beauty of humanness. And it overflows from my eyes. I cry when things are too beautiful to be kept inside my heart. I have a belief – it is that we, incarnated here, are but small vessels. We can only hold a certain quanta of any emotion in our being. Tears are the release valve. When there is more than we can cope with we attach the excess energy to the salty water and let it flow out…

    I have another response that I get when I come across what is meant to be “profound truth” for me. I get little energy flows that run through my body. It feels like pin-pricks on light tingling all over me. Or sometimes, if it’s strong, it’s actually the Kundalini that uncoils up my spine and over my scalp. Then I know: I am being told to pay attention. My truth bell is being rung!

    in reply to: PREPARATION for Lightship showing #9255

    @IIVeritas2007II wrote:

    Can I ask if there are written transcripts of these latest videos please? My Mum is deaf so the vids are no good for her and my typing isn’t great (14th October will have come and gone by the time I’ve typed them up!!)

    Hi Veritas

    My very good friend Tiaka was unbelievably kind and did a transcript of this. I am posting his hard work here on the Adamu thread. Please share it with your mother with my love, and courtesy of Tiaka.

    And from now on I shall endeavour to always make a text version available. Not just for those with hearing problems. For those that don’t have the bandwidth and for those that prefer not to watch vids too.

    in reply to: Zingdad: Adamu speaks #7838

    There have been requests for the text version of the latest video. My good friend Tiaka was unbelievably kind and did a transcript. Thank you SO MUCH, Tiaka! So I share it here for anyone else that prefers a text version. I will from now on endeavour to make sure that a text version is available.


    “Adamu” through Zingdad:Preparation without fear Part One

    My friends, this is the second communiqué from me Adamu of the monadic entity of the Pleiadian civilization speaking to you through my young friend Zingdad. The theme for today`s chat is, do not fear but be prepared.

    Many of you have now begun to digest the news of our imminent showing in your skies, our arrival in your planetary consciousness and this has sparked all manner of thoughts. Some of you have wondered what you can do to make sure this comes about. Others of you have become fearful of the consequences of what might happen if it does occur. And yet others have now even begun to be anxious about what will happen if it doesn’t occur. My dear young friends, so much concern, so much anxiety.

    On your planet, you have a saying which means relax and it goes, “Lighten up”. Well, I ask you to think about that phrase in this context. Bring light to your heart, bring light to your souls, bring light to your poor tensed up stressed out bodies. Lighten up! And to help you lighten up I am going to enlighten you a little further about what we envisage happening. I must explain dear friends that in your current situation there are only a handful of individuals on your planet that comprehend how time and space really works, how reality unfolds, how sequentiality and intentionality meet to manifest experience. And this isn`t really an appropriate avenue to try to communicate these rich and complex concepts to you, but the dilemma is that without such understandings you won`t grasp how it is that we can see your future, but not know exactly what each of you are going to experience.

    The briefest gist, is that all possibilities are actually manifest. All possibilities are real, but you bring the possibility you desire to experience to you with your emotions. Emotions are actually an incredibly powerful tool. But you see, in agreeing to incarnate on Planet Earth, you have agreed to a concept called consensus reality. This means essentially that you have tied your experience to the experience of all those that share your planet with you. So it is that we need to work with the consciousness of the whole planet. There must be a greater number that desire this contact, than those that do not. Now I have mentioned before elsewhere that people do not actually need to desire a ship in the sky in order for this outcome to be in accordance with their will. Ahh, for example if there are some that have desired a heavenly being to come down and assist with the planet, then this lightship coming is in accordance with that will. There are innumerable desires which all act together in concert as an almost deafening global call which is going out from your hearts and is reaching ours. And so we respond.

    And this is the first bit of enlightenment I wish to share with you. You will be delighted to hear that the call for us to come all but drowns out the naysayings of those that wish for the status quo. These ones that, that have had the upper hand in determining the path of your planetary consciousness. These ones that have desired to keep you in the dark. To keep the truth hidden and thus to manipulate and control you. The time of their ascendancy is over. And a bright new golden day is dawning. What comes next is the light of knowledge and truth and then you shall each of you decide how you would like to create your life and your reality in full knowledge of the situation on your planet and the universe it is an integral part of.

    You will realise that you are and always have been a part of a very large family of star beings. The truth will come to light. And there really is nothing more you have to do for this to come to pass. It is beneficial if you want to keep helping others to understand that there is nothing to fear and that they should be prepared. That is beneficial. But this occurrence is going to happen irrespective of that. Consciousness is such that on your planet that there is no foreseen possibility that we will have to abort this plan.

    So if we are going to be seen in your skies, what then? I feel I need to help you lighten up about this too. Some of you have all manner of fears about a so-called Project Bluebeam. Others fear our ships will be attacked and this could trigger a war and so on and so on. My young friends, I can messages through Zingdad full time all day every day, until the day we arrive and every day there will be those that present new fearful scenarios that I might have to dispel. This is because, you are falling for the manipulation games of those that do not wish for this event to take place.

    Please, take a second. Try to think. If we are able to surround your planet with millions of ships of living light. If we are able to bring ships across thousands of light years in an instant. If our consciousness resides outside of space and time. If we can manifest a ship many miles across by desire alone. If we can defeat a warring enemy without ever attacking them. If we can disable your nuclear devices without touching them. If we can balance your planetary magnetosphere. I could go on and on. The point is, if we can do all these things and so much more. Do you honestly think your Earth cabal`s tin toys and party favours are going to get in our way? They are not.

    And the other space races with which they are in cahoots? Well, it`s time that I bring some light to the situation as well. You need to understand that we of the Galactic Federation of Light are of a unitary consciousness. This means we are of the understanding that we are one with all. This is powerful in ways that you can`t imagine. It means we share understanding, knowledge, wisdom, truth, technology! We share in fact…life! With all that is.

    We are almost like a single organism that expands into untold and unfathomable realities. We have access to the technologies to the best thinking of infinite intelligence. These other space races with their metal flying ships…do not. They are of duality consciousness. Which means each of them must think alone. Each of these races sees themselves opposed to all the others. And internally they are split into factions as well. They are divided and divided and divided. We are united. We are one.

    What this means is that our spirit technology surpasses their material technology by an almost unimaginable margin. Now these others, they feel we stand in the way of their plans and they feel they want what we have. So they will attack us when they can. They would in fact destroy us if they could and take everything we have from us. But they cannot. They very rarely manage to even hurt one of us in the slightest way.

    We on the other hand could, if it was in our consciousness destroy them right now. But we will not. Because you see, we know that they are us. We know that they are actually one with us. They just don`t know this yet. So in summary. They would destroy us but cannot. We could destroy them but will not. And that is the state of play. It would seem on the face of it to bring about a stalemate, but it doesn`t. We are winning. And do you know how we proceed to win? Not by attacking them, not by hurting them. No, in fact by loving them. Each and every being that comes to us and says I am tired of fighting, I am tired of fear, I am tired of pain, I am tired of being alone. Each one is welcomed to us. And so over time it is an absolute inevitability that all will return to the oneness.

    End of Part One.

    “Adamu” through Zingdad: Preparation without fear Part Two

    They will find their way to love. And we are waiting for when beings are ready for that choice. And so it is that your planet is now ready for that choice. And when your planet comes into love, then with it will come the whole edifice, the whole structure that was trying to keep it in the dark. It will be a momentous victory for love and for oneness. And this is what is about to happen. So you see, there really is no reason for fear. We have this one well in hand. And there is nothing the others can do to change this. What they do now try to do is to sway things with the only tool really left at their disposal, which is your fear. It seems some of them hope for a schism in timelines, so that they can take some of you with them into another fear based reality. Yanking you along with cables of fear, distrust and panic. So let those cables go. They are old and rusty and you don`t need them anymore. Cut the cables with the light of love.

    And that brings me to the next issue. Just because you do not need to fear, does not mean you do not need to prepare. Allow me to offer this analogy. A bold adventurer plans a journey for a week in the polar areas of your planet. What is it that drives this intrepid adventurer to take warm clothes and sufficient food? Is it because he fears the cold and hunger? No… it is preparedness. He knows what lies ahead and so he prepares. And so my friends I tell you, you should give some thought to what lies ahead and prepare. Use those minds of yours.

    Discuss amongst yourselves on your internet forums, your chat groups, around coffee tables at home and at work. Play the scenario. If a light ship appears in your sky, then what could happen that you need to prepare for? For example, do you think that everyone will just go to work the next day? Would you? And if some people don`t go to work, might there be a disruption in the supply of utilities such as electricity and water and are you guaranteed of being able to find an open store? And if stores do open are you sure there will not be a run on provisions and that you might find the shop out of stock of certain items? And so forth. It`s not my intention to give you every possible scenario right now. I simply ask that you give some sensible measured thought to this issue. I ask that you think without fear of what disruptions there might be in your community as a result of the knowingness that we are out there.

    People might just be too excited to provide their normal services for a few days. And how will you ensure that you`re comfortable in your homes should that be the case. And if you have the resources, I ask that you be prepared to help out your friends, your neighbours, others in your community. Having an open and giving heart is a wonderful thing.

    I will suggest that you ensure that you can survive independently of outside resources for a few days at least, but please don`t feel that you must now build up some massive stockpile. Just enough, maybe food, water, lighting, heat for possibly a week. Maybe two at the outside. You see, things will quite quickly stabilize. We have plans in place to monitor disruption and to assist where necessary.

    And there is enough positive consciousness in every community that things should actually proceed quite smoothly. So again, this is not some dire fear filled warning. This is simple preparation for the possibility of disruption of some services for a few days. Simple sensible planning.

    Friends, be of good heart. Open yourselves to the highest, most exciting and most wondrous. Cut the old ties to fear and doubt. Life is a magnificent, miraculous wonder. We wish to take your hand and show you some of the infinite miracle of it. Let your light shine. You are a beacon of beauty in the cold dark night.

    And now, I wish you love and peace, until we next meet.

    in reply to: Time to introduce myself #9282

    Excellent! Night-lighter is here! Welcome friend!

    in reply to: Channelings from Blossom Goodchild #9049

    @Orissa wrote:

    A table!

    I really fought with myself about writing that down. A TABLE!!???? PLEASE!!! Here we go… is this like ‘snow cone’? What does a table mean? It seems such a ridiculous thing to say …But on questioning myself about it … I had to TRUST that I had to write it down. Golden Rays on the table thing then.

    Hmmm. A TABLE!

    And a table with “golden rays” upon it? 😆

    Okay. Can do…

    How about this table with golden rays upon it:

    This is Table Mountain!
    (click on image for full size)

    This world famous landmark is a nature reserve and a world heritage site. It has the most amazing energy and is considered to be one of the “chakras of planet earth”. It is also surrounded by the city of Cape Town (pop approx 3.2 million, I think). It is the southern most tip of South Africa and, of course, in the Southern Hemisphere.

    I don’t know this, but I am guessing all these obscure hints Blossom is getting are suggestions of where the ship will be seen. I have long felt that Cape Town will be one of the places. But that might be an overshadowing of wishful thinking becasue, of course, I live here.

    Oh, the above image is originally from here.

    in reply to: PREPARATION for Lightship showing #9242

    WRT the discussion about fear. I am on both sides of the fence. I previously felt that I was the victim to my experiences. I would be happy if happy things happened. I would be sad if sad things happened. I now discover I can work the game the other way. By simply BEING happy I bring to myself experiences which are worthy of being happy about. Weird. But true. We are all absolutely in control of our own emotions. But we must choose to be so and then we must make it so. And at first this takes a little discipline. Find a little mantra that works for you. Like: “I am the creator of my own reality”. If you feel yourself being victimised by your experiences repeat your mantra. In so doing you discipline your thoughts. Then you turn your whole universe around. Literally. Things go the way you want them to becasue you know they must. Too strange to believe, I know. So don’t believe it. Do it. Experience it and then simply know it from your own experience!

    Here is my personal preparation list:
    1. I have tow large-ish LPG gas bottles (camping variety). One has a lamp attachment and the other has a cooker attachment on top. I therefore have enough light to see and heat to cook for more than two weeks. I don’t need space heating. It doesn’t get cold like that here.
    2. Rice. Lots of brown rice. In a fix it is a wonderful food and it lasts long. All it needs is water. Which brings me to the next point:
    3. I have two large jerry cans of fresh drinking water. I will refill these on a weekly basis to keep them fresh.
    4. Salt. A bag of sea salt. If you run out, your cooking can be a bit sad.
    5. Sugar. In a fix it’s a useful thing. But I also have honey, which I prefer as a sweetener.
    6. Dehydrated lentils, beans, split peas, barley. Mix one or more of these in with the rice and you have a good balance of protein, etc.
    7. UHT milk. A good food source in a pinch. And it lasts.
    8. Concentrated tomato paste. Enlivens a bland meal of lentils, beans and rice (or whatever). As do:
    9. Dehydrated onions, dehydrated carrots.
    10. Olive oil. Good, healthy fats. Add some variety by occasionally giving stuff a fry in olive oil.
    11. Torches and batteries
    12. Two big bags of dog pellets. Can’t be eating happily and not feed my four-legged children! This is about a months worth for them.
    13. Plenty of toilet paper. What goes in must come out and you DON’T want to be without toilet paper.
    14. A good first-aid kit. All the usual like pain pills and anti-histamine etc. and then more radical stuff like bandages and a scalpel and stuff. You don’t want to need medical help when there is a Lightship in the sky. Can you imagine how the emergency services are going to be stretched? And how the phone lines are going to be clogged? And how the roads are going to be full of people all trying to be somewhere (with their family… out of the city… at home) when this goes down. You want to be at home quietly taking care of your own self and helping out your neighbours as you can. So… a good kit is a must as far as I am concerned. And obviously knowing how to use what is in there.
    15. A jerry can of petrol. Or “gas” for my American friends. Car fuel. I don’t want to run low, have the service stations be closed and I want to go somewhere. So: a jerry can of fuel.
    16. Possibly the most important on the list: A bottle of very good South African bubbly. Champagne – but made here in SA. It’s how I choose to mark the occasion of the arrival of the Lightship. I ALSO have a special “chemical” bottle chiller. You kinda shake it up and it begins an endothermic reaction. Cools a bottle right down without needing a refrigerator. So, even if their is zero electricity, I am gonna have a chilled glass of champers to celebrate the arrival of the Lightship!
    18. Binoculars. I understand that this thing is huge. But I want to be able to gawk at details if I want to.
    19. Camera. duh! With spare batteries. double duh!
    20. Tinfoil hat. Because I am inspired by Paul. That is just the coolest thing! LOL!

    I have put all this stuff together in one place in a corner of a walk-in cupboard adjacent to my room. It is all together so I won’t have to go searching if I need anything. I have put lighters there (for the gas equipment) and also stuck a little battery operated light right above it in case I need to get there in the dark. I have packed everything in plastic crates so I can easily and quickly bring it out.

    Other than that, I have a swimming pool full of relatively clean water. It can be made potable if needed but certainly it can be used to flush the toilet or wash and clean with.

    …and that is my list. I feel quite prepared for any eventuality where the stores are closed. And of course all this is over and above what is my kitchen anyway. I always have a bunch of fresh stuff there. So I guess I could eat the fruits and vegetables first before I need to dig into the dehydrated stuff. So I feel quite prepared.

    Can’t think what else I might need.

    Anyway. I share my list in case someone else wants to use some of these ideas. And in case you want to suggest some things I might want to add to my little “chest o’ loot”

    in reply to: Hello Everyone #9214

    Hello Velgarder

    Cool first post! I really do hope you fight those reclusive tendencies and DO post a bit more. I think you have some stories worth telling. Like – that hint about the way quantum mechanics opened you to the metaphysical. That just rocks! I mean, think about the implications… if even pure science can help us find God then this is very good news for the human race. It really does mean every road eventually leads back home to source. So… anyway… you want to make a thread somewhere about how you worked your way from physics and theory of particles and numbers to “there is a God”. Or whatever your process and realisations were. This should make a great read!

    in reply to: Introduction from UFOBelieve #9221

    That’s an awesome story UFOBelieve

    The first thing that struck me was:

    I began to awaken at the beginning of this year, around February probably

    WOW! I just want to say you’ve moved fast! I won’t bore you with how many years I have been listening to the wake-up call. So it’s pretty awesome that you are where you are so quick. Phew! So that’s what I was thinking when I read:

    This mid November I’m geting 21

    And then I realised how perfect it all is. We are all of us waking up at exactly the right moment. You are quite a bit younger than I and so you litterally had less time and so you HAD to do it FAST. And anyway… it just seems to me that everything is perfect!

    And then… the last point I wanted to make. About the channelling. For myself I can say I actually wanted it too badly. I wanted to speak to my spirit guide. His name is 8. My lady-love laughs at me now and reminds me of a conversation she and I had where I said “If I can only just have 1 clear conversation with 8 then I’ll be okay!”. That was… I don’t know… a bit more than 2 years ago now, I guess. I was in a bit of a mess. I DESPERATELY wanted to talk to 8. And becasue I wanted it too badly I couldn’t relax my mind enough to just let it happen. But I got there and now I talk to him (and a few others) all the time. Anyway, I don’t know if this is the same thing that is hampering you. But maybe it’s a thought? Maybe you should try really relaxing your desire a little? Or maybe you need something to help take your mind off of your desire?
    So here’s a thought: why don’t you try sitting in front of your computer. Open a new word document and title in something like “conversation with Spirit”. Then relax. Close your eyes and relax every muscle in your body sequentially from the tips pf your toes right the way up to your scalp. Then, when you are completely relaxed state your intent in your mind. Something like:
    “I now address myself to that which loves me the most in All That Is. I will now engage you in conversation. I open myself to receive your thoughts in response to mine. The purity of your love for me will keep our communication pure.”
    Then type your opening. Like on IM chat. Type anything. Like:
    “Hello spirit are you there”
    and HERE is the important thing. WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT THIS. Without any judgement or decision of second thought, just type the next thing that arrives in your head. Type the first thing that you are inspired to think. Just type it. THEN look at it and see what it says. Allow yourself to feel whatever you want to feel. Wonderment, excitement, love, doubt, confusion… whatever. It’s all perfect. You don’t AT THIS MOMENT have to decide anything about this. You don’t have to decide if the process was real. Just move forward. Type YOUR response to what was said. Or ask a new question. or whatever you like and then keep repeating the process until you want to take a break.
    Know that you can say anything to this being. Know that you can ask anything. See how you go. Let me know, okay?

    I send you light that you see your path clearly and peace for your heart to walk it untroubled,

    in reply to: pictures in the sky #9209

    Touche to my brother, GT! 😆

    in reply to: PREPARATION for Lightship showing #9225

    Hi everyone

    Dan made the above post in the “YOUR INTERACTIONS” thread. I thought it really needed to live in it’s own thread. So I have moved it like this. So here it is! What do YOU think we need to prepare for… and how.

    Now remember! No fear… just preparation! 😀

    in reply to: inner light shining bright? #8995

    That is just …

    awesome! awesome! awesome!


    Thanks for this Opal. That hit the spot. I felt the amplituded turned WAY up tonight with the posting of my vid. I got a horrible feedback skreetch. I guess I plugged into the wrong part of the cycle. Got the fear/anger/doubt part feeding back. What a shock. Read this. Made sense. Just pushed love back into the machine and it started to sound a whole lot sweeter.

    … I’m sure you’ll understand my odd way of expressing myself

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